
January 27, 2009


To the “Honorable” (yes, a Farrakhan pun!) Rabbi Kahane, Jews will forever owe you their gratitude because of your eloquent perception :
“Dear World, you stood by the Holocaust and you stood by in 1948 as seven states launched a war that the Arab League proudly compared to the Mongrol Massacres. You stood by in 1967 as Nasser, wildly cheered by wild mobs in every Arab capital in the world, vowed to drive the Jews into the sea. And you would stand by tomorrow if Israel were facing extinction, we will do everything possible to remain alive in our own land. If that bothers you, dear world, well–think of how many times in the past you bothered us. In any event, dear world, if you are bothered by us, here is one Jew who could not care less.”
The piss poor treatment by the press/media at large at Israel is ubiquitous. The combination of tradition media and internet savy anti-Western radicals has been steadfast in delivering a message of unbridled hate unlike anything before it. Permeated by a filthy, vile picture of Western Culture accounts of history, the people spreading these feelings aim their efforts primarily towards Israel. The status of the Jewish State is unique. Its downfall would domino into a revolution of destruction not seen since WWII. How can I make the comparison? One only has to look at the current economic crisis to see how things can quickly tumble.
Many questions have been proposed by the public at large pertaining to the Israeli Gaza crisis. Most of the discussions being run in forums demonstrate how distorted the history and circumstances have become. I am going to discuss what is being discussed in an attempt to clarify the misinformation. Also, define why the circumstances are occurring in the way they are panning out.
See Part II

January 18, 2009


Filed under: all,art,beautiful,Islam Israel,things — grappledoctor @ 10:33 pm

This is a website I have mentioned before and which deserves to be mentioned again. This site is written by a woman who is brilliant in her appreciation of art and her interpretation of how current politics is a reflection of it. She has won much notoriety about her work by a list of well respected individuals. A remarkable person inside and out. I have been lacking in the appreciation of art and somewhat uncultured, much to my chagrin. In my defense, I do enjoy certain pieces of art which speak to me. No, not the picture of dogs playing cards. I bought art at a festival in Israel a number of years ago by an Israeli artist who has been recognized by the established cultured elite. He has pieces all across Tel-Aviv, although I cannot mention any because I cannot read hebrew. I will post pictures of a few pieces tonight.
I don’t believe I will ever be an avid admirer of art. But, if the author of this site continue to intrigue me with her writing, I could be very wrong!! Thank you



Filed under: Hindu,India,Islam Israel,terror — grappledoctor @ 10:15 pm

With the internet, the reporting of news from traditional sources is being met with suspicion and disbelief and distrust by the average world citizen. Flashbacks from the story 1984, Brave New World, and others has finally been met and recognized. Today, with the average person handling a camera and a computer can become a world class reporter. The news is written by anonymous people who happen to take the mantle of watchdog. Sites I enjoy reviewing provide me with information I could never retrieve myself. When it comes to India, I rely on multiple friends who live in the area or have immediate family there.
The groundbreaking folks at hinduunity and the Kahane followers have been promoting one another for several years. I will be providing more information on India from the Hindus I know.
Another terrific site about India and their plight with terror is this.
This site called reports about attacks all over the world. Their information on India happens to be great. Please check them out. I will be adding them permanently to the sidebar.
I intend to write more on India in the next week so watch for it. I am running into some time consuming issues with our first podcast. I intend to follow through, but the podcast will be up very soon. Once its posted, I will be able to copntinue putting up more easily.
Also, I have not ignored the conflict in Israel. I have multiple articles coming about this and the reaction the world is having to the response.
India and Israel should openly help one another out. Their cooperation would generate the momentum needed to command attention in the UN and the fair treatment of countries dealing with the harsh reality of terrorism. Let’s spread the word on the internet! See you for part VI.

January 16, 2009


Filed under: 2000,information,Islam Israel,Jews,masada — grappledoctor @ 3:03 am

One may be hard pressed to get information about a subject as difficult as Israel and the Arabs. I have noticed that the message has been lost by rewriting history based on myth. I have been following web sites for over 20 years and seen my share of sites die off. Many sites are long abandoned….left by well meaning individuals.
Jews were the people G-d chose for a great purpose. The purpose is different for different peoples. The story of Masada is well known. I remember the story while walking through the actual place. I was there when Helmet Kohl was visiting coincidentally. When looking up information about Masada on the internet, I came upon a site that gives the resources every Jew and righteous Gentile needs to answer the critics of the Mid East conflict. Like defenders of Masada during Biblical times, use this information to defend Israel, the US, the West and the Far East. The information may contain material which will attract the attention of hackers. Print it out in an effort to have the capacity to repost it as necessary. In the words of the 2 gentlemen who made the Bartles and James commercials, “We thank you for your support.”

August 10, 2008

Israeli Election Posters

Filed under: conservative,election,Islam Israel,Likud — grappledoctor @ 11:49 pm

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This is a picture of a short book printed with articles published in Israeli newspapers and magazines. The articles were Pro-Likud and usually made reference to some failed policy passed or implimented by the opposite party. In order to receive this book, one needed to make a considerable donation to the party..

Israeli Election Poster

Filed under: 2008,election,Islam Israel,United States — grappledoctor @ 11:30 pm

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This post is leading to several posts in a row about a prior election in Israel. With Ehud Olmert stepping down next month, early elections are underway. If corruption isn’t a problem, or promiscuity, or a weak compromising candidate, then Israel wouldn’t have any candidates at all. Ehud Barak and BIbi Netanyahu (in this Poster) are the forerunners in the coming election. How the Iranian policy is going to be dealt with may ride on this election. And how are the US election and the Israeli election going to intertwine. The Left are going to team up in both countries in order to control Middle East policy for the next several years. This poster is Netanyahu’s with bumper stickers and a flag flown on a plastic pole for the window. I have a 10 ft canvas of the same picture too big to post.

July 22, 2008


Filed under: global warming,Islam,Islam Israel,Jerusalem,murder,outrage,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 12:28 pm

The nerve of the Israeli people shooting a construction worker who happened to go a little postal. Haven’t they learned anything from the United States? Obviously, when it comes to dealing with terrorism, the Israelis need to be shown how to treat these people. First, shooting them violates the SECOND AMENDMENT! Therefore, either strict gun control or ban gun ban should be in place. Second, this poor, poor, poor Arab was not a terrorist! NO! He was having a bad day and happened to take it out on several people of Jewish origin ONLY. Therefore, no terror or hate crime is present. Third, he should have been ONLY subdued. Then, after a short stay with a therapist to see why he is upset, he will be sent to a jail for where he can pray 5 times a day, wash his feet whenever necessary, be provided new Korans, and Halal food buffet style so “cruel and unusual punishment” can’t be implemented by the Military Police. The usual ping pong tables, Basketball courts, weight lifting equipment with spa facility are naturally provided. Then, he can be provided lawyer representation at the cost of the Israeli taxpayer to be represented in court vigorously because its his right. If he loses in court, his “live” body can eventually be exchanged along with 1000 other “live” terrorists for the “dead” bodies of honorable Israeli soldiers. Then, he can sue the manufacturer of the bulldozer for “sudden acceleration” ala Audi motorcars. And of course, collect “unemployment” because of the loss of the job. H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T!

My real feelings: Pink Floyd “Meddle” said it best=1st song on the album=”I’m going to cut you up into little pieces”

Where is the condemnation?! Shouldn’t the Palestinian leader condemn this act? Why is everyone silent about pressing the matter? If Israel threatened an incursion into Arab land the press would be ballistic. If a Jew attacked an Arab, the Israeli leaders would be on TV in 20 minutes apologizing. And the people around the world would be rioting. As a Jew, I feel the Talmud has the answer: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

Jerusalem Post

Barak Obama is in Israel right now. I wonder while he is visiting if another attack will take place with a bulldozer near him.

June 13, 2008

Who Is Bridget Gabriel And Why Should You Already Know Her Name!?!

Filed under: Bridget,Gabriel,Islam Israel,jew,jewish,Religion of peace,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 6:39 pm

Bridget Gabriel

Quite possibly The most important Lebanese Christian alive today! She has a perspective of Mid East turmoil I hope none of us ever experience. Her bravery and smart approach to debunking myths of “The Religion Of Peace.” Watch her at work and when you chin drops, wonder why you dont come to this page more often.

Who Is Bridget Gabriel And Why Should You Already Know Her Name!?!

Filed under: Bridget,Gabriel,Islam Israel,jew,jewish,Religion of peace,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 6:39 pm

Bridget Gabriel

Quite possibly The most important Lebanese Christian alive today! She has a perspective of Mid East turmoil I hope none of us ever experience. Her bravery and smart approach to debunking myths of “The Religion Of Peace.” Watch her at work and when you chin drops, wonder why you dont come to this page more often.

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