
March 21, 2010

A Second Reconciliation!?!? See Sen. "Colonel" Sanders Exposes The Evil Plan

Filed under: Emperor,Naked,news,Sanders — grappledoctor @ 12:34 pm

July 7, 2009

Tea Party July 4th Pics: Part of it and Proud!!

Filed under: 4,Day,demonstration,FOX,Independence,July,news,Party,pictures,politics,south florida,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:54 pm

Posted by ShoZu

Here are two members proudly displaying their participation. (Click the picture!)

Tea Party Fourth of July: Pre Celebration Demonstration

Filed under: 4,Day,demonstration,FOX,Independence,July,news,Party,pictures,politics,south florida,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:08 pm

The group gathered for reviewing of the game plan. Well organized and motivated, 3 bullhorns strong and the hardwork of a young lady on the poster detail, we proceeded to line up for attention getting walk!

Posted by ShoZu

April 20, 2009

T-Shirt (Or T-Shit)

Filed under: blog,democrats,left,news,politics,Right Wing,t-shirt — grappledoctor @ 5:39 pm

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This is a long time friend who after many years of brainwashing has not only lost his hair, according to this t-shirt, has also lost his mind.

April 13, 2009


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.

February 9, 2009

Commentary for Time Magazine: A True Story

Filed under: balanced,civil rights,Egypt,fascist,Israel,news,TIME — grappledoctor @ 1:14 am

Since Time Magazine’s Cairo correspondent: Scott MacLeod is reticent to write a blog about Egypt I thought I might as well do so. As we all know, Israel is a fascist state consisting of 1st class citizens (i.e. The Jews) and 2nd class citizens (i.e. The 1.2 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship). Now, even though they are 2nd class citizens, none the less, they are not afraid to describe members of the fascist government as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever and they do this both publically and privately on a regular basis. In fact, one might say they believe it is their right to voice such criticisms. One day a group of these 2nd class citizens decided to visit the free and democratic state of Egypt and travel around the country on a guided bus tour. Unfortunately, one of the travelers, (we’ll just call him: “Mohammed the 2nd class citizen”) decided that he had the right to criticize the free and democratic state of Egypt in a similar fashion to which he was used to criticizing the fascist Israeli state. A few days into the trip, two very nice and very polite Egyptian police officers boarded the bus and asked: “Excuse us, but: Is Mohammed the 2nd class citizen here?” Mohammed the 2nd class citizen then got off the bus with the two very nice and very polite police officers and the bus continued on its tour of Egypt. The other second class citizens thought that maybe Mohammed the 2nd class citizen had had a death or crisis in his family and flew back to Israel ahead of them, however, when they returned home Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was nowhere to be found and the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv could provide no information. Fortuitously for Mohammed the 2nd class citizen, although Israel is a fascist state, many of the 2nd class citizens are allowed to become police officers. So after weeks of not receiving any information what so ever from the free and democratic government of Egypt, some 2nd class police officers asked some 1st class police officers if they could speak to some mem bers of the fascist state’s foreign ministry. To cut a long story short, (i.e. we will not discuss what happened to Mohammed the 2nd class citizen while he was a guest of the two very nice and very polite police officers of the free and democratic state of Egypt) Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was finally “found” and returned home where, till this day, he continues to live happily and continues criticizing the fascist Israeli government and describing its members as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever…

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the street in Israel”

January 18, 2009


Filed under: attackers,bias,Hindu,India,media,news,train — grappledoctor @ 9:44 pm


This site gives a laudry list of attacks that have taken place for nearly 10 years. Only a small example of the train attacks that take place. This is an example of just how large the problem is in India.


What bothers me about this article is the mention of victims in each case. In the first note, is clearly states Muslims were killed. No question who was the victim. In the next several attacks listed, it never mentions that the victims were Hindu or Indian. It states people or victims. Again, bias takes the shape of leaving information out selectively and presumably deliberately. The Gohdra attacks of 2002 shows 57 Hindus killed. BUT, then it points out it was allegedly done by the Muslims. Then, the (supposed) irrational and disproportionate retaliation by an incited mob of Hindus mercilessly and without cause kills thousands of Muslims. This statement is so filled with garbage, I can’t believe anyone would write it. The attack was in response to an unprovoked stone attack and firebombing. The only thing the murdered Hindus did was rejoice about their pilgrimage. The Muslims answered a peaceful and public display of pride with phyical attack. How does anyone consciously think they can be equated?
I have seen video of the train attack. It was a horrible site! The government conducted a report that found the fire was not the cause of the Muslim Mob. On the video, the only rational conclusion was the total opposite. Nevertheless, I personally believe the report came to this conclusion out of necessity. The incitement of both parties at this point reached a boil and unless something turned down the temperature, this was never going to end. So, this was probably a political end more than a real investigation. This conclusion also directs blame of Hindus being the loose cannon, not the Muslims.
This is another example of irrational and disproportionate response by others against Muslims. Israel is getting the same treatment. Maybe a news agency needs to be created by us to respond to the bias reporting done by Al-Jazeera.

November 5, 2008


Filed under: Black,election,FOX,intimidation,news,Panthers — grappledoctor @ 1:48 am

The Black Panthers decided that after the fiasco of discounting the Black vote in Florida, they would return the favor in kind this time. Intimidation tactics were used to fend off White voters when approaching voting stations. When FOX News decided to approach the intimidators, they responded in the typical fashion.

While the geriatric confused voter might understandably mistaken the men for Black doctors typically seen saving lives on Grey’s Anatomy, they would gratefully welcome the proverbial complimentary digital exam (Prostate Exam for the younger reader). They would soon realize that this is no “blue light special” freebie they crave, but the brisk roughhousing or worse typical administered by the nonmedical hands of the Black Panthers. WELCOME TO THE OBAMA NATIONAL POLICE FORCE OF THE FUTURE!!


Filed under: Black,election,FOX,intimidation,news,Panthers — grappledoctor @ 1:48 am

The Black Panthers decided that after the fiasco of discounting the Black vote in Florida, they would return the favor in kind this time. Intimidation tactics were used to fend off White voters when approaching voting stations. When FOX News decided to approach the intimidators, they responded in the typical fashion.

While the geriatric confused voter might understandably mistaken the men for Black doctors typically seen saving lives on Grey’s Anatomy, they would gratefully welcome the proverbial complimentary digital exam (Prostate Exam for the younger reader). They would soon realize that this is no “blue light special” freebie they crave, but the brisk roughhousing or worse typical administered by the nonmedical hands of the Black Panthers. WELCOME TO THE OBAMA NATIONAL POLICE FORCE OF THE FUTURE!!

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