
March 21, 2010

Trevor at New Zeal Has Done It Again

Filed under: Communist,new,no obama,sheik,socialism,trevor,zeal — grappledoctor @ 10:35 pm

Watch out Glenn Beck, Trevor is your competition confidant. In this latest article, he explains the 3 organizations pulling the strings on Sheik Obama are the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and Democratic Socialists of America.

As Trevor points out, Britain is a test model of how to approach American society and how to punch holes into its structure, like a Urologist testing for cancer of the prostate. He states,

Britain after WW2 is their model. While Winston Churchill was the hero of the hour, in 1946 he was dumped in a landslide in favor of Labour Party leader Clement Attlee, on the promise of a massively increased Welfare State and a socialized National Health Service.”

Here is a video of how Britain introduce the rationale for Universal Care:

I get all warm inside after watching this cartoon because it is very similar to a Bugs Bunny style cartoon. And everyone loves Bugs!!

Norman Markowitz, from the Communist Party of the US, has written extensively and worked tirelessly for Sheik Obama, He wrote this column with a nod to for pointing it out:

“A “single payer” national health system – known as “socialized medicine” in the rest of the developed world – should be an essential part of the change that the core constituencies which elected Obama desperately need.
Britain serves as an important political lesson for strategists. After the Labor Party established the National Health Service after World War II, supposedly conservative workers and low-income people under religious and other influences who tended to support the Conservatives were much more likely to vote for the Labor Party when health care, social welfare, education and pro-working class policies were enacted by labor-supported governments.”

For more information on the “red ties” this administration works with, visit one of my favorite sites called

Oh, and Trevor..keep up the great work you and your colleagues are doing. The Free World depends on it!!

June 12, 2009

Miranda Rights to Foreign Detainees: The First Step to a New World Order

According to a post on The Blog of the Weekly Standard, the “Obama Justice Department has quietly ordered FBI agents to read Miranda rights to high value detainees captured and held at U.S. detention facilities in Afghanistan, according a senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.”

That’s right. Overseas FBI agents are being required to read Miranda rights to high value detainees captured in the theater of war. The first right is of course the right to remain silent. Now how the hell are you supposed to protect your country from terrorists when the first thing you tell a suspected enemy combatant is that he has a right to keep his mouth shut?

Miranda v. Arizona (1966) was a Supreme Court decision and was a corollary to Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), another Supreme Court decision. In Miranda, the Court created seemingly out of whole cloth the right to remain silent. It is no where in the U.S. Constitution. And in Griswold, the Court created the right to privacy. Again, there is no such right in our written Constitution. In both cases, the majority created a brand spanking new constitutional right by arguing that such right derived from “penumbras” and “emanations” from our Bill of Rights. Such logic is obviously a very slippery slope. But forget the merit of such rights, and whether they actually exist. That’s really a discussion for another day. The Court has recognized them. They’re here to stay.

Once you declare that such detainees (usually enemy combatants) are entitled to our constitutional protections, one of the implications is that now the enemy combatants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That is surpassingly absurd not only because it adds another provision to the rules of engagement (which already severely hamstring our military), but more importantly because the necessary premise of war is that both sides are guilty of attempted and premeditated homicide! The whole point of war is to achieve victory by death and destruction of human life. There’s absolutely no reason to go through a trial process to determine whether the enemy combatant is guilty.

And herein lies the fundamental problem. The system by which we adjudicate our own citizens must necessarily be different from the system by which we adjudicate foreign detainees and enemy combatants. This is because, as previously mentioned, the premise upon which an individual is detained is completely different. When a United States citizen is detained, because our Constitution applies to that individual, he enjoys the presumption of innocence. A foreign detainee does not and should not. The premise of his detention if war.

Clearly, this is another step toward “internationalization”, which ineluctably means a reduction in our national sovereignty. Once we begin extending our sacrosanct Constitutional protections to foreigners, the exclusivity and sovereignty of our Constitution must necessarily go along with it piece by piece. We’ll soon be welcoming the New World Order.

American Confucius

February 13, 2009


Filed under: 10,911,best,destruction,economy,Islam,no obama,terror,trade,World — grappledoctor @ 1:16 pm

The Islamic fundamentalist extremists that have America in their crosshairs have accomplished their goals. Delusions of grandeur over Islams rightful place ruling the world with Sharia Law under a Khilafah have perpetuated enemy governments and citizens alike to take action to fulfill this dream. The image of the destruction of the “Little Satan” (Israel) and the “Great Satan” (America) is believed to be paramount in the baby steps in this direction. Have they nearly achieved their goal? What can be used as a barometer to determine how close they are?
The destruction of the economy of America would be quite impressive. The destruction of the world economy would be unfathomable. An effort to strike fear into the citizenry, break down world economic power, and the destruction of an iconic symbol would accomplish everything in one felled swoop. Did the 911 Islamic terrorists bring all three to fruition? YES!
One, the terrorists have caused the populace to be deeply concerned about the stability and security of the future, even fearful. Everytime someone goes to the airport, one is reminded of the 911 incident. Everytime a plane crashes, the thought of terror being the cause is never far from anyone’s mind. In countries routinely having attacks, India and Israel for example, the citizens are living daily with the threat.
Second, the destruction of any and all symbols representing anything besides Islam. The symbol which was 3000 years old representing Buddhism was blown up by the Taliban in Afghanistan. This made international news but resulted in little outcry by any of the usual groups that respond to such Barbary. The tactic to replace these type of symbols, permanently with Islamic ones, has been practiced for ages. A more renown example is the Dome of the Rock. It has taken the place of the Jewish and Christian symbols that have been there. The destruction of the World Trade Center was a tremendous venture. Its downfall struck terror into the hearts of all Americans. Was this the first attack on American soil? If it wasn’t, why didn’t we wake up? Did prior attacks create a numb attitude allowing this act to happen? The first attack on American soil was against the great leader of the Jewish Right Wing, Rabbi Kahane. Everyone downplayed the incident. Everyone was steadfast in covering up the attack, finding any excuse except the real reason(s). He was killed because he was feared, like all great leaders. He was attacked by a terrorist because homeland terror was never in the limelight in regards to Muslims like it is today. The attacker was considered mentally sick, not racist. Hate was never entertained as a motive! Has nearly 18 years since Kahane’s murder past changed attitudes? No. The LAX attack by a Muslim against El Al airlines passengers was the exact same perception! So recognition of all attacks would be beneficial because the extent of the problem needs to be properly surveyed first. Until we do that, we are always at risk. Not acknowledging it also creates the numb reaction by the public, bordering on condoning it in a sense. Getting back to the Trade Center, it is the backbone to the US economic essence and prowess. It is a symbol of a Paganistic Western religion practiced by infidels . A capitalistic government which is in opposition to a Sharia led state. Also, it would cause the economy tremendous cost. The catalyst to bring monies not readily available for rebuilding into the fray. The money would not be available for anything else, either. This was the very tactic used by …….Ronald Reagan. That’s right! Ronald Reagan, who I admire greatly, inadvertently gave the idea to the terrorists. RR(Ron Reagan) built up the military in the US to the point that the Russians couldn’t meet us dollar for dollar. This overwhelmed the Russian economy and undermined its society to the point that the government failed. The almighty KGB and Communist Bear had an image of being an immense behemoth, virtually unstoppable. When I witnessed its downfall, I was utterly stunned! So, if I were told the Cold War would be over without a missile ever being shot, I never would have ever believed it. The same tactic used to bring the Communist Block down is obviously being conducted in a covert manner to us by the terrorists. The fall of the banks and other financial institutions arguably started when the employees working in the World Trade Center were killed in the attack. This started the collapse of the banking by compromising their staff overseeing financial transactions. Additionally, the other businesses which were attacked compromised their positions in their industries. The monies used by our local, state, and federal branches that were diverted in the aftermath, were earmarked for other priorities beforehand. This further bludgeoned the marketplace.
The ripple effect was vast amounts of “changes” in the society, in general, about how we conduct business and how much it would cost to adapt to stifle the new fearful situation. The money was spent on intelligence, security initiatives, military, restructuring and more. The public was willing to do anything. So, money was okayed for everything deemed necessary. Americans wanted to return to prosperity and business as usual ASAP. A housing boom and market rebound was distracting enough to allow the consumer to put things behind them. I find the US has a very short term memory. At this point, we were compromised financially to the point where if anything else went wrong, we were helpless to stop it if it required money thrown at it. Well, the market tanked. This led to a governmental change to the liberal theology of Sheik Obama now. The imminent failure of the stimulus bill will be realized in the coming months. The fall of capitalism as we know it is over. The world invested in the “market” with insatiable lust and greed. The Europeans like to blame the US for the worldwide financial crash solely, but other countries, like Dubai and others, simply had an irrational outlook to future growth, too. The world slump will motivate a “revolutionary” change and action, not unlike the riots starting up in France now. Further downturn will lead to more disgust and make the environment right for the change. The chaos will distract the West’s attention and allow terrorists the opportunity for furthering their agenda, unlike any other time in history.
Recognizing the problem will allow prudent changes by responsible representatives. This will tangentially throw bad policy where it belongs. Slow and painful years upcoming will have to take its course. Eventually, capitalism will champion growth properly. The future could be economically stronger than ever before with the modernization of the 3rd world and restructuring of Western democracies. Let’s hope we have the foresight to go in the right direction expeditiously.

January 29, 2009


Filed under: cuts,democrats,government,jobs,losses,no obama,sheik,socialism — grappledoctor @ 11:39 am

You read the headline correctly. I support job cuts for companies that have problems which could jeopardize their stability. If the companies are on the verge of completely folding, then this is the king of measure everyone should support.
NOW, if you actually read this article this far, you will see the real purpose of the headline. American companies can start their job cuts……overseas!! They were forcing employees several years ago to train foreign workers in anticipation of their job being cut here. That’s right! You company executives thought all Americans have a short term memory! We DON’T! All through the Clinton years and some Bush, people were losing their job to cheaper wage new trainees overseas in countries like Indonesia, PAKISTAN, AND others. Countries which hate the United States and support terrorism. Countries which have terrorists in them. Countries which are now known for creating computer scams and conduct mass Internet Identity theft. How did these illiterate people learn how to infiltrate computer programs. Oh, we taught them because we wanted to spread the wealth around the world that we were enjoying. We wanted our companies to continue to increase the bottom line and to make annual reports to stock holders pleasing. So, we fired American workers, taught foreigners, created a new criminal industry, and now to continue to keep these companies viable….we must now believe our poor, poor companies must fire (who..?) …the AMERICAN WORKER!! The American worker gets screwed again.
American companies can finally show some chutzpah and fire FOREIGN WORKERS! Keep the American worker even at the higher cost. In the process, follow the Republican position and cut the damn taxes. Show American companies we want them to stay here. Stop punishing them which only encourages moving out of here. High taxes and regulations have created an environment impossible to compete in a world economy. Instead of stupid Democratic policy, punishing companies with regulations and taxes…Oh, I am sorry! Did I piss off the environmentalists. Well, you Assholes are now losing your jobs too. I don’t know if the environmentalists really want people to lose their jobs to cause a chaotic revolution around the world in some inane attempt of taking over the world with a Socialist agenda or what. I like to believe they aren’t that contrived. Anyway, a policy of giving tax breaks and using TAX monies to help companies become energy efficient and environme tally sound would have made them more competitive and more profitable over time. Then they could pay the tax payer back over time like a loan from the bank at a very low interest. This would be available through the government because the government passed the regulation. When government sticks its nose in business, it should be in a temporary partnership, nor create government red tape and appointing a Czar. Jobs would have been kept here.
It’s apparent that job losses will continue all year. It is also apparent that companies will cut jobs here first versus overseas because of the bottom line. The change Sheik Obama and the Communists of the Democratic Party plan on bringing is Socialist style government. The change is absolutely no change at all or total change in taking over whatever they feel is necessary. The younger generation doesn’t even know how to recognize Soviet style government. I grew up during the Cold War. It is scary how close we are coming to their government. The same government that failed. Did you see the ridiculous Bill the Democrats ( and only the Democrats) just passed? If you feel we are going in the right direction, enjoy getting your pink slip.

December 21, 2008


Filed under: Arab,bailout,big 3,economy,Islam,Israel,no obama,oil,politics — grappledoctor @ 1:42 am

The bailout of the “Big 3” (with Ford ever in the shadow of dipping their hands in at any moment) has been approved! Some people have been advocates while others bitter proponents. Time will determine whether or not this decision was worth pursuing. What has this decision’s consequences mean to the future to Rucking Fidiculous?

I am old enough to remember waiting on lines during the oil embargo of the early ’70s. Nightmares of getting up 4AM in order to line up for whatever gasoline might be available. Illegally parking in the streets until the station would open. As a pre-teen, I was shocked to see fist fights over drivers accusing one another of cutting the line. The chaos caused by the embargo had sparked society’s awareness that this path of fossil fuels compromises our way of life in many, many ways. The American car companies were staples of industry and were a clear barometer into the economic situation.
During the later 70s, pollution control became a higher priority. Caught off guard, the auto makers were incapable to transitioning their assembly lines quickly enough to address the new standard. Also, the desire to increase gas mileage became paramount. The auto companies coped while Chrysler croaked. In Chapter 11, Chrysler eventually pulled through to become successful enough until now.

The Middle East conflict was never far from anyone’s mind since the Arabs felt the embargo would coerce the West to support their cause. Many college students were perplexed about what direction their support should move. Many of their parents views were shaped by the generation involved in WWII. Everyone knew someone from the wartime. Support for Israel was unquestioned because of the Jews plight from Nazi Germany. The 1960s brought out the hippie view which brought Civil Rights into everyone’s living room via TV. Any oppressed people become the focus of the movement. When the Palestinians took radical steps to generate attention, they were influenced by the reaction society was having from the Civil Rights. Riding the coattails of radical 60s icons, the terrorists put their cause to the forefront of the evening news during the 70s. People took notice and started to question support for Israel. The oppressed people must be the Arabs since they are so moved for their cause. Oil became the fuel for the Arabs for political gains. Today, Arab oil has lost its luster and is solely used for supporting terrorism and bolstering the population boom in the Arab world.

Throughout the 80s, the US auto makers constantly played catch up. Troubling years and low gas prices led to little memory of the hardship the embargo caused. Technology was moving forward, but not at the pace the Generation Y members are accustom to. Advances in anything today are done at sprinting speeds. One can rest assure that next year computers will be faster. That internet programs will have upgrades. That the iphone will only get better!! I love the iphone!

The car companies today are giving people flashbacks of a more troubling time. Tired of the reported turmoil between Unions and the CEOs, the current frontpage news is leading a backlash towards the fighting. Most people have been listening to Al Gore soapbox the green future. He was a global warming cohort. As the environment becomes an ever important resource, he yelled the US is the big criminal in spilling environmental distress. Deliberately igniting anger towards the US, Gore fueled feelings of disgust around the world to an audience which already had tremendous contempt for this country. When gas prices skyrocketed, he shouted at US automakers for not keeping up with Toyota and their move towards hybrids. All evidence showed the vehicles Toyota made were not financially viable for most. When the Big 3 were asked about what will they do to compete, they answered the technology is not good enough to create an all electric vehicle with financial responsibility, reliability, and responsive to the American driving patterns. The Big 3 have made some hybrids in the meantime. The biggest argument for answering the financial viability was the increased gas price. The high cost of oil sparked a revolution in green tech. It became a potentially profitable alternative. This sparked Wall Street interest! But now that gas is plummeting…

The interest in investing in green tech is disappearing because it is no longer financially attractive. The world has fallen from good times to a new recessionary period, possibly leading to a depression. Money for research is drying up fast! No one will ever settle for the status quo. Therefore, green tech is the future. But maybe not appropriate for the present. Maybe the Big 3 were right all along about the tech for the green car not being ready today. The Chevy Volt shows they are taking the direction seriously and will make it available when its timely. Until then, I think Gore should shut his pie hole. I think Obama should stop telling the coal industry and power plants that run this country that unless they convert to green tech he will fine them. Maybe when the US starts referring to a car czar for fiscal responsibilty, we can start seeing that when the business world is ready to present the green tech we want, they will. Leave the Czar in Russia! The bailout is done, like it or not. Leave the government out of their business.

December 17, 2008


Filed under: banks,bush,Depression,economy,jobs,loss,no obama,recession — grappledoctor @ 2:12 pm

Why are all the “leaders” insisting the solution begins with MORE credit? Businesses do rely on availability of credit in order to operate. When this is not a viable option, the business strategy must be altered to the current situation. Increasing debt is the reason citizens are feeling strangled now. Therefore, having access to more is only going to exacerbate the problem in the long term. I own a business and my day-to-day operation is based on what money I have in the bank. I purchase supplies according to need and cost control. If I put my business in debt by borrowing money, it would leverage my competition in a downturn. Private funding for new businesses thru investors leaves government out of business.
The bank bailout provided funds to prevent a collapse of the financial industry. In fact, the Congress proudly passed the Bill singing their own praise about preventing a Depression. Well, with no stipulations given to the banks, they gladly spent the money on frivolous shenanigans and umbrellas while simultaneously hording the monies to solidify their positions. The government is failing to pursuit the bailout money because no legislation has been passed to add stipulations now. Improper conduct is rewarded by the banks with taxpayer money? It’s never too late when taxpayer money is involved. The Democrats have been involved in the deceit which strikes me as perplexing given the election results.
The Bush administration has done nothing to address the issues responsible. He could have brought investigations into the fiasco which would have squarely placed the cause on high ranking Democrats. Instead, he remained silent which now puts his inaction as a supplement to the problem.
One solution the Congress should implement is every bank which received taxpayer funds must immediately provide every person with a mortgage an interest rate half of what the current rate is or that is in contract currently. This would allow everyone to free up sums of money to use on necessities they currently have. Also, this would allow people to pay down their mortgage faster if they choose.
I would like readers to make suggestions in order to write their Congressman here on this page. Any feedback would be appreciated, good or bad.


November 10, 2008


Filed under: Asian,bi-racial,election potato,melting,no obama,pot,race — grappledoctor @ 1:25 pm

Tiger Woods is bi-racial. He has never displayed a preferential lifestyle publicly. Yet, the media greets his “Black” side cordially and solely. His Asian half is rarely acknowledged. Here are two minority populations who want recognition in the public eye. The satisfaction of their populations contributing to society breeds proud feelings and sense of accomplishment. Why does the media ignore the Asian side of this sports star.
Obama is another example of an American who is bi-racial. He is the new President Elect in case you didn’t here. He has known primarily his White side. He was brought up by his White mom and her parents. His Black side rarely comes public. He is identified as the “first Black” or “first African American” President. He is the first bi-racial President!! The Black background has a more incredible trip to talk about. Coming from a history with slavery to the top position arguably in the world….But maybe the media is shameful for calling such attention only to this race issue.
I think race is an issue for the time being. It won’t continue to be an issue because of societal feelings changing. The media needs to divulge all relevant information. When they bring someone’s minority background to the forefront, they need to recognize everything! It’s shameful that reverse discrimination is expressed and until race is no longer discussed, the media needs to address and glorify the diversity of the American Melting Pot.


Filed under: firearms,laws,new artist,no obama,responsibility — grappledoctor @ 12:02 am

I have been a long time advocate for the right to own a gun. Its the great equalizer for the average citizen who feels endangered for any reason. Nothing else can be as effective for self defense in today’s society of chaotic misfits. Weak punishment has been the staple of the far Left Wing campaign for decades. With anywhere up to 4 new appointees for the Supreme Court for the next President, the NRA and their supporters have never been this close to being compromised.
I have been meaning to buy more power protection (not the deodorant kind either) for several years. It appears to me that time has run out of the hourglass for purchasing what I want. Therefore, I went to my second show and felt “the big purchase” had to be immediate. I bought the best piece available that I could afford. I appreciate the “collectible” for what it is and have taken the appropriate precautions to keep it away from the wrong hands.
It is interesting to see the average American unable to comprehend the affection and knowledge of the typical gun owner. The fear of the responsible owner has been unwarranted. The mandatory military service in Israel and Italy provide the citizenry with appropriate training in handling weapons and have little problems associated with accidents. Israel has teenagers serving in the military who can be seen walking about the country wherever you visit. I remember I was taking the train from Tel Aviv (mid region) to the town of Nahariya in the North. I was on a railcar with approximately 100 soldiers who were going home. While I am Jewish, I speak little Hebrew. Everyone on the train was speaking Hebrew fluently and was carrying weapons, mostly full automatic. Note: Everyone on the train was Black, too. I was amazed that the young soldiers were entrusted with such weapons in public. Here, the average citizen would be horrified to see the same picture for so many reasons I can’t begin to list them. Why is gun ownership and responsibility viewed differently than sex education? Drug education? Driver’s education? Surely cars kill more people in this country and accidentally. Learning about guns should be considered mandatory in schools to avoid the pitfalls of foolish owners. Infringing on the rights of the average citizen victimizes the law abiding and empowers the criminals who will always have access.
When you are asked to uphold the Second Amendment, do you picture a toothless redneck inadvertently pulling the trigger at a helpless fawn? Do you picture the redneck pointing a weapon at a minority who is being taunted? Or do you get the image of a citizen who is cornered in a city street dead end with hoodlums surrounding them? Or a woman being raped? Or a man protecting his family when someone breaks in at night? Let Obama make education available for students to learn about firearms in school. Not impede the CHOICE to own a firearm.


Filed under: firearms,laws,new artist,no obama,responsibility — grappledoctor @ 12:02 am

I have been a long time advocate for the right to own a gun. Its the great equalizer for the average citizen who feels endangered for any reason. Nothing else can be as effective for self defense in today’s society of chaotic misfits. Weak punishment has been the staple of the far Left Wing campaign for decades. With anywhere up to 4 new appointees for the Supreme Court for the next President, the NRA and their supporters have never been this close to being compromised.
I have been meaning to buy more power protection (not the deodorant kind either) for several years. It appears to me that time has run out of the hourglass for purchasing what I want. Therefore, I went to my second show and felt “the big purchase” had to be immediate. I bought the best piece available that I could afford. I appreciate the “collectible” for what it is and have taken the appropriate precautions to keep it away from the wrong hands.
It is interesting to see the average American unable to comprehend the affection and knowledge of the typical gun owner. The fear of the responsible owner has been unwarranted. The mandatory military service in Israel and Italy provide the citizenry with appropriate training in handling weapons and have little problems associated with accidents. Israel has teenagers serving in the military who can be seen walking about the country wherever you visit. I remember I was taking the train from Tel Aviv (mid region) to the town of Nahariya in the North. I was on a railcar with approximately 100 soldiers who were going home. While I am Jewish, I speak little Hebrew. Everyone on the train was speaking Hebrew fluently and was carrying weapons, mostly full automatic. Note: Everyone on the train was Black, too. I was amazed that the young soldiers were entrusted with such weapons in public. Here, the average citizen would be horrified to see the same picture for so many reasons I can’t begin to list them. Why is gun ownership and responsibility viewed differently than sex education? Drug education? Driver’s education? Surely cars kill more people in this country and accidentally. Learning about guns should be considered mandatory in schools to avoid the pitfalls of foolish owners. Infringing on the rights of the average citizen victimizes the law abiding and empowers the criminals who will always have access.
When you are asked to uphold the Second Amendment, do you picture a toothless redneck inadvertently pulling the trigger at a helpless fawn? Do you picture the redneck pointing a weapon at a minority who is being taunted? Or do you get the image of a citizen who is cornered in a city street dead end with hoodlums surrounding them? Or a woman being raped? Or a man protecting his family when someone breaks in at night? Let Obama make education available for students to learn about firearms in school. Not impede the CHOICE to own a firearm.

November 3, 2008


Filed under: 13110273,Black,healthcare,no obama,quiet riot,rage — grappledoctor @ 8:11 pm

Friday, June 15, 2007
I nearly “Banged my Head” when Democratic presidential hopeful, and apparent fan of cheesy 80’s pop metal, Sheik Barack Hussein Obama played the race card at a recent stump speech in Virginia. The “quiet riot” of black rage he claims brewing in black communities is ready to erupt into the streets of all America reminiscent of the L.A. riots. Who doesn’t remember the video footage of white officers beating Rodney King, and the officers’ subsequent acquittals which set off 3 days of rioting and wanton looting that left the Los Angeles area and its people scarred. The many injustices committed by the officers and rioters (shoppers?) alike made this an embarrassment for all the world to see. Nearly fifteen years later that same level of discontent and frustration is slowly boiling in the black communities and threatens to explode if we don’t heed Obama’s “quiet riot” warning. Just as Hillary Clinton fancies herself as the “Joan of Arc” for women’s rights, Sheik Obama is playing the race card to the same tune. Hopefully Sheik Barack Hussein Obama’s pandering and race-baiting will backfire and discredit his campaign. The Republicans have little to say on either issue since they are mostly white males. I am proud to say that white America did not feel the same disdain for blacks when O.J. Simpson was acquitted. Or that Jews didn’t feel compelled to take revenge against Muslims when they sawed off Daniel Pearl’s head. Maybe every community should be upset with every other community for any reason they feel necessary in order to vent their anger and frustration. Then again, maybe not. Maybe we are mature and civilized. I see hip hop culture as the dominant youth culture. I see more and more mixed race couples everyday. I see homosexuals on wildly popular television programs. I see an open-border immigration policy. I see America much more generous towards the world than the world is towards us. I see the aftermath of the tsunami disaster and the aftermath of 911. America is a good, decent, and tolerant country. We are the envy of the world, not just because of our economic and military might, but because of our charitable and tolerant traditions. Perhaps we have stirred up feelings of resentment and envy in other countries, not only because we are a superpower, but because we are a good, decent and forgiving country, and other societies know this and it reminds them of their own shortcomings stemming from their inability to tolerate and forgive. Jesus died trying to teach the world this. Maybe Sheik Obama needs to listen to a different quiet riot – the Metal Health kind. BANG YOUR HEAD! Before your type of politics makes me bang mine.

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