
May 17, 2008

Kosha Dillz

Filed under: California,hip hop,Israel,Kosha Dillz,music,new artist,rap — grappledoctor @ 11:53 am

Here is a band from Israel on myspace that shows the incredible creativity to blend politics in Israel with current hip hop trends.  The “in your face”  attitude of  the Kosha Dillz  shines brightest in “The Real Occupation.”  The recent popular rap and hip hop Palestinian artists(?)  (particularly in England) are reverberating with their community the usual terrorististic position and gaining  immediate praise from the left wing media.  Therefore, when a truely gifted artist sends the message of Israel’s position they are virtually ignored.  Thankfully, they are starting to make inroads and will hopefully far overtake any counter message being hailed by the Left.  If anyone is interested in seeing them check out the page.  And tell the Kosha Dillz we want them in Florida!!

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