
January 26, 2010

Al Sharpton, Jackson, and The Dishonorable Louis F Take Notice: Israel Provides Haitians Best Care

Filed under: charity,donate,Haiti,help,Israel,Jews,medical,Sharpton — grappledoctor @ 1:22 pm

The pathetic attitude of the Left Liberal Black leaders of this country have one common denominator. This is the unjustified and unending hatred for Jews. As Jews, we are obligated to help our fellow man despite their feelings toward us. Israel is consistently vilified in the UN as the worst offender on the planet for Human Rights. Of course, the total opposite is true.
Is this true for other nations? No. The constant barrage of condemnation by nation after nation for violations by Israel is relentless. Careful attention is taken by Israel when they retaliate for attacks against them. This practice is absent when terrorists attack them. No scrutiny is long lasting by the press towards the Islamic terror which would provide appropriate coverage and not biased coverage as per common practice now. The terrorists attack the US and the West with the intent to kill everyone possible, including children. The Peace Movement and Pink do nothing to attack such practices. War must be addressed on all sides to get to a negotiated peaceful ends. Let’s see these groups fly to a Muslim country and protest. Or protest in front of a Mosque in this one? I thought not!
Is Israel helping this country because their citizens are white? No. They are overwhelmingly Black. Did Israel help because Haiti is a Christian country? No, every religion is represented and Judaism is a minority for sure. Would Israel not provide help for an Islamic country? While any Islamic country would never consider providing help to Israel ever, for any reason, Israel does not reciprocate such actions. Israel offered help to every nation after the Tsunami disaster. Out of spite, the Islamic nations refused any help from Israel. Instead, they decided to BLAME Israel, claiming they set off a nuclear device under water intentionally to cause the wave.
MSNBC aka MS-LSD has never been a neutral media when reporting on Israel, finally got a news story right.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

To the Jew haters and critics of Israeli policy and for the college students who wear free palestine shirts, watch this and go to hell!

June 29, 2009

Leonard Zeskind is Dead Wrong About the Tea Party

Filed under: Americans against hate,antisemitism,Jews,Party,Tea,Zeskind — grappledoctor @ 3:07 pm

Leonard Zeskind has a career with notable writings in major publications. He was a community activist and is President of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He has a new book out about white hate groups in America called Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream Many of these hate groups he investigates are using names that allege a patriotic stance. Names like National Alliance, Liberty Lobby, and the Freemen are examples. But has his views been contaminated by outside influences? influences like Left Wing radical groups? Are the organizations primarily made up of whites immediately and prejudiciously lumped into the same category as racist groups? Specifically, are groups like the 912 Group or the Tea Party recreated movements rooted in this typical hatred.

According to Zeskind, the Tea Party has become a prime example of a new movement of white power hatred. His latest article has been alluding to the fact that white hate groups view any protests performed by the Tea Party to be an opportunity for recruitment. Upon attending meetings and protests, they will ultimately be able to take the leadership positions. He writes the July 4th showing is,”…where a constellation of anti-tax, anti-immigrant, and Christian right activists and Republican conservatives are gathering their forces. Expect white nationalists to put their own star in this sky.”

I am a Jew and a Tea Party Committee member for south Florida. I can tell you that we ween out any undesirables immediately upon realizing who they are. Stormfront is in our neighborhood and has never distributed material at any meetings or events of ours. The South Florida Tea Party is run by REAL grass root Americans. Real grassroots meaning citizens themselves that have taken the helm and organized. Not a well funded right wing hate group nor a billionaire radical left wing group. Just average Americans who have the same spirit our forefathers had. No one is disqualified as a member for their heritage, this is the real thing(not the Coca Cola reference)! Rich, poor, blue collar, white collar, old, young, and everything in between are members actively participating. The misguided belief that hate groups are any part of or infiltrating the party in any numbers is wrong!

The most appalling part of Mr Zeskind’s article is the title, “Rereading the Tea Leaves: July 4 Protests Will Include White Nationalists.” This title infers that the White Nationalists “included” have been invited as speakers or guests at the protest. This is at least misleading his readers and at the most an inflammatory fabrication.

I find the absence of hate groups like La Reza and the Black Theology aka Black Liberation aka Black Supremacy and Black Panthers in your writings. These groups infiltrate Liberal activist groups with their poisonous agenda. Where is the criticism. Where are the books about their dangerous message.

In summary, failure to recognize the spirit of America’s past in organizations promoting positive values is typical of people blinded by Left Wing ideology. Both Liberal and Conservative groups have a mixed message of good points and bad. Identifying radical hate groups on both sides of the fence is a responsible message. A deliberate misguided message overstating and over exaggerating the possible infiltration of these organizations by hate groups continues to divide Americans. I invite Mr. Zeskind to join us on July 4th so he can write a tasteful and truthful article.


Leonard Zeskind is Dead Wrong About the Tea Party

Filed under: Americans against hate,antisemitism,Jews,Party,Tea,Zeskind — grappledoctor @ 3:07 pm

Leonard Zeskind has a career with notable writings in major publications. He was a community activist and is President of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He has a new book out about white hate groups in America called Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream Many of these hate groups he investigates are using names that allege a patriotic stance. Names like National Alliance, Liberty Lobby, and the Freemen are examples. But has his views been contaminated by outside influences? influences like Left Wing radical groups? Are the organizations primarily made up of whites immediately and prejudiciously lumped into the same category as racist groups? Specifically, are groups like the 912 Group or the Tea Party recreated movements rooted in this typical hatred.

According to Zeskind, the Tea Party has become a prime example of a new movement of white power hatred. His latest article has been alluding to the fact that white hate groups view any protests performed by the Tea Party to be an opportunity for recruitment. Upon attending meetings and protests, they will ultimately be able to take the leadership positions. He writes the July 4th showing is,”…where a constellation of anti-tax, anti-immigrant, and Christian right activists and Republican conservatives are gathering their forces. Expect white nationalists to put their own star in this sky.”

I am a Jew and a Tea Party Committee member for south Florida. I can tell you that we ween out any undesirables immediately upon realizing who they are. Stormfront is in our neighborhood and has never distributed material at any meetings or events of ours. The South Florida Tea Party is run by REAL grass root Americans. Real grassroots meaning citizens themselves that have taken the helm and organized. Not a well funded right wing hate group nor a billionaire radical left wing group. Just average Americans who have the same spirit our forefathers had. No one is disqualified as a member for their heritage, this is the real thing(not the Coca Cola reference)! Rich, poor, blue collar, white collar, old, young, and everything in between are members actively participating. The misguided belief that hate groups are any part of or infiltrating the party in any numbers is wrong!

The most appalling part of Mr Zeskind’s article is the title, “Rereading the Tea Leaves: July 4 Protests Will Include White Nationalists.” This title infers that the White Nationalists “included” have been invited as speakers or guests at the protest. This is at least misleading his readers and at the most an inflammatory fabrication.

I find the absence of hate groups like La Reza and the Black Theology aka Black Liberation aka Black Supremacy and Black Panthers in your writings. These groups infiltrate Liberal activist groups with their poisonous agenda. Where is the criticism. Where are the books about their dangerous message.

In summary, failure to recognize the spirit of America’s past in organizations promoting positive values is typical of people blinded by Left Wing ideology. Both Liberal and Conservative groups have a mixed message of good points and bad. Identifying radical hate groups on both sides of the fence is a responsible message. A deliberate misguided message overstating and over exaggerating the possible infiltration of these organizations by hate groups continues to divide Americans. I invite Mr. Zeskind to join us on July 4th so he can write a tasteful and truthful article.


January 16, 2009


Filed under: Hindu,Islam,Israel,Jews,terrorism,truth,unity — grappledoctor @ 3:21 am

I have had this site posted in the blog roll but I had the site as a .org when it has been changed to Okay, in case anyone has been misled about the referral..I have corrected the site link. So, if you were intimidated by a billion Muslims, you now have a billion Hindus against them. Never forget Mumbai! Never forget the “train incident.” For other events not shown to the US audience, I encourage you to check it out!! And tell them we sent you..!


Filed under: 2000,information,Islam Israel,Jews,masada — grappledoctor @ 3:03 am

One may be hard pressed to get information about a subject as difficult as Israel and the Arabs. I have noticed that the message has been lost by rewriting history based on myth. I have been following web sites for over 20 years and seen my share of sites die off. Many sites are long abandoned….left by well meaning individuals.
Jews were the people G-d chose for a great purpose. The purpose is different for different peoples. The story of Masada is well known. I remember the story while walking through the actual place. I was there when Helmet Kohl was visiting coincidentally. When looking up information about Masada on the internet, I came upon a site that gives the resources every Jew and righteous Gentile needs to answer the critics of the Mid East conflict. Like defenders of Masada during Biblical times, use this information to defend Israel, the US, the West and the Far East. The information may contain material which will attract the attention of hackers. Print it out in an effort to have the capacity to repost it as necessary. In the words of the 2 gentlemen who made the Bartles and James commercials, “We thank you for your support.”

December 17, 2008


Filed under: conservative,Hussein,inauguration,Jews,liberal jewish,obama,President — grappledoctor @ 4:57 pm

I heard that Obama intends to state his full name when he accepts the Presidential chair. He is insistent on pronouncing his middle name in a gesture to improve the outlook with Islamic nations. Well, who gives a shit what they think? Is the Christian view going to be insulted if he uses his Muslim name? This is a Judeo-Christian country. I remember the Democratic Jews bolstering Obama’s image by spreading the gossip on his FIRST name. They said his name was Barack, which sounds just like Baruch. And Baruch means blessed in Hebrew. Give me a freaking break. Jews lying to other Jews!! These deceptive people should be lawyers. They maliciously left out the fact that Barack is Arabic for blessed! Some Jews voted for Hitler. It is not so far fetched that they would have voted Arafat in as Prime Minister of Israel if they thought he was in the Labor Party (the Democratic Party equivalent in Israel). The Obama machine duped everyone into believing he will support Israel. NOT A CHANCE IN HELL! He will bring about the demise of Israel. And the Jews will once again be responsible for their own destruction. As a Jew, I am annoyed at the self-righteous attitude of the Liberal Jew. He will justify his stand even if it is self defeating. Never willing to listen to any other view.
My articles on Obama’s political stand towards Israel and how he intends to deal with the Mid East Peace Process are about as thorough and accurate as any expert could possibly imagine. I hope readers look through the articles we published and the future articles. When this Presaidency starts, I will post nearly daily on how he does. So far he supports Israel’s response, supports tax cuts, and is considering raising taxes 10 cents on gasoline. So far he sounds more Republican. Now if he could just stop thinking about taxes….

November 14, 2008


Filed under: democrats,election,gay marriage,homosexual,Jews,obama,protests,Republicans — grappledoctor @ 11:59 am

It appears the Democratic Party hasn’t congealed its constituents? The party has formulated an appearance of togetherness The Turtles would be proud of. Yet, it doesn’t appear that the words to their most famous hit mimic the Democratic Party after all. Black voters and Gay voters are arguably two of the biggest outspoken supporters. These groups were happily and generously displayed on TV in a homogenious manner. When it came to gaining the power of the Presidency, winning was impossible without cooperation. The homosexual lobby was fervently outspoken about civil rights pertaining to all groups. The Black darling
(Obama) overcame hurdles deemed unattainable by anybody other than a Whaite male. The umbrella of Civil Rights is believed to be that solely or in large part, to the Black community. As a Jew, I have seen the wavering appreciation of the Black population for the Jews that gave their lives in the darkest times of the movement. In fact, many Black groups preach undying hate and contempt for Jews without basis at all. (For older folks look to Malcolm X and Jesse Jackson. To younger minds and the uneducated, look to all leaders of the Black Liberation Ideology.)
The public has seen a display of unrest by the Homosexual population across the country towards any groups associated with resistance to Gay marriage. Yesterday on Fox, the Gay activists have decided to execute boycotts and demonstrations against any opposition parties. Displays in front of Churches and Synagogues have erupted. Businesses that have been directly or indirectly linked to opposing views have been “Scarlett Letter”(ed).
It appears to be a well orchestrated campaign to drum up support for long term resistance until passage of Gay Marriage is achieved. Is the campaign malaligned? ABSOLUTELY.
Black voters do not equate the Civil Rights movement to the Gay Marriage movement. It has become much too personal for them. The Gay voters obviously see them as exactly the same. It has even been called the Civil Rights Movement of the 21st century. By supporting the Black candidate, the Gays now feel betrayed by the Blacks as evidenced by their total and utter surprise when the agenda was completely crushed by a landslide vote. The landslide could directly be attributed to the overwhelming +70% Black vote against it.
Boycotts and protests in front of businesses and institutions that have never voter differently in the matter is an off-tangential approach. A normal pursuit would be conducted towards their own people who have deliberately strayed from support. Black churches, in particular, should have been (and now should be) the first to feel the bitterness. Mosques should be targeted and are strangely ignored. The Black Moslems have crossed a two-fold agenda in taking issue.
Where would the protests be targeted to make the most noise? Where is the debt of gratitude owed mostly to the Gay vote? Where would the action be most effective in getting this issue on the forefront of society, in the open, and on the front pages of every news media in the world? ……….If you haven’t come to the conclusion yet, the answer is Obama!! The inauguration would be the best time create the circus needed for a national “town meeting.”
Where is Hollywood? Where are the musicians? (silence…) Where are the Gay politicians that have been outcast from office in disgrace because of “closet” issues? (crickets….chirp…chirp..) Where are the Civil Rights leaders? Where is Obama? Where is Oprah, Maury, The View (Ugh!), and Ellen? Is anyone going to volunteer to leave the country if the agenda isn’t passed” like Alec Baldwin said when he was referring to the Republicans? Who will put their ASS on the line? Strangely silent.
How I feel about the matter is not the motivation for this article. How this administration works as it inches closer to starting is puzzling and important to me! Direct the movement appropriately. I am anxious to see what music should have been played at the DNC. Does one pick David Bowie “Ch- Ch- Ch- Changes?” Or Led zeppelin’s “The Song Remains The Same?” Or The Turtles “Happy Together?” I know what I would pick!

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