
April 20, 2009

The Palm Beach (Com)Post Spiteful Analysis of the Tea Party Revolution

Filed under: left,newspaper,Palm Beach,Party,post,protests,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:06 pm

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This picture of the Tea Party downtown West Palm Beach was used on the front page of the local rag. The paper claims that between 600 and 1000 people participated in the protest. I participated by being present. The volunteers gathered nearly 2000 signatures . The paper acknowledges 800 cities were included. The Left zombie-fied socialists have insisted that the participants are “red Necks”, “racists”, “hate a black man”, “spiteful rich”, etc. The portrayal of this view by the local compost is clearly seen underneath the picture where it states,”‘This is a land grab for socialism’, a yacht broker says at the West Palm demonstration.” The paper failed to interview and quote any of the leaders or volunteers identified easily by their tags. The volunteers were moms and dads, doctors, lawyers, construction workers, and all races and nationalities. I recommend everyone who was at the Tea Party write to the paper and if a retraction isn’t given then they should consider canceling their subscription.

April 16, 2009

Palm Beach Tea Party

Filed under: county,Get,Lets,Loud,Palm Beach,Party,protests,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:10 pm

The Tea Party event was a great success! With more events planned, "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union" are taking control back from the radical Left and the pseudo-Right. Like golf, everyone follow through after showing up & sign the petition.

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November 14, 2008


Filed under: attackers,elderly,gay marriage,militant,moslems,protests,rampage,woman — grappledoctor @ 1:11 pm

Even though the people of the great States of California and Florida rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, militant homosexuals, continued their assault on society by staging coordinated attacks on radical right wing establishments (known to average Americans as churches) in California and Michigan. Even a little old granny was not immune to the wrath of the practitioners of buggery. Watch her get man-handled as one of the sodomites rips a cross out of her hand and stomps on it at an anti-Prop 8 rally in Palm Springs, CA.

It seems radical homosexuals feel quite brave when it comes to attacking churches. They make easy targets, given the Christian concept that when one is confronted with violence to “turn the other cheek.” (If there are any gay readers out there, that’s not what you think it means). Considering the punishment for homosexuals in Islamic societies is death – execution by all sorts of unique methods I must say – I invite these same militant homosexuals to express their rage inside a mosque. Or better yet, given the fact that at least 70% of blacks voted against gay marriage in California, go ahead and push Aunt Esther around at a black church and see what happens.
We at RuckingFidiculous realize homosexuality is as old as time. And quite frankly, we don’t care what you do with your junk in private. However, Militant Homosexuality is a relatively new phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that aggressively manifests itself when a nation is in precipitous decline. Just like certain diseases thrive in filth, it’s only when a society has begun to rot from within that Militant Homosexuality can find conditions favorable enough to subject society to the full force of its intolerance and depravity. Militant homosexuals are the shock troops of the secular progressive movement; it’s only a matter of time before the General of this movement, Sheik Hussein Obama and his corrupt minions (activist judges) thwart the will of the people and overturn these pro-family amendments.

Post By El Sid


Filed under: attackers,elderly,gay marriage,militant,moslems,protests,rampage,woman — grappledoctor @ 1:11 pm

Even though the people of the great States of California and Florida rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, militant homosexuals, continued their assault on society by staging coordinated attacks on radical right wing establishments (known to average Americans as churches) in California and Michigan. Even a little old granny was not immune to the wrath of the practitioners of buggery. Watch her get man-handled as one of the sodomites rips a cross out of her hand and stomps on it at an anti-Prop 8 rally in Palm Springs, CA.

It seems radical homosexuals feel quite brave when it comes to attacking churches. They make easy targets, given the Christian concept that when one is confronted with violence to “turn the other cheek.” (If there are any gay readers out there, that’s not what you think it means). Considering the punishment for homosexuals in Islamic societies is death – execution by all sorts of unique methods I must say – I invite these same militant homosexuals to express their rage inside a mosque. Or better yet, given the fact that at least 70% of blacks voted against gay marriage in California, go ahead and push Aunt Esther around at a black church and see what happens.
We at RuckingFidiculous realize homosexuality is as old as time. And quite frankly, we don’t care what you do with your junk in private. However, Militant Homosexuality is a relatively new phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that aggressively manifests itself when a nation is in precipitous decline. Just like certain diseases thrive in filth, it’s only when a society has begun to rot from within that Militant Homosexuality can find conditions favorable enough to subject society to the full force of its intolerance and depravity. Militant homosexuals are the shock troops of the secular progressive movement; it’s only a matter of time before the General of this movement, Sheik Hussein Obama and his corrupt minions (activist judges) thwart the will of the people and overturn these pro-family amendments.

Post By El Sid


Filed under: democrats,election,gay marriage,homosexual,Jews,obama,protests,Republicans — grappledoctor @ 11:59 am

It appears the Democratic Party hasn’t congealed its constituents? The party has formulated an appearance of togetherness The Turtles would be proud of. Yet, it doesn’t appear that the words to their most famous hit mimic the Democratic Party after all. Black voters and Gay voters are arguably two of the biggest outspoken supporters. These groups were happily and generously displayed on TV in a homogenious manner. When it came to gaining the power of the Presidency, winning was impossible without cooperation. The homosexual lobby was fervently outspoken about civil rights pertaining to all groups. The Black darling
(Obama) overcame hurdles deemed unattainable by anybody other than a Whaite male. The umbrella of Civil Rights is believed to be that solely or in large part, to the Black community. As a Jew, I have seen the wavering appreciation of the Black population for the Jews that gave their lives in the darkest times of the movement. In fact, many Black groups preach undying hate and contempt for Jews without basis at all. (For older folks look to Malcolm X and Jesse Jackson. To younger minds and the uneducated, look to all leaders of the Black Liberation Ideology.)
The public has seen a display of unrest by the Homosexual population across the country towards any groups associated with resistance to Gay marriage. Yesterday on Fox, the Gay activists have decided to execute boycotts and demonstrations against any opposition parties. Displays in front of Churches and Synagogues have erupted. Businesses that have been directly or indirectly linked to opposing views have been “Scarlett Letter”(ed).
It appears to be a well orchestrated campaign to drum up support for long term resistance until passage of Gay Marriage is achieved. Is the campaign malaligned? ABSOLUTELY.
Black voters do not equate the Civil Rights movement to the Gay Marriage movement. It has become much too personal for them. The Gay voters obviously see them as exactly the same. It has even been called the Civil Rights Movement of the 21st century. By supporting the Black candidate, the Gays now feel betrayed by the Blacks as evidenced by their total and utter surprise when the agenda was completely crushed by a landslide vote. The landslide could directly be attributed to the overwhelming +70% Black vote against it.
Boycotts and protests in front of businesses and institutions that have never voter differently in the matter is an off-tangential approach. A normal pursuit would be conducted towards their own people who have deliberately strayed from support. Black churches, in particular, should have been (and now should be) the first to feel the bitterness. Mosques should be targeted and are strangely ignored. The Black Moslems have crossed a two-fold agenda in taking issue.
Where would the protests be targeted to make the most noise? Where is the debt of gratitude owed mostly to the Gay vote? Where would the action be most effective in getting this issue on the forefront of society, in the open, and on the front pages of every news media in the world? ……….If you haven’t come to the conclusion yet, the answer is Obama!! The inauguration would be the best time create the circus needed for a national “town meeting.”
Where is Hollywood? Where are the musicians? (silence…) Where are the Gay politicians that have been outcast from office in disgrace because of “closet” issues? (crickets….chirp…chirp..) Where are the Civil Rights leaders? Where is Obama? Where is Oprah, Maury, The View (Ugh!), and Ellen? Is anyone going to volunteer to leave the country if the agenda isn’t passed” like Alec Baldwin said when he was referring to the Republicans? Who will put their ASS on the line? Strangely silent.
How I feel about the matter is not the motivation for this article. How this administration works as it inches closer to starting is puzzling and important to me! Direct the movement appropriately. I am anxious to see what music should have been played at the DNC. Does one pick David Bowie “Ch- Ch- Ch- Changes?” Or Led zeppelin’s “The Song Remains The Same?” Or The Turtles “Happy Together?” I know what I would pick!

August 12, 2008

A Friend in Korea Opines on the Idiocy of the Mad-cow Madness

Filed under: beef,korea,mad cow,protests — grappledoctor @ 2:20 am

For a little context, South Korean President Lee, as part of a larger trade deal with the United States, agreed to lift the ban on U.S. beef imports, which was placed five years ago when a cow (yes, one cow) with mad-cow disease was discovered in Washington (this one mad-cow was Canadian import). But the powerful Korean domestic beef lobby waged a fear-mongering campaign in order to maintain the ban. It was highly effective, reminiscent of the 2002 Korean Presidential elections where the liberal candidate, Roh, surged ahead of the conservative candidate, last minute, on an anti-American platform after an American tank inadvertently ran over two Korean girls near a U.S. military base in Korea. Here, again, the young generation of Koreans, mostly in their 20s and 30s, impulsive, fickle, and in reaction to the demagogic anti-U.S. campaign, began holding protests en masse everyday against the trade deal, and, alternatively, demanding stricter food safety regulations. (Check out every picture you can find of the protests and you’ll see that they’re all young people). I personally thought the protests were reationary and laughable, particularly given that it was in reaction to ONE cow. But I asked my friend what she thought about the issue and the daily protests. My friend is a 28 year old female and works in the jewelry design industry in Korea. She had this to say.

“난 우리나라 사람들의 소문제에 대해 시위하는거반대에 백만표! 정말 다들 미쳤다고 생각해! 내가 학원이 광화문이라 매주 학원가면서 시위하는 사람들을 봤는데 정말로 할일없는 사람들의 놀이거리. 남일 참견하고 말많은 사람들의 놀잇감 한총련의 놀잇감 권력있는 사람들의 장난이라고 생각해! 정말 생각이 있고 자기 의견이 뚜렷한 사람들이라면 뭐라고 안하겠지만 그곳에 나온 사람들의 대부분은 그렇치 않타는것도 기분나쁘지만 모르고 먹으면 약이고 알고 먹으면 독약이라고 솔직히 자기네들이 여태껏 먹어와놓고 이슈화되고 알고나니깐 먹으면 죽는 독약취급을 한다는거 자체가 너무 웃기다고 생각해! 여태껏 입이 즐겁고 배가 행복해지게 먹고 즐겨놓고선 이제와선 그게 가장 안좋은거고 절대론 먹어서는 안된다는게 말이되냐고!! 먹으면 죽는다고 하는 미국소. 그렇게 따지면 지금 다 죽었어야 하는거 아냐? 안먹어도 죽고 먹어도 죽는거라면 왜 그렇게들 하면서 먹어야 하는지 모르겠어… 얼마전에 미국소 들여왔잖아.. 그전까지는 그렇게 말많고 탈많턴 사람들 지금은 한마디도 없잖아… 싫으면 안먹으면 되고 먹고 싶으면 먹으면 되는거잖아.. 어차피 자기네들도 다 먹을꺼면서 왜 그렇게 한심한 짓들을 하는지.. 내가 봐도 그 사람들이 참으로 한심하고 광화문에서 외국사람들과 마주치면 창피한데 넌 오죽하겠지..”

“I’m completely against all this protesting. I think they’re all crazy! I pass by them every time I go to work, and, I think to myself, don’t these people work? Don’t they have better things to do? Don’t they have a life? I don’t feel that these protesters are sincere. They just do it because they can, because it’s the cool thing to do, because it’s what they’re privileged friends do, not because they really believe in the cause. And as far as the issue is concerned, I think it’s laughable that it’s such a big issue. It’s a non-issue for me. I mean, all this fear about mad-cow, it’s completely irrational! We’ve been eating U.S. beef for many many years and not one, not one Korean has gotten ill from eating U.S. beef. There’s never been one instance, at least from what I know, where mad-cow tainted U.S. beef was discovered in Korea. Plus, it’s really simple. If you don’t want to eat U.S. beef, don’t buy it, don’t eat it! It’s not as if Korean beef is somehow going to disappear from the market. And it’s interesting how easily and quickly everyone just settled down in anticipation of the Olympics. The population seems to have ADHD – they can’t maintain interest in one issue for too long.”

A Friend in Korea Opines on the Idiocy of the Mad-cow Madness

Filed under: beef,korea,mad cow,protests — grappledoctor @ 2:20 am

For a little context, South Korean President Lee, as part of a larger trade deal with the United States, agreed to lift the ban on U.S. beef imports, which was placed five years ago when a cow (yes, one cow) with mad-cow disease was discovered in Washington (this one mad-cow was Canadian import). But the powerful Korean domestic beef lobby waged a fear-mongering campaign in order to maintain the ban. It was highly effective, reminiscent of the 2002 Korean Presidential elections where the liberal candidate, Roh, surged ahead of the conservative candidate, last minute, on an anti-American platform after an American tank inadvertently ran over two Korean girls near a U.S. military base in Korea. Here, again, the young generation of Koreans, mostly in their 20s and 30s, impulsive, fickle, and in reaction to the demagogic anti-U.S. campaign, began holding protests en masse everyday against the trade deal, and, alternatively, demanding stricter food safety regulations. (Check out every picture you can find of the protests and you’ll see that they’re all young people). I personally thought the protests were reationary and laughable, particularly given that it was in reaction to ONE cow. But I asked my friend what she thought about the issue and the daily protests. My friend is a 28 year old female and works in the jewelry design industry in Korea. She had this to say.

“난 우리나라 사람들의 소문제에 대해 시위하는거반대에 백만표! 정말 다들 미쳤다고 생각해! 내가 학원이 광화문이라 매주 학원가면서 시위하는 사람들을 봤는데 정말로 할일없는 사람들의 놀이거리. 남일 참견하고 말많은 사람들의 놀잇감 한총련의 놀잇감 권력있는 사람들의 장난이라고 생각해! 정말 생각이 있고 자기 의견이 뚜렷한 사람들이라면 뭐라고 안하겠지만 그곳에 나온 사람들의 대부분은 그렇치 않타는것도 기분나쁘지만 모르고 먹으면 약이고 알고 먹으면 독약이라고 솔직히 자기네들이 여태껏 먹어와놓고 이슈화되고 알고나니깐 먹으면 죽는 독약취급을 한다는거 자체가 너무 웃기다고 생각해! 여태껏 입이 즐겁고 배가 행복해지게 먹고 즐겨놓고선 이제와선 그게 가장 안좋은거고 절대론 먹어서는 안된다는게 말이되냐고!! 먹으면 죽는다고 하는 미국소. 그렇게 따지면 지금 다 죽었어야 하는거 아냐? 안먹어도 죽고 먹어도 죽는거라면 왜 그렇게들 하면서 먹어야 하는지 모르겠어… 얼마전에 미국소 들여왔잖아.. 그전까지는 그렇게 말많고 탈많턴 사람들 지금은 한마디도 없잖아… 싫으면 안먹으면 되고 먹고 싶으면 먹으면 되는거잖아.. 어차피 자기네들도 다 먹을꺼면서 왜 그렇게 한심한 짓들을 하는지.. 내가 봐도 그 사람들이 참으로 한심하고 광화문에서 외국사람들과 마주치면 창피한데 넌 오죽하겠지..”

“I’m completely against all this protesting. I think they’re all crazy! I pass by them every time I go to work, and, I think to myself, don’t these people work? Don’t they have better things to do? Don’t they have a life? I don’t feel that these protesters are sincere. They just do it because they can, because it’s the cool thing to do, because it’s what they’re privileged friends do, not because they really believe in the cause. And as far as the issue is concerned, I think it’s laughable that it’s such a big issue. It’s a non-issue for me. I mean, all this fear about mad-cow, it’s completely irrational! We’ve been eating U.S. beef for many many years and not one, not one Korean has gotten ill from eating U.S. beef. There’s never been one instance, at least from what I know, where mad-cow tainted U.S. beef was discovered in Korea. Plus, it’s really simple. If you don’t want to eat U.S. beef, don’t buy it, don’t eat it! It’s not as if Korean beef is somehow going to disappear from the market. And it’s interesting how easily and quickly everyone just settled down in anticipation of the Olympics. The population seems to have ADHD – they can’t maintain interest in one issue for too long.”

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