
March 21, 2010


Filed under: America,book,Captain,Captain America,comic,politics — grappledoctor @ 11:58 pm

The company Marvel Comics has been publishing Cap Amer books since 1941. The comic has had several runs over the years and has been seen as an icon for what we stand for. I remember reading these books for years. As an avid fan, I have followed the stories for over 2 decades. As an adult, I admit I stopped buying the comic long ago. I loved the way the comic always had the character as THE moral ideal. Every character in the Marvel Universe would have respect for the character because of this fact. For young readers, this was a great way of teaching traditional values in a fun manner.

The writers have always tried to continue this picture until recently when “Cap” believed the Tea Party was a racist venue. Well, I can say that this direction has failed miserably to uphold the value of the character. While everyone in government today is crooked and morally appalling, “Cap” fails to find disgust in these people. The characters which uphold the spirit of America, like the Tea Party people, are shunned.

The character I knew never would have believed this country today. The comic was always rooted in the time with which it was written. In the ’40s, Cap fought Nazis. Later, communists, super villains, criminals, and even got involved in Civil Rights. Today, the character should be a Tea Party leader.

In the future, I sincerely hope Marvel Comics takes politics out of its books. If political junk is touted by the current writers, the books will fail to uphold their iconic status. The bastardized renditions already printed have tainted my image. I will never buy another comic unless it’s at least 20 years old. As for Captain America, I salute the old version and will miss him sorely. All hail Captain Socialism!!

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