
December 17, 2008


Filed under: conservative,Hussein,inauguration,Jews,liberal jewish,obama,President — grappledoctor @ 4:57 pm

I heard that Obama intends to state his full name when he accepts the Presidential chair. He is insistent on pronouncing his middle name in a gesture to improve the outlook with Islamic nations. Well, who gives a shit what they think? Is the Christian view going to be insulted if he uses his Muslim name? This is a Judeo-Christian country. I remember the Democratic Jews bolstering Obama’s image by spreading the gossip on his FIRST name. They said his name was Barack, which sounds just like Baruch. And Baruch means blessed in Hebrew. Give me a freaking break. Jews lying to other Jews!! These deceptive people should be lawyers. They maliciously left out the fact that Barack is Arabic for blessed! Some Jews voted for Hitler. It is not so far fetched that they would have voted Arafat in as Prime Minister of Israel if they thought he was in the Labor Party (the Democratic Party equivalent in Israel). The Obama machine duped everyone into believing he will support Israel. NOT A CHANCE IN HELL! He will bring about the demise of Israel. And the Jews will once again be responsible for their own destruction. As a Jew, I am annoyed at the self-righteous attitude of the Liberal Jew. He will justify his stand even if it is self defeating. Never willing to listen to any other view.
My articles on Obama’s political stand towards Israel and how he intends to deal with the Mid East Peace Process are about as thorough and accurate as any expert could possibly imagine. I hope readers look through the articles we published and the future articles. When this Presaidency starts, I will post nearly daily on how he does. So far he supports Israel’s response, supports tax cuts, and is considering raising taxes 10 cents on gasoline. So far he sounds more Republican. Now if he could just stop thinking about taxes….

June 20, 2008

New Site People!!

I came across a site with an extensive list of conservative blogs.Destroying the liberal thought process! That is the self described summary of a site that takes time to update on every current issue that effects the conservative today. With overwhelming content, its impossible to look for a short time if you intend to retain even a small amount of the info. I recommend you brush up on your knowledge on this site so you are properly armed to fend off the next brainwashed liberal. Sucker!! We win!

June 14, 2008

Israel Trip Surprise! 15 Years in the Making! And President Carter!!

Filed under: blog,Carter democrats,conservative,cousin,family,Israel,liberal jewish,reunion,trip — grappledoctor @ 9:25 pm

I had the pleasure of running into a long lost cousin of mine who I haven’t seen in 15 years. I happened upon him accidentally 3 days ago in Tel Aviv. Reminiscing with him has given me the opportunity to hear about my family history. I have been enlightened into some family history involving……..former President Jimmy Carter. I have the inside scoop on some little known facts I intend to reveal in the next week or two. I dislike Jimmy Carter and what he stands for now. The fact that he is making news again, particularly in Israel, has made this information just that much more interesting. Plus, I have been given a perspective from an Israeli point of view, namely my cousin. Understand, he is a bit of a hippie, in his mid-50s, liberal jewish minded, and living in Israel for almost 30 years. He made Aliyah at that time, which is when a Jew moves “back” to Israel permanently from the Diaspora. I missed seeing him far too long and I think he has missed connecting to the family back in the US. I hope his perspective on the homefront in Israel will give this Blog a greater more complete message to the world masses. Him being Left and me being Right makes the posts I write ever more challenging for me. Stay tuned and please keep reading!

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