
March 22, 2010

New site!! Zionist Anticommunist

Filed under: communism,Islam,Israel,website,zionist — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

While many in our current government are of Jewish descent , their Communist sympathies do not symbolize Jews feelings generally. The founder of the modern day Liberal Progressives Saul Alinsky. The founder of modern day Conservatism is Milton Friedman. Many sites posted here are Jews faithfully posing Conservative values. This wonderful site continues this view.

Great writing and apparently a comic book reader, he has strong positions on Israel and the West. And I agree with all of them. I encourage everyone to read and spread the message.

April 22, 2009


Filed under: Act for America,Islam,pirates,Somalia,terror — grappledoctor @ 4:50 pm

This is a newsletter from ACT FOR AMERICA. I recommend every person reading this post to join in the fight and support their efforts. Enjoy.

Those Who Ignore History Are Condemned – Somali Piracy in Context

by D.L. Adams

On April 6 in an address to the parliament of Turkey, US President Obama said that the relationship between the United States and the “Muslim world” is an important one. “In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical,” the president said. During the same address the President stated, “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.” Mr. Obama neglected to explain in what way(s) Islam has the shaped and improved the United States. The founding fathers of the United States did not share Mr. Obama’s appreciation for the “Islamic faith”. In fact Jefferson, Adams, JQ Adams, and Benjamin Franklin were all were deeply concerned about the dangers that Islam represented to the new nation. Our ongoing experiences with the 21st century version of the Barbary pirates off the coast of Somalia, most recently today when an American freighter captain was freed from pirate captivity by the US Navy, illustrates a great deal about our prior relations with the “religion of peace” and how our previous leaders reacted. There is little discussion in the mainstream press about the link between Somali Islamism, piracy, and jihad, but the linkage is there nonetheless.

In spite of the news media distancing the recent attack on a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia from global terrorism, intelligence experts believe this is just the latest operation initiated against the United States and the West by Al-Qaeda. (source)

The irony perhaps is that Islam did in fact play a very important role in the early stages of the development of the United States – Islam was directly responsible for the development of the United States Navy and for the concepts that allowed for its deployment far from our coasts. The American Navy is not a river navy or coastal defense force; it is a global tool of American power whose origins can be traced directly back to an earlier American-Islam confrontation. After the American Revolution, pirates from the Barbary states (Algiers, Morcoco) attacked American shipping off the coast of North Africa in the Mediterranean and took the crews. This piracy against American shipping started in 1784 and finally ended in 1815. The Islamic rulers of these Barbary States demanded payment of tribute from the new country and it was paid, and paid. President Jefferson sent a naval force against the pirates in 1803-05. The Marine Corps were also sent in and after a long overland march, took the city of Tripoli in 1805 (thus “to the shores of Tripoli” in the Marine Corps hymn). Is the Somali piracy of today related to the Barbary pirates of the early 19th century? When then Ambassadors Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with the Ambassador from Tripoli in 1785, to reach a solution to the attacks against American shipping and crews they were dragged into a dark world in which we are still today.

“When they inquired by what right the Barbary states preyed upon American shipping, enslaving both crews and passengers, America’s two foremost envoys were informed that “it was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” (Source) The Barbary piracy was based upon the doctrine of Islam, calling for endless war against the unbeliever everywhere, including at sea.

To Muslims in the heyday of Barbary piracy, there were, at least in principle, only two forces at play in the world: the Dar al-Islam, or House of Islam, and the Dar al-Harb, or House of War. The House of Islam meant Muslim governance and the unrivaled authority of the sharia, Islam’s complex system of holy law. The House of War was simply everything that fell outside of the House of Islam — that area of the globe not under Muslim authority, where the infidel ruled. For Muslims, these two houses were perpetually at war — at least until mankind should finally embrace Allah and his teachings as revealed through his prophet, Mohammed.

Today, we are dealing with the same Islam. Islam is considered perfect, unchangable, unchallengable, by adherents. It is the perfect word of the perfect Allah, and carried to the world by the perfect example of humanity for all Muslims to emulate, Mohammed. History has returned, again.

“The Barbary pirates were not a “radical” or “fundamentalist” sect that had twisted religious doctrine for power and politics, or that came to recast aspects of their faith out of some form of insanity. They were simply a North African warrior caste involved in an armed jihad — a mainstream Muslim doctrine. This is how the Muslims understood Barbary piracy and armed jihad at the time, and, indeed, how the physical jihad has been understood since Mohammed revealed it as the prophecy of Allah.”

If the United States was unable to fight the pirates, they would be forced to continue to pay extortion to the Barbary States, a kind of high seas jizya. Jefferson immediately determined to fight. When he became president he was able to implement the plans that he had formulated after diplomacy to resolve Barbary piracy had failed. And are we not in the same position now? During a phone conversation with a journalist prior to the attack against them by US Navy SEALs to free the captured American sailor, one of the Somali jihadist/pirates said, “We never kill people. We are Muslims. We are marines, coastguards — not pirates,” one said. Not quite marines, not quite coastguard, at least not in the American sense of the terms.

Paying the ransom would only lead to further demands, Jefferson argued in letters to future presidents John Adams, then America’s minister to Great Britain, and James Monroe, then a member of Congress. As Jefferson wrote to Adams in a July 11, 1786, letter, “I acknolege [sic] I very early thought it would be best to effect a peace thro’ the medium of war.” Paying tribute will merely invite more demands, and even if a coalition proves workable, the only solution is a strong navy that can reach the pirates, Jefferson argued in an August 18, 1786, letter to James Monroe: “The states must see the rod; perhaps it must be felt by some one of them. . . . Every national citizen must wish to see an effective instrument of coercion, and should fear to see it on any other element than the water. A naval force can never endanger our liberties, nor occasion bloodshed; a land force would do both.” “From what I learn from the temper of my countrymen and their tenaciousness of their money,” Jefferson added in a December 26, 1786, letter to the president of Yale College, Ezra Stiles, “it will be more easy to raise ships and men to fight these pirates into reason, than money to bribe them.” (source)

When he became the 3rd President, Jefferson took action, and the United States Navy was sent to deal with the Barbary Coast pirates, which they did.

When Jefferson became president in 1801 he refused to accede to Tripoli’s demands for an immediate payment of $225,000 and an annual payment of $25,000. The pasha of Tripoli then declared war on the United States. Although as secretary of state and vice president he had opposed developing an American navy capable of anything more than coastal defense, President Jefferson dispatched a squadron of naval vessels to the Mediterranean. As he declared in his first annual message to Congress: “To this state of general peace with which we have been blessed, one only exception exists. Tripoli, the least considerable of the Barbary States, had come forward with demands unfounded either in right or in compact, and had permitted itself to denounce war, on our failure to comply before a given day. The style of the demand admitted but one answer. I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean. . . .”

We can trace the development of the US Navy directly to Thomas Jefferson’s interaction with jihadist pirates. President Obama was right about the “Islamic faith” having “done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country,” but probably not in the way that he had intended. The development of our national defense capabilities are fundamentally linked with an American conflict with Islam in 1805. John Quincy Adams didn’t have to deal with the Barbary States directly as president, but his father John Adams did. Considered one of the most brilliant men to sit in the White House, JQ Adams is particularly perceptive about Islam. His warnings on the matter ring as true today as they did more than 100 years ago. The Islam that Adams discusses is the same Islam we see today.

John Quincy Adams possessed a remarkably clear, uncompromised understanding of the permanent Islamic institutions of jihad war and dhimmitude. Regarding jihad, Adams states in his essay series,

Confirming Adams’ assessment, the late Muslim scholar, Professor Majid Khadduri, wrote the following in his authoritative 1955 treatise on jihad, War and Peace in the Law of Islam :
“Thus the jihad may be regarded as Islam’s instrument for carrying out its ultimate objective by turning all people into believers, if not in the prophethood of Muhammad (as in the case of the dhimmis), at least in the belief of God. …The universality of Islam, in its all embracing creed, is imposed on the believers as a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political if not strictly military.”3 source
There is a certain bizarre justice here that our Navy ships were on hand to effect the release of an American ship captain through military action against Somali pirates likely affiliated with Islamism because of events that occurred with other Islamist pirates more than 200 years ago. When you hear in the mainstream press pundits and commentators saying that the Somali piracy is “unprecedented”, don’t believe it because it is not so. And don’t believe that our current struggle with political Islam is also unprecedented. This is a conflict of 1400 years. Since 9/11 some of us have accepted this truth. Long before our generation, other Americans struggled with similar matters. Our founding fathers fought the jihadists of the Barbary States and came to know Islam through their jihad against innocent unbelievers. By 1830 John Quincy Adams had not forgotten the lesson. We must learn the same lesson again; then, never forget it. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. If we today choose to ignore the lessons of history we are simply condemned – we will have no opportunity to repeat.
“In the seventh century of the Christian era a wandering Arab, of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combing the powers of transcendent genius with the preternatural energy of a fanatic and the fraudulent spirit of an imposter, proclaimed himself as a messenger from heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth.

Adopting, from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God, he connected indissolubly with it the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as part of his religion against all the rest of mankind. The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust; to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.

Between these two religions, thus contrasted in the characters, a war of more than twelve hundred years has already raged. That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extincture of that imposture, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man. While the merciless and dissolute are encouraged to furnish motives to human action, there never can be peace on earth and good will toward men. The hand of Ishmael will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him.” John Adams, 1830
–John Quincy Adams, “Christianity—Islamism.” “Unsigned essays dealing with the Russo-Turkish War, and on Greece,” originally published in The American Annual Register for 1827—1829 (New York, 1830), Chs. X-XIV: 267—402. (source)

First published in the ACT West Nashville:

April 20, 2009

Netanyahu HQ

Filed under: bibi,campaign,Islam,Israel,minister,netanyahu,prime — grappledoctor @ 5:40 pm

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This is a picture of the HQ for the campaign for the current Prime Minister of Israel. I think he is the only chance Israel has of surviving the “Sheik Obama Years.”

February 16, 2009


Filed under: beheading,best,Islam,Polish,Taliban,terror,tolerance — grappledoctor @ 10:24 am

It’s Valentine’s Day weekend and the Islamic terror groug the Taliban have decided to celebrate in an unusual manner: Beheading! The religion that has brought us terror, threats, bombing, inequality for women, intolerance of others besides their own, Sharia Law, and all the other great things belonging to Islam, has now decided to remind us of the humanitarian attitude it takes towards its prisoners. The Taliban, who are arguably the closest real entity exemplifying Sharia Law, have beheaded their captive. The video of a Polish citizen being beheaded proves to the world the tactic preferred by the Taliban. Here is the United Press International article.
The outrage and shock from the Human Rights organizations is deafeningly……silent. The Islamic world’s outrage over the Polish man’s civil rights being violated are ….. silent?! Where is the proper react by everyone when a man is beheaded..on video?! The voices of the ACLU, the anti-war groups, etc. who screamed the prisoners at Gitmo were being tortured (TORTURED!!) are strangely silent now. This should make perfectly clear that an agenda is being forced upon society that deliberately picks and chooses when it in their best interest to sound the alarm.
What is the reaction on the biggest Muslim media organization? Well, the sound or inclination of their reporting appear to blame the Polish for not meeting the Taliban demands. No criticism about the violation of this man’s civil rights. No mention of the violation of the Geneva Convention. No mention of the West’s disgusted reaction. No quotations from officials.
Look at the article and decide for yourself.Here.
I hope and pray that the traditional media treats this immoral horror with the conviction it deserves. If the beheading simply passes with inaction, we can expect lots more to come. What can we expect from the enemies of the West? More death, terror, war, and instability. We can count on it! They are preparing everyday. Here is an article about how they are preparing right now to prove the point. Weapons cache found by Australia in Australia


February 13, 2009


Filed under: 10,911,best,destruction,economy,Islam,no obama,terror,trade,World — grappledoctor @ 1:16 pm

The Islamic fundamentalist extremists that have America in their crosshairs have accomplished their goals. Delusions of grandeur over Islams rightful place ruling the world with Sharia Law under a Khilafah have perpetuated enemy governments and citizens alike to take action to fulfill this dream. The image of the destruction of the “Little Satan” (Israel) and the “Great Satan” (America) is believed to be paramount in the baby steps in this direction. Have they nearly achieved their goal? What can be used as a barometer to determine how close they are?
The destruction of the economy of America would be quite impressive. The destruction of the world economy would be unfathomable. An effort to strike fear into the citizenry, break down world economic power, and the destruction of an iconic symbol would accomplish everything in one felled swoop. Did the 911 Islamic terrorists bring all three to fruition? YES!
One, the terrorists have caused the populace to be deeply concerned about the stability and security of the future, even fearful. Everytime someone goes to the airport, one is reminded of the 911 incident. Everytime a plane crashes, the thought of terror being the cause is never far from anyone’s mind. In countries routinely having attacks, India and Israel for example, the citizens are living daily with the threat.
Second, the destruction of any and all symbols representing anything besides Islam. The symbol which was 3000 years old representing Buddhism was blown up by the Taliban in Afghanistan. This made international news but resulted in little outcry by any of the usual groups that respond to such Barbary. The tactic to replace these type of symbols, permanently with Islamic ones, has been practiced for ages. A more renown example is the Dome of the Rock. It has taken the place of the Jewish and Christian symbols that have been there. The destruction of the World Trade Center was a tremendous venture. Its downfall struck terror into the hearts of all Americans. Was this the first attack on American soil? If it wasn’t, why didn’t we wake up? Did prior attacks create a numb attitude allowing this act to happen? The first attack on American soil was against the great leader of the Jewish Right Wing, Rabbi Kahane. Everyone downplayed the incident. Everyone was steadfast in covering up the attack, finding any excuse except the real reason(s). He was killed because he was feared, like all great leaders. He was attacked by a terrorist because homeland terror was never in the limelight in regards to Muslims like it is today. The attacker was considered mentally sick, not racist. Hate was never entertained as a motive! Has nearly 18 years since Kahane’s murder past changed attitudes? No. The LAX attack by a Muslim against El Al airlines passengers was the exact same perception! So recognition of all attacks would be beneficial because the extent of the problem needs to be properly surveyed first. Until we do that, we are always at risk. Not acknowledging it also creates the numb reaction by the public, bordering on condoning it in a sense. Getting back to the Trade Center, it is the backbone to the US economic essence and prowess. It is a symbol of a Paganistic Western religion practiced by infidels . A capitalistic government which is in opposition to a Sharia led state. Also, it would cause the economy tremendous cost. The catalyst to bring monies not readily available for rebuilding into the fray. The money would not be available for anything else, either. This was the very tactic used by …….Ronald Reagan. That’s right! Ronald Reagan, who I admire greatly, inadvertently gave the idea to the terrorists. RR(Ron Reagan) built up the military in the US to the point that the Russians couldn’t meet us dollar for dollar. This overwhelmed the Russian economy and undermined its society to the point that the government failed. The almighty KGB and Communist Bear had an image of being an immense behemoth, virtually unstoppable. When I witnessed its downfall, I was utterly stunned! So, if I were told the Cold War would be over without a missile ever being shot, I never would have ever believed it. The same tactic used to bring the Communist Block down is obviously being conducted in a covert manner to us by the terrorists. The fall of the banks and other financial institutions arguably started when the employees working in the World Trade Center were killed in the attack. This started the collapse of the banking by compromising their staff overseeing financial transactions. Additionally, the other businesses which were attacked compromised their positions in their industries. The monies used by our local, state, and federal branches that were diverted in the aftermath, were earmarked for other priorities beforehand. This further bludgeoned the marketplace.
The ripple effect was vast amounts of “changes” in the society, in general, about how we conduct business and how much it would cost to adapt to stifle the new fearful situation. The money was spent on intelligence, security initiatives, military, restructuring and more. The public was willing to do anything. So, money was okayed for everything deemed necessary. Americans wanted to return to prosperity and business as usual ASAP. A housing boom and market rebound was distracting enough to allow the consumer to put things behind them. I find the US has a very short term memory. At this point, we were compromised financially to the point where if anything else went wrong, we were helpless to stop it if it required money thrown at it. Well, the market tanked. This led to a governmental change to the liberal theology of Sheik Obama now. The imminent failure of the stimulus bill will be realized in the coming months. The fall of capitalism as we know it is over. The world invested in the “market” with insatiable lust and greed. The Europeans like to blame the US for the worldwide financial crash solely, but other countries, like Dubai and others, simply had an irrational outlook to future growth, too. The world slump will motivate a “revolutionary” change and action, not unlike the riots starting up in France now. Further downturn will lead to more disgust and make the environment right for the change. The chaos will distract the West’s attention and allow terrorists the opportunity for furthering their agenda, unlike any other time in history.
Recognizing the problem will allow prudent changes by responsible representatives. This will tangentially throw bad policy where it belongs. Slow and painful years upcoming will have to take its course. Eventually, capitalism will champion growth properly. The future could be economically stronger than ever before with the modernization of the 3rd world and restructuring of Western democracies. Let’s hope we have the foresight to go in the right direction expeditiously.

February 7, 2009


Filed under: civil rights,guantanamo bay,Islam,obama,terrorism,torture — grappledoctor @ 7:15 am

You didn’t know we have been dumping tons of toxic garbage in Guantanamo Bay for years without any concern for the environment. Yes, the Islamic terrorist garbage, which is the most toxic substance on the planet, has been getting dumped there for years. Like nuclear waste, anywhere it goes should it be moved will contaminate everything it comes in contact with if not properly stored. The Liberal Conspiracy (Hey, don’t forget Hillary calls us the Right Wing Conspiracy) has been so adamant about closing down the site, there must be a higher calling or ulterior motive to the purpose. Strictly speculating, what is it?
First, the ACLU has fired 10% of its staff due to the economic situation. Do I need to elaborate here?
Second, the Left Wing base has an agenda against cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners. The water boarding policy used by the Bush administration to extract intelligence is believed to be “torture.” The policy has been accused of being against the Geneva Convention, argued to be making us no better than or equivalent to the behavior terrorists have exercised with their prisoners. The information has little value because of the manner in which it has been obtained.
Third, the base has been used for military exercises which has had an impact on the environment locally. The Environmentalist Agenda closing the facility for this purpose overrides any other purpose. The issue here is lead in the firearms materials, the poor record the military has had about how it treats the environment while using a site and the policy not to clean up a site after leaving. I believe once closed, the next lawsuit will be against the government to clean the area up at the cost of the taxpayer who has never ending pockets.
Fourth, the Islamic constituency in the US is a major contributor to the Democratic Party. The party owes every constituency after winning the election. Suing the government for a policy deemed racist because all residents are Islamic will be seeked by certain organizations I shall keep nameless. As a side note, I admit I wholeheartedly believe Sheik Obama is a Muslim. Further, this will be argued to be a Civil Rights matter. Furher, oops, I mean further, getting Islamic terrorists sympathy will add to the Palestinian plight and help feelings of maltreatment to gain support for Sharia implementation. When foot baths are need to be added to every bathroom across the country for the remote possibility a Muslim may visit said area, this will be cited as past wrongful treatment. Equating this past treatment to “white only” or “black only” water fountains here is no coincidence. Also, clearing the name of Islam in the public domain removes the Scarlet Letter it has been blemished with throughout this terror war.
Fifth, getting released into the US prison system will allow endless amounts of logistical litigation. The filing of appeals will be endless. This will cost taxpayers gobs of cash and constipate the system to the point no laxative could possibly liquid plumber.
Sixth, access to unprecedented amounts of legal representation once on US soil. The judicial system will have to furnish all the rights of the average citizen has. They are NOT citizens but prisoners of war. They are not candidates for these rights in our civil courts.
Seven, the Islamic terror message has been spread like a plague through Europe in its penal system. This is the avenue where the message festers. The test run in Europe has been successful and the same route will be used here.
Eight, the Jews of this country love to show solidarity with those that hate them. Mark my words: The Jews will be tripping over themselves to help represent the same Islamic terrorists that can’t wait to help destroy Israel.
Nine, the argument has been made that the act of closing the base would restore our reputation around the world.
Ten, the designation of enemy combatant will be extinguished. That status will be gone. The politically correct terminology of misunderstood peaceful religious advocate freedom fighter will do.
Eleven, the disgust and discontent for the military in general has been well documented by certain groups sympathetic to the prisoners.
Twelve, insight into the government policy of information gathering will be obtained through bringing them to trial. The government will have to divulge how they obtained classified information. This will open access to a slew of techniques of intelligence gathering that will now be open to scrutiny. Telecommunications companies forking over citizens records like cell phone calls will be open to criticism. Companies like Google will be able to refuse cooperating with the government with records involving suspects. Getting prisoners off if the military refuses to use classified intelligence will be much easier.
The disillusionment perceived to be felt by the persecuted Islamic populations around the world have blossomed into the ritual of suicide bombings. If a people have nothing to feel hopeful about they resort to this tactic. The suicide bombings are a result of the West’s treatment of Islamic people wronged. Israel, India, and others have created this environment. To prevent suicide bombers, they need to have some hope for the future. No longer is suicide necessary. If one participates in mass bombing populations, they can now feel secure knowing they will be treated kindly by their capturers.
Any lawyer who gets the opportunity to represent the detainees (HINT:this is another politically correct and preferred designation) will be credited with “getting them off.” This will elevate them to “O J Simpson lawyer representation reputation status.” What an honor!! This infamous title is on the lips and memory of those lucky enough to witness the trial of OJ trail forevermore.
Fourteen, closing the base would facilitate the label of wrongdoing by the Bush administration. This would help litigate charges against the Bush administration which the Left has been masturbating over since Bush left office. It would continue to tarnish Bush’s reputation and legacy.
Fifteen, the ultimate goal has always been to release the detainees completely. This would prove how liberal the US generally is. The Left constituency against capital punishment and the belief in rehabilitation of all felons in the US penal system is a widely held goal. How do I make such a claim? In the Left Wing organization called the Center for American Progress, the goal is made clear is the article “How to close guantanamo.” In phase 3 of the proposed 5 phase plan, it states the following agenda:
“Phase Three: Create a resettlement and rehabilitation program in partnership with allied countries and international organizations to find homes for detainees that can’t be returned to their home countries and to smooth the re-integration of detainees into society. This program should be based on similar programs currently used by the U.S. military in Iraq and the Saudi Arabian government to assist in the transition of militants from detention to release.” Here
It clearly states a resettlement and reintegration program. Rucking fidiculous if you think these people are candidates for this.

Anybody waterboarded for intelligence gathering will have their information thrown out of court. This will prevent this tactic from ever being used again. Another strike against the military by the Left. How can they say they support the military and are pro-military.
The calls of alleged abusive treatment have been the cause of hunger strikes and suicides. The Halal food which is provided to the detainees is never mentioned by the same sources who report the alleged abuses. They never call the abuses “alleged.”
According to Wiki,
“The term is widely used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law. It is estimated that 70% of
Muslims worldwide follow Halal food standards”
In other words, they are being catered to with their own culinary concerns. What torture. Oh, the shame! The ping pong tables
are obviously a calling for hunger strikes and suicide. The paddles are probably used or the balls are probably too soft to use. I wonder if the Chinese would feel the same way if detained in such a manner. (World champs in the sport)
The prisoners have a medical care system better than our own veterans have. Should the murderers of Americans get good medical care or the protectors of Americans get good medical care? Should the care be equal? I believe the veterans of this country should go on a hunger strike!! They have advocates and legal representation. They have organizations regularly visiting to review the conditions there. The international Red Cross has been watching the facility. Having everyone in the base tried or released in a quick manner is reckless and unsafe. Yet, like the economic stimulus bill, quick knee jerk policy passage and practice without scutiny seems to be the operation of choice for Sheik Obama.
Where is the media criticism of Islamic extremism? Is the Geneva Convention being upheld by the terrorists? Or are the prisoners being beheaded? The Sheik Obama campaign should be rewritten from “Change you can believe in” to “Change you can behead in.” Then being used for propaganda purposes such as recruitment…further terror..incitement..torture!
Where is the UN condemnation!! Where is the Islamic world condemnation of such tactics? Nonexistent!! Israel is equated with Nazis!! Do you see the undeniable brainwashing and one sidedness.
If the purpose of bringing the prisoners to justice, why did Sheik Obama stop all legal action being conducted now on Jan 22 by executive order? Here

February 5, 2009


Filed under: Arab,crime,Egypt,harboring,Heim,hiding,Islam,Nazi — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am

A country who has a history of being a third party independent negotiator for talks between Israel and its neighbors should be reconsidered. Egypt has given refuge to another Nazi criminal. When the Arab World regularly defies convention by holding Holocaust denial conventions, regularly prints Nazi-like literature, and routinely compares Israel to Nazis, where is the justice when it clearly hides real Nazis from trial.
School books, newspapers and the general perception in the Arab world is the Holocaust never even happened. The Nazis had regimens of Arab trained soldiers who actively participated in the War and the murder. The knowledge is swept under the rug instead of confirmed. Credibility of real war crimes performed by these people hiding in the Arab world would finally destroy the Islamic World’s propaganda of false claims.
Is it a war crime harboring these criminals? Should the UN condemn any country who has hidden Nazis? Hell yes.
No country should be involved in Middle East negotiation that provided safe harbor to former Nazi murderers. Egypt should be condemned in the UN for allowing tunnels from their country into Palestinian areas. Further, an invesigation should be launch into what activities Heim was taking part in inside Egypt.
Finally, where is the liberal Left criticism of such acts? Why is this heinous act going to be swept under the rug in a few days? Who is responsible for hiding this person? And why wasn’t his activity during the war acknowledged by the Arab World and taught in the schools about the horror the Nazis performed on the Jews? The UN should demand proper teaching of its horror. The Muslim protests in Europe saying it is anti-Islamic to learn about the Holocaust in school and had it removed from the curriculum should be no longer taken seriously. How offensive can they possibly make themselves?

January 16, 2009


Filed under: Hindu,Islam,Israel,Jews,terrorism,truth,unity — grappledoctor @ 3:21 am

I have had this site posted in the blog roll but I had the site as a .org when it has been changed to Okay, in case anyone has been misled about the referral..I have corrected the site link. So, if you were intimidated by a billion Muslims, you now have a billion Hindus against them. Never forget Mumbai! Never forget the “train incident.” For other events not shown to the US audience, I encourage you to check it out!! And tell them we sent you..!

January 15, 2009


Filed under: Gaza,Hamas,Islam,Israel,Kosha Dillz,music — grappledoctor @ 10:34 pm

When it comes to a message resonating with the young people, rap music seems to be the “soap box” of the 21st century. With the world about to condemn Israel on the most recent conflict, I find this song not only brings me the feeling of validation and pride for the Israeli response… It brings the right message to the masses! This song should be “the ANTHEM” of the righteous movement of Zionism. When it comes to choosing sides in the endless war between Islam and Jews, tell ’em, “supporting Israel is Kosha!”

When are you comin’ to Florida!! Because it’s not soon enough!

The Real Occupation is going to be my ringtone.

December 21, 2008


Filed under: Arab,bailout,big 3,economy,Islam,Israel,no obama,oil,politics — grappledoctor @ 1:42 am

The bailout of the “Big 3” (with Ford ever in the shadow of dipping their hands in at any moment) has been approved! Some people have been advocates while others bitter proponents. Time will determine whether or not this decision was worth pursuing. What has this decision’s consequences mean to the future to Rucking Fidiculous?

I am old enough to remember waiting on lines during the oil embargo of the early ’70s. Nightmares of getting up 4AM in order to line up for whatever gasoline might be available. Illegally parking in the streets until the station would open. As a pre-teen, I was shocked to see fist fights over drivers accusing one another of cutting the line. The chaos caused by the embargo had sparked society’s awareness that this path of fossil fuels compromises our way of life in many, many ways. The American car companies were staples of industry and were a clear barometer into the economic situation.
During the later 70s, pollution control became a higher priority. Caught off guard, the auto makers were incapable to transitioning their assembly lines quickly enough to address the new standard. Also, the desire to increase gas mileage became paramount. The auto companies coped while Chrysler croaked. In Chapter 11, Chrysler eventually pulled through to become successful enough until now.

The Middle East conflict was never far from anyone’s mind since the Arabs felt the embargo would coerce the West to support their cause. Many college students were perplexed about what direction their support should move. Many of their parents views were shaped by the generation involved in WWII. Everyone knew someone from the wartime. Support for Israel was unquestioned because of the Jews plight from Nazi Germany. The 1960s brought out the hippie view which brought Civil Rights into everyone’s living room via TV. Any oppressed people become the focus of the movement. When the Palestinians took radical steps to generate attention, they were influenced by the reaction society was having from the Civil Rights. Riding the coattails of radical 60s icons, the terrorists put their cause to the forefront of the evening news during the 70s. People took notice and started to question support for Israel. The oppressed people must be the Arabs since they are so moved for their cause. Oil became the fuel for the Arabs for political gains. Today, Arab oil has lost its luster and is solely used for supporting terrorism and bolstering the population boom in the Arab world.

Throughout the 80s, the US auto makers constantly played catch up. Troubling years and low gas prices led to little memory of the hardship the embargo caused. Technology was moving forward, but not at the pace the Generation Y members are accustom to. Advances in anything today are done at sprinting speeds. One can rest assure that next year computers will be faster. That internet programs will have upgrades. That the iphone will only get better!! I love the iphone!

The car companies today are giving people flashbacks of a more troubling time. Tired of the reported turmoil between Unions and the CEOs, the current frontpage news is leading a backlash towards the fighting. Most people have been listening to Al Gore soapbox the green future. He was a global warming cohort. As the environment becomes an ever important resource, he yelled the US is the big criminal in spilling environmental distress. Deliberately igniting anger towards the US, Gore fueled feelings of disgust around the world to an audience which already had tremendous contempt for this country. When gas prices skyrocketed, he shouted at US automakers for not keeping up with Toyota and their move towards hybrids. All evidence showed the vehicles Toyota made were not financially viable for most. When the Big 3 were asked about what will they do to compete, they answered the technology is not good enough to create an all electric vehicle with financial responsibility, reliability, and responsive to the American driving patterns. The Big 3 have made some hybrids in the meantime. The biggest argument for answering the financial viability was the increased gas price. The high cost of oil sparked a revolution in green tech. It became a potentially profitable alternative. This sparked Wall Street interest! But now that gas is plummeting…

The interest in investing in green tech is disappearing because it is no longer financially attractive. The world has fallen from good times to a new recessionary period, possibly leading to a depression. Money for research is drying up fast! No one will ever settle for the status quo. Therefore, green tech is the future. But maybe not appropriate for the present. Maybe the Big 3 were right all along about the tech for the green car not being ready today. The Chevy Volt shows they are taking the direction seriously and will make it available when its timely. Until then, I think Gore should shut his pie hole. I think Obama should stop telling the coal industry and power plants that run this country that unless they convert to green tech he will fine them. Maybe when the US starts referring to a car czar for fiscal responsibilty, we can start seeing that when the business world is ready to present the green tech we want, they will. Leave the Czar in Russia! The bailout is done, like it or not. Leave the government out of their business.

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