
March 22, 2010


Filed under: anthem,campaign,obama,sheik,song,unofficial — grappledoctor @ 1:08 pm

No secret meetings?
on C-Span?

March 21, 2010

Filed under: covered,healthcare,illegals,obama,reform,sheik — grappledoctor @ 3:37 am

Illegals will be covered when they are given amnesty. That is why illegals will not be covered by HEALTHCARE REFORM. They won’t be illegal anymore.

March 19, 2010

Health Care Bill Disater For ALL Americans: U Want Terrible Care, Enjoy

Filed under: healthcare,obama,passage,problems,reform,resist,stop — grappledoctor @ 11:37 am

December 29, 2009

Napolitano And Sheik Obama Get Tough With Terror?!

Filed under: attack,Muslim,Napolitano,Nigerian,obama,plane,terrorist — grappledoctor @ 12:43 am

November 5, 2009

Health Care Bill: What will happen? Well, Your Doc Will……

Filed under: BILL,care,cost,doctor,health,issue,money,obama,reform — grappledoctor @ 1:45 pm

Posted by ShoZu

Let’s look at the medical profession on the simplest level. Doctor’s businesses have an overhead that must be met in order to stay open. All businesses must collect money to meet the cost of doing business. When any business brings in less money than their overhead, they go out of business. The Obamacare platform is based on cuts to reimbursement fees and removing waste and fraud. Does the President believe no measures are in place that already do this? Of course!! Medicare has regular audits and reviews, inspections of offices, and so much regulation already, the repeating of such measures in this new bill is waste itself! Look up RAC’s in google. Look up cases already caught committing fraud. Who is catching these violators? Thank you Sheik Obama but position is already filled!

What about wasteful spending? Well, if TORT reform were addressed, the cost of doing business for the medical profession would go down. Malpractice would be legitimized itself. Why aren’t we going after fraud in the LEGAL world? There is a problem that is severely detrimental to all aspects of society. While some lawyers perform their jobs with integrity, the illegitimacy is so wide spread here that it commands a never ending joke! This problem is so wide spread that it has changed the grounds for what people think they can sue for. A lawyer advertised!! Another billboard said “DUI. You are never over the limit! Call our offices.” A potential patient called a doctor’s office (friend of mine) several years ago. He was from out of town and had insurance which was only valid in his state and out of state ER. He said he has an infection, was a diabetic, and will be in town for another week. He states he has money to pay out of pocket but hates going to an ER and would prefer it if he could see him. He replied, “If you go to the ER, your necessary tests would be performed (Blood work, X-rays, given meds, etc) under insurance. Then, all your follow up treatment could be done at my office to minimize costs to you. This is your best line of treatment and your cheapest. I will be glad to see you at that point.” The caller replied,” Are you refusing to see me? Because if you are, I can sue, Y’know?.” Needless to say, he wished him good luck and stood his ground.

TORT reform would also allow doctor’s to order less tests? Well, this is not entirely true. If doctor’s order tests en mass, why has this become habitual practice? Simple. Because lawyers sued doctor’s for malpractice stating they didn’t order enough to make a proper diagnosis. So, ordering tests gets proper treatment but we shouldn’t be ordering them. Lawyers argue that things weren’t done in their entirety to achieve the best care for a patient and the new bill wants to tell every citizen testing will be performed at a minmum because it is too often and costly. Wow! Either the standard of care is ordering enough tests to establish a correct diagnosis or a limited amount of tests to curtail costs. It can’t be both!

Next, cutting business costs. Cutting business costs by implementing electronic medical records would decrease repeat tests and rid office space of paper clutter. It will prevent medication mistakes. Will streamline daily operation. All great points. The cost is tremendous. Legislation should not order electronic medical record usage. Let the market bring the cost down like it does with everything else. Once the costs are feasible, usage will increase accordingly.

Finally, covering the uncovered. People buy auto insurance because the law requires it. Some people pay more than others, depending on their record. Why is this different than health insurance? Car insurance is not more important than heath insurance! Why are no laws requiring every citizen to have it? If everyone had health insurance, the overall pool would be much larger, driving costs down for everyone and making people with preconditions or with newly diagnosed problems covered only slightly higher than healthy ones. That is the philosophy Sheik Obama is modeling to fund his own plan. So, the idea of covering everyone is great. Still, the government doesn’t own the car insurance industry. It shouldn’t own the health insurance industry either. Just make legislation mandating having it.

Doctor’s treat patients all day long in addition to running the business itself. This includes bookkeeping, billing, filling out forms for insurance companies, running through policy changes every year, and much more. So, a doctor essentially has 2 jobs, being a doctor and a businessman. This is different from a worker who works 9-5 M-F and when they leave work, they go home. When taxes rise, expenses like energy and phone increase, and reimbursements from insurance companies decrease. In other words, nothing is static. The businesses are doomed to dissolve in this situation.

The government intends to eventually take over the industry of health insurance. The monies distributed to the medical professionals will be decreased absolutely. With costs going up, with the majority of doctors being over the age of 50 today, and the liability associated with practice without any discussion of TORT reform going on, the future of the industry is grim. Predictions for distributing care will be dramatically altered because doctors will retire, less are graduating now, and the ones still practicing will be overwhelmed with patients. The only solution will be to import doctors from other countries which is bound to happen.

August 20, 2009

"Communism in the Classroom" Pass it On!


Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival is holding an important event in Washington DC August 20th.

“Back to School” Conference on “Communism in the Classroom” to be held August 20 at National Press Club. New disclosures about Barack Obama terror associate Bill Ayers.

America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) is holding a news conference on Thursday to release the results of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests into the activities and foreign travel of University of Illinois Professor Bill Ayers, a former leader of the communist terrorist group, the Weather Underground. Bill Ayers and President Barack Obama were political associates and worked on educational issues together when Obama was an Illinois state senator.

In his best-selling book, Dreams from My Father, Obama said that when he went to college he picked Marxist professors and others as friends in order to avoid being perceived as a “sellout.”

“It is time to examine the influence of Marxist professors, not only on our president, but on students across the nation,” declared ASI President and veteran journalist Cliff Kincaid.

The University of Illinois has been embroiled in a scandal over hundreds of poorly qualified students getting admission through high level political and financial connections. The August 20 “Communism in the Classroom” conference will ask the questions: Who hired Bill Ayers and why?

For the first time, ASI will release and analyze the course descriptions or syllabi of Ayers’ “education” courses at the University of Illinois.

ASI will also report on a controversial trip Ayers made to Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela in 2006, to speak at a “World Educational Forum.”

The event will be held on August 20 at 12:30 p.m. in the First Amendment Lounge of the National Press Club (529 14th St., NW) in Washington, D.C.

Speakers include noted author and Professor Paul Kengor of Grove City College on “Anti-Anti-Communism in the Academy;” Professor Mary Grabar on what Ayers is “teaching” in the classroom and whether he got his job “the Chicago Way;” and America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid on journalism “educator” Curtis MacDougall’s 319-page FBI file.

The “Communism in the Classroom” conference is free of charge and open to the press and the public. But reservations are requested at 443-964-8208 or

New Zeal

Anybody interested in the future of US education should be at this conference. I urge my friends in the US blogging community to circulate this notice as widely as possible.


Trevor Loudon


Filed under: attire,dress,dressing,first lady,Grand Canyon,inappropriate,Michelle,obama,trip — grappledoctor @ 8:08 pm

April 15, 2009


Filed under: Castro,cuba,obama,policy,sheik — grappledoctor @ 2:19 pm

All of a sudden the Black Caucas decided to visit Castro and declare him the “Little Messiah.” That the past 50 years has been forgiven! Forgiven? Maybe I should ask, ” he is now immortalized?” Are we to believe that he has shown the US has had a foolish policy towards Cuba which should immediately be abandoned? Hmm…. Instead, Castro’s policies should be revered for their outstanding achievement?!? Cuba has a very high literacy rate. Cuba has implimented socialized medicine which the US needs to catch up with. Well…..that is a load of BULLSHIT!
Castro is a Communist/Socialist. This form of government was the enemy of the US for approx 75 years. While living through the Cold War in my younger years, the never ending threat of attack from the Communist Block was possible. The allegiance of the Russians was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, the questionable status of the Russians as friend or foe should be revisited when reviewing any policy towards Cuba.
The Cuban regime was never tolerant towards any criticism. Any opposition to the government was met with death or jail. The political asylum given to all Cubans who make it to our shores is because of this Communist policy.
The seizure of all private property when the Cuban Revolution took place was instituted. In a government like Cuba’s, private property is a freedom no longer enjoyed. All the property was confiscated with no compensation to land owners.
The emptying of all mental institutions and jails was implemented in 1980. When the people were sent sailing, they were left to themselves. If the ships sank or anyone got sick didn’t matter. Left to their own devices, the former Cubans hoped to make it to the US. This is a questionable Human Rights violation. Plus, some of these people in jail had trumped up charges. All were given no choice. Leave or die.
Religious tolerance is low. In most Communist regimes, religion is banned. Forget Scientology Tom Cruise, Dianetics Mr Hubbard, Islam, Judaism, Etc.
AIDS victims are isolated from the rest of the population in order to quarantine the disease. While it will stop its spread, is it
fair to the victims who have no choice but to cooperate.
Finally, he took over the country in a coup. He used the guerilla military to violently take over. No voting took place. Many were murdered and many fled. By allowing this government “normalized” status, it will bring it the legitimacy it has been craving for 50 years.


Filed under: Castro,cuba,obama,policy,sheik — grappledoctor @ 2:19 pm

All of a sudden the Black Caucas decided to visit Castro and declare him the “Little Messiah.” That the past 50 years has been forgiven! Forgiven? Maybe I should ask, ” he is now immortalized?” Are we to believe that he has shown the US has had a foolish policy towards Cuba which should immediately be abandoned? Hmm…. Instead, Castro’s policies should be revered for their outstanding achievement?!? Cuba has a very high literacy rate. Cuba has implimented socialized medicine which the US needs to catch up with. Well…..that is a load of BULLSHIT!
Castro is a Communist/Socialist. This form of government was the enemy of the US for approx 75 years. While living through the Cold War in my younger years, the never ending threat of attack from the Communist Block was possible. The allegiance of the Russians was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, the questionable status of the Russians as friend or foe should be revisited when reviewing any policy towards Cuba.
The Cuban regime was never tolerant towards any criticism. Any opposition to the government was met with death or jail. The political asylum given to all Cubans who make it to our shores is because of this Communist policy.
The seizure of all private property when the Cuban Revolution took place was instituted. In a government like Cuba’s, private property is a freedom no longer enjoyed. All the property was confiscated with no compensation to land owners.
The emptying of all mental institutions and jails was implemented in 1980. When the people were sent sailing, they were left to themselves. If the ships sank or anyone got sick didn’t matter. Left to their own devices, the former Cubans hoped to make it to the US. This is a questionable Human Rights violation. Plus, some of these people in jail had trumped up charges. All were given no choice. Leave or die.
Religious tolerance is low. In most Communist regimes, religion is banned. Forget Scientology Tom Cruise, Dianetics Mr Hubbard, Islam, Judaism, Etc.
AIDS victims are isolated from the rest of the population in order to quarantine the disease. While it will stop its spread, is it
fair to the victims who have no choice but to cooperate.
Finally, he took over the country in a coup. He used the guerilla military to violently take over. No voting took place. Many were murdered and many fled. By allowing this government “normalized” status, it will bring it the legitimacy it has been craving for 50 years.

April 14, 2009


Filed under: aid,financial,left,obama,pirates,sheik,Somalia,US — grappledoctor @ 12:09 pm

The Sheik of the United States has given the okay to “take out” the Somali pirates. Curiously, the military left one alive and is transporting him toward American shores for a trial. This case is coming to the US Court system because the jurisdiction is determined by UN order which has declared that any ship is considered part of the country from which it is come. FOr example, its an extension of the country’s border. What could explain the motive to leave one alive?
First, the captive is under the age of 18. Therefore, he is considered a juvenile. As a juvenile, the court must decide whether he is to be tried as a child or adult. He will be given a lawyer at taxpayer expense. Whether he is tried as an adult or not, the media will continually remind the public of his “under age status” for certain. This will create sympathy for his situation and diminish the momentum of the public to punish harshly and appropriately.
More importantly, he intends to use this Somali to generate attention to WHY this pirate is participating in such action. This will lead to Sheik Obama’s hidden agenda to start providing financial aid to the Somalis. The economy will be the blamed for the piracy action that has plagued the world in Somalia. Instead of military intervention, the appeaser will continue to burden the citizens of this country with aid to Somalia. Welcome to typical Left policy………Rucking Fidiculous!

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