
August 12, 2008

A Conservative Cafe is . . . Coffee Served Right.

Filed under: Conservative Cafe,crown point — grappledoctor @ 12:25 am

Crown Point, Indiana is the home of the Conservative Cafe. Yes, it’s the next great coffee chain competitor to Starbucks. Or, maybe not. But I love the idea, so much so that I would definitely consider franchise opportunities. It’s a simple, yet great idea, particularly for attracting people who view all facets of life through their warped and jaundiced political lens, like me of course. I have two boxes: conservative or liberal. I’ll put you in one or the other.

Beckham, the owner, may be onto something here. He also has the advantage of being situated in a relatively conservative neigborhood of Indiana. He sells four different flavors of coffee and the funny part is he designates a “strength” range from 1 through 4, 1 being the weakest and 4 being the strongest. So going from weakest to strongest, he serves, “The Liberal Blend,” “The Moderate Blend,” “The Conservative Blend,” and the “Radical Right Blend.” He also serves food-stuff like classic breakfast meals, sandwiches, and wraps.

Also, probably my favorite part, he sells conservative T-shirts. You can check them out here.

Best of luck to Beckham and his wife.

A Conservative Cafe is . . . Coffee Served Right.

Filed under: Conservative Cafe,crown point — grappledoctor @ 12:25 am

Crown Point, Indiana is the home of the Conservative Cafe. Yes, it’s the next great coffee chain competitor to Starbucks. Or, maybe not. But I love the idea, so much so that I would definitely consider franchise opportunities. It’s a simple, yet great idea, particularly for attracting people who view all facets of life through their warped and jaundiced political lens, like me of course. I have two boxes: conservative or liberal. I’ll put you in one or the other.

Beckham, the owner, may be onto something here. He also has the advantage of being situated in a relatively conservative neigborhood of Indiana. He sells four different flavors of coffee and the funny part is he designates a “strength” range from 1 through 4, 1 being the weakest and 4 being the strongest. So going from weakest to strongest, he serves, “The Liberal Blend,” “The Moderate Blend,” “The Conservative Blend,” and the “Radical Right Blend.” He also serves food-stuff like classic breakfast meals, sandwiches, and wraps.

Also, probably my favorite part, he sells conservative T-shirts. You can check them out here.

Best of luck to Beckham and his wife.

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