
March 22, 2010

New site!! Zionist Anticommunist

Filed under: communism,Islam,Israel,website,zionist — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

While many in our current government are of Jewish descent , their Communist sympathies do not symbolize Jews feelings generally. The founder of the modern day Liberal Progressives Saul Alinsky. The founder of modern day Conservatism is Milton Friedman. Many sites posted here are Jews faithfully posing Conservative values. This wonderful site continues this view.

Great writing and apparently a comic book reader, he has strong positions on Israel and the West. And I agree with all of them. I encourage everyone to read and spread the message.

March 20, 2010

Filed under: Allen,Colonel,Israel,Party,Tea,West — grappledoctor @ 11:53 pm

Filed under: Israel,Joyce,Kaufman,Kaufmann,Party,personality,radio,Tea — grappledoctor @ 11:31 pm

January 26, 2010

Al Sharpton, Jackson, and The Dishonorable Louis F Take Notice: Israel Provides Haitians Best Care

Filed under: charity,donate,Haiti,help,Israel,Jews,medical,Sharpton — grappledoctor @ 1:22 pm

The pathetic attitude of the Left Liberal Black leaders of this country have one common denominator. This is the unjustified and unending hatred for Jews. As Jews, we are obligated to help our fellow man despite their feelings toward us. Israel is consistently vilified in the UN as the worst offender on the planet for Human Rights. Of course, the total opposite is true.
Is this true for other nations? No. The constant barrage of condemnation by nation after nation for violations by Israel is relentless. Careful attention is taken by Israel when they retaliate for attacks against them. This practice is absent when terrorists attack them. No scrutiny is long lasting by the press towards the Islamic terror which would provide appropriate coverage and not biased coverage as per common practice now. The terrorists attack the US and the West with the intent to kill everyone possible, including children. The Peace Movement and Pink do nothing to attack such practices. War must be addressed on all sides to get to a negotiated peaceful ends. Let’s see these groups fly to a Muslim country and protest. Or protest in front of a Mosque in this one? I thought not!
Is Israel helping this country because their citizens are white? No. They are overwhelmingly Black. Did Israel help because Haiti is a Christian country? No, every religion is represented and Judaism is a minority for sure. Would Israel not provide help for an Islamic country? While any Islamic country would never consider providing help to Israel ever, for any reason, Israel does not reciprocate such actions. Israel offered help to every nation after the Tsunami disaster. Out of spite, the Islamic nations refused any help from Israel. Instead, they decided to BLAME Israel, claiming they set off a nuclear device under water intentionally to cause the wave.
MSNBC aka MS-LSD has never been a neutral media when reporting on Israel, finally got a news story right.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

To the Jew haters and critics of Israeli policy and for the college students who wear free palestine shirts, watch this and go to hell!

April 20, 2009

Netanyahu HQ

Filed under: bibi,campaign,Islam,Israel,minister,netanyahu,prime — grappledoctor @ 5:40 pm

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This is a picture of the HQ for the campaign for the current Prime Minister of Israel. I think he is the only chance Israel has of surviving the “Sheik Obama Years.”

March 17, 2009


Filed under: Ha'Aretz,Israel,murder,newspaper,Palestinians,Shalit,trip — grappledoctor @ 10:03 pm

Hello Readers,
I have been working intensely the last 3 weeks in anticipation of this trip. I am in Israel right now for a vacation. My location is …undisclosed, thank you! I am writing in my hotel where the internet leaves me a little wanting for the nearest Panera restaurant. If anyone is interested in my last visit, I was here about 6 months ago when I learned about the mass amount of French Jews who made Aliyah due to the intolerable conditions the Arabs have imposed in France. Checkout the posts with pictures in my old posts. I am keeping this particular post personal and simple..a stray from my regular post. I noted that the hotel has a number of newspapers available to read for the guests and thankfully, some are in English. My Hebrew is terrible!
I glanced through the articles in order to get a feeling with what’s doing here daily. I read in the Ha’Aretz newspaper that negotiations are taking place for the release of the captive Israeli Gilad Shalit. This soldier was captured quite a while ago by terrorists. Apparently, the Left Wing activists feel no need to call for his release. In the extreme Left paper Ha’Aretz, everyday they portray the “devil’s advocate” and publish articles about how the negotiations could help Palestinians. The hope is for the release of prisoners who have participated in murder and terror activity for the release of Shalit. What purpose does the continued plight of the prisoners who have commited murder serve when the Jewish paper makes them out to be victims. What a topsy-turvy portrayal! I took a picture of the article to show that on the same page is another attack by terrorists. This time they have killed two policemen! The irony and insult of putting both articles in such close proximity suggests to me that this paper is extremely misguided. The victims of the murderers is lost over time while the prisoners who did the murder now have their hopes raised of a possible release. And why? Because another crime of kidnapping was committed. The rights of the prisoners has been looked after by the Red Cross. The Red Cross has become something of a political puppet in its attempt to do righteous and merciful acts. While Christianity believes forgiveness, Judaism is more renown for “an eye for an eye.” The prisoners were well taken care of by Israel. If they weren’t, the media would catch wind of it through the Red Cross. Why aren’t they transfixed on how the Israeli prisoners is?
I fear for the Israeli family of the Shalit and truly hope they have their loved one home soon and in good shape. However, the release of murderers should be reviewed before following through. The Left have infiltrated their thoughts on the Israeli population by buying the newspapers and changing perspective in what is published. Brainwashing works when it goes relatively undetected. I truly long for the days of Yitzhak Shamir! And, of course, Rabbi Kahane!

February 9, 2009

Commentary for Time Magazine: A True Story

Filed under: balanced,civil rights,Egypt,fascist,Israel,news,TIME — grappledoctor @ 1:14 am

Since Time Magazine’s Cairo correspondent: Scott MacLeod is reticent to write a blog about Egypt I thought I might as well do so. As we all know, Israel is a fascist state consisting of 1st class citizens (i.e. The Jews) and 2nd class citizens (i.e. The 1.2 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship). Now, even though they are 2nd class citizens, none the less, they are not afraid to describe members of the fascist government as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever and they do this both publically and privately on a regular basis. In fact, one might say they believe it is their right to voice such criticisms. One day a group of these 2nd class citizens decided to visit the free and democratic state of Egypt and travel around the country on a guided bus tour. Unfortunately, one of the travelers, (we’ll just call him: “Mohammed the 2nd class citizen”) decided that he had the right to criticize the free and democratic state of Egypt in a similar fashion to which he was used to criticizing the fascist Israeli state. A few days into the trip, two very nice and very polite Egyptian police officers boarded the bus and asked: “Excuse us, but: Is Mohammed the 2nd class citizen here?” Mohammed the 2nd class citizen then got off the bus with the two very nice and very polite police officers and the bus continued on its tour of Egypt. The other second class citizens thought that maybe Mohammed the 2nd class citizen had had a death or crisis in his family and flew back to Israel ahead of them, however, when they returned home Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was nowhere to be found and the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv could provide no information. Fortuitously for Mohammed the 2nd class citizen, although Israel is a fascist state, many of the 2nd class citizens are allowed to become police officers. So after weeks of not receiving any information what so ever from the free and democratic government of Egypt, some 2nd class police officers asked some 1st class police officers if they could speak to some mem bers of the fascist state’s foreign ministry. To cut a long story short, (i.e. we will not discuss what happened to Mohammed the 2nd class citizen while he was a guest of the two very nice and very polite police officers of the free and democratic state of Egypt) Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was finally “found” and returned home where, till this day, he continues to live happily and continues criticizing the fascist Israeli government and describing its members as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever…

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the street in Israel”

February 7, 2009


Filed under: antisemite,Gaza,Israel,new york times,TIME — grappledoctor @ 10:26 pm

Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan recently said: just because someone criticizes Israel does not mean they are anti semitic. Does this then mean that Time Magazine’s Tim McGirk is not an anti-semite? I don’t think so…. Tim has come to Israel from Iraq, a place where Sunnis and Shiites slaughter each other in the tens of thousands, where acid is thrown into the faces of children, where so many Palestinians have been threatened and attacked by Arabs that they call it: The Second Negba (catastrophe). Tim knows all this, yet he implies Isr aelis are: “devils” because they use phosphorus flares in their night operations. Rape is so common among Middle Eastern armies that it is almost considered “a tradition” (for example: the Turks raped Lawrence of Arabia), yet, while no Israeli has ever even been accused of rape in the last 60 years, Tim McGirk is horrified because a soldier wrote on some wall in Gaza: “you have nice underwear”. Hamas has repeatedly declared 1) It wants to destroy Israel and will not give up terrorism 2) It will never recognize the Jewish State 3) It will not abide by previous agreements, yet, in the title of his article on George Mitchell, Tim asks: “Will Israel listen?”. Egyptian border guards regularly shoot Sudanese refugees in the back only 100 meters from the freedom provided by the Israeli border, yet Tim McGirk doesn’t even mention these events. Likewise, one week ago, Hamas shot over 150 Gazan men and women in the legs “to set an example to the P.L.O.”, yet Tim does not feel the need to comment (obviously, these things aren’t as news worthy as a woman’s underwear). Time Magazine is anti Israel, Tim McGirk is an anti semite. The “time” has come to make a change: transfer Tim to Mecca or Rome.


January 16, 2009


Filed under: Hindu,Islam,Israel,Jews,terrorism,truth,unity — grappledoctor @ 3:21 am

I have had this site posted in the blog roll but I had the site as a .org when it has been changed to Okay, in case anyone has been misled about the referral..I have corrected the site link. So, if you were intimidated by a billion Muslims, you now have a billion Hindus against them. Never forget Mumbai! Never forget the “train incident.” For other events not shown to the US audience, I encourage you to check it out!! And tell them we sent you..!

January 15, 2009


Filed under: Gaza,Hamas,Islam,Israel,Kosha Dillz,music — grappledoctor @ 10:34 pm

When it comes to a message resonating with the young people, rap music seems to be the “soap box” of the 21st century. With the world about to condemn Israel on the most recent conflict, I find this song not only brings me the feeling of validation and pride for the Israeli response… It brings the right message to the masses! This song should be “the ANTHEM” of the righteous movement of Zionism. When it comes to choosing sides in the endless war between Islam and Jews, tell ’em, “supporting Israel is Kosha!”

When are you comin’ to Florida!! Because it’s not soon enough!

The Real Occupation is going to be my ringtone.

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