
June 14, 2008

Israel Trip Surprise! 15 Years in the Making! And President Carter!!

Filed under: blog,Carter democrats,conservative,cousin,family,Israel,liberal jewish,reunion,trip — grappledoctor @ 9:25 pm

I had the pleasure of running into a long lost cousin of mine who I haven’t seen in 15 years. I happened upon him accidentally 3 days ago in Tel Aviv. Reminiscing with him has given me the opportunity to hear about my family history. I have been enlightened into some family history involving……..former President Jimmy Carter. I have the inside scoop on some little known facts I intend to reveal in the next week or two. I dislike Jimmy Carter and what he stands for now. The fact that he is making news again, particularly in Israel, has made this information just that much more interesting. Plus, I have been given a perspective from an Israeli point of view, namely my cousin. Understand, he is a bit of a hippie, in his mid-50s, liberal jewish minded, and living in Israel for almost 30 years. He made Aliyah at that time, which is when a Jew moves “back” to Israel permanently from the Diaspora. I missed seeing him far too long and I think he has missed connecting to the family back in the US. I hope his perspective on the homefront in Israel will give this Blog a greater more complete message to the world masses. Him being Left and me being Right makes the posts I write ever more challenging for me. Stay tuned and please keep reading!

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