
February 9, 2009

Commentary for Time Magazine: A True Story

Filed under: balanced,civil rights,Egypt,fascist,Israel,news,TIME — grappledoctor @ 1:14 am

Since Time Magazine’s Cairo correspondent: Scott MacLeod is reticent to write a blog about Egypt I thought I might as well do so. As we all know, Israel is a fascist state consisting of 1st class citizens (i.e. The Jews) and 2nd class citizens (i.e. The 1.2 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship). Now, even though they are 2nd class citizens, none the less, they are not afraid to describe members of the fascist government as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever and they do this both publically and privately on a regular basis. In fact, one might say they believe it is their right to voice such criticisms. One day a group of these 2nd class citizens decided to visit the free and democratic state of Egypt and travel around the country on a guided bus tour. Unfortunately, one of the travelers, (we’ll just call him: “Mohammed the 2nd class citizen”) decided that he had the right to criticize the free and democratic state of Egypt in a similar fashion to which he was used to criticizing the fascist Israeli state. A few days into the trip, two very nice and very polite Egyptian police officers boarded the bus and asked: “Excuse us, but: Is Mohammed the 2nd class citizen here?” Mohammed the 2nd class citizen then got off the bus with the two very nice and very polite police officers and the bus continued on its tour of Egypt. The other second class citizens thought that maybe Mohammed the 2nd class citizen had had a death or crisis in his family and flew back to Israel ahead of them, however, when they returned home Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was nowhere to be found and the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv could provide no information. Fortuitously for Mohammed the 2nd class citizen, although Israel is a fascist state, many of the 2nd class citizens are allowed to become police officers. So after weeks of not receiving any information what so ever from the free and democratic government of Egypt, some 2nd class police officers asked some 1st class police officers if they could speak to some mem bers of the fascist state’s foreign ministry. To cut a long story short, (i.e. we will not discuss what happened to Mohammed the 2nd class citizen while he was a guest of the two very nice and very polite police officers of the free and democratic state of Egypt) Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was finally “found” and returned home where, till this day, he continues to live happily and continues criticizing the fascist Israeli government and describing its members as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever…

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the street in Israel”

February 5, 2009


Filed under: Arab,crime,Egypt,harboring,Heim,hiding,Islam,Nazi — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am

A country who has a history of being a third party independent negotiator for talks between Israel and its neighbors should be reconsidered. Egypt has given refuge to another Nazi criminal. When the Arab World regularly defies convention by holding Holocaust denial conventions, regularly prints Nazi-like literature, and routinely compares Israel to Nazis, where is the justice when it clearly hides real Nazis from trial.
School books, newspapers and the general perception in the Arab world is the Holocaust never even happened. The Nazis had regimens of Arab trained soldiers who actively participated in the War and the murder. The knowledge is swept under the rug instead of confirmed. Credibility of real war crimes performed by these people hiding in the Arab world would finally destroy the Islamic World’s propaganda of false claims.
Is it a war crime harboring these criminals? Should the UN condemn any country who has hidden Nazis? Hell yes.
No country should be involved in Middle East negotiation that provided safe harbor to former Nazi murderers. Egypt should be condemned in the UN for allowing tunnels from their country into Palestinian areas. Further, an invesigation should be launch into what activities Heim was taking part in inside Egypt.
Finally, where is the liberal Left criticism of such acts? Why is this heinous act going to be swept under the rug in a few days? Who is responsible for hiding this person? And why wasn’t his activity during the war acknowledged by the Arab World and taught in the schools about the horror the Nazis performed on the Jews? The UN should demand proper teaching of its horror. The Muslim protests in Europe saying it is anti-Islamic to learn about the Holocaust in school and had it removed from the curriculum should be no longer taken seriously. How offensive can they possibly make themselves?

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