
November 6, 2009

Religion of Peace Commits Terror Attack On American Soil….Again!

Filed under: fort,hood,military,Muslim,Shooting,terror,terrorist — grappledoctor @ 11:44 am

A soldier serving at Fort Hood in Texas has decided he can’t take the sight of American aggressors on Islamic states that harbor terrorists anymore. No, the country that gave him free education with a six figure income which he could have used to fund his friends in Iraq and Pakistan. This soldier has a psychiatric background, making him ideal to deal with others with mental anguish. Apparently, he had been given poor conduct reports and for good reason. Why? Obviously, he could not deal with his own internal demons himself. He was an outspoken individual about his religion and proud of it since he displayed the word “Allah” on his home residence front door. A peaceful, religious, fair minded, care individual who embraces the good principles of his religion he was not. He embraced the loathing for other religions and the intolerance his religious fanatics are known the world over for. He murdered (in cold blood) his fellow Americans and fellow soldiers. He should be dealt no mercy. His cousin was interviewed on FOX saying how the murderer was such a good American. This person is an adult, not a 5 year old.

The incident was dealt with in typical fashion by the current administration. Sheik Obama was about to begin giving a speech about a conference that had taken place with the Dept of Interior’s help when the incidental shooting took. Take a look:

This person is rumored to have 2 brothers, one in the US and 1 in Jerusalem. The US government and Israeli government should investigate both individuals immediately! During WW II and the Cold War, the US had any immigrant denounce communism before entering. A similar measure should be taken for immigrants today.

Can anyone not be horrified by the Sheik Obama’s initial reaction? What if Bush had a speech after 911 and made call outs to people in the crowd first before addressing the terror attack? Bush had a right to be in shock because the whole nation was in shock! That’s why he didn’t know how to react at first. This shmuck kept his composure and even conducted business as usual reading his speech. Rucking Fidiculous!

October 22, 2009

Soldier’s Angels

Filed under: 501,Angels,military,nonprofit,organization,Soldier's,support — grappledoctor @ 5:05 pm

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This is a picture of the handout that was distributed to the visitors at the Blogger Convention in Las Vegas. To learn more about this organization and help, contact them at Thank you and G-d Bless!

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At the bloggers convention, the most compelling vendor/exhibitor was the Soldier’s Angels. The display was run by two volunteers who were both military people. They were not in the best location at the show but still created enough fanfare to be noticed by the attendees. The US Military sponsored the show and had their own exhibit adjacent to this organization. I thanked the people at the exhibits for their service to the country. They never hear it enough so if the opportunity presents itself, I suggest you do the same. The organization originated from a mother of a soldier. The soldier (son) “expressed concern that some soldiers did not receive any mail or support from home.” The mother began to work on a writing campaign online creating a community of caring individuals.
The organization care created packages for different purposes. They consist of simple gestures such as a letter of support and appreciation to materials for the wounded and Vets to support for the families of the soldiers. Their efforts have merited them all kinds of recognition including the US Army Civilian Award for Service in 2006 and the Microsoft USO Effort Award of 2007.
This organization is a non for profit 501(c)(3).

July 9, 2009

1943 Christmas Dinner: Company B Ordinanace Maintenance Battalion

Filed under: antique,Battalion,company,military,Ordinance,original paper,WWII — grappledoctor @ 2:53 pm

Click the picture to enlarge!

Posted by ShoZu

When this menu is opened, the dishes are listed in the center. This was printed for Company B 127th Ordinance Maintenance Battalion. The symbol for the Company can be seen in the center top of the menu. It’s yellow, blue-green, and red. It has a side view of a tank tread and wheels, a cannon with the barrel pointed to the top left, and a lightning bolt in red across the center.

June 25, 2008

Israel Training For ?…….And Where, Oh Where Has My Embassy Gone. Oh Where Oh Where Can It Be?

The Israeli military has been referencing to a possible attack on Iran. The weak position of the West and the questionable support for Israel’s position on its security leave Israel with little choice in the matter. The most likely timeframe would be before an adminstration change takes place in the US. If Obama gets in the White House, the entire Middle East could be in for a chaotic future.


For security reasons I am not allowed to say where these maneuvers were taking place. I just hope Israel is prepared should anything ever happen.

For those who are curious about what the US Embassy looks like…,.

Israel Training For ?…….And Where, Oh Where Has My Embassy Gone. Oh Where Oh Where Can It Be?

The Israeli military has been referencing to a possible attack on Iran. The weak position of the West and the questionable support for Israel’s position on its security leave Israel with little choice in the matter. The most likely timeframe would be before an adminstration change takes place in the US. If Obama gets in the White House, the entire Middle East could be in for a chaotic future.


For security reasons I am not allowed to say where these maneuvers were taking place. I just hope Israel is prepared should anything ever happen.

For those who are curious about what the US Embassy looks like…,.

Israel Training For ?…….And Where, Oh Where Has My Embassy Gone. Oh Where Oh Where Can It Be?

The Israeli military has been referencing to a possible attack on Iran. The weak position of the West and the questionable support for Israel’s position on its security leave Israel with little choice in the matter. The most likely timeframe would be before an adminstration change takes place in the US. If Obama gets in the White House, the entire Middle East could be in for a chaotic future.


For security reasons I am not allowed to say where these maneuvers were taking place. I just hope Israel is prepared should anything ever happen.

For those who are curious about what the US Embassy looks like…,.

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