
November 3, 2009

Palm Beach County Tax Shell Game On Residents-Why Have Your Property Taxes Changed

Filed under: 2009,county,increase,Palm Beach,property,tangible,taxes — grappledoctor @ 4:40 pm

Posted by ShoZu

The residents of Palm Beach County are regularly getting screwed by the politicians voted in solely on the basis of political party affiliation. The county has been a strict Liberal Democrat voting block. Also, it has been THE most corrupt county, being investigated multiple times by the Attorney General. It has the distinction of being the county for the most often arrested and convicted politicians. The Commission has raised taxes on absolutely everything, including parks, ramps for boats, and anything else. They listen to the residents who plead with them to limit taxes or abolish taxes. Instead, they never concede and pass new taxes every time! How arrogant is the Commission? Well, just ask the local Tea Party leader Everitt Wilkenson.


This year property taxes are going to go up, way up! While people are losing their jobs or getting cuts in the jobs they maintain, loss of benefits, and increases in taxes such as electric and water, the county voted to raise the Tangible Personal Property Taxes. ( It’s also Volusia County, Broward County, and more) Here’s how it works: Assessed values are being reduced because property values are going down. In order to make up for the possible loss of revenues, the county Commission and the city Commssion are increasing the tax rates! This is also known as the Millage rate. This is the rate per thousand of value. Although the assessed value may go down, a higher tax rate will now be applied to a lower assessment. The net value will be that the taxes will either stay the same or go up. Devious? Dubious? In the words of Gretchen Wilson, ” Hell, Yeah!” The residents will not feel the difference or notice it because the amount is nearly identical. When the economy gets better and the assessed values go up again, the taxes will dramatically rise. At that point, the Commission will contend with the matter. Odds are people will find the cost more acceptable because it won’t happen until things get better generally. In short, it is a shell game. And no one is better than the current Commissioner!

When will residents be able to read the actual numbers in dollars and cents? When they receive their trim notice. What is a trim notice? Well, one’s trim notice is sent to their home in September or early November. This is a statement of the estimated statement. On the statement, a comparison of last year’s taxes and this year’s taxes will be there. On the statement, you will have this years value and last year’s value, a summary or an itemized list of expenses. Therefore, if your assessed value went down and your taxes went up, at what rate does it increase. Well, divide your taxes by your assessed value for last year and do it for this year. This rate is now higher. For example, if a marina’s assessed value goes down a few million dollars, the county will not take a hit. Therefore, a higher tax rate per thousand will make up the difference. One area could be $0.02/thousand and will now be $0.026/thousand. That will be enough to make up the difference.

Posted by ShoZu


Your COUNTY and CITY COMMISSIONs are responsible!! They voted FOR this. If you are in a neighborhood with an HOA, you will be raised on association fees, too. Why? The property taxes on common areas your association is responsible for will be affected. Commercial and residential are affected equally. So, if you are a business owner, prepare to be taxed higher. Is this illegal? No. Your Commissioners are voted in by YOU! Your expectation is that the individual voted in will do the right thing.

June 26, 2009


Filed under: democrats,economy,energy,HR 2454,taxes — grappledoctor @ 2:09 pm

Well, the Democrats are preparing to pass a new tax today in order to push the green environmental agenda. The promise of NOT taxing the public at large is no longer important now that the Dems control everything. Does anyone remember Old Man Bush when he said, “Read my lips. No new taxes!” Well, now the Republicans should blast back with commercials showing public speeches by each Democrat stating no new taxes on the middle and lower classes. This passage stands to raise taxes on gas, coal, and all fossil fuels which are used by nearly everything. While technology does exist to generate energy in “green technology”, the implementation of these things on a large scale is costly, requires time to construct and training to maintain, and is still improving at rates that would question whether this is the time to jump in. In detail, the bill would do the following:

Reduce aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) by $9.6 trillion
Destroy an average of 1-3 million jobs, every year
Raise electricity rates 90 percent after adjusting for inflation
Raise inflation-adjusted gasoline prices by 74 percent
Raise residential natural gas prices by 55 percent
Raise an average family’s annual energy bill by $1,500 annually
Increase the federal debt by 26 percent, which is $29,150 per person

I beseech you, contact your government representatives and tell them HR 2454 must not pass.

October 27, 2008


Filed under: 401k,obama,Roth,Roth 401k,taxes — grappledoctor @ 1:29 pm

I only wish I published an article when I predicted this. I was examining my 401k last year and finally decided that the Roth 401k is the best choice for long term savings. I started my Roth in January of this year. I left my money in my 401k because the tax deferred money is not transferable. (I had hoped to transfer the money and pay off the taxes now.) When someone pays the taxes on the money going into a Roth 401k, the interest gained over time is nontaxable. When I retire this will be accessible to me completely without counting as income. Money coming out of my 401k when I retire will be taxable and counted as income but the Democrats are toying with the idea of taxing the 401k in another manner I have yet to learn the details about. Today, FOX news was discussing this when Megan was reporting around 9:30 AM. One, I believe Democrats will consider taxing the Roth 401k higher than the normal tax rate because the interest is nontaxable. Two, the interest could become taxable at a later date yet to be determined. Arguably, this could be considered double taxing. This would not provide Obama immediate tax relief dollars but would solidify his position on “money redistribution.” Or it could provide a smaller tax rate than the normal tax. Lots of options for Democrats to consider to muster additional monies for Big Government. I am the director of my employees 401k plan. Each year I discuss new options with my financial institution regarding all future investment options. Then, a representative holds a meeting with my employees and myself to review the findings. Recently, we discussed the Presidential election in my office and how it could affect our plans. Two weeks later Obama is talking about the taxing of savings as predicted in my office meeting. I have one Obama supporter in my office. When I return to work on Tuesday, I wonder how they will respond now……

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