
November 2, 2008

Howard Stern And Obama Voters

Filed under: AOL video,Blacks,Howard,interview,obama,Stern — grappledoctor @ 1:51 am


Since we now know that inner city blacks support the war on terror and Sarah Palin, do you think if we let them in on the joke, they would change their minds and vote for McCain? Yeah right. It sucks that my vote counts just as much as theirs.

El Sid
First Guest Post

Howard Stern And Obama Voters

Filed under: AOL video,Blacks,Howard,interview,obama,Stern — grappledoctor @ 1:51 am


Since we now know that inner city blacks support the war on terror and Sarah Palin, do you think if we let them in on the joke, they would change their minds and vote for McCain? Yeah right. It sucks that my vote counts just as much as theirs.

El Sid
First Guest Post

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