
March 11, 2010


The Conservative leagues and the Democratic Liberal Left are “in bed together?!” Yep. They are finally in agreement with what will take place and it doesn’t seem to be resonating in the ears of Conservatives correctly. The Conservative Right has a position where the Democrats appear to be willing to commit Hari Kari and lose their seat in an effort to further their agenda of health care reform in a bill the likes of which have never been seen. The Liberal Left are attempting to look arguably golden because they appear to be willing to go to lengths never before seen by any politician to pass a bill which will help the most impoverished masses. A philanthropic hue is a hard front to wage political war against and not look cruel. So what is the reason or reasons?

The Tea Party people have been steadfast against the Left with many good measures taken with pamphlets and rallies all across the country. The radio Right, like Mark Levin, have taken the reins and run with a plethora of information and interviews which bring forth ideas the general public haven’t the time to discern for themselves. I believe the reason(s) for political Hari Kari on the part of the Left is not being discussed at all. Why is that?

The reasons for this are two fold. Firstly, the seat in jeopardy being vacated by the Democrat who votes yes on the controversial Bill or Bills will need to be replaced. The Democrats strategy is to refill the position with another Democrat and the exiting politician will later be appointed to a consultant position for the incoming seat (his or her experience gives cause or legitimacy to the appointment).

The Democrats second reason is intertwined in the illegal immigration crisis. The Left will pass a vote between now and the coming election which will legalize the illegals in the country. This new electorate constituency will vote strictly Left salvaging the seats I discussed above. Also, this base will reelect the President for a second term. This will allow the Left to maintain a stranglehold for four more years.

I hope the Political Right takes seriously the next 9 months of legislation and vividly draw a picture and take action to diminish any possibility of this taking place. The legalization of the illegal populace will change the country into a prosocialistic majority indefinitely. America is following the same path Russia did in pursuing its own path down to destruction. The world never pictured the fall of Communism and the Russian Empire. The world never could have predicted that the West would also fall and all taking place within 20 years. Both superpowers! Let’s stop and focus on not only what is taking place but include what the consequences are for the circumstances taking place acutely. Then the counter measures we take will have some bite.

Rucking Fidiculous!!

July 22, 2008


Filed under: global warming,Islam,Islam Israel,Jerusalem,murder,outrage,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 12:28 pm

The nerve of the Israeli people shooting a construction worker who happened to go a little postal. Haven’t they learned anything from the United States? Obviously, when it comes to dealing with terrorism, the Israelis need to be shown how to treat these people. First, shooting them violates the SECOND AMENDMENT! Therefore, either strict gun control or ban gun ban should be in place. Second, this poor, poor, poor Arab was not a terrorist! NO! He was having a bad day and happened to take it out on several people of Jewish origin ONLY. Therefore, no terror or hate crime is present. Third, he should have been ONLY subdued. Then, after a short stay with a therapist to see why he is upset, he will be sent to a jail for where he can pray 5 times a day, wash his feet whenever necessary, be provided new Korans, and Halal food buffet style so “cruel and unusual punishment” can’t be implemented by the Military Police. The usual ping pong tables, Basketball courts, weight lifting equipment with spa facility are naturally provided. Then, he can be provided lawyer representation at the cost of the Israeli taxpayer to be represented in court vigorously because its his right. If he loses in court, his “live” body can eventually be exchanged along with 1000 other “live” terrorists for the “dead” bodies of honorable Israeli soldiers. Then, he can sue the manufacturer of the bulldozer for “sudden acceleration” ala Audi motorcars. And of course, collect “unemployment” because of the loss of the job. H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T!

My real feelings: Pink Floyd “Meddle” said it best=1st song on the album=”I’m going to cut you up into little pieces”

Where is the condemnation?! Shouldn’t the Palestinian leader condemn this act? Why is everyone silent about pressing the matter? If Israel threatened an incursion into Arab land the press would be ballistic. If a Jew attacked an Arab, the Israeli leaders would be on TV in 20 minutes apologizing. And the people around the world would be rioting. As a Jew, I feel the Talmud has the answer: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

Jerusalem Post

Barak Obama is in Israel right now. I wonder while he is visiting if another attack will take place with a bulldozer near him.

June 25, 2008

Israel Training For ?…….And Where, Oh Where Has My Embassy Gone. Oh Where Oh Where Can It Be?

The Israeli military has been referencing to a possible attack on Iran. The weak position of the West and the questionable support for Israel’s position on its security leave Israel with little choice in the matter. The most likely timeframe would be before an adminstration change takes place in the US. If Obama gets in the White House, the entire Middle East could be in for a chaotic future.


For security reasons I am not allowed to say where these maneuvers were taking place. I just hope Israel is prepared should anything ever happen.

For those who are curious about what the US Embassy looks like…,.

Israel Training For ?…….And Where, Oh Where Has My Embassy Gone. Oh Where Oh Where Can It Be?

The Israeli military has been referencing to a possible attack on Iran. The weak position of the West and the questionable support for Israel’s position on its security leave Israel with little choice in the matter. The most likely timeframe would be before an adminstration change takes place in the US. If Obama gets in the White House, the entire Middle East could be in for a chaotic future.


For security reasons I am not allowed to say where these maneuvers were taking place. I just hope Israel is prepared should anything ever happen.

For those who are curious about what the US Embassy looks like…,.

Israel Training For ?…….And Where, Oh Where Has My Embassy Gone. Oh Where Oh Where Can It Be?

The Israeli military has been referencing to a possible attack on Iran. The weak position of the West and the questionable support for Israel’s position on its security leave Israel with little choice in the matter. The most likely timeframe would be before an adminstration change takes place in the US. If Obama gets in the White House, the entire Middle East could be in for a chaotic future.


For security reasons I am not allowed to say where these maneuvers were taking place. I just hope Israel is prepared should anything ever happen.

For those who are curious about what the US Embassy looks like…,.

June 20, 2008

New Site People!!

I came across a site with an extensive list of conservative blogs.Destroying the liberal thought process! That is the self described summary of a site that takes time to update on every current issue that effects the conservative today. With overwhelming content, its impossible to look for a short time if you intend to retain even a small amount of the info. I recommend you brush up on your knowledge on this site so you are properly armed to fend off the next brainwashed liberal. Sucker!! We win!

Blog at