
July 21, 2009


Filed under: city,inauguration,Ivanka,jew,marriage,obama and the jews,same sex marriage,Trump — grappledoctor @ 12:00 pm

The Jews do not pursue the conversion of others. On the other hand, when someone does want to become a Jewish person, the conversion is no small task. In the show Sex in the City, one of the characters was considering converting to Judaism for a relationship with a man. When the woman finds a Rabbi to assist her through the process, he refuses her request. (No, I don’t watch the show). The character Charlotte is repeatedly dismissed because in Judaism your advances must be serious and sincere. So, when Ivanka decided to convert to Judaism, I know she went through a rigorous ordeal. She is a person I respected greatly beforehand. Now, I can say she is one of us. So, from the UnapologeticEthnocentricSemite, WELCOME. Happy to have you aboard. Oh, and the episode was from season six.
Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump Pictures

October 12, 2008


Filed under: democrats,obama and the jews,politics,Rabbi,Republicans — grappledoctor @ 2:55 pm

Four Jews sit down at a synagogue. The first one says, “OY!” The second one says, “OY VEY!” The third one shaking his head goes, “OY GAVOLT..!” The fourth stands up and shouts, “Will you three stop talking politics!!”

Thank you Rabbi …….


October 11, 2008


Filed under: Chaim Ben Pesach,election,JTF.ORG,obama,obama and the jews,Rabbi Kahane,truth — grappledoctor @ 10:14 pm

Well, after making a name for himself on QPTV, Chaim Ben Pesach and the TRUE JEW CREW are back in action. And not a moment too soon. With so little time before the election, the sand in the hour glass ever so slightly accumulates at the bottom. What has taken the radical Left Wing years of dirty deals and political juggling to conjure, the crew at JTF have unraveled unlike any other intellectual thinker or reporter the world over. Their record keeping and organizing is so impressive, it makes the US Government agencies seem second rate. After surfing through the material on their site, one wonders what the Right Wing organizations are doing when the message warning America about Obama apparently is not being delivered in a manner conducive to winning the election. The information available in indisputably damaging and truthful. The generosity to make it available publicly only begs the question, “Why wont they use it!?!?! I can only hope the smaller, faithful, Pro American citizen takes upon themselves the burden to spread their “gospel” to the masses through the only means at our disposal: Internet, Internet TV and radio, blogging, email campaigns, word of mouth, and buying their T-shirts. Oh, and Chaim, I have several JTF videos pre 2000 if your interested. I lived in NYC from 1993-2000. I will be buying a shirt!! BET ON IT!!

July 24, 2008

Marketing Ploy: "It’s for a Good Cause."

Just for a a little context, my liberal friend recently sent me an e-mail with a link to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, which purports to better the lives of poor African coffee farmers by buying coffee from them at the Fair Trade price and to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews by having them plant coffee together. She wanted me to start buying my coffee from this company because it was for a “good cause.” Below was my reply:

“This is interesting Laurie. Well, as sort of a coffee snob, I’m always looking for great coffee. I visited the website more out of an interest in the coffee than out of an interest in the company’s purported “good cause.” My government taxes me aplenty and sends much of it as aid to Africa and beyond, and obviously, no one appreciates our generosity, so, forgive me if I’m not constantly looking for ways to give away my hard-earned money.

At any rate, I noticed a couple things about this company. But here’s my preface: I praise the creative entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO. It seems these days, for good or ill, companies are finding that a great way to sell a product (that perhaps wouldn’t survive in a competitive market that runs purely on quality) is to tap into people’s conscience. As a free-marketeer, I don’t have any qualms about that. A great example of such a company is the Ethos Water Bottle Company recently bought up by Starbucks. It purports to give “a portion” of the price to help a “good cause.” Well, the founders got a huge payout by Starbucks when it was bought out. (But I’ve always wondered whether they knew that their plastic bottles were a large contributing factor to the world’s pollution problem.)

Anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong, since I only briefly perused the website, but they purport to purchase a pound of coffee (16 oz) from the cooperative at the Fair Trade price of $1.61. And they also purport to send the cooperative an extra $1 for every pound as part of their profit-sharing plan, which, by the way, they make it sound like the farmers are seriously partners to this enterprise (uh, not quite).

The company then sells 12 oz (less than a pound) at a range from $10.50 up to $25! So, looking at this in the light most favorable to the company, for every 12 oz of coffee they sell at $10.50, they’re giving back less than $1. Don’t forget the $1.61 is their overhead. So in essence, the company is marking up their product almost seven-fold! Just to put this in perspective, this mark-up is very similar to how much big (bad) multi-national companies like Walmart and Nike mark up their products after buying them from third world countries like Africa. What would people say if the CEO of Nike said, well, we’re giving jobs to these poor indigents, giving them a better life, so buy from us. People would laugh.

Moreover, they have a coffee bag with Che Guevara on it, and appear very proud of it. I mean come on, he was to Castro what Himmler was to Hitler – his chief executioner! He killed hundreds and thousands of people with his travelling death squad. He set up death camps where he killed gays, dissidents and people with AIDS. To spin it in another way, he was a miserable failure. He was Castro’s bitch his whole life and nothing but a wanna-be revolutionary. I mean, if you want to lionize a totalitarian on your coffee package, put Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler.

Point being, don’t get sucked into their marketing campaign. Like all other marketing campaigns, this one is solely to turn a profit, and a big one at that. Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with turning a profit, but, I do have a problem with companies feigning righteousness and trying to pull a quick one over consumers, when, in fact, they’re like any other company operating out of self-interest and profit. For these reasons, I won’t buy coffee from this company. But who knows, their coffee could be really really good, in which case, they don’t have to feign anything! Sad…

By the way, this is good material for my blog. 🙂 Thanks.”

Marketing Ploy: "It’s for a Good Cause."

Just for a a little context, my liberal friend recently sent me an e-mail with a link to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, which purports to better the lives of poor African coffee farmers by buying coffee from them at the Fair Trade price and to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews by having them plant coffee together. She wanted me to start buying my coffee from this company because it was for a “good cause.” Below was my reply:

“This is interesting Laurie. Well, as sort of a coffee snob, I’m always looking for great coffee. I visited the website more out of an interest in the coffee than out of an interest in the company’s purported “good cause.” My government taxes me aplenty and sends much of it as aid to Africa and beyond, and obviously, no one appreciates our generosity, so, forgive me if I’m not constantly looking for ways to give away my hard-earned money.

At any rate, I noticed a couple things about this company. But here’s my preface: I praise the creative entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO. It seems these days, for good or ill, companies are finding that a great way to sell a product (that perhaps wouldn’t survive in a competitive market that runs purely on quality) is to tap into people’s conscience. As a free-marketeer, I don’t have any qualms about that. A great example of such a company is the Ethos Water Bottle Company recently bought up by Starbucks. It purports to give “a portion” of the price to help a “good cause.” Well, the founders got a huge payout by Starbucks when it was bought out. (But I’ve always wondered whether they knew that their plastic bottles were a large contributing factor to the world’s pollution problem.)

Anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong, since I only briefly perused the website, but they purport to purchase a pound of coffee (16 oz) from the cooperative at the Fair Trade price of $1.61. And they also purport to send the cooperative an extra $1 for every pound as part of their profit-sharing plan, which, by the way, they make it sound like the farmers are seriously partners to this enterprise (uh, not quite).

The company then sells 12 oz (less than a pound) at a range from $10.50 up to $25! So, looking at this in the light most favorable to the company, for every 12 oz of coffee they sell at $10.50, they’re giving back less than $1. Don’t forget the $1.61 is their overhead. So in essence, the company is marking up their product almost seven-fold! Just to put this in perspective, this mark-up is very similar to how much big (bad) multi-national companies like Walmart and Nike mark up their products after buying them from third world countries like Africa. What would people say if the CEO of Nike said, well, we’re giving jobs to these poor indigents, giving them a better life, so buy from us. People would laugh.

Moreover, they have a coffee bag with Che Guevara on it, and appear very proud of it. I mean come on, he was to Castro what Himmler was to Hitler – his chief executioner! He killed hundreds and thousands of people with his travelling death squad. He set up death camps where he killed gays, dissidents and people with AIDS. To spin it in another way, he was a miserable failure. He was Castro’s bitch his whole life and nothing but a wanna-be revolutionary. I mean, if you want to lionize a totalitarian on your coffee package, put Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler.

Point being, don’t get sucked into their marketing campaign. Like all other marketing campaigns, this one is solely to turn a profit, and a big one at that. Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with turning a profit, but, I do have a problem with companies feigning righteousness and trying to pull a quick one over consumers, when, in fact, they’re like any other company operating out of self-interest and profit. For these reasons, I won’t buy coffee from this company. But who knows, their coffee could be really really good, in which case, they don’t have to feign anything! Sad…

By the way, this is good material for my blog. 🙂 Thanks.”

Marketing Ploy: "It’s for a Good Cause."

Just for a a little context, my liberal friend recently sent me an e-mail with a link to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, which purports to better the lives of poor African coffee farmers by buying coffee from them at the Fair Trade price and to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews by having them plant coffee together. She wanted me to start buying my coffee from this company because it was for a “good cause.” Below was my reply:

“This is interesting Laurie. Well, as sort of a coffee snob, I’m always looking for great coffee. I visited the website more out of an interest in the coffee than out of an interest in the company’s purported “good cause.” My government taxes me aplenty and sends much of it as aid to Africa and beyond, and obviously, no one appreciates our generosity, so, forgive me if I’m not constantly looking for ways to give away my hard-earned money.

At any rate, I noticed a couple things about this company. But here’s my preface: I praise the creative entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO. It seems these days, for good or ill, companies are finding that a great way to sell a product (that perhaps wouldn’t survive in a competitive market that runs purely on quality) is to tap into people’s conscience. As a free-marketeer, I don’t have any qualms about that. A great example of such a company is the Ethos Water Bottle Company recently bought up by Starbucks. It purports to give “a portion” of the price to help a “good cause.” Well, the founders got a huge payout by Starbucks when it was bought out. (But I’ve always wondered whether they knew that their plastic bottles were a large contributing factor to the world’s pollution problem.)

Anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong, since I only briefly perused the website, but they purport to purchase a pound of coffee (16 oz) from the cooperative at the Fair Trade price of $1.61. And they also purport to send the cooperative an extra $1 for every pound as part of their profit-sharing plan, which, by the way, they make it sound like the farmers are seriously partners to this enterprise (uh, not quite).

The company then sells 12 oz (less than a pound) at a range from $10.50 up to $25! So, looking at this in the light most favorable to the company, for every 12 oz of coffee they sell at $10.50, they’re giving back less than $1. Don’t forget the $1.61 is their overhead. So in essence, the company is marking up their product almost seven-fold! Just to put this in perspective, this mark-up is very similar to how much big (bad) multi-national companies like Walmart and Nike mark up their products after buying them from third world countries like Africa. What would people say if the CEO of Nike said, well, we’re giving jobs to these poor indigents, giving them a better life, so buy from us. People would laugh.

Moreover, they have a coffee bag with Che Guevara on it, and appear very proud of it. I mean come on, he was to Castro what Himmler was to Hitler – his chief executioner! He killed hundreds and thousands of people with his travelling death squad. He set up death camps where he killed gays, dissidents and people with AIDS. To spin it in another way, he was a miserable failure. He was Castro’s bitch his whole life and nothing but a wanna-be revolutionary. I mean, if you want to lionize a totalitarian on your coffee package, put Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler.

Point being, don’t get sucked into their marketing campaign. Like all other marketing campaigns, this one is solely to turn a profit, and a big one at that. Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with turning a profit, but, I do have a problem with companies feigning righteousness and trying to pull a quick one over consumers, when, in fact, they’re like any other company operating out of self-interest and profit. For these reasons, I won’t buy coffee from this company. But who knows, their coffee could be really really good, in which case, they don’t have to feign anything! Sad…

By the way, this is good material for my blog. 🙂 Thanks.”

June 7, 2008

Obama Learns Frank Sinatra-Style Popularity Tactics From 1940s Updated For 2008

Filed under: 1940s,2008,election,Frank,manipulate,obama and the jews,Sinatra,singer,TV — grappledoctor @ 11:51 pm

Frank Sinatra was a tremendous star during the 1940s. His popularity was helped by radio primarily. When TV became the main choice for entertainment, he needed new tactics to become the media sensation of television. Women were told to scream and shout and act excited in the front of crowds at appearances to see Sinatra. His popularity exploded!
Now circa 2008, the newest Presidential campaign needed a shot in the arm to overtake other hopefuls and drive them early on to submit. This would help Obama supporters to retain the cash flow for the final fight against the Clinton juggernaught. By cherry picking people from the crowds and placing them behind Obama AND in the face of the home viewer, this excitement manipulates impressionable people in a revamped Sinatra-esque move. I could use a good Sinatra tune to soothe my aggravation right now.

IRAQ=Part II(Part 1=May first post)

When looking at a map of thw world, one sees the Middle East puzzle of country borders. The war waged in Iraq and Afghanistan were waged in order to deal with terrorism. In this article, Focus is placed on Osama bin Laden. In order to deal with him, the US cannot capture him because I believe he is no longer in Afghanistan, but in Iran. Iraq was a stepping stone to the ending of Al Qaida. With troops and the amount of time lapsed looking throughout Afghanistan and Pakistan, its obvious he has moved to Iran. The country has too many holy sites for Islam which, if invaded, could be damaged causing a backlash and outrage. Therefore, the next option is containment. By bordering Iran on 2 sides, Iraq and Pakistan, and Iraq,containment is achieved. Also, deterence is achieved by maintaining troops presence ready for small ground operations and the use of pinpoint accuracy bombing. The biggest fear now is if Iran develops nuclear weapons, Bin Laden may very well get his hands on them. Then when he uses them on us, they deny it was state sponsored!! Pray for an Israeli strike!

June 1, 2008

The Politics of Religion

Filed under: jeremiah wright,Julie Banderas,obama and the jews,Westboro — grappledoctor @ 11:24 pm

The hateful members of the radical Westboro Church of Topeka, Kansas, have been traveling the country and protesting at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. Yes, repulsive, disgusting. Julie Banderas, probably the hottest most intelligent latina anchorwoman in the world today, rips the church’s spokesperson a new one. Oh it was beautiful. You can watch below.

After I watched it and listened to the offensive statements being made on behalf of the church, it was like deja vu. What was so familiar about all this hateful psycho-babble? And then it hit me. Of course, Jeremiah Wright! So I thought to myself:

WHAT IF John McCain was a member of Westboro Church for the past 20 years, was married there, had his children baptized there, and considered the pastor a “great friend.” Well, undoubtedly he would not be a prominent Senator much less a Presidential candidate. But let’s say for the sake of argument that he had a genius for conning people and was an inspiring teleprompter-reader and was able to clinch the party nomination despite his intimate connections to this church. Would you vote for him?

A right minded person couldn’t possibly justify the things the Westboro Church stands for and the protesters at a soldier’s funeral with signs reading God Hates You, Semper Fi Fags, and God Hates America, among others. What’s the difference between God Hates America and God Damn America spoken by Jeremiah Wright at his church? Right, nothing. The only difference I can tell from the two church is that one is racist and hates America, the other is anti-gay and hates America. But yet it appears Obama is on his way to clinch the nomination of the Democratic party.

On a lighter note, Julie Banderas has now replaced CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo as my favorite news anchorwoman. Hot!

The Politics of Religion

Filed under: jeremiah wright,Julie Banderas,obama and the jews,Westboro — grappledoctor @ 11:24 pm

The hateful members of the radical Westboro Church of Topeka, Kansas, have been traveling the country and protesting at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. Yes, repulsive, disgusting. Julie Banderas, probably the hottest most intelligent latina anchorwoman in the world today, rips the church’s spokesperson a new one. Oh it was beautiful. You can watch below.

After I watched it and listened to the offensive statements being made on behalf of the church, it was like deja vu. What was so familiar about all this hateful psycho-babble? And then it hit me. Of course, Jeremiah Wright! So I thought to myself:

WHAT IF John McCain was a member of Westboro Church for the past 20 years, was married there, had his children baptized there, and considered the pastor a “great friend.” Well, undoubtedly he would not be a prominent Senator much less a Presidential candidate. But let’s say for the sake of argument that he had a genius for conning people and was an inspiring teleprompter-reader and was able to clinch the party nomination despite his intimate connections to this church. Would you vote for him?

A right minded person couldn’t possibly justify the things the Westboro Church stands for and the protesters at a soldier’s funeral with signs reading God Hates You, Semper Fi Fags, and God Hates America, among others. What’s the difference between God Hates America and God Damn America spoken by Jeremiah Wright at his church? Right, nothing. The only difference I can tell from the two church is that one is racist and hates America, the other is anti-gay and hates America. But yet it appears Obama is on his way to clinch the nomination of the Democratic party.

On a lighter note, Julie Banderas has now replaced CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo as my favorite news anchorwoman. Hot!

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