
October 26, 2009

The Secret Message Hidden Within The Movie Saw VI

Filed under: Halloween,jigsaw,killer,left,message,movie,Saw,theatre — grappledoctor @ 1:07 am

I had a date this past weekend with a girlfriend. When we decided to see the new movie Saw VI, we anticipated it was going to be similar in concept to the past movies. The Saw franchise has produced a series that is reminiscent to the Friday the 13th run and the Nightmare on Elm Street run. The difference between the prior Saw flicks wasn’t much until I paid particular attention to this latest rendition.
I noticed the Saw VI movie coincidentally came out when the Health Care Reform Bill is at its most heated controversy. The Saw movies have always put the characters into perplexing situations which gives “the edge” that draws the cult viewership. The main character here works for an insurance company, a health insurance company. The message is repeated frequently that the company decides who dies because the policies sold to patients is never honored. The insurance company is defined as greedy, trying to find loopholes in critically ill people’s policies in order to deny coverage, and constantly investigating patients for preconditions in order to deny coverage. The moviegoer is given the feeling that the CEO of the insurance company is the evil person and is finally getting his just dessert.
That is not the only hidden message in the movie! Nope, it is the one I feel must be addressed first. The other hidden message is the one of forgiveness. Is forgiveness a politically correct message? No, it is not. But the deliberate portrayal of torture and death distributed to the guilty in the movie can be seen as a subliminal message against capital punishment. The victim is put through difficult decisions when he or she is given the opportunity to punish someone that has very grievously wronged them. They feel the rush of retribution because they can enact revenge upon the perpetrator. Yet, the degree of torture the perpetrator is subjected to creates guilt in the executioner and a new feeling of wanting to forgive the person is felt. The hidden message? When a horrible crime is committed, the need for leniency should be considered. This is against capital punishment for the most indescribable crimes.
I encourage everyone to miss this movie. The movie hides the message to the untrained eye and subliminally trains the viewer. The message shouted out to me which caused me to fade out of the movie instead of being drawn in. The next Saw movie I plan to miss. My girlfriend likes the “tug at your heart” feel good movies and I intend to watch one with her. Maybe if saw VII is about evil government officials who decide who gets medical treatment or not, I will catch it. But I doubt it!

April 22, 2009


Filed under: builders,housing,immigrants,left,MSNBC,oversupply — grappledoctor @ 11:07 am

I was watching the MSNBC channel this morning. They have on a guest expert every morning. The CEO/President of an investment group called Lefrak. While I believe these investors are top notch, the solution to the housing crisis was just poor. The Lefrak President was asked for his expert opinion on solving the housing surplus. His answer: immigrants. Allowing them to buy houses would gobble up the 2,000,000 oversupply of housing.
What is wrong with this? I don’t have time to address everything wrong with this answer but…..I am shocked he would entertain such an answer. He did say they must qualify. Still, the fact remains buying a house with qualified immigrants opens the door for every other problem associated with immigrants increasing. This would cause so many other problems to explode in size, it is hard to believe he suggested it.
Maybe that solution would help cars, too. Should immigrants be given loans for cars and houses. What would qualifications be if different from a citizen? I am beginning to wonder what the difference is between being a citizen and every other status?
Desperation is starting to turn to stupidity. Let’s keep calm. Other solutions are out there. Ideas for more appropriate solutions: incentives to all returning soldiers, more incentives for first time buyers, discounted loans for housing for disaster relief citizens. Instead of refurbishing old housing projects which would cost more money than they are worth, replace housing projects with moderate priced new housing. Then use the old projects for homeless shelters, for new jails, for new schools, or use for new government offices rather than building new.
Don’t complicate the problem, please. Don’t even provide the Left with irrational motivation for their causes. I have hope that American ingenuity will prevail with ideas for the existing housing issues. Or simply, the idea was thrown out there during the show because the Left have altered the MSNBC show because it was too Right? Whatever? This idea was rucking fidiculous!

April 20, 2009

T-Shirt (Or T-Shit)

Filed under: blog,democrats,left,news,politics,Right Wing,t-shirt — grappledoctor @ 5:39 pm

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This is a long time friend who after many years of brainwashing has not only lost his hair, according to this t-shirt, has also lost his mind.

The Palm Beach (Com)Post Spiteful Analysis of the Tea Party Revolution

Filed under: left,newspaper,Palm Beach,Party,post,protests,Tea — grappledoctor @ 3:06 pm

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This picture of the Tea Party downtown West Palm Beach was used on the front page of the local rag. The paper claims that between 600 and 1000 people participated in the protest. I participated by being present. The volunteers gathered nearly 2000 signatures . The paper acknowledges 800 cities were included. The Left zombie-fied socialists have insisted that the participants are “red Necks”, “racists”, “hate a black man”, “spiteful rich”, etc. The portrayal of this view by the local compost is clearly seen underneath the picture where it states,”‘This is a land grab for socialism’, a yacht broker says at the West Palm demonstration.” The paper failed to interview and quote any of the leaders or volunteers identified easily by their tags. The volunteers were moms and dads, doctors, lawyers, construction workers, and all races and nationalities. I recommend everyone who was at the Tea Party write to the paper and if a retraction isn’t given then they should consider canceling their subscription.

April 14, 2009


Filed under: aid,financial,left,obama,pirates,sheik,Somalia,US — grappledoctor @ 12:09 pm

The Sheik of the United States has given the okay to “take out” the Somali pirates. Curiously, the military left one alive and is transporting him toward American shores for a trial. This case is coming to the US Court system because the jurisdiction is determined by UN order which has declared that any ship is considered part of the country from which it is come. FOr example, its an extension of the country’s border. What could explain the motive to leave one alive?
First, the captive is under the age of 18. Therefore, he is considered a juvenile. As a juvenile, the court must decide whether he is to be tried as a child or adult. He will be given a lawyer at taxpayer expense. Whether he is tried as an adult or not, the media will continually remind the public of his “under age status” for certain. This will create sympathy for his situation and diminish the momentum of the public to punish harshly and appropriately.
More importantly, he intends to use this Somali to generate attention to WHY this pirate is participating in such action. This will lead to Sheik Obama’s hidden agenda to start providing financial aid to the Somalis. The economy will be the blamed for the piracy action that has plagued the world in Somalia. Instead of military intervention, the appeaser will continue to burden the citizens of this country with aid to Somalia. Welcome to typical Left policy………Rucking Fidiculous!


Filed under: aid,financial,left,obama,pirates,sheik,Somalia,US — grappledoctor @ 12:09 pm

The Sheik of the United States has given the okay to “take out” the Somali pirates. Curiously, the military left one alive and is transporting him toward American shores for a trial. This case is coming to the US Court system because the jurisdiction is determined by UN order which has declared that any ship is considered part of the country from which it is come. FOr example, its an extension of the country’s border. What could explain the motive to leave one alive?
First, the captive is under the age of 18. Therefore, he is considered a juvenile. As a juvenile, the court must decide whether he is to be tried as a child or adult. He will be given a lawyer at taxpayer expense. Whether he is tried as an adult or not, the media will continually remind the public of his “under age status” for certain. This will create sympathy for his situation and diminish the momentum of the public to punish harshly and appropriately.
More importantly, he intends to use this Somali to generate attention to WHY this pirate is participating in such action. This will lead to Sheik Obama’s hidden agenda to start providing financial aid to the Somalis. The economy will be the blamed for the piracy action that has plagued the world in Somalia. Instead of military intervention, the appeaser will continue to burden the citizens of this country with aid to Somalia. Welcome to typical Left policy………Rucking Fidiculous!

October 23, 2008


Filed under: Americans against hate,dictator,Hollywood,left,no obama — grappledoctor @ 12:39 am


Filed under: Americans against hate,dictator,Hollywood,left,no obama — grappledoctor @ 12:39 am

June 20, 2008

Young America’s Foundation=New Site

Filed under: Christian Right,conservative,foundation,left,Liberal,YAF — grappledoctor @ 11:48 pm

If you are a student who is involved in combating liberal bias on campus, this page is the resource for your school. As we are all aware, Liberal guest speakers are a mandatory regular on college grounds as standard procedure. Getting the information from this page can set the wheels in motion to change that for the future. David Horowitz is THE man to look up on Youtube if you want to see it done by a professional. I admire him! I will post about him in the near future. He can also be seen on c-span from time to time. Check out the YAF so you can tell the Left your not gonna take it!

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