
January 26, 2010

Al Sharpton, Jackson, and The Dishonorable Louis F Take Notice: Israel Provides Haitians Best Care

Filed under: charity,donate,Haiti,help,Israel,Jews,medical,Sharpton — grappledoctor @ 1:22 pm

The pathetic attitude of the Left Liberal Black leaders of this country have one common denominator. This is the unjustified and unending hatred for Jews. As Jews, we are obligated to help our fellow man despite their feelings toward us. Israel is consistently vilified in the UN as the worst offender on the planet for Human Rights. Of course, the total opposite is true.
Is this true for other nations? No. The constant barrage of condemnation by nation after nation for violations by Israel is relentless. Careful attention is taken by Israel when they retaliate for attacks against them. This practice is absent when terrorists attack them. No scrutiny is long lasting by the press towards the Islamic terror which would provide appropriate coverage and not biased coverage as per common practice now. The terrorists attack the US and the West with the intent to kill everyone possible, including children. The Peace Movement and Pink do nothing to attack such practices. War must be addressed on all sides to get to a negotiated peaceful ends. Let’s see these groups fly to a Muslim country and protest. Or protest in front of a Mosque in this one? I thought not!
Is Israel helping this country because their citizens are white? No. They are overwhelmingly Black. Did Israel help because Haiti is a Christian country? No, every religion is represented and Judaism is a minority for sure. Would Israel not provide help for an Islamic country? While any Islamic country would never consider providing help to Israel ever, for any reason, Israel does not reciprocate such actions. Israel offered help to every nation after the Tsunami disaster. Out of spite, the Islamic nations refused any help from Israel. Instead, they decided to BLAME Israel, claiming they set off a nuclear device under water intentionally to cause the wave.
MSNBC aka MS-LSD has never been a neutral media when reporting on Israel, finally got a news story right.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

To the Jew haters and critics of Israeli policy and for the college students who wear free palestine shirts, watch this and go to hell!

August 20, 2009

"Communism in the Classroom" Pass it On!


Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival is holding an important event in Washington DC August 20th.

“Back to School” Conference on “Communism in the Classroom” to be held August 20 at National Press Club. New disclosures about Barack Obama terror associate Bill Ayers.

America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) is holding a news conference on Thursday to release the results of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests into the activities and foreign travel of University of Illinois Professor Bill Ayers, a former leader of the communist terrorist group, the Weather Underground. Bill Ayers and President Barack Obama were political associates and worked on educational issues together when Obama was an Illinois state senator.

In his best-selling book, Dreams from My Father, Obama said that when he went to college he picked Marxist professors and others as friends in order to avoid being perceived as a “sellout.”

“It is time to examine the influence of Marxist professors, not only on our president, but on students across the nation,” declared ASI President and veteran journalist Cliff Kincaid.

The University of Illinois has been embroiled in a scandal over hundreds of poorly qualified students getting admission through high level political and financial connections. The August 20 “Communism in the Classroom” conference will ask the questions: Who hired Bill Ayers and why?

For the first time, ASI will release and analyze the course descriptions or syllabi of Ayers’ “education” courses at the University of Illinois.

ASI will also report on a controversial trip Ayers made to Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela in 2006, to speak at a “World Educational Forum.”

The event will be held on August 20 at 12:30 p.m. in the First Amendment Lounge of the National Press Club (529 14th St., NW) in Washington, D.C.

Speakers include noted author and Professor Paul Kengor of Grove City College on “Anti-Anti-Communism in the Academy;” Professor Mary Grabar on what Ayers is “teaching” in the classroom and whether he got his job “the Chicago Way;” and America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid on journalism “educator” Curtis MacDougall’s 319-page FBI file.

The “Communism in the Classroom” conference is free of charge and open to the press and the public. But reservations are requested at 443-964-8208 or

New Zeal

Anybody interested in the future of US education should be at this conference. I urge my friends in the US blogging community to circulate this notice as widely as possible.


Trevor Loudon

May 29, 2008

FITNA THE MOVIE=Glimpse of our future? HOPE NOT!

Filed under: America,cost,Europe,Fitna,freedom,help,Islamic,Israel,jew,patriotism,radical,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 1:35 pm

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