
July 21, 2009


Filed under: city,inauguration,Ivanka,jew,marriage,obama and the jews,same sex marriage,Trump — grappledoctor @ 12:00 pm

The Jews do not pursue the conversion of others. On the other hand, when someone does want to become a Jewish person, the conversion is no small task. In the show Sex in the City, one of the characters was considering converting to Judaism for a relationship with a man. When the woman finds a Rabbi to assist her through the process, he refuses her request. (No, I don’t watch the show). The character Charlotte is repeatedly dismissed because in Judaism your advances must be serious and sincere. So, when Ivanka decided to convert to Judaism, I know she went through a rigorous ordeal. She is a person I respected greatly beforehand. Now, I can say she is one of us. So, from the UnapologeticEthnocentricSemite, WELCOME. Happy to have you aboard. Oh, and the episode was from season six.
Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump Pictures

February 15, 2009


The Jews have done it again! Yep, congratulations! The Sheik Obama has allocated at least $20 million dollars towards resettling Palestinians (particularly Hamas) in the US with TAX PAYER MONEY! Wow, that will stimulate jobs galore. How? Security industry has just been given the proverbial shot in the arm with this concern. The President wanted to rush (no, not Limbaugh) the darn bill through in a covert cover up scam where money will be given to get this going. Brilliantly pointed out by pajamas media, the Bill was rushed because the Israeli election became the catalyst for this. If Netanyahu wins aka the Right Wing Party, then the money will go for “needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.”

This is an excerpt from the article and the entire article is found here Pajamas Media

2) Israel. If Netanyahu is elected in Israel, and if the Obama team feels that the key to historic “progress” in the Middle East
lies in rehabilitating Hamas, or in forcing 99.9% withdrawal from the West, or hinges on normalization with Iran, then
look for a fundamental recalibration of our relationship with Israel, as we lock horns with our traditional ally. I’ll leave it
at that. (Note well: one of Obama’s first acts was to allot $20 million for help in settling refugees from Gaza, apparently
(?) in the United States. That seems to be unwise, especially given the Palestinian clapping to news of 9/11 on the West
Bank. E.g.,
This passage is from both the article and the exact verbiage used in the bill:

By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (the “Act”), as amended (22 U.S.C. 2601), I hereby determine, pursuant to section 2 (c) (1) of the Act, that it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance under the Act in an amount not to exceed $20.3 million from the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for the purpose of meeting unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs, including by contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations and payment of administrative expenses of Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State, related to humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

I blame the Republicans for this garbage. Bush made national security the primary issue and here the issue is not only compromised but officially dead. Stop the insanity. This issue alone could have been used to crush the administration. There is no compromise with the Left. All the stupid Republicans have to do is take their time reviewing the document now and come Monday tear it to shreds. Dont’ let it go!! Push forward with criticizing the pork out of it. Go on all the traditional media outlets that are religious zealots of the Sheik and bring up the issues. It would be monumental in its damage on every level from lying, rushing, secrecy, the edxtent of the pork and on and on. Shmuck Shumer,( And I mean SHMUCK!), had the gaul (THE GAUL) to say the taxpayer doesn’t want to know or care what the earmark pork is…!!%#@
Now let me see…I know what pork is and I am kosher so I don’t like it. I know what earmarks are and I dont like them. I know what an ear is and I can’t believe what I am hearing. Finally, I know a pig ear is something my dog chews on and she could chew on this bill if they would let her.
The Republicans better do something Monday. Otherwise, they are just as responsible for the bill. The three irresponsible Republicans that agreed to go along with the bill should be black listed immediately. Next time up, not supported by the party for reelection. The opportunity to allow the dems to take full responsibilty for this trash was diminished and allowed Dems to say it bipartisan. Unify and destroy. Divided voting compromises your position and your already in a minority situation. Letting this go and not pressing the matter is a mistake. Just because it passed doesn’t mean public outcry can’t change matters.
Jewish organizations are fair game for criticism. I find the stereotypical Liberal Jew is a supporter of this measure regardless of the consequences. They feel the Dems would never steer them wrong. Also, they would buy into any argument in support of it. They have a record of bending over backwards to appease those that hate them in a gesture to prove how understanding they are to others. Stupid? Extremely. They bought the ingenious argument that Barack Obama (aka the Sheik) is similar to Ba-ruch. Ba-ruch is the word in HEBREW for blessed. Barack is ARABIC for the same. But the Jews bought the point. Sheik Obama is the antithesis of everything Jews should hold dear. I am ashamed of these Jews. I am NOT a Jew for Jesus. I DO support the Christian groups and organizations because they are good people with beliefs that are rooted in our common Old Testament. Common ground is not hard to find. I belonged to an Orthodox synagogue. I find Orthodox Jews have common views with Christians and secular Jews baffling.
I know I have been an advocate for Act for America. Also, I have written several times about them. They deserve more praise then I have done, and for that I am sorry. They pressed the matter already to the Sheik Obama administration. They had signatures totaling at about 9000 in opposition to the possible misuse of funds to Hama immigration. I only hope my darling, Bridget Gabriel gets of FOX and educates the public. If Hamas is allowed here, G-d help us all.
ABsolutely Rucking Fidiculous!!

October 30, 2008

Prediction # 3. What Is The Test Biden Stated in Obama’s First 6 Months

Filed under: 3,election,jew,Middle East,obama,prediction — grappledoctor @ 1:40 am

I do not want to write the next 500 predictions on Obama a la Nostradamus. I believe the Israeli government is aware of the ties Obama has with Palestinian and other Islamic peoples. Therefore, the most obvious move for Israel is to perform a first strike. The test is his ability to (Obama’s) deal with it. Is Obama the third Antichrist? I don’t want to know. I believe Israel will not survive an Obama administration. I am working on an article about why Jews are voting for Obama. Jews inIsrael have long been involved in communist organizations. This is exemplified in the establishment of the kibbutzes or kibbutzeem in Israel. Kibbutzeem are small communist-style living communities. While popular during the hippy age, they are disappearing fast. Move On is extremely popular among the inhabitants. I know other Jews that detest the lifestyle associated with kibbutzeem. The secular Jews who are Jewish by blood alone and live like this embrace Obama because the communist theology is higher on the totem pole than their religion ever was or could be. Other Jews feel liberal openness takes precident. This thinking in a BLACK candidate provides these Jews with a high that cannot be attained on any amount of amphetamines. Conservatives Jews are outraged and disgusted by these STUPID Jews!! Period!!

June 13, 2008

Who Is Bridget Gabriel And Why Should You Already Know Her Name!?!

Filed under: Bridget,Gabriel,Islam Israel,jew,jewish,Religion of peace,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 6:39 pm

Bridget Gabriel

Quite possibly The most important Lebanese Christian alive today! She has a perspective of Mid East turmoil I hope none of us ever experience. Her bravery and smart approach to debunking myths of “The Religion Of Peace.” Watch her at work and when you chin drops, wonder why you dont come to this page more often.

Who Is Bridget Gabriel And Why Should You Already Know Her Name!?!

Filed under: Bridget,Gabriel,Islam Israel,jew,jewish,Religion of peace,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 6:39 pm

Bridget Gabriel

Quite possibly The most important Lebanese Christian alive today! She has a perspective of Mid East turmoil I hope none of us ever experience. Her bravery and smart approach to debunking myths of “The Religion Of Peace.” Watch her at work and when you chin drops, wonder why you dont come to this page more often.

May 29, 2008

Hypocrisy-Democrats vs Republicans When Racism is Afoot

Filed under: bigot,Black,Democrat,double standard,jew,racism — grappledoctor @ 11:46 pm

The past 25 years have been a roller coaster ride when pertaining to the general public view on sentiment. I have seen shows come and go from Phil Donahue, boring by today’s standard trash with Springer and Oprah. I have seen the Morton Downey Show with the podium “THE BIG MOUTH.” A show way ahead of its time that could easily hold its own today. Race has been an issue which has transcended the history of the US since conception. Today we see Race being played out in the 2008 election and even sexism all by the same party. But how has the political landscape changed and has it really.
The Obama campaign has already prepared a speech for the unlikelihood that Clinton trumps him for the official nomination in the Primary. He will claim racism and the party will have to deal with the possibility of splitting the base constituents. If he gets the nomination, she can claim sexism, which will stir up the feminist base but not to the point of break up. And we all know that McCain is heading the Republicans but without Huckabee, he will get the votes with the voters holding their nose when they pick him on election day.
Taking the example of the past and present, which party tolerates racism and which rids itself of garbage like the KKK and the Black Panthers. Well, David Duke was a racist and a Republican. He was in the limelight putting his career at risk when this came out. Not by the voting base that got him to where he was, but by the party base. The party saw the public response to his past and rightfully took measures to finish his career quickly. The Republicans showed no tolerance towards white racism.
Liberals pride themselves on showing minority tolerance. Yet, does the party tolerate racists. Actually, the answer is a resounding, deafening YES! The party has so many racists in the forefront its impossible to see otherwise. Al Sharpton encouraged riots in NYC in Harlem. He called for the death of a jewish driver in Crown Heights when he accidently killed a black child. He called for retribution when white police were accused of multiple heinous crimes against T’wana Brawly. Later it was discovered she lied about everything! Another prominent leader was Louis Farrakhan. This Muslim black leader relentlessly called Jews names not heard since the time of the Nazis. He has a solid record of racist antisemitic remarks that have actually helped his notariety around the world. Finally, Jesse Jackson has said mainly painful remarks but the most famous was calling NYC a slang term for Jew.
The hypocrisy of the liberal tolerance towards bigotry and hatred in their party has been a travesty of justice to the groups insulted. The dismissal of any individual in the Republicans can be appreciated by any small amount of research done. When a liberal says he doesnt tolerate any intolerance, tell him thanks for being a Republican..

FITNA THE MOVIE=Glimpse of our future? HOPE NOT!

Filed under: America,cost,Europe,Fitna,freedom,help,Islamic,Israel,jew,patriotism,radical,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 1:35 pm

May 28, 2008

Presidente Carter Commits Treason Against The US and The West!?!

The former President has committed a vile crime: treason! That’s right! He divulged information to the Arabic world about Israel’s capacity to retaliate against the Arabs in an all out war. The classified information was publicly announced by Carter to clear the air on the question of Israel’s nuclear capacity and why the other countries should be allowed (?) to do the same. The mutually assured destruction policy of the US and Russia from the Cold War era seems to be the standard for his influence in Peace negotiations in the Middle East.
The Arab countries routinely threaten to destroy Israel the instant they get their hands on a nuclear device. Israel has had weapons for years without using or threatening to use them. The Israelis only purpose having them is to ensure their own security. On the otherhand, the Arab countries have actually used chemical weapons before, like Iraq on the Kurds in the late 80s. Pakistan has had weapons for years but never using them, but the ominous situation in Kashmir never keeps it from the forefront of possibilities. Also, the small amount of land Israel has can easily be overrun by the Arab armies surrounding her. Israel cannot overrun any neighboring countries because the population of Israel is so small. The Arab armies have multiple times attacked Israel, showing no regard for its soverreignty. Meanwhile, Israel has not attempted to invade her neighbors preemptively without provocation. And most importantly, Carter displays little knowledge about the purpose of the nuclear arsenal Israel has by his treasonous outbursts. The reason Israel has nuclear weopons is to commit suicide on its own soil by blowing themselves up. This will take as many Arabs with them when they enter . Like in the Bible, like in Masada, the Jews would rather die honorably than to become sheep lead to slaughter as in the Holocaust.
It would be hypocritical for me to take sides in an election year. Yet, Bill O’ Reily and I hate to allow spin doctors to take control. If a Republican had compromised Israel’s security with such disregard, the papers would be ablaze with criticism. Carter will be praise in the Left Wing media for his unorthodox approach to the unresolved Peace Process. Carter never should have been privy to this kind of information. He fucked up policy negotiations with Iran 30 years ago and he still shows he has no conception of how the Middle East works today, either.

May 17, 2008

Jewish Task Force=Jewish. Pissed. Just Plain Chutzpah!

I have been an avid follower, supporter, and virtually infatuated with the pervasive style of Chaim Ben Pesach.  He is the current front man for the JDL of old.  When it had virtue!  When it was viewed with respect!  The group was well known in the 70’s and 80’s due to the no holds bar rantings of Rabbi Meir Kahane. THE….Meir  Kahane!  The Rabbi that debated the liberal establishment until they cried mercy.  And when he came to my area to speak, everybody, and I mean everybody, went to see his lecture.  His charismatic persona grabbed your attention (and the media’s) and made the jews in the audience feel emboldened and proud like never before.  The whinning self insulting, self pity images created by the likes of Woody Allen, Jerry Lewis, and Barbara Streisand were left behind.  I did not see him that day.  But I have a collection of articles on him that would make any obscessed fanatic proud.  My very good collegue gave me Kahane’s first book SIGNED by Kahane himself.  I will cherish it and forever be indebted to him for this gift.  The web page is currently geared up solely for the purpose of destroying Obama’s campaign.  I wish them good luck and offer any help from the writers on this page.  We are available for the asking.  When the page goes back to its original format, the unique writing style of the group and their incredible plethora of information available nowhere else but there can be enjoyed again.  

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