
February 12, 2009

TIME’s Middle East Blog: Profiles in Courage

Filed under: China,Chinese,correspondent,magazine,TIME,water — grappledoctor @ 1:40 am

Yes, yes, yes !!! I definitely agree with the comments of the Chinese reader: TIME is totally responsible for the water problems in China and NOT the Chinese government. My friend Tad Stoner was a member of Time’s Hong Kong bureau 25 years ago. It was your responsibility Tad to tell Mao Tse Dung and the Gang of Four that their water policies were completely wrong. And please don’t give us any wimpy excuses about a: “bamboo curtain”. Haven’t you ever heard of a parachute, Stoner ??? (Angilina Jolie had no problems getting into China in her Laura Mars movie). Obviously, what’s needed in Time’s Hong Kong bureau are men of courage like Time’s Jerusalem correspondent: Tim Mc Girk (who I affectionately refer to as: “Tim the Jerk”) and Time’s Cairo correspondent: Scott Mac Leod. For example: when a rock crashed thru a car’s windshield causing an Arab boy “skin abrasions” (his father sitting right next to him was totally unharmed) Time’s Tim McGirk had the “strength of character” and the “morale fortitude” to compare this to the Rodney King beatings. And: while Egyptian border guards routinely shot Sudanese refugees in the back while they attempted to seek asylum in Israel, Time’s Scott Mac Leod had the courage to ask: “When is Dennis Ross coming back?”. Okay, okay, I know what you are all going to say: “that when someone even mentions criticizing Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, diarrhea begins to run down Scott Mac Leod’s leg”. Yet, that’s beside the point !!! Egypt’s newspapers and media routinely denounce the abuses of the Mubarak dictatorship. For Scott Mac Leod to add his voice to this chorus would simply be: “a mosquito on an elephant’s ass”. What I say is that Tim McGirk and Scott MacLeod are two lone reeds standing firm against the hurricane of support for Israel. If they were in Hong Kong they’d tell that communist regime a thing or two. In conclusion: Members of the Hong Kong bureau: shape up quick or you too may find yourselves living on some island in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the Street in Israel”

February 9, 2009

Commentary for Time Magazine: A True Story

Filed under: balanced,civil rights,Egypt,fascist,Israel,news,TIME — grappledoctor @ 1:14 am

Since Time Magazine’s Cairo correspondent: Scott MacLeod is reticent to write a blog about Egypt I thought I might as well do so. As we all know, Israel is a fascist state consisting of 1st class citizens (i.e. The Jews) and 2nd class citizens (i.e. The 1.2 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship). Now, even though they are 2nd class citizens, none the less, they are not afraid to describe members of the fascist government as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever and they do this both publically and privately on a regular basis. In fact, one might say they believe it is their right to voice such criticisms. One day a group of these 2nd class citizens decided to visit the free and democratic state of Egypt and travel around the country on a guided bus tour. Unfortunately, one of the travelers, (we’ll just call him: “Mohammed the 2nd class citizen”) decided that he had the right to criticize the free and democratic state of Egypt in a similar fashion to which he was used to criticizing the fascist Israeli state. A few days into the trip, two very nice and very polite Egyptian police officers boarded the bus and asked: “Excuse us, but: Is Mohammed the 2nd class citizen here?” Mohammed the 2nd class citizen then got off the bus with the two very nice and very polite police officers and the bus continued on its tour of Egypt. The other second class citizens thought that maybe Mohammed the 2nd class citizen had had a death or crisis in his family and flew back to Israel ahead of them, however, when they returned home Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was nowhere to be found and the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv could provide no information. Fortuitously for Mohammed the 2nd class citizen, although Israel is a fascist state, many of the 2nd class citizens are allowed to become police officers. So after weeks of not receiving any information what so ever from the free and democratic government of Egypt, some 2nd class police officers asked some 1st class police officers if they could speak to some mem bers of the fascist state’s foreign ministry. To cut a long story short, (i.e. we will not discuss what happened to Mohammed the 2nd class citizen while he was a guest of the two very nice and very polite police officers of the free and democratic state of Egypt) Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was finally “found” and returned home where, till this day, he continues to live happily and continues criticizing the fascist Israeli government and describing its members as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever…

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the street in Israel”

February 7, 2009


Filed under: antisemite,Gaza,Israel,new york times,TIME — grappledoctor @ 10:26 pm

Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan recently said: just because someone criticizes Israel does not mean they are anti semitic. Does this then mean that Time Magazine’s Tim McGirk is not an anti-semite? I don’t think so…. Tim has come to Israel from Iraq, a place where Sunnis and Shiites slaughter each other in the tens of thousands, where acid is thrown into the faces of children, where so many Palestinians have been threatened and attacked by Arabs that they call it: The Second Negba (catastrophe). Tim knows all this, yet he implies Isr aelis are: “devils” because they use phosphorus flares in their night operations. Rape is so common among Middle Eastern armies that it is almost considered “a tradition” (for example: the Turks raped Lawrence of Arabia), yet, while no Israeli has ever even been accused of rape in the last 60 years, Tim McGirk is horrified because a soldier wrote on some wall in Gaza: “you have nice underwear”. Hamas has repeatedly declared 1) It wants to destroy Israel and will not give up terrorism 2) It will never recognize the Jewish State 3) It will not abide by previous agreements, yet, in the title of his article on George Mitchell, Tim asks: “Will Israel listen?”. Egyptian border guards regularly shoot Sudanese refugees in the back only 100 meters from the freedom provided by the Israeli border, yet Tim McGirk doesn’t even mention these events. Likewise, one week ago, Hamas shot over 150 Gazan men and women in the legs “to set an example to the P.L.O.”, yet Tim does not feel the need to comment (obviously, these things aren’t as news worthy as a woman’s underwear). Time Magazine is anti Israel, Tim McGirk is an anti semite. The “time” has come to make a change: transfer Tim to Mecca or Rome.


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