
January 18, 2009


Filed under: attackers,bias,Hindu,India,media,news,train — grappledoctor @ 9:44 pm


This site gives a laudry list of attacks that have taken place for nearly 10 years. Only a small example of the train attacks that take place. This is an example of just how large the problem is in India.


What bothers me about this article is the mention of victims in each case. In the first note, is clearly states Muslims were killed. No question who was the victim. In the next several attacks listed, it never mentions that the victims were Hindu or Indian. It states people or victims. Again, bias takes the shape of leaving information out selectively and presumably deliberately. The Gohdra attacks of 2002 shows 57 Hindus killed. BUT, then it points out it was allegedly done by the Muslims. Then, the (supposed) irrational and disproportionate retaliation by an incited mob of Hindus mercilessly and without cause kills thousands of Muslims. This statement is so filled with garbage, I can’t believe anyone would write it. The attack was in response to an unprovoked stone attack and firebombing. The only thing the murdered Hindus did was rejoice about their pilgrimage. The Muslims answered a peaceful and public display of pride with phyical attack. How does anyone consciously think they can be equated?
I have seen video of the train attack. It was a horrible site! The government conducted a report that found the fire was not the cause of the Muslim Mob. On the video, the only rational conclusion was the total opposite. Nevertheless, I personally believe the report came to this conclusion out of necessity. The incitement of both parties at this point reached a boil and unless something turned down the temperature, this was never going to end. So, this was probably a political end more than a real investigation. This conclusion also directs blame of Hindus being the loose cannon, not the Muslims.
This is another example of irrational and disproportionate response by others against Muslims. Israel is getting the same treatment. Maybe a news agency needs to be created by us to respond to the bias reporting done by Al-Jazeera.


Filed under: attackers,Hindu,Muslim,train — grappledoctor @ 8:59 pm

PART I (Inspiration after the Mumbai Incident)
First, I want to acknowledge that other cultures are currently under attack other than the ones pointed to in this article. I beseech these groups to voice their desire to group together with us. Organization, counter measures, and recognition from the media is paramount to spreading the message to the masses. To our Christian brothers, “Spread the word!”
The Israelis have been cooperating with the Indians for several years about intelligence on a small to medium scale. The Indian
people are familiar with terrorism because of the close proximity to Pakistan and the insurgency, festering like a boil, in the Kashmir region. The endemic population is approximately 30 % Muslim. Therefore, India, rightfully so, has felt the vulnerability to terrorists and has had its proportion of experience dealing with it. Unfortunately, the reputation of retaliation and justice falls far too short. India has had Ghandi as their testament to their devotion to peacefully resolving the past disputes.
I have been following their plight for years. One only has to Google the train attack to return not one but multiple attacks. Year after year, the indiscriminate attacks on men, women, and many many children are reported with little demand from anyon, most noteably the UN. Where are the outcries to throw Pakistan out of the UN. Where are the countries’ voices who deal with this horror on a regular basis. Why aren’t the “Pacifists” saying, “Boycott Pakistani products until they crackdown on militants.” Enter 2002:

One immmediately notices the lack of pictures displaying body after body of women and children for the media to incite the West. The headline reads,”Scores killed in India train attack.” No headline to depict who was responsible! No word about who definitely perpetrated this horrible act. Only accusation made by police was Muslims were suspected!! Alluding to the possibility that their weren’t definitely responsible. Semantics people!! Even a mention that Hindus were partly at fault because they had torn down a mosque sometime earlier. This actually gives justification for the murder. In addition, the Muslims were taunted by the women and children. This is another reason the BBC justifies the heinous act. That the real criminals were the children taughting the adult crowd of Muslims. Then the leaders want the Hindus to exercise restraint….Are they Fucking insane!!! Finally, the Muslims and Hindus had a scirmish earlier which preluded this event. Again, a reason to forgive the incident in the cause of understanding Hindu words must be met with Islamic rocks and firebombs.
Apparently the BBC treats all incidents regarding Islam and everyone else with the same disdain for the West. Whether the news wants fair and balance is not open for discussion. This reminds me of headlines Israel is receiving today.

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