
February 12, 2009


Filed under: BILL,jobs,obama,sheik,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

Stimulus Bill means building a frisbee park and funding contraceptives!! That is not very stimulating. How many permanent high paying long term jobs can that produce? I could throw litter on the floor in my neighborhood and have the local sanitation company pay someone to pick it up. I could litter everyday and encourage everyone I know to litter. That would create multiple jobs, and I didn’t spend any time or money in the process. No debate in XCongress was necessary.
Didn’t Sheik Obama make campaign promises that helped get him elected people are started to forget about. Today, I focus on the promise to get off coal burning and oil. He promised to heftily tax the coal mining industry in order to encourage them to stop. And didn’t he promise to fine any power companies that didn’t stop utilizing coal and oil to generate power? This subject was criticized upon initially being said but has since been put on the back burner due to the economy and housing. The jobs associated with these industries are definitely in no financial condition to convert operations to alternative energy production. Therefore, Republicans were right all along.
While I believe it is possible to move towards alternatives, allowing the industry to move in a fiscally responsible manner is the only way to avoid the pitfalls now plaguing the financial industry and the housing. These are all fine examples of government interference causing havok unnecessarily. The word Czar used by the Sheik Obama’s administration should be the indicator to warning the public that the government is over stepping its bounds. (EX. Autos!)
If the stimulus bill is supposed to create jobs in a failing economy, let’s keep the jobs we have that aren’t in jeopardy. When the economy reverts back to a plus side growth, the investment in new alternative energy tech will be produced by the private sector to achieve the goals we want in a fiscally responsible manner.

January 29, 2009


Filed under: cuts,democrats,government,jobs,losses,no obama,sheik,socialism — grappledoctor @ 11:39 am

You read the headline correctly. I support job cuts for companies that have problems which could jeopardize their stability. If the companies are on the verge of completely folding, then this is the king of measure everyone should support.
NOW, if you actually read this article this far, you will see the real purpose of the headline. American companies can start their job cuts……overseas!! They were forcing employees several years ago to train foreign workers in anticipation of their job being cut here. That’s right! You company executives thought all Americans have a short term memory! We DON’T! All through the Clinton years and some Bush, people were losing their job to cheaper wage new trainees overseas in countries like Indonesia, PAKISTAN, AND others. Countries which hate the United States and support terrorism. Countries which have terrorists in them. Countries which are now known for creating computer scams and conduct mass Internet Identity theft. How did these illiterate people learn how to infiltrate computer programs. Oh, we taught them because we wanted to spread the wealth around the world that we were enjoying. We wanted our companies to continue to increase the bottom line and to make annual reports to stock holders pleasing. So, we fired American workers, taught foreigners, created a new criminal industry, and now to continue to keep these companies viable….we must now believe our poor, poor companies must fire (who..?) …the AMERICAN WORKER!! The American worker gets screwed again.
American companies can finally show some chutzpah and fire FOREIGN WORKERS! Keep the American worker even at the higher cost. In the process, follow the Republican position and cut the damn taxes. Show American companies we want them to stay here. Stop punishing them which only encourages moving out of here. High taxes and regulations have created an environment impossible to compete in a world economy. Instead of stupid Democratic policy, punishing companies with regulations and taxes…Oh, I am sorry! Did I piss off the environmentalists. Well, you Assholes are now losing your jobs too. I don’t know if the environmentalists really want people to lose their jobs to cause a chaotic revolution around the world in some inane attempt of taking over the world with a Socialist agenda or what. I like to believe they aren’t that contrived. Anyway, a policy of giving tax breaks and using TAX monies to help companies become energy efficient and environme tally sound would have made them more competitive and more profitable over time. Then they could pay the tax payer back over time like a loan from the bank at a very low interest. This would be available through the government because the government passed the regulation. When government sticks its nose in business, it should be in a temporary partnership, nor create government red tape and appointing a Czar. Jobs would have been kept here.
It’s apparent that job losses will continue all year. It is also apparent that companies will cut jobs here first versus overseas because of the bottom line. The change Sheik Obama and the Communists of the Democratic Party plan on bringing is Socialist style government. The change is absolutely no change at all or total change in taking over whatever they feel is necessary. The younger generation doesn’t even know how to recognize Soviet style government. I grew up during the Cold War. It is scary how close we are coming to their government. The same government that failed. Did you see the ridiculous Bill the Democrats ( and only the Democrats) just passed? If you feel we are going in the right direction, enjoy getting your pink slip.

December 17, 2008


Filed under: banks,bush,Depression,economy,jobs,loss,no obama,recession — grappledoctor @ 2:12 pm

Why are all the “leaders” insisting the solution begins with MORE credit? Businesses do rely on availability of credit in order to operate. When this is not a viable option, the business strategy must be altered to the current situation. Increasing debt is the reason citizens are feeling strangled now. Therefore, having access to more is only going to exacerbate the problem in the long term. I own a business and my day-to-day operation is based on what money I have in the bank. I purchase supplies according to need and cost control. If I put my business in debt by borrowing money, it would leverage my competition in a downturn. Private funding for new businesses thru investors leaves government out of business.
The bank bailout provided funds to prevent a collapse of the financial industry. In fact, the Congress proudly passed the Bill singing their own praise about preventing a Depression. Well, with no stipulations given to the banks, they gladly spent the money on frivolous shenanigans and umbrellas while simultaneously hording the monies to solidify their positions. The government is failing to pursuit the bailout money because no legislation has been passed to add stipulations now. Improper conduct is rewarded by the banks with taxpayer money? It’s never too late when taxpayer money is involved. The Democrats have been involved in the deceit which strikes me as perplexing given the election results.
The Bush administration has done nothing to address the issues responsible. He could have brought investigations into the fiasco which would have squarely placed the cause on high ranking Democrats. Instead, he remained silent which now puts his inaction as a supplement to the problem.
One solution the Congress should implement is every bank which received taxpayer funds must immediately provide every person with a mortgage an interest rate half of what the current rate is or that is in contract currently. This would allow everyone to free up sums of money to use on necessities they currently have. Also, this would allow people to pay down their mortgage faster if they choose.
I would like readers to make suggestions in order to write their Congressman here on this page. Any feedback would be appreciated, good or bad.


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