
March 22, 2010


Filed under: anthem,campaign,obama,sheik,song,unofficial — grappledoctor @ 1:08 pm

No secret meetings?
on C-Span?

March 21, 2010

Trevor at New Zeal Has Done It Again

Filed under: Communist,new,no obama,sheik,socialism,trevor,zeal — grappledoctor @ 10:35 pm

Watch out Glenn Beck, Trevor is your competition confidant. In this latest article, he explains the 3 organizations pulling the strings on Sheik Obama are the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and Democratic Socialists of America.

As Trevor points out, Britain is a test model of how to approach American society and how to punch holes into its structure, like a Urologist testing for cancer of the prostate. He states,

Britain after WW2 is their model. While Winston Churchill was the hero of the hour, in 1946 he was dumped in a landslide in favor of Labour Party leader Clement Attlee, on the promise of a massively increased Welfare State and a socialized National Health Service.”

Here is a video of how Britain introduce the rationale for Universal Care:

I get all warm inside after watching this cartoon because it is very similar to a Bugs Bunny style cartoon. And everyone loves Bugs!!

Norman Markowitz, from the Communist Party of the US, has written extensively and worked tirelessly for Sheik Obama, He wrote this column with a nod to for pointing it out:

“A “single payer” national health system – known as “socialized medicine” in the rest of the developed world – should be an essential part of the change that the core constituencies which elected Obama desperately need.
Britain serves as an important political lesson for strategists. After the Labor Party established the National Health Service after World War II, supposedly conservative workers and low-income people under religious and other influences who tended to support the Conservatives were much more likely to vote for the Labor Party when health care, social welfare, education and pro-working class policies were enacted by labor-supported governments.”

For more information on the “red ties” this administration works with, visit one of my favorite sites called

Oh, and Trevor..keep up the great work you and your colleagues are doing. The Free World depends on it!!

Filed under: covered,healthcare,illegals,obama,reform,sheik — grappledoctor @ 3:37 am

Illegals will be covered when they are given amnesty. That is why illegals will not be covered by HEALTHCARE REFORM. They won’t be illegal anymore.

April 15, 2009


Filed under: Castro,cuba,obama,policy,sheik — grappledoctor @ 2:19 pm

All of a sudden the Black Caucas decided to visit Castro and declare him the “Little Messiah.” That the past 50 years has been forgiven! Forgiven? Maybe I should ask, ” he is now immortalized?” Are we to believe that he has shown the US has had a foolish policy towards Cuba which should immediately be abandoned? Hmm…. Instead, Castro’s policies should be revered for their outstanding achievement?!? Cuba has a very high literacy rate. Cuba has implimented socialized medicine which the US needs to catch up with. Well…..that is a load of BULLSHIT!
Castro is a Communist/Socialist. This form of government was the enemy of the US for approx 75 years. While living through the Cold War in my younger years, the never ending threat of attack from the Communist Block was possible. The allegiance of the Russians was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, the questionable status of the Russians as friend or foe should be revisited when reviewing any policy towards Cuba.
The Cuban regime was never tolerant towards any criticism. Any opposition to the government was met with death or jail. The political asylum given to all Cubans who make it to our shores is because of this Communist policy.
The seizure of all private property when the Cuban Revolution took place was instituted. In a government like Cuba’s, private property is a freedom no longer enjoyed. All the property was confiscated with no compensation to land owners.
The emptying of all mental institutions and jails was implemented in 1980. When the people were sent sailing, they were left to themselves. If the ships sank or anyone got sick didn’t matter. Left to their own devices, the former Cubans hoped to make it to the US. This is a questionable Human Rights violation. Plus, some of these people in jail had trumped up charges. All were given no choice. Leave or die.
Religious tolerance is low. In most Communist regimes, religion is banned. Forget Scientology Tom Cruise, Dianetics Mr Hubbard, Islam, Judaism, Etc.
AIDS victims are isolated from the rest of the population in order to quarantine the disease. While it will stop its spread, is it
fair to the victims who have no choice but to cooperate.
Finally, he took over the country in a coup. He used the guerilla military to violently take over. No voting took place. Many were murdered and many fled. By allowing this government “normalized” status, it will bring it the legitimacy it has been craving for 50 years.


Filed under: Castro,cuba,obama,policy,sheik — grappledoctor @ 2:19 pm

All of a sudden the Black Caucas decided to visit Castro and declare him the “Little Messiah.” That the past 50 years has been forgiven! Forgiven? Maybe I should ask, ” he is now immortalized?” Are we to believe that he has shown the US has had a foolish policy towards Cuba which should immediately be abandoned? Hmm…. Instead, Castro’s policies should be revered for their outstanding achievement?!? Cuba has a very high literacy rate. Cuba has implimented socialized medicine which the US needs to catch up with. Well…..that is a load of BULLSHIT!
Castro is a Communist/Socialist. This form of government was the enemy of the US for approx 75 years. While living through the Cold War in my younger years, the never ending threat of attack from the Communist Block was possible. The allegiance of the Russians was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, the questionable status of the Russians as friend or foe should be revisited when reviewing any policy towards Cuba.
The Cuban regime was never tolerant towards any criticism. Any opposition to the government was met with death or jail. The political asylum given to all Cubans who make it to our shores is because of this Communist policy.
The seizure of all private property when the Cuban Revolution took place was instituted. In a government like Cuba’s, private property is a freedom no longer enjoyed. All the property was confiscated with no compensation to land owners.
The emptying of all mental institutions and jails was implemented in 1980. When the people were sent sailing, they were left to themselves. If the ships sank or anyone got sick didn’t matter. Left to their own devices, the former Cubans hoped to make it to the US. This is a questionable Human Rights violation. Plus, some of these people in jail had trumped up charges. All were given no choice. Leave or die.
Religious tolerance is low. In most Communist regimes, religion is banned. Forget Scientology Tom Cruise, Dianetics Mr Hubbard, Islam, Judaism, Etc.
AIDS victims are isolated from the rest of the population in order to quarantine the disease. While it will stop its spread, is it
fair to the victims who have no choice but to cooperate.
Finally, he took over the country in a coup. He used the guerilla military to violently take over. No voting took place. Many were murdered and many fled. By allowing this government “normalized” status, it will bring it the legitimacy it has been craving for 50 years.

April 14, 2009


Filed under: aid,financial,left,obama,pirates,sheik,Somalia,US — grappledoctor @ 12:09 pm

The Sheik of the United States has given the okay to “take out” the Somali pirates. Curiously, the military left one alive and is transporting him toward American shores for a trial. This case is coming to the US Court system because the jurisdiction is determined by UN order which has declared that any ship is considered part of the country from which it is come. FOr example, its an extension of the country’s border. What could explain the motive to leave one alive?
First, the captive is under the age of 18. Therefore, he is considered a juvenile. As a juvenile, the court must decide whether he is to be tried as a child or adult. He will be given a lawyer at taxpayer expense. Whether he is tried as an adult or not, the media will continually remind the public of his “under age status” for certain. This will create sympathy for his situation and diminish the momentum of the public to punish harshly and appropriately.
More importantly, he intends to use this Somali to generate attention to WHY this pirate is participating in such action. This will lead to Sheik Obama’s hidden agenda to start providing financial aid to the Somalis. The economy will be the blamed for the piracy action that has plagued the world in Somalia. Instead of military intervention, the appeaser will continue to burden the citizens of this country with aid to Somalia. Welcome to typical Left policy………Rucking Fidiculous!


Filed under: aid,financial,left,obama,pirates,sheik,Somalia,US — grappledoctor @ 12:09 pm

The Sheik of the United States has given the okay to “take out” the Somali pirates. Curiously, the military left one alive and is transporting him toward American shores for a trial. This case is coming to the US Court system because the jurisdiction is determined by UN order which has declared that any ship is considered part of the country from which it is come. FOr example, its an extension of the country’s border. What could explain the motive to leave one alive?
First, the captive is under the age of 18. Therefore, he is considered a juvenile. As a juvenile, the court must decide whether he is to be tried as a child or adult. He will be given a lawyer at taxpayer expense. Whether he is tried as an adult or not, the media will continually remind the public of his “under age status” for certain. This will create sympathy for his situation and diminish the momentum of the public to punish harshly and appropriately.
More importantly, he intends to use this Somali to generate attention to WHY this pirate is participating in such action. This will lead to Sheik Obama’s hidden agenda to start providing financial aid to the Somalis. The economy will be the blamed for the piracy action that has plagued the world in Somalia. Instead of military intervention, the appeaser will continue to burden the citizens of this country with aid to Somalia. Welcome to typical Left policy………Rucking Fidiculous!

April 13, 2009


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.

February 12, 2009


Filed under: BILL,jobs,obama,sheik,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

Stimulus Bill means building a frisbee park and funding contraceptives!! That is not very stimulating. How many permanent high paying long term jobs can that produce? I could throw litter on the floor in my neighborhood and have the local sanitation company pay someone to pick it up. I could litter everyday and encourage everyone I know to litter. That would create multiple jobs, and I didn’t spend any time or money in the process. No debate in XCongress was necessary.
Didn’t Sheik Obama make campaign promises that helped get him elected people are started to forget about. Today, I focus on the promise to get off coal burning and oil. He promised to heftily tax the coal mining industry in order to encourage them to stop. And didn’t he promise to fine any power companies that didn’t stop utilizing coal and oil to generate power? This subject was criticized upon initially being said but has since been put on the back burner due to the economy and housing. The jobs associated with these industries are definitely in no financial condition to convert operations to alternative energy production. Therefore, Republicans were right all along.
While I believe it is possible to move towards alternatives, allowing the industry to move in a fiscally responsible manner is the only way to avoid the pitfalls now plaguing the financial industry and the housing. These are all fine examples of government interference causing havok unnecessarily. The word Czar used by the Sheik Obama’s administration should be the indicator to warning the public that the government is over stepping its bounds. (EX. Autos!)
If the stimulus bill is supposed to create jobs in a failing economy, let’s keep the jobs we have that aren’t in jeopardy. When the economy reverts back to a plus side growth, the investment in new alternative energy tech will be produced by the private sector to achieve the goals we want in a fiscally responsible manner.

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