
March 20, 2010

Jerusalem Pitches Goldstone Report as a Threat to U.S. Military and its Allies –

Filed under: arlen,biden,Clinton,divide,goldstone,Hillary,Jerusalem,report,spareribs,spector,threat — grappledoctor @ 11:30 pm

Jerusalem Pitches Goldstone Report as a Threat to U.S. Military and its Allies –

This report criticizes Israel for it’s practices of engagement of terrorist cells in it’s territories, which are Arab occupied Israel. This report was endorsed by well known Jew hater Hillary Clinton, the current Secretary of State( Secretary of Socialist States). While many argue her upcoming marriage of her homely looking daughter to a Jewish man may fuel perceptions to the contrary, this act really defines the liberal side of Jews willing to marry very ugly people.

In the report:

“As the report, sponsored by the United Nations, won a nonbinding vote of support in the U.N. General Assembly recently, pro-Israel figures were striving to marshal wider opposition to it by arguing that its potential targets range far beyond Israel.

This reasoning, which implies that America could be the next target for a Goldstone-like investigation, has been gaining traction in the United States and was recently endorsed by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Essentially, its advocates argue, countries such as the United States and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and even Russia, with military operations of its own, could be targeted as criminally culpable for civilian deaths under the legal standards used by Goldstone.”

The report opens the book for applying the possible legal pretense to other countries fighting terror, like the US. Immediately it becomes obvious that this undermines any action taken by a government to enact justice and retaliate against an enemy without any collateral damage. The US would be found guilty for the work done in Iraq and Afghanistan. Absent is the notice of damnation against any group for their terrorist attacks. Where was the damnation by the UN for attacks against the US in Kenya and Tanzania, on the USS cole, etc. Where is the UN demand for action by the Human Rights Council and the threat of sanctions against any country harboring any of these groups.

Clinton loudly voiced her agreement to the UN and further opened her big fat mouth recently with regards to settlement construction in Jerusalem, the undivided capital of Israel. The Vice President, as typically standard procedure for the Democratic Party, first endorses all Israels right to exist and security. Next, the relentless criticism when Israel exercises her rights.

Another self hating Jew is Gary “Spareribs” Ackerman. This Democratic Congressman was quoted in the Forward Jewish newspaper about the report here.

“In Congress, New York Democrat Gary Ackerman, chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, is one of those leading the new argument against the report. Ackerman stressed, in a February 25 Foreign Affairs Committee hearing with Clinton, “It’s not Israel that I raise the concern about.” He said he was worried about the implications of Goldstone’s report for the United States.”

Israel received criticism when it took out a high ranking Hamas leader in Dubai. Even when one single person is killed , the call for international condemnation is echoed in the UN and elsewhere. How can any action take place when an individual precise killing receives equal condemnation as a full onslaught military maneuver.

see article here.

On “Spareribs” Ackerman, his own website has the following :

“Read an article on Congressman Ackerman’s argument that the Goldstone Report is not just a threat to Israel, but also to the United States.” He has yet to call for Biden or Hillary to retract their initial reactions nor has he denounced their reaction.

The fact is that Israel built at the time Biden was visiting because Israel is doing nothing wrong. Israel has the right to build anywhere within its borders. When she announced the beginning of construction, the fact that Biden was there had no bearing on the decision nor should it have. Waiting for Biden to leave, some say, would have been more appropriate because it impedes negotiations with Palestinian poiticians in regards to the Peace (war) Process. That is bullshit because waiting would imply guilt on Israel’s behalf that building is wrong in Jerusalem.

The Prime Minister apologized, a la Obama style, for the controversy which arose. This returned the feeling of wrongdoing and guilt of Israel’s act and should never have been allowed. Bibi had my admiration before this incident. Only time will provide an opportunity to him to salvage the respect of me and the Zionist Right which believe in Israeli sovereignty.

Oh, and why is Ackerman nicknamed spareribs? Because he was in a chinese restaurant years ago when a gun fight broke out. He was hiding under a table throughout the ordeal, still clinging to his lushious spareribs. He never skipped a beat when it came to eating, to the amazement of the Chinese Restaurant staff.

July 7, 2009


Here is the radio celebrity Joyce Kaufman lending a hand. If anyone can get this party started, it’s Joyce!

No lack of speakers here. These guys got the message across about why we were demonstrating.


Here is the radio celebrity Joyce Kaufman lending a hand. If anyone can get this party started, it’s Joyce!

No lack of speakers here. These guys got the message across about why we were demonstrating.

November 20, 2008


Filed under: Clinton,election,Hillary,McCain,obama,President,winner — grappledoctor @ 12:02 am

The US election is over! The race between Obama and Hillary was a hotbed of words. Obama may have won, but the Clintons are running the show!! Why do I feel this is apparent? The inexperience of Obama sometimes showed during an impromptu “question and answer” session during the campaign. His charisma and composure was remarkable throughout. Once he solidified his position as the new President Elect, he suddenly became very quiet. The media kept his momentum in the public eye, but every decision made by him has been reminiscent of the Democratic “Camelot” of the ’90’s, the Clinton Administration!
Obama was picked for the Democratic ticket because he held the cards for motivating the apathetic and uninspired Black voter block to participate in unusually large numbers. The Democrats saw the upcoming campaign as particularly crucial due to the Supreme Court appointments (which will determine the make up for the next 20 plus years) . Also, the Democrats knew they were poised to win seats in Congress. If they have a controlling majority, the passage of typically controversial bills would be less hindered in getting their passage. The only hurdle left would be the veto authority of the President. This would lead the Congress in a stalemate between them and the President. They would fall into being labeled another do-nothing Congress as a result. Therefore, the only way to assure an unobstructed administration is to win a Congressional majority, the Presidency, and a (Left Wing Ideological) majority in the Supreme Court. The Politically Correct establishment would be giddy over an empowered Presidency.
Once Obama had been given time to recuperate from the stressful turmoil of the election, he was poised to take center stage but apparently found himself in a quagmire. The quagmire was “reality settling in” and he now must deliver on his campaign promises. Also, the responsibility of running the highest office in a responsible manner with an economic depression looming is intimidating. In addition, the expectations of the public, both here and abroad, have reached unattainable heights by anyone’s measure. I can see it now: Obama and his family close the door of their home and let out a loud cheer in celebration of his victory. When the rejoicing seetles down….
Enter the Reality Check: “What the Hell do I do next?” Where can he look for guidance? Who has experience running the federal Government? Much to his chagrin, the only person with the experience, popularity, strength, and charisma is his former rival, now savior, Hillary Clinton.
Acting out of obvious fear and desperation, his predicament is leaving him little choice. Therefore, he must have made the call. He probably delayed the choice, but I suspect the party must have foreseen it. It appeared when she started to bolster his campaign, she had already arranged for a high position in his administration in exchange for plausible support for him. She took the backseat to the presidency and the party allowed her to run the show.
McCain actually appeared to be relieved after losing the election. His demeanor was radically altered afterwards when he appeared on late night TV. His composure seems to have returned. If he had won the election, I believe he might have picked Hillary to be in a cabinet post. HE NEEDED HER FOR THE VERY SAME REASONS!
My next prediction for the radical Left is to flood monies from this coutry into the Israeli early elections to unobstruct the “Peace Process” passage of the old Clinton regime.

June 7, 2008

IRAQ=Part II(Part 1=May first post)

When looking at a map of thw world, one sees the Middle East puzzle of country borders. The war waged in Iraq and Afghanistan were waged in order to deal with terrorism. In this article, Focus is placed on Osama bin Laden. In order to deal with him, the US cannot capture him because I believe he is no longer in Afghanistan, but in Iran. Iraq was a stepping stone to the ending of Al Qaida. With troops and the amount of time lapsed looking throughout Afghanistan and Pakistan, its obvious he has moved to Iran. The country has too many holy sites for Islam which, if invaded, could be damaged causing a backlash and outrage. Therefore, the next option is containment. By bordering Iran on 2 sides, Iraq and Pakistan, and Iraq,containment is achieved. Also, deterence is achieved by maintaining troops presence ready for small ground operations and the use of pinpoint accuracy bombing. The biggest fear now is if Iran develops nuclear weapons, Bin Laden may very well get his hands on them. Then when he uses them on us, they deny it was state sponsored!! Pray for an Israeli strike!

McCain Vice Presidential Candidate=ALAN KEYES???!! YEAH!!!

The next president of the United States needs to be sensitive to all the diverse groups located through the land. The Democratic Party likes to play the race card with McCain regarding Barak Obama. And when they expectedly(not unexpectedly, I mean expectedly) annouce the addition of Hillary Clinton, they will have the sexist issue to badger the McCain, too. Well, the obvious pathway to combat the race issue is Alan Keyes. He is uniquely qualified for this position versus his prior aspirations of higher political office because of the time. He is ..BLACK! Therefore, the race card becomes a none issue. Noone believes sexism is an issue because Hillary is about as aggressive as most Tazmanian Devils, let alone other men. He is intelligent, speaks properly(exquisitely!), conservative, and has debated on issues in public on TV, and has been in the mainstream for many years. He went up against Obama for the Senator position in Illinois. He is still active on the internet and has the support of many ultra conservatives. This gives McCain more credibility with the far Right. A proper comparison between Keyes and Obama really shows the difference……
While Obama supporters were organizing movements like the Weathermen, Keyes was in the US Foreign Service. Both went to Harvard, Obama studied law and was an excellent student. Keyes got his Ph D on Constitutional Theory where he realized his belief of strict interpretation and implementation of the Constitution!( Wow!!) Keyes had 10 years at Cornell, studied abroad and became “aware” of his “extrordinary appreciation of academic opportunity.” Lets see someone in the Hip Hop industry rap about that for a change!! In other words, he is overqualified for overhauling or (for the affirmative action crowd) “pimping up” the educational system! Obama’s liberal perspective and fervent communist, anarchist, and militant Black Theology background (as well as muslim background) over qualify him for further dilution of and/or removal of Constitutional rights. Obama has written books which express his position on why the black community is the such disarray and how white society is responsible for it. And the real audacity is his…. and how if not elected, then nothing has ever changed since 1865(Emancipation Proclamation) or 1960’s(Civil Rights Movement). Keyes covers subjects in his books about morality, reasons why Black America is in dire straits today(not giving reasons 40-plus years old pre Civil Rights) and the realistic approach for positive change in those same Black communities. Obama is pro choice, period. Circumstances do not matter. Keyes is pro life and circumstances don’t matter. On Israel, Obama is pro-israel in front of AIPAC… otherwise he says to everyone else, divide Israel and its territories into 2 states, give the Golan to Syria, and further concessions compromising her(Israel’s) existence and security disguised in the Trojan Horse of peace with her neighbors. (Trojan can also imply how he intends to screw Israel.) Keyes is pro-Israel! So much, in fact, he was given the Award in Journalistic Excellence by Israel!! And pro-Palestinian groups, working with the gay lobby, managed to remove him from CNN. Obama’s experience is service in the Senate for 1 term. For Keyes… better sit down for this…….
1)Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations – dealt with terrorism, human rights
2)Served on National Security Council
3)Ambassador to UN Economic and Social Council in the UN General Assembly
4)State Dept. Policy Planning Staff
5) Vice Consul at US Consulate General in Bombay, India
6)US Foreign Service
7)Roman Catholic who admires morality for all peoples and admires The Holy Father
His philosophy of life experience and self determination is expressed in this out of context quote–“..excesses of hope must be expiated by pains and expectations improperly indulged must end in disappointment,” Whew!! Take a deep breath!! That should be in 2 places: 1) a minted coin 2) in a plaque in front of every welfare office
8)Chairman or Founder of the following: Black America’s Political Action Committee, Declaration Foundation, Renew America
9) President of Citizens Against Government Waste
10)Founder of National Taxpayers Action Day
11) Syndicated radio showthroughout the 1990s
12)Served as Interim President of Alabama A & M University
13)speaks French, Spanish, Russian, Ancient Greek
14) Important Admirers: Obama=Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson, and that stupid white Rev whatever his name is
Keyes=Ronald Reagan!! ‘Nuff Said!!
After 20 years, Obama finally disavowed himself from his “church”, denies his Islamic background being his foundation for his beliefs, has admiration for Islamic tradition even though he went to a Catholic school for sometime, and has relationships uncomfortable to me, with Black Supremists and Black Theology.
Obama is legalizing illegals, higher taxes, and bigger government.
Keyes has ideas so brilliantly expressed I find him so much more charismatic I cant repeat all his ideas and do him justice.

But I love this view to show he is different from Bush on terrorism : “the battle against Hezbollah threatens to expose the hollow reality of the Bush Administrations conduct of the war against terrorism! WWwwowww!!

Ronald Reagan has been an admirer of his. I hope the attention of this article gets other Conservatives to pass on the word so we can get the country moving in the right direction..and when I say right I mean RIght!

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