
December 29, 2009

Napolitano And Sheik Obama Get Tough With Terror?!

Filed under: attack,Muslim,Napolitano,Nigerian,obama,plane,terrorist — grappledoctor @ 12:43 am

November 6, 2009

Religion of Peace Commits Terror Attack On American Soil….Again!

Filed under: fort,hood,military,Muslim,Shooting,terror,terrorist — grappledoctor @ 11:44 am

A soldier serving at Fort Hood in Texas has decided he can’t take the sight of American aggressors on Islamic states that harbor terrorists anymore. No, the country that gave him free education with a six figure income which he could have used to fund his friends in Iraq and Pakistan. This soldier has a psychiatric background, making him ideal to deal with others with mental anguish. Apparently, he had been given poor conduct reports and for good reason. Why? Obviously, he could not deal with his own internal demons himself. He was an outspoken individual about his religion and proud of it since he displayed the word “Allah” on his home residence front door. A peaceful, religious, fair minded, care individual who embraces the good principles of his religion he was not. He embraced the loathing for other religions and the intolerance his religious fanatics are known the world over for. He murdered (in cold blood) his fellow Americans and fellow soldiers. He should be dealt no mercy. His cousin was interviewed on FOX saying how the murderer was such a good American. This person is an adult, not a 5 year old.

The incident was dealt with in typical fashion by the current administration. Sheik Obama was about to begin giving a speech about a conference that had taken place with the Dept of Interior’s help when the incidental shooting took. Take a look:

This person is rumored to have 2 brothers, one in the US and 1 in Jerusalem. The US government and Israeli government should investigate both individuals immediately! During WW II and the Cold War, the US had any immigrant denounce communism before entering. A similar measure should be taken for immigrants today.

Can anyone not be horrified by the Sheik Obama’s initial reaction? What if Bush had a speech after 911 and made call outs to people in the crowd first before addressing the terror attack? Bush had a right to be in shock because the whole nation was in shock! That’s why he didn’t know how to react at first. This shmuck kept his composure and even conducted business as usual reading his speech. Rucking Fidiculous!

January 18, 2009


Filed under: attackers,Hindu,Muslim,train — grappledoctor @ 8:59 pm

PART I (Inspiration after the Mumbai Incident)
First, I want to acknowledge that other cultures are currently under attack other than the ones pointed to in this article. I beseech these groups to voice their desire to group together with us. Organization, counter measures, and recognition from the media is paramount to spreading the message to the masses. To our Christian brothers, “Spread the word!”
The Israelis have been cooperating with the Indians for several years about intelligence on a small to medium scale. The Indian
people are familiar with terrorism because of the close proximity to Pakistan and the insurgency, festering like a boil, in the Kashmir region. The endemic population is approximately 30 % Muslim. Therefore, India, rightfully so, has felt the vulnerability to terrorists and has had its proportion of experience dealing with it. Unfortunately, the reputation of retaliation and justice falls far too short. India has had Ghandi as their testament to their devotion to peacefully resolving the past disputes.
I have been following their plight for years. One only has to Google the train attack to return not one but multiple attacks. Year after year, the indiscriminate attacks on men, women, and many many children are reported with little demand from anyon, most noteably the UN. Where are the outcries to throw Pakistan out of the UN. Where are the countries’ voices who deal with this horror on a regular basis. Why aren’t the “Pacifists” saying, “Boycott Pakistani products until they crackdown on militants.” Enter 2002:

One immmediately notices the lack of pictures displaying body after body of women and children for the media to incite the West. The headline reads,”Scores killed in India train attack.” No headline to depict who was responsible! No word about who definitely perpetrated this horrible act. Only accusation made by police was Muslims were suspected!! Alluding to the possibility that their weren’t definitely responsible. Semantics people!! Even a mention that Hindus were partly at fault because they had torn down a mosque sometime earlier. This actually gives justification for the murder. In addition, the Muslims were taunted by the women and children. This is another reason the BBC justifies the heinous act. That the real criminals were the children taughting the adult crowd of Muslims. Then the leaders want the Hindus to exercise restraint….Are they Fucking insane!!! Finally, the Muslims and Hindus had a scirmish earlier which preluded this event. Again, a reason to forgive the incident in the cause of understanding Hindu words must be met with Islamic rocks and firebombs.
Apparently the BBC treats all incidents regarding Islam and everyone else with the same disdain for the West. Whether the news wants fair and balance is not open for discussion. This reminds me of headlines Israel is receiving today.

October 23, 2008


Filed under: Muslim,no obama — grappledoctor @ 12:44 am

July 24, 2008

Marketing Ploy: "It’s for a Good Cause."

Just for a a little context, my liberal friend recently sent me an e-mail with a link to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, which purports to better the lives of poor African coffee farmers by buying coffee from them at the Fair Trade price and to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews by having them plant coffee together. She wanted me to start buying my coffee from this company because it was for a “good cause.” Below was my reply:

“This is interesting Laurie. Well, as sort of a coffee snob, I’m always looking for great coffee. I visited the website more out of an interest in the coffee than out of an interest in the company’s purported “good cause.” My government taxes me aplenty and sends much of it as aid to Africa and beyond, and obviously, no one appreciates our generosity, so, forgive me if I’m not constantly looking for ways to give away my hard-earned money.

At any rate, I noticed a couple things about this company. But here’s my preface: I praise the creative entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO. It seems these days, for good or ill, companies are finding that a great way to sell a product (that perhaps wouldn’t survive in a competitive market that runs purely on quality) is to tap into people’s conscience. As a free-marketeer, I don’t have any qualms about that. A great example of such a company is the Ethos Water Bottle Company recently bought up by Starbucks. It purports to give “a portion” of the price to help a “good cause.” Well, the founders got a huge payout by Starbucks when it was bought out. (But I’ve always wondered whether they knew that their plastic bottles were a large contributing factor to the world’s pollution problem.)

Anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong, since I only briefly perused the website, but they purport to purchase a pound of coffee (16 oz) from the cooperative at the Fair Trade price of $1.61. And they also purport to send the cooperative an extra $1 for every pound as part of their profit-sharing plan, which, by the way, they make it sound like the farmers are seriously partners to this enterprise (uh, not quite).

The company then sells 12 oz (less than a pound) at a range from $10.50 up to $25! So, looking at this in the light most favorable to the company, for every 12 oz of coffee they sell at $10.50, they’re giving back less than $1. Don’t forget the $1.61 is their overhead. So in essence, the company is marking up their product almost seven-fold! Just to put this in perspective, this mark-up is very similar to how much big (bad) multi-national companies like Walmart and Nike mark up their products after buying them from third world countries like Africa. What would people say if the CEO of Nike said, well, we’re giving jobs to these poor indigents, giving them a better life, so buy from us. People would laugh.

Moreover, they have a coffee bag with Che Guevara on it, and appear very proud of it. I mean come on, he was to Castro what Himmler was to Hitler – his chief executioner! He killed hundreds and thousands of people with his travelling death squad. He set up death camps where he killed gays, dissidents and people with AIDS. To spin it in another way, he was a miserable failure. He was Castro’s bitch his whole life and nothing but a wanna-be revolutionary. I mean, if you want to lionize a totalitarian on your coffee package, put Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler.

Point being, don’t get sucked into their marketing campaign. Like all other marketing campaigns, this one is solely to turn a profit, and a big one at that. Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with turning a profit, but, I do have a problem with companies feigning righteousness and trying to pull a quick one over consumers, when, in fact, they’re like any other company operating out of self-interest and profit. For these reasons, I won’t buy coffee from this company. But who knows, their coffee could be really really good, in which case, they don’t have to feign anything! Sad…

By the way, this is good material for my blog. 🙂 Thanks.”

Marketing Ploy: "It’s for a Good Cause."

Just for a a little context, my liberal friend recently sent me an e-mail with a link to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, which purports to better the lives of poor African coffee farmers by buying coffee from them at the Fair Trade price and to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews by having them plant coffee together. She wanted me to start buying my coffee from this company because it was for a “good cause.” Below was my reply:

“This is interesting Laurie. Well, as sort of a coffee snob, I’m always looking for great coffee. I visited the website more out of an interest in the coffee than out of an interest in the company’s purported “good cause.” My government taxes me aplenty and sends much of it as aid to Africa and beyond, and obviously, no one appreciates our generosity, so, forgive me if I’m not constantly looking for ways to give away my hard-earned money.

At any rate, I noticed a couple things about this company. But here’s my preface: I praise the creative entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO. It seems these days, for good or ill, companies are finding that a great way to sell a product (that perhaps wouldn’t survive in a competitive market that runs purely on quality) is to tap into people’s conscience. As a free-marketeer, I don’t have any qualms about that. A great example of such a company is the Ethos Water Bottle Company recently bought up by Starbucks. It purports to give “a portion” of the price to help a “good cause.” Well, the founders got a huge payout by Starbucks when it was bought out. (But I’ve always wondered whether they knew that their plastic bottles were a large contributing factor to the world’s pollution problem.)

Anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong, since I only briefly perused the website, but they purport to purchase a pound of coffee (16 oz) from the cooperative at the Fair Trade price of $1.61. And they also purport to send the cooperative an extra $1 for every pound as part of their profit-sharing plan, which, by the way, they make it sound like the farmers are seriously partners to this enterprise (uh, not quite).

The company then sells 12 oz (less than a pound) at a range from $10.50 up to $25! So, looking at this in the light most favorable to the company, for every 12 oz of coffee they sell at $10.50, they’re giving back less than $1. Don’t forget the $1.61 is their overhead. So in essence, the company is marking up their product almost seven-fold! Just to put this in perspective, this mark-up is very similar to how much big (bad) multi-national companies like Walmart and Nike mark up their products after buying them from third world countries like Africa. What would people say if the CEO of Nike said, well, we’re giving jobs to these poor indigents, giving them a better life, so buy from us. People would laugh.

Moreover, they have a coffee bag with Che Guevara on it, and appear very proud of it. I mean come on, he was to Castro what Himmler was to Hitler – his chief executioner! He killed hundreds and thousands of people with his travelling death squad. He set up death camps where he killed gays, dissidents and people with AIDS. To spin it in another way, he was a miserable failure. He was Castro’s bitch his whole life and nothing but a wanna-be revolutionary. I mean, if you want to lionize a totalitarian on your coffee package, put Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler.

Point being, don’t get sucked into their marketing campaign. Like all other marketing campaigns, this one is solely to turn a profit, and a big one at that. Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with turning a profit, but, I do have a problem with companies feigning righteousness and trying to pull a quick one over consumers, when, in fact, they’re like any other company operating out of self-interest and profit. For these reasons, I won’t buy coffee from this company. But who knows, their coffee could be really really good, in which case, they don’t have to feign anything! Sad…

By the way, this is good material for my blog. 🙂 Thanks.”

Marketing Ploy: "It’s for a Good Cause."

Just for a a little context, my liberal friend recently sent me an e-mail with a link to the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, which purports to better the lives of poor African coffee farmers by buying coffee from them at the Fair Trade price and to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews by having them plant coffee together. She wanted me to start buying my coffee from this company because it was for a “good cause.” Below was my reply:

“This is interesting Laurie. Well, as sort of a coffee snob, I’m always looking for great coffee. I visited the website more out of an interest in the coffee than out of an interest in the company’s purported “good cause.” My government taxes me aplenty and sends much of it as aid to Africa and beyond, and obviously, no one appreciates our generosity, so, forgive me if I’m not constantly looking for ways to give away my hard-earned money.

At any rate, I noticed a couple things about this company. But here’s my preface: I praise the creative entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO. It seems these days, for good or ill, companies are finding that a great way to sell a product (that perhaps wouldn’t survive in a competitive market that runs purely on quality) is to tap into people’s conscience. As a free-marketeer, I don’t have any qualms about that. A great example of such a company is the Ethos Water Bottle Company recently bought up by Starbucks. It purports to give “a portion” of the price to help a “good cause.” Well, the founders got a huge payout by Starbucks when it was bought out. (But I’ve always wondered whether they knew that their plastic bottles were a large contributing factor to the world’s pollution problem.)

Anyway, you can correct me if I’m wrong, since I only briefly perused the website, but they purport to purchase a pound of coffee (16 oz) from the cooperative at the Fair Trade price of $1.61. And they also purport to send the cooperative an extra $1 for every pound as part of their profit-sharing plan, which, by the way, they make it sound like the farmers are seriously partners to this enterprise (uh, not quite).

The company then sells 12 oz (less than a pound) at a range from $10.50 up to $25! So, looking at this in the light most favorable to the company, for every 12 oz of coffee they sell at $10.50, they’re giving back less than $1. Don’t forget the $1.61 is their overhead. So in essence, the company is marking up their product almost seven-fold! Just to put this in perspective, this mark-up is very similar to how much big (bad) multi-national companies like Walmart and Nike mark up their products after buying them from third world countries like Africa. What would people say if the CEO of Nike said, well, we’re giving jobs to these poor indigents, giving them a better life, so buy from us. People would laugh.

Moreover, they have a coffee bag with Che Guevara on it, and appear very proud of it. I mean come on, he was to Castro what Himmler was to Hitler – his chief executioner! He killed hundreds and thousands of people with his travelling death squad. He set up death camps where he killed gays, dissidents and people with AIDS. To spin it in another way, he was a miserable failure. He was Castro’s bitch his whole life and nothing but a wanna-be revolutionary. I mean, if you want to lionize a totalitarian on your coffee package, put Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler.

Point being, don’t get sucked into their marketing campaign. Like all other marketing campaigns, this one is solely to turn a profit, and a big one at that. Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with turning a profit, but, I do have a problem with companies feigning righteousness and trying to pull a quick one over consumers, when, in fact, they’re like any other company operating out of self-interest and profit. For these reasons, I won’t buy coffee from this company. But who knows, their coffee could be really really good, in which case, they don’t have to feign anything! Sad…

By the way, this is good material for my blog. 🙂 Thanks.”

May 26, 2008

The Reaction To The Israeli Strike On Their Nuclear Facility Inside Syria

The Reaction To The Israeli Strike On Their Nuclear Facility Inside Syria

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