
March 21, 2010

Kill The Bill Health Care Protest | South Florida Tea Party

Filed under: county,Florida,Palm Beach,Party,rugby,South,Tea — grappledoctor @ 12:17 pm

The Tea PArty in Palm Beach County has a history of being very active in local activities here in South Florida. While I have participated many activities in the past, I haven’t been able to participate as of late. Thanks to the members and the main man, they have consistently been pressing the controversial matters of this administration. Here is a posting from their site of the most recent activity protesting this disaterous Bill to be voted on tomorrow.

Kill The Bill Health Care Protest | South Florida Tea Party

NOTE: Sorry I couldn’t make it, I was working until 1:30. Something Sheik Obama supporters couldn’t possibly understand.

November 3, 2009

Palm Beach County Tax Shell Game On Residents-Why Have Your Property Taxes Changed

Filed under: 2009,county,increase,Palm Beach,property,tangible,taxes — grappledoctor @ 4:40 pm

Posted by ShoZu

The residents of Palm Beach County are regularly getting screwed by the politicians voted in solely on the basis of political party affiliation. The county has been a strict Liberal Democrat voting block. Also, it has been THE most corrupt county, being investigated multiple times by the Attorney General. It has the distinction of being the county for the most often arrested and convicted politicians. The Commission has raised taxes on absolutely everything, including parks, ramps for boats, and anything else. They listen to the residents who plead with them to limit taxes or abolish taxes. Instead, they never concede and pass new taxes every time! How arrogant is the Commission? Well, just ask the local Tea Party leader Everitt Wilkenson.


This year property taxes are going to go up, way up! While people are losing their jobs or getting cuts in the jobs they maintain, loss of benefits, and increases in taxes such as electric and water, the county voted to raise the Tangible Personal Property Taxes. ( It’s also Volusia County, Broward County, and more) Here’s how it works: Assessed values are being reduced because property values are going down. In order to make up for the possible loss of revenues, the county Commission and the city Commssion are increasing the tax rates! This is also known as the Millage rate. This is the rate per thousand of value. Although the assessed value may go down, a higher tax rate will now be applied to a lower assessment. The net value will be that the taxes will either stay the same or go up. Devious? Dubious? In the words of Gretchen Wilson, ” Hell, Yeah!” The residents will not feel the difference or notice it because the amount is nearly identical. When the economy gets better and the assessed values go up again, the taxes will dramatically rise. At that point, the Commission will contend with the matter. Odds are people will find the cost more acceptable because it won’t happen until things get better generally. In short, it is a shell game. And no one is better than the current Commissioner!

When will residents be able to read the actual numbers in dollars and cents? When they receive their trim notice. What is a trim notice? Well, one’s trim notice is sent to their home in September or early November. This is a statement of the estimated statement. On the statement, a comparison of last year’s taxes and this year’s taxes will be there. On the statement, you will have this years value and last year’s value, a summary or an itemized list of expenses. Therefore, if your assessed value went down and your taxes went up, at what rate does it increase. Well, divide your taxes by your assessed value for last year and do it for this year. This rate is now higher. For example, if a marina’s assessed value goes down a few million dollars, the county will not take a hit. Therefore, a higher tax rate per thousand will make up the difference. One area could be $0.02/thousand and will now be $0.026/thousand. That will be enough to make up the difference.

Posted by ShoZu


Your COUNTY and CITY COMMISSIONs are responsible!! They voted FOR this. If you are in a neighborhood with an HOA, you will be raised on association fees, too. Why? The property taxes on common areas your association is responsible for will be affected. Commercial and residential are affected equally. So, if you are a business owner, prepare to be taxed higher. Is this illegal? No. Your Commissioners are voted in by YOU! Your expectation is that the individual voted in will do the right thing.

July 7, 2009


Some of the 912ers were in attendance. I wanted to point out many local groups sympathic to the message participated. I won’t reveal who they are but they deserve recognition. Thanks!


Some of the 912ers were in attendance. I wanted to point out many local groups sympathic to the message participated. I won’t reveal who they are but they deserve recognition. Thanks!


This was the sign handed out to the adoring public. The message is short, sweet, and clear. When anyone cares to participate, it is great to bring your own homemade sign, too.

Posted by ShoZu


CLICK THIS PHOTO! This guys sign is great!!

Posted by ShoZu

April 20, 2009

The Palm Beach (Com)Post Spiteful Analysis of the Tea Party Revolution

Filed under: left,newspaper,Palm Beach,Party,post,protests,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:06 pm

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This picture of the Tea Party downtown West Palm Beach was used on the front page of the local rag. The paper claims that between 600 and 1000 people participated in the protest. I participated by being present. The volunteers gathered nearly 2000 signatures . The paper acknowledges 800 cities were included. The Left zombie-fied socialists have insisted that the participants are “red Necks”, “racists”, “hate a black man”, “spiteful rich”, etc. The portrayal of this view by the local compost is clearly seen underneath the picture where it states,”‘This is a land grab for socialism’, a yacht broker says at the West Palm demonstration.” The paper failed to interview and quote any of the leaders or volunteers identified easily by their tags. The volunteers were moms and dads, doctors, lawyers, construction workers, and all races and nationalities. I recommend everyone who was at the Tea Party write to the paper and if a retraction isn’t given then they should consider canceling their subscription.

April 16, 2009

Palm Beach Tea Party

Filed under: county,Get,Lets,Loud,Palm Beach,Party,protests,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:10 pm

The Tea Party event was a great success! With more events planned, "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union" are taking control back from the radical Left and the pseudo-Right. Like golf, everyone follow through after showing up & sign the petition.

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October 22, 2008


Filed under: building,construction,economy,Florida,Miami,Palm Beach — grappledoctor @ 12:47 am

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August 7, 2008

Joseph Lieberman: Former Democrat Liberal Learns Not All Jews Are Whinning Liberals, But Serious Conservatives

Filed under: Israel,Lieberman,McCain,Palm Beach,Senator,Synagogue — grappledoctor @ 12:44 pm

I had the privilege of seeing the Senator yesterday in the Palm Beach Synagogue. I have been to the synagogue on several occasions and learned a few things about the Rabbi and its members. The Rabbi is a young, charismatic, powerful individual who has influence far beyond the walls of the Temple. He is a Conservative (Ba Ruch HaShem!), a quiet Kahane admirer (I have been told), and an intellectual. His speaking ability would have Obama shaking in his boots! I only wish I knew him on a more personal basis. As a Jew with family in Israel and as a Jewish Conservative, I find I have more in common with his views than any other Rabbi in the Palm Beach area. The temple has had some high profile lecturers, to its credit, and appears to be politically active and motivated. The Republicans were represented by a young upstart in Adam Hasner. He is approx 40 years old and very friendly. I am sorry to say I know little more than that. I hope he has taken it upon himself to get their message across to the liberal constituency groups of the Jewish Left, which Democrats always assume they can count on. The Democrats are notorious for making national news media coverage in south Florida because they had issues involving the 2000 election, the 2004 election and will absolutely complicate the 2008 election. They already have done damage to the electoral process for this election where they were disqualified from participation in the primaries.
My initial impression of the Senator was of confidence and approachable. He was introduced by the Rabbi who MCed the meeting, and by a colleague from Harvard 1964 Class. The Rabbi was about as charming as one could hope for. His anecdotal short stories profoundly press important issues in a unique manner which make the listener appreciate and remember them. After the introductions, the Senator proceeded to make the point that after some internal overview, his future of independent party or non affiliation politics is the choice for the future. That America has lost confidence in partisan politics and the real CHANGE is the politician who is willing to change parties if necessary. Sticking to party line should no longer dictate a politician’s views. The Senator stated he was a Democrat when they had the right message. He went independent when he could not follow anyone. Now, McCain is the only pathway forward for America and Israel.
He mentioned McCain and He were in Israel together at The Wall. He spent sometime talking about Iran and what problems they hold. No time was spent on Obama talking him down with negative comments. He was asked a few questions about McCain’s VP pick. He said he didn’t know yet. The only major point he mentioned was 2 fold: Iran has turned down every negotiation for stopping of nuclear ambitions and 2) the US will has an office of some kind in Iran to try some persuasion at any juncture should more trying issues come up (such as a military strike).

Lieberman showed up in a McCain bus so his support is clear. I remember him saying he was an Orthodox Jew but much of his behavior doesn’t prove it. He doesn’t wear a skull cap or Yarmulka for instance. He says he puts on Tsfilllin which is a traditional practice of the religious. He ended the night with answering a few questions. Nothing terribly difficult and nothing overtly clear what is to come in Congress..He made one thing clear to me: He DOES support Israel openly. Hearing him with my own ears say it clear in Temple. My mind wanders in question as I ponder something I remember JTF or the Jewish Task Force said a few years back. Chaim Ben Pesach said Senator Lieberman never VOTES Pro-Israel, he always has to put some stipulation in for the Palestinians. Chaim’s argument was based on how the Senator responded to the bombing that took place after Passover either in 2002 or 2004. The country was in mourning because many people were killed and maimed. When a bill went before the Congress to help the Israeli economy by injecting the county with a stimulation package for 100 million dollars. 2 Senators threatened to filibuster unless a provision was inserted to give the Palestinians a 50 million dollar incentive for their economy. Who were the 2 Senators: Lieberman ans “SCHMUCK” Schumer. The argument was any stimulation package for the perpetrators was victimizing the Israelis a second time. Also, why should the passage of one bill for Israel have any bearing on Palestinians. It was also legitimizing their ad hock government. Also, where are the punishments for the non compliance of the Oslo Agreements (Disagreements). By giving them anything and continuing their resent for the Agreement, they spit in the face of America too. Why should Saddam have negotiated when we never followed through on any non compliance with him, or why should Ahmedinajad negotiate when he knows he can win economic lifting on policy from the West if he waits long enough for us to get desperate. He also can continue nuclear experiments in secret and eventually openly because he will get no repercussion. Nobody wants war, everyone expects us to do it anyway. Lifting any embargo is the same as rewarding Iran win a stimulus package. And anyone who knows the behavior of past Middle Eastern leaders can easily predict a secret nuclear program continuing unabated behind closed doors.
I hope for the sake of Israel, the Senator clearly sees any appeasement discussed in Congress and puts it to rest. I hesitated to get in line quickly enough to ask questions. I believe my questions would have been a more perplexing scene than what had taken place. Questions like: If Ehud Olmert, the current PM of Israel is stepping down in September, how do you see the Israeli election and the Israeli election affecting one another? Do you think either election will determine the Israeli response time frame and what do you think Israel will do in both instances? I enjoyed his time and thank him and especially the Rabbi but next time the questions come up at the microphone………!

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