
April 14, 2009


Filed under: aid,financial,left,obama,pirates,sheik,Somalia,US — grappledoctor @ 12:09 pm

The Sheik of the United States has given the okay to “take out” the Somali pirates. Curiously, the military left one alive and is transporting him toward American shores for a trial. This case is coming to the US Court system because the jurisdiction is determined by UN order which has declared that any ship is considered part of the country from which it is come. FOr example, its an extension of the country’s border. What could explain the motive to leave one alive?
First, the captive is under the age of 18. Therefore, he is considered a juvenile. As a juvenile, the court must decide whether he is to be tried as a child or adult. He will be given a lawyer at taxpayer expense. Whether he is tried as an adult or not, the media will continually remind the public of his “under age status” for certain. This will create sympathy for his situation and diminish the momentum of the public to punish harshly and appropriately.
More importantly, he intends to use this Somali to generate attention to WHY this pirate is participating in such action. This will lead to Sheik Obama’s hidden agenda to start providing financial aid to the Somalis. The economy will be the blamed for the piracy action that has plagued the world in Somalia. Instead of military intervention, the appeaser will continue to burden the citizens of this country with aid to Somalia. Welcome to typical Left policy………Rucking Fidiculous!

April 13, 2009


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.

February 15, 2009


The Jews have done it again! Yep, congratulations! The Sheik Obama has allocated at least $20 million dollars towards resettling Palestinians (particularly Hamas) in the US with TAX PAYER MONEY! Wow, that will stimulate jobs galore. How? Security industry has just been given the proverbial shot in the arm with this concern. The President wanted to rush (no, not Limbaugh) the darn bill through in a covert cover up scam where money will be given to get this going. Brilliantly pointed out by pajamas media, the Bill was rushed because the Israeli election became the catalyst for this. If Netanyahu wins aka the Right Wing Party, then the money will go for “needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.”

This is an excerpt from the article and the entire article is found here Pajamas Media

2) Israel. If Netanyahu is elected in Israel, and if the Obama team feels that the key to historic “progress” in the Middle East
lies in rehabilitating Hamas, or in forcing 99.9% withdrawal from the West, or hinges on normalization with Iran, then
look for a fundamental recalibration of our relationship with Israel, as we lock horns with our traditional ally. I’ll leave it
at that. (Note well: one of Obama’s first acts was to allot $20 million for help in settling refugees from Gaza, apparently
(?) in the United States. That seems to be unwise, especially given the Palestinian clapping to news of 9/11 on the West
Bank. E.g.,
This passage is from both the article and the exact verbiage used in the bill:

By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (the “Act”), as amended (22 U.S.C. 2601), I hereby determine, pursuant to section 2 (c) (1) of the Act, that it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance under the Act in an amount not to exceed $20.3 million from the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for the purpose of meeting unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs, including by contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations and payment of administrative expenses of Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State, related to humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

I blame the Republicans for this garbage. Bush made national security the primary issue and here the issue is not only compromised but officially dead. Stop the insanity. This issue alone could have been used to crush the administration. There is no compromise with the Left. All the stupid Republicans have to do is take their time reviewing the document now and come Monday tear it to shreds. Dont’ let it go!! Push forward with criticizing the pork out of it. Go on all the traditional media outlets that are religious zealots of the Sheik and bring up the issues. It would be monumental in its damage on every level from lying, rushing, secrecy, the edxtent of the pork and on and on. Shmuck Shumer,( And I mean SHMUCK!), had the gaul (THE GAUL) to say the taxpayer doesn’t want to know or care what the earmark pork is…!!%#@
Now let me see…I know what pork is and I am kosher so I don’t like it. I know what earmarks are and I dont like them. I know what an ear is and I can’t believe what I am hearing. Finally, I know a pig ear is something my dog chews on and she could chew on this bill if they would let her.
The Republicans better do something Monday. Otherwise, they are just as responsible for the bill. The three irresponsible Republicans that agreed to go along with the bill should be black listed immediately. Next time up, not supported by the party for reelection. The opportunity to allow the dems to take full responsibilty for this trash was diminished and allowed Dems to say it bipartisan. Unify and destroy. Divided voting compromises your position and your already in a minority situation. Letting this go and not pressing the matter is a mistake. Just because it passed doesn’t mean public outcry can’t change matters.
Jewish organizations are fair game for criticism. I find the stereotypical Liberal Jew is a supporter of this measure regardless of the consequences. They feel the Dems would never steer them wrong. Also, they would buy into any argument in support of it. They have a record of bending over backwards to appease those that hate them in a gesture to prove how understanding they are to others. Stupid? Extremely. They bought the ingenious argument that Barack Obama (aka the Sheik) is similar to Ba-ruch. Ba-ruch is the word in HEBREW for blessed. Barack is ARABIC for the same. But the Jews bought the point. Sheik Obama is the antithesis of everything Jews should hold dear. I am ashamed of these Jews. I am NOT a Jew for Jesus. I DO support the Christian groups and organizations because they are good people with beliefs that are rooted in our common Old Testament. Common ground is not hard to find. I belonged to an Orthodox synagogue. I find Orthodox Jews have common views with Christians and secular Jews baffling.
I know I have been an advocate for Act for America. Also, I have written several times about them. They deserve more praise then I have done, and for that I am sorry. They pressed the matter already to the Sheik Obama administration. They had signatures totaling at about 9000 in opposition to the possible misuse of funds to Hama immigration. I only hope my darling, Bridget Gabriel gets of FOX and educates the public. If Hamas is allowed here, G-d help us all.
ABsolutely Rucking Fidiculous!!

February 12, 2009


Filed under: BILL,jobs,obama,sheik,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

Stimulus Bill means building a frisbee park and funding contraceptives!! That is not very stimulating. How many permanent high paying long term jobs can that produce? I could throw litter on the floor in my neighborhood and have the local sanitation company pay someone to pick it up. I could litter everyday and encourage everyone I know to litter. That would create multiple jobs, and I didn’t spend any time or money in the process. No debate in XCongress was necessary.
Didn’t Sheik Obama make campaign promises that helped get him elected people are started to forget about. Today, I focus on the promise to get off coal burning and oil. He promised to heftily tax the coal mining industry in order to encourage them to stop. And didn’t he promise to fine any power companies that didn’t stop utilizing coal and oil to generate power? This subject was criticized upon initially being said but has since been put on the back burner due to the economy and housing. The jobs associated with these industries are definitely in no financial condition to convert operations to alternative energy production. Therefore, Republicans were right all along.
While I believe it is possible to move towards alternatives, allowing the industry to move in a fiscally responsible manner is the only way to avoid the pitfalls now plaguing the financial industry and the housing. These are all fine examples of government interference causing havok unnecessarily. The word Czar used by the Sheik Obama’s administration should be the indicator to warning the public that the government is over stepping its bounds. (EX. Autos!)
If the stimulus bill is supposed to create jobs in a failing economy, let’s keep the jobs we have that aren’t in jeopardy. When the economy reverts back to a plus side growth, the investment in new alternative energy tech will be produced by the private sector to achieve the goals we want in a fiscally responsible manner.

February 7, 2009


Filed under: BILL,congress,democrats,economy,obama,pass,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am


Filed under: BILL,congress,democrats,economy,obama,pass,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am


Filed under: civil rights,guantanamo bay,Islam,obama,terrorism,torture — grappledoctor @ 7:15 am

You didn’t know we have been dumping tons of toxic garbage in Guantanamo Bay for years without any concern for the environment. Yes, the Islamic terrorist garbage, which is the most toxic substance on the planet, has been getting dumped there for years. Like nuclear waste, anywhere it goes should it be moved will contaminate everything it comes in contact with if not properly stored. The Liberal Conspiracy (Hey, don’t forget Hillary calls us the Right Wing Conspiracy) has been so adamant about closing down the site, there must be a higher calling or ulterior motive to the purpose. Strictly speculating, what is it?
First, the ACLU has fired 10% of its staff due to the economic situation. Do I need to elaborate here?
Second, the Left Wing base has an agenda against cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners. The water boarding policy used by the Bush administration to extract intelligence is believed to be “torture.” The policy has been accused of being against the Geneva Convention, argued to be making us no better than or equivalent to the behavior terrorists have exercised with their prisoners. The information has little value because of the manner in which it has been obtained.
Third, the base has been used for military exercises which has had an impact on the environment locally. The Environmentalist Agenda closing the facility for this purpose overrides any other purpose. The issue here is lead in the firearms materials, the poor record the military has had about how it treats the environment while using a site and the policy not to clean up a site after leaving. I believe once closed, the next lawsuit will be against the government to clean the area up at the cost of the taxpayer who has never ending pockets.
Fourth, the Islamic constituency in the US is a major contributor to the Democratic Party. The party owes every constituency after winning the election. Suing the government for a policy deemed racist because all residents are Islamic will be seeked by certain organizations I shall keep nameless. As a side note, I admit I wholeheartedly believe Sheik Obama is a Muslim. Further, this will be argued to be a Civil Rights matter. Furher, oops, I mean further, getting Islamic terrorists sympathy will add to the Palestinian plight and help feelings of maltreatment to gain support for Sharia implementation. When foot baths are need to be added to every bathroom across the country for the remote possibility a Muslim may visit said area, this will be cited as past wrongful treatment. Equating this past treatment to “white only” or “black only” water fountains here is no coincidence. Also, clearing the name of Islam in the public domain removes the Scarlet Letter it has been blemished with throughout this terror war.
Fifth, getting released into the US prison system will allow endless amounts of logistical litigation. The filing of appeals will be endless. This will cost taxpayers gobs of cash and constipate the system to the point no laxative could possibly liquid plumber.
Sixth, access to unprecedented amounts of legal representation once on US soil. The judicial system will have to furnish all the rights of the average citizen has. They are NOT citizens but prisoners of war. They are not candidates for these rights in our civil courts.
Seven, the Islamic terror message has been spread like a plague through Europe in its penal system. This is the avenue where the message festers. The test run in Europe has been successful and the same route will be used here.
Eight, the Jews of this country love to show solidarity with those that hate them. Mark my words: The Jews will be tripping over themselves to help represent the same Islamic terrorists that can’t wait to help destroy Israel.
Nine, the argument has been made that the act of closing the base would restore our reputation around the world.
Ten, the designation of enemy combatant will be extinguished. That status will be gone. The politically correct terminology of misunderstood peaceful religious advocate freedom fighter will do.
Eleven, the disgust and discontent for the military in general has been well documented by certain groups sympathetic to the prisoners.
Twelve, insight into the government policy of information gathering will be obtained through bringing them to trial. The government will have to divulge how they obtained classified information. This will open access to a slew of techniques of intelligence gathering that will now be open to scrutiny. Telecommunications companies forking over citizens records like cell phone calls will be open to criticism. Companies like Google will be able to refuse cooperating with the government with records involving suspects. Getting prisoners off if the military refuses to use classified intelligence will be much easier.
The disillusionment perceived to be felt by the persecuted Islamic populations around the world have blossomed into the ritual of suicide bombings. If a people have nothing to feel hopeful about they resort to this tactic. The suicide bombings are a result of the West’s treatment of Islamic people wronged. Israel, India, and others have created this environment. To prevent suicide bombers, they need to have some hope for the future. No longer is suicide necessary. If one participates in mass bombing populations, they can now feel secure knowing they will be treated kindly by their capturers.
Any lawyer who gets the opportunity to represent the detainees (HINT:this is another politically correct and preferred designation) will be credited with “getting them off.” This will elevate them to “O J Simpson lawyer representation reputation status.” What an honor!! This infamous title is on the lips and memory of those lucky enough to witness the trial of OJ trail forevermore.
Fourteen, closing the base would facilitate the label of wrongdoing by the Bush administration. This would help litigate charges against the Bush administration which the Left has been masturbating over since Bush left office. It would continue to tarnish Bush’s reputation and legacy.
Fifteen, the ultimate goal has always been to release the detainees completely. This would prove how liberal the US generally is. The Left constituency against capital punishment and the belief in rehabilitation of all felons in the US penal system is a widely held goal. How do I make such a claim? In the Left Wing organization called the Center for American Progress, the goal is made clear is the article “How to close guantanamo.” In phase 3 of the proposed 5 phase plan, it states the following agenda:
“Phase Three: Create a resettlement and rehabilitation program in partnership with allied countries and international organizations to find homes for detainees that can’t be returned to their home countries and to smooth the re-integration of detainees into society. This program should be based on similar programs currently used by the U.S. military in Iraq and the Saudi Arabian government to assist in the transition of militants from detention to release.” Here
It clearly states a resettlement and reintegration program. Rucking fidiculous if you think these people are candidates for this.

Anybody waterboarded for intelligence gathering will have their information thrown out of court. This will prevent this tactic from ever being used again. Another strike against the military by the Left. How can they say they support the military and are pro-military.
The calls of alleged abusive treatment have been the cause of hunger strikes and suicides. The Halal food which is provided to the detainees is never mentioned by the same sources who report the alleged abuses. They never call the abuses “alleged.”
According to Wiki,
“The term is widely used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law. It is estimated that 70% of
Muslims worldwide follow Halal food standards”
In other words, they are being catered to with their own culinary concerns. What torture. Oh, the shame! The ping pong tables
are obviously a calling for hunger strikes and suicide. The paddles are probably used or the balls are probably too soft to use. I wonder if the Chinese would feel the same way if detained in such a manner. (World champs in the sport)
The prisoners have a medical care system better than our own veterans have. Should the murderers of Americans get good medical care or the protectors of Americans get good medical care? Should the care be equal? I believe the veterans of this country should go on a hunger strike!! They have advocates and legal representation. They have organizations regularly visiting to review the conditions there. The international Red Cross has been watching the facility. Having everyone in the base tried or released in a quick manner is reckless and unsafe. Yet, like the economic stimulus bill, quick knee jerk policy passage and practice without scutiny seems to be the operation of choice for Sheik Obama.
Where is the media criticism of Islamic extremism? Is the Geneva Convention being upheld by the terrorists? Or are the prisoners being beheaded? The Sheik Obama campaign should be rewritten from “Change you can believe in” to “Change you can behead in.” Then being used for propaganda purposes such as recruitment…further terror..incitement..torture!
Where is the UN condemnation!! Where is the Islamic world condemnation of such tactics? Nonexistent!! Israel is equated with Nazis!! Do you see the undeniable brainwashing and one sidedness.
If the purpose of bringing the prisoners to justice, why did Sheik Obama stop all legal action being conducted now on Jan 22 by executive order? Here

January 15, 2009


Filed under: banks,crisis,debt,deficit,economy,loans,obama,solutions — grappledoctor @ 11:09 pm

The economy is tanking faster than a rock. The government has taken measures to correct the problem but has failed in alleviating the continued fall. As I discussed earlier, liquidity is NOT the problem. The interest rate is NOT the problem because the rate the banks offer is already extremely low. The poor credit ratings for prior loans is not the problem. What is holding up the consumer spending and the release of funds for large purchase items?
The problems are all of these to some degree. And some reasons are not mentioned here for lack of my time to review them. I am just happy to get my damn computer back to blog!!
The SOLUTION may be easier to come by. The solution must address everything or we will never recuperate long term. The solution must be fair to everyone including those who never got mixed up in the first place.
First, the government loaned money to the banks which prevented them from failing. Their failure would have caused total collapse of the financial structure whose implications would have cause 1929 again. Second, the banks need to immediately cut the interest rate on ALL loans already done to half their rate and lock in the rate for the borrower. With everyone in a fixed rate, everyone knows where they stand on payments and the change in the rate will no longer create anxiety. The banks will continue to receive some interest, therefore they will be making a small amount of profit. Since the citizens bailed them out, it’s only fair. The lower payments will free up money for the consumer to spend, ending the consumer confidence crisis. Foreclosures will disappear because payments will be affordable to the borrower. The banks will not have to lower the principal borrowed, stopping the fear of loaning more money. Fairness is given to the consumer who didn’t get involved by this measure, also. All these things will stabilize the housing price market. States, cities, townships, etc. have lowered taxes on property. This will make higher priced house more attractive to new buyers.
Finally, none of the measures I discussed cause the deficit to grow larger! The positive aspects connected to this are too numerous to list. Tell Obama to stop increasing the debt, start finding ideas that address America’s problems without throwing money out the window. A larger nation debt is rucking fidiculous!!

December 17, 2008


Filed under: conservative,Hussein,inauguration,Jews,liberal jewish,obama,President — grappledoctor @ 4:57 pm

I heard that Obama intends to state his full name when he accepts the Presidential chair. He is insistent on pronouncing his middle name in a gesture to improve the outlook with Islamic nations. Well, who gives a shit what they think? Is the Christian view going to be insulted if he uses his Muslim name? This is a Judeo-Christian country. I remember the Democratic Jews bolstering Obama’s image by spreading the gossip on his FIRST name. They said his name was Barack, which sounds just like Baruch. And Baruch means blessed in Hebrew. Give me a freaking break. Jews lying to other Jews!! These deceptive people should be lawyers. They maliciously left out the fact that Barack is Arabic for blessed! Some Jews voted for Hitler. It is not so far fetched that they would have voted Arafat in as Prime Minister of Israel if they thought he was in the Labor Party (the Democratic Party equivalent in Israel). The Obama machine duped everyone into believing he will support Israel. NOT A CHANCE IN HELL! He will bring about the demise of Israel. And the Jews will once again be responsible for their own destruction. As a Jew, I am annoyed at the self-righteous attitude of the Liberal Jew. He will justify his stand even if it is self defeating. Never willing to listen to any other view.
My articles on Obama’s political stand towards Israel and how he intends to deal with the Mid East Peace Process are about as thorough and accurate as any expert could possibly imagine. I hope readers look through the articles we published and the future articles. When this Presaidency starts, I will post nearly daily on how he does. So far he supports Israel’s response, supports tax cuts, and is considering raising taxes 10 cents on gasoline. So far he sounds more Republican. Now if he could just stop thinking about taxes….

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