
April 15, 2009


Filed under: Castro,cuba,obama,policy,sheik — grappledoctor @ 2:19 pm

All of a sudden the Black Caucas decided to visit Castro and declare him the “Little Messiah.” That the past 50 years has been forgiven! Forgiven? Maybe I should ask, ” he is now immortalized?” Are we to believe that he has shown the US has had a foolish policy towards Cuba which should immediately be abandoned? Hmm…. Instead, Castro’s policies should be revered for their outstanding achievement?!? Cuba has a very high literacy rate. Cuba has implimented socialized medicine which the US needs to catch up with. Well…..that is a load of BULLSHIT!
Castro is a Communist/Socialist. This form of government was the enemy of the US for approx 75 years. While living through the Cold War in my younger years, the never ending threat of attack from the Communist Block was possible. The allegiance of the Russians was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, the questionable status of the Russians as friend or foe should be revisited when reviewing any policy towards Cuba.
The Cuban regime was never tolerant towards any criticism. Any opposition to the government was met with death or jail. The political asylum given to all Cubans who make it to our shores is because of this Communist policy.
The seizure of all private property when the Cuban Revolution took place was instituted. In a government like Cuba’s, private property is a freedom no longer enjoyed. All the property was confiscated with no compensation to land owners.
The emptying of all mental institutions and jails was implemented in 1980. When the people were sent sailing, they were left to themselves. If the ships sank or anyone got sick didn’t matter. Left to their own devices, the former Cubans hoped to make it to the US. This is a questionable Human Rights violation. Plus, some of these people in jail had trumped up charges. All were given no choice. Leave or die.
Religious tolerance is low. In most Communist regimes, religion is banned. Forget Scientology Tom Cruise, Dianetics Mr Hubbard, Islam, Judaism, Etc.
AIDS victims are isolated from the rest of the population in order to quarantine the disease. While it will stop its spread, is it
fair to the victims who have no choice but to cooperate.
Finally, he took over the country in a coup. He used the guerilla military to violently take over. No voting took place. Many were murdered and many fled. By allowing this government “normalized” status, it will bring it the legitimacy it has been craving for 50 years.


Filed under: Castro,cuba,obama,policy,sheik — grappledoctor @ 2:19 pm

All of a sudden the Black Caucas decided to visit Castro and declare him the “Little Messiah.” That the past 50 years has been forgiven! Forgiven? Maybe I should ask, ” he is now immortalized?” Are we to believe that he has shown the US has had a foolish policy towards Cuba which should immediately be abandoned? Hmm…. Instead, Castro’s policies should be revered for their outstanding achievement?!? Cuba has a very high literacy rate. Cuba has implimented socialized medicine which the US needs to catch up with. Well…..that is a load of BULLSHIT!
Castro is a Communist/Socialist. This form of government was the enemy of the US for approx 75 years. While living through the Cold War in my younger years, the never ending threat of attack from the Communist Block was possible. The allegiance of the Russians was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, the questionable status of the Russians as friend or foe should be revisited when reviewing any policy towards Cuba.
The Cuban regime was never tolerant towards any criticism. Any opposition to the government was met with death or jail. The political asylum given to all Cubans who make it to our shores is because of this Communist policy.
The seizure of all private property when the Cuban Revolution took place was instituted. In a government like Cuba’s, private property is a freedom no longer enjoyed. All the property was confiscated with no compensation to land owners.
The emptying of all mental institutions and jails was implemented in 1980. When the people were sent sailing, they were left to themselves. If the ships sank or anyone got sick didn’t matter. Left to their own devices, the former Cubans hoped to make it to the US. This is a questionable Human Rights violation. Plus, some of these people in jail had trumped up charges. All were given no choice. Leave or die.
Religious tolerance is low. In most Communist regimes, religion is banned. Forget Scientology Tom Cruise, Dianetics Mr Hubbard, Islam, Judaism, Etc.
AIDS victims are isolated from the rest of the population in order to quarantine the disease. While it will stop its spread, is it
fair to the victims who have no choice but to cooperate.
Finally, he took over the country in a coup. He used the guerilla military to violently take over. No voting took place. Many were murdered and many fled. By allowing this government “normalized” status, it will bring it the legitimacy it has been craving for 50 years.

June 18, 2008

Boumedine v. Bush: Paying for Terrorists’ Legal Rights

Filed under: Boumediene,bush,cuba,guantanamo bay,scalia,supreme court,war on terror — grappledoctor @ 2:07 am

On June 12, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its opinion on whether enemy combatants imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have the right to petition for writ of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is a Latin phrase which literally means, “We command you to bring the body.” In legal terms, it has been the historical constitutional right afforded to Americans accused of committing a crime to have his day in court. Indeed, a fundamental right critical in a democratic society.

So what did the U.S. Supreme Court say? In a 5 to 4 decision, the majority ruled that enemy combatants do have the right to a habeas corpus petition. In other words, enemy combatants now receive taxpayer funded federal public defenders and access to our civilian courts. Since the ruling, many legal scholars have opined on this highly political decision. Most have been very esoteric, difficult for the laymen to understand.

But here is an article by John Yoo published today in the Wall Street Journal. Yoo is a law professor at UC Berkeley Law School, co-authored the USA PATRIOT Act, authored the famous, or infamous, White House memo on torture, an emphatic defender of a strong executive branch during wartime, a brilliant legal mind, and, a proud Korean-American.

Yoo gives us a little historical context.

[“In World War II, no civilian court reviewed the thousands of German prisoners housed in the U.S. Federal judges never heard cases from the Confederate prisoners of war held during the Civil War. In a trilogy of cases decided at the end of World War II, the Supreme Court agreed that the writ did not benefit enemy aliens held outside the U.S. In the months after the 9/11 attacks, we in the Justice Department relied on the Supreme Court’s word when we evaluated Guantanamo Bay as a place to hold al Qaeda terrorists.”]

I would distinguish further that the German prisoners captured on the battlefield in WWII were uniformed military soldiers of a sovereign nation, motivated by their loyalty to country. (Yes, it’s certainly arguable whether the officers were loyal to a country or to an evil ideology, but, the point is, WWII involved conventional warfare with conventional armies.) Yet, as Yoo points out, they still were not given access to our courts. Moreover, most of these German prisoners were decent people (again, arguable) who shared many similarities with Americans. But still, no civilian court. Why? Because they were prisoners of war, enemy combatants.

Today’s war on terror does not involve two sovereign nations going at it. No. Rather, it involves a tolerant freedom loving nation against thugs who in the name of a god strap bombs to themselves and obliterate and maim civilian men, women, and children. And here are 5 Supreme Court justices deciding to give these Islamo-Fascists access to taxpayer funded civilian courts and a public defender. I know, it’s hard to believe.

This is obviously a dangerous slippery slope. Once we take a piece of our Constitution and give it to the terrorists, what will stop the Court from extending the entire document? Mark my word, soldiers will soon be required to read enemy combatants their Miranda rights, in Arabic! It won’t stop there. The 4th amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizure. The 5th amendment right to not incriminate yourself. And the 14th amendment right to due process. You can be sure the terrorists will demand these rights. It’s only a matter of time these rights too are extended to the captured terrorists.

Scalia put it best, “The Nation will live to regret what the Court has done today. I dissent.”

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