
February 18, 2009


Filed under: 10,best,BILL,construction,democrats,economy,ideas,illegals,immigrants,project,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:42 pm

The Stimulus Bill, which provides condoms to de-stimulate people’s sex drive, is aimed at creating construction jobs for the masses. There is no guarantee the jobs will be generated solely for Americans. By explicit differentiation of terms, Americans should be delegated all jobs concerning any project the money is alloted to. Versus jobs created by American taxpayers going to illegal immigrants. The fine print refuses to express this properly due to the fact that the illegals are a constituency base for the Democrats.
The projects being considered for funds (approved?) are the rebuilding of roads and bridges, supertrains, and refurbishing of government buildings (wasn’t a lavish office redo one of their gripes of the Congressional committee on this). A worthy cause considering the bridge collapse last year. But is there a better, more urgent idea that stops the bleeding of another problem. The building of the wall along the border for the entire length of the border. The wall could be built to create jobs in every state along the border. The wall would stop the illegal immigration problem. In addition, it will increase the number of applicants for immigrating into the US. That would create more jobs and tax fees for the government. All costs associated with illegals, like crime, overloading the health care system and educationally system would no longer be bleeding money.

A second asset would be the generation of a finite illegal immigration population. In other words, a manageable problem. The construction jobs that have been stolen (yes, stolen) by the illegal masses have been detrimental to the Black community. Why? Because the many jobs in construction were performed by the Black community. When the illegals replaced them with a much lower salary, they lost their jobs. The retribution to the Black community should be addressed by hiring the Black community to become border guards. Irony brings smiles to the wronged! If anyone can do the job with the gusto necessary, the community damaged the most is it.
If our representatives actually read the bill passed recently, they would realize the poor context written and the half-assed job done by the authors. The ideas were written with haste. Apparently, nobody felt compelled to review it and contribute refined plans. Finally, the lack of brilliance in its presentation shows through and through. If this is the best we can do, what would the worst possibly be? Do yourself a favor….watch “I’m Just A Bill, I’m Only A Bill” by Schoolhouse Rock. For G-d sake, send the idiots in Congress a copy!

February 17, 2009


Filed under: BILL,Liebermann,schmuck,Schumer,Senator,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 3:29 pm

I went to see Liebermann when he came to my area locally in order to show his support for McCain (while running for President). He spoke about his undying loyalty towards supporting Israel. He went on to say that the Republicans have become the guardians for Israel and have properly recognized Israel’s importance as an ally. He took the bold step to actually cross party lines based on principle, deciding to designate his party affiliation as “independent” rather than Dem or Rep.
Senator Liebermann has a nasty habit of speaking out for Israel and voting against Israel! That’s right! He voted several years ago when a bill came up for sending approx $200 million to Israel. The purpose was to help boost the economy there because a terrorist attack during Passover. Only two Senators stopped the passing temporarily because the of the threat of philibuster. The threat was due to the fact that no provisions were made for the Palestinian economy. The argument was that the terror attack was more detramental to their livelihood and needed to be addressed additionally. The two senators were: Shmuck Schumer, a jew and Liebermann aka pruneface. These dumb Jews forced an earmark for $50 million to be granted to the Palestinians. First, they were the perpetrators of the attack. Second, how many Senators would have represented the Israeli situation had the shoe been on the other foot? None. These two Jews should NEVER be voted back into office.
In keeping with the tradition to constantly vote against Israel and America, both Schmuck Schumer and Liebermann voted for the Stimulus Bill. As per my prior post, the bill set aside money for Palestinian terrorists to immigrate to the US. I plan on keeping a record for these 2 Senators. I will make sure when they are up for reelection, the public is aware of their poor judgement.

February 12, 2009


Filed under: BILL,jobs,obama,sheik,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

Stimulus Bill means building a frisbee park and funding contraceptives!! That is not very stimulating. How many permanent high paying long term jobs can that produce? I could throw litter on the floor in my neighborhood and have the local sanitation company pay someone to pick it up. I could litter everyday and encourage everyone I know to litter. That would create multiple jobs, and I didn’t spend any time or money in the process. No debate in XCongress was necessary.
Didn’t Sheik Obama make campaign promises that helped get him elected people are started to forget about. Today, I focus on the promise to get off coal burning and oil. He promised to heftily tax the coal mining industry in order to encourage them to stop. And didn’t he promise to fine any power companies that didn’t stop utilizing coal and oil to generate power? This subject was criticized upon initially being said but has since been put on the back burner due to the economy and housing. The jobs associated with these industries are definitely in no financial condition to convert operations to alternative energy production. Therefore, Republicans were right all along.
While I believe it is possible to move towards alternatives, allowing the industry to move in a fiscally responsible manner is the only way to avoid the pitfalls now plaguing the financial industry and the housing. These are all fine examples of government interference causing havok unnecessarily. The word Czar used by the Sheik Obama’s administration should be the indicator to warning the public that the government is over stepping its bounds. (EX. Autos!)
If the stimulus bill is supposed to create jobs in a failing economy, let’s keep the jobs we have that aren’t in jeopardy. When the economy reverts back to a plus side growth, the investment in new alternative energy tech will be produced by the private sector to achieve the goals we want in a fiscally responsible manner.

February 7, 2009


Filed under: BILL,government,plan,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:30 pm

Sheik Obama plans on fear mongering the stupid masses into pressing their elected legislators in blindly passing this bill. Apparently, it passed last night. I didn’t get the opportunity to see the detail yet.
The rhetoric about the stimulation vs the spending was flying about the Congressional debate for the past several weeks with little convincing. The new Democratic position was losing support and was puzzled over public reaction. They speculated why from attention deficit disorder to disillusionment to simply not caring are some theories. Maybe a little explaining is in order.
When someone is losing money, their attitude becomes frugal towards normal spending patterns. When things become dire, spending ceases. Now suppose one is in sustantial debt. One doesn’t borrow further to fall farther. Furthermore, if one was to go ahead and borrow a large amount of money, they wouldn’t deliberately spend it immediately thinking it will quickly get them out of debt.
So the established geniuses of the current administration, both Republican and Democrat have done precisely what I described. Borrowing the largest sums in history to spend it the fastest in history in order to stimulate the economy…or permanently put the US in the poor house the fastest in history. Rucking Fidiculous!!

This is a stimulus package!!!


Filed under: BILL,government,plan,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:30 pm

Sheik Obama plans on fear mongering the stupid masses into pressing their elected legislators in blindly passing this bill. Apparently, it passed last night. I didn’t get the opportunity to see the detail yet.
The rhetoric about the stimulation vs the spending was flying about the Congressional debate for the past several weeks with little convincing. The new Democratic position was losing support and was puzzled over public reaction. They speculated why from attention deficit disorder to disillusionment to simply not caring are some theories. Maybe a little explaining is in order.
When someone is losing money, their attitude becomes frugal towards normal spending patterns. When things become dire, spending ceases. Now suppose one is in sustantial debt. One doesn’t borrow further to fall farther. Furthermore, if one was to go ahead and borrow a large amount of money, they wouldn’t deliberately spend it immediately thinking it will quickly get them out of debt.
So the established geniuses of the current administration, both Republican and Democrat have done precisely what I described. Borrowing the largest sums in history to spend it the fastest in history in order to stimulate the economy…or permanently put the US in the poor house the fastest in history. Rucking Fidiculous!!

This is a stimulus package!!!


Filed under: BILL,congress,democrats,economy,obama,pass,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am


Filed under: BILL,congress,democrats,economy,obama,pass,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am

February 4, 2009


Filed under: BILL,deflation,Depression,economy,iceland,mexico,recession,stimulus,USA — grappledoctor @ 1:42 pm

All legitimate speculation shows the prospects of bankruptcy looming over the US economy because the worldwide downturn has resulted in a recession with no borders. Iceland has become the first casualty. It has the dubious honor of government failure under this pressure. The domino effect has now been started with the finger push of depression. The next domino is anybody’s guess but Mexico and England are neck and neck. Most experts feel with the passage of the “un-stimulus” bill tying up monies in our own economy, the US will be helpless to stifle this catastrophe at our southern border. The failure of the Mexican economy will cause the ripple effect here leading to us becoming the following domino.
What would happen to the citizenry here if the US declares bankruptcy? What has not been felt in a generation, a recession/depression will create a new environment the likes of which have never been seen. What could I be looking at? Well, the bankruptcy would cause food stamps no longer being printed and dispensed to a needy populace. The government services and projects will be halted both locally and nationally. Buildings will not have the money to operate leading to a new type of red tape. Immigration will stop. Social security checks will no longer be honored. Medicare checks to doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other health related individuals will not be paid leading to a collapse in the entire health care industry. How will the military operate? Frightening indeed!
If the un-stimulus bill passes, it will be the biggest pile of pork in history. Rewriting the bill with bipartisan participation is not necessarily the answer. Only if the Republicans make their ploy to refine the bill strictly limited to cutting the pork and no ancillary bullshit, it could be the shot in the arm the economy needs. The Republicans stand a chance in calling out Sheik Obama’s administration’s no change anthem and show their diligence in getting real reform accomplished. Then, this opportunity for their party will lead to the public’s disgust with the Democrats and a landslide in the next elections.
On the other hand, both parties have a history of creating pork bills with little merit, this is an UNPRECEDENTED opportunity for the Independent parties to establish themselves as credible forerunners for future elections. The necessity to have a “watchdog” party in the eye’s of the public has never been at a more important time. This is a historic time calling for a historic leader. Let’s hope someone from any party show responsible, respectable leadership with honorable traits that fulfill the prestigious position of the US Presidency!

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