
March 22, 2010

STUPAK, STUPID-PAK, OR S-TU-PAC: You Pick The Appropriate Term

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:00 am

Stupak caves in and gives his stupid blessing to this bill. He gave in after abortion was addressed to his liking. All the other problems with the bill he ignored. This is what STUPID-PAK will be remembered for, for certain. He muscled this bill to include his measure, like a gangster such as Tu-Pac. With the bill’s passage, the current government has failed our forefathers.

March 21, 2010

No Intention Not To ADD Single Payer EVENTUALLY Just Ask Sheik Obama Himself

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 12:48 pm

Video From Employers For A Healthy Economy

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 12:26 pm

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 3:26 am

Obama is telling the truth that illegals will not be covered. How can I say this is the truth? Easy, he is going to make them legal. Then they will be covered. THEY WILL BE MADE LEGAL!! That’s all there is to it.

Illegals Covered by Bill

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 3:25 am

One Punch KO: Don’t Let Them Hit Back | The Freedom Medium

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:54 am

One Punch KO: Don’t Let Them Hit Back | The Freedom Medium

Tea PArty Against Amnesty

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:29 am

Tea Party Against Illegal Immigrant Amnesty!!

Center for American Progress: Communists extraordinaire

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 1:41 am

I just looked at the site for this organization. Every article written and every video is a flurry of typical socialist issues with which the Democratic party has embraced. The distorted disgusting message in this video is crazy:

Robert Kennedy also stated,”Dont ask what your country can do, but what can u do for your country.” In this quote in the video, he is not taking about the socialistic aspect and action. The quote is about American Justice and Can-do attitude. American human rights abuses fills the minds of young viewers that we are guilty of such things when watching this crap.

The abuses flashing by are of Guantanamo Bay Abu Ghraib where the prisoners are guilty of far heinous crimes, where Halal meat
is given to them for religious purposes, where legal council is given after they shot at soldiers and may be responsible in part for American deaths. Time has shown we cater to our prisoners while they kill by decapitation or execution shot to the head in their culture. We use interrogation methods like water boarding for information to protect the right to live for others they wish to harm, torture and kill.

Our standing has fallen from grace? So what? We lead the world in a different direction towards democracy. They are on the cusp of embracing Socialism. When they come around, they will admire this country like never before.

In the coutries we are currently involved in, we try to maintain societal order which painfully requires a strong hand. Our soldiers are trained like no other to respect cultures we inhabit to the utmost. If someone is suspect, a tough stance must be understandably taken. If the cameras decide to show pictures in a dark light and in a disingenuous manner, then the abuses here are not the soldiers of the US but the cameraman themselves and the storyteller making the byline.

The video ended with a quote from Jimmy Carter. He is the most outspoken hater of Jews today. Embracing this hatred, he has
no place on the world stage. He never speaks of Palestinian rockets killing children in Israel. He has yet to speak of equal respect on both sides of the conflict in Israel.

Ignoring this video and looking at the next agenda that is raising its ugly head is immigration reform. If you look online, it has become the number one topic on search engines simply because the health care bill is won tomorrow. For talking points against the Liberal Left, look at this site as an indication of what direction the social fabric is taking next…and freaking fight it!

Dems ditch ‘deem and pass’ – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 12:01 am

Dems ditch 'deem and pass' – The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

March 20, 2010 – Pelosi Confirms New Medicare Tax on ‘Unearned Income, Whatever Category That Is’

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 10:27 pm – Pelosi Confirms New Medicare Tax on ‘Unearned Income, Whatever Category That Is’

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