
March 20, 2010

Democrats Abandon Deem And Pass

Filed under: abandon,Air,care,Carter democrats,Deem,health,Hot,pass,reform — grappledoctor @ 11:53 pm


Very possible they believe they have enough votes to pass the bill without using this tactic. Checkout the site and read this breaking news.

March 10, 2010

Eric "Jackass" Massa Pulls Back On Democratic Gangster Tactics

Filed under: Beck,Carter democrats,Emmanuel,Massa,Rham,Senator,tickling — grappledoctor @ 1:57 pm


Last night Glenn Beck decided to host his show with the flamboyant former Sen Eric “Jackass” Massa. Massa, disgruntled and a little disoriented, has been firing off his mouth about the threatening tactics of the Democratic elite. He pointed out how Rham ( aka Rommel) Emmanuel has been cornering him in the shower, apparently bringing new meaning to the word manhandle. The reference to “pointing his finger at me” may have been a metaphor for pointing something else when one looks at the “sense of humor” this fool showed on the Glenn Beck Show last night.

The next peculiar behavior displayed by this “jackass” is the gay question. Larry King had him as a guest. He never answered the question definitively except for ” I answered that question 3 times already.” He admitted to groping another male which a straight man would never ever do. I am getting flashbacks of Blogavich when I hear him say he is not going away.

I never realized that tickling another man was capable of stopping someone. Maybe it should be taught to FBI and Police as a nonviolent riot control tactic. And Sen Jackass Massa, blackbelt of the tickle martial arts form, should have used this technique in the shower when he was cornered by Rham.

Tickling? Behavior worthy of a Senator!?! RUCKING FIDICULOUS

July 9, 2008



Well, I hope that opening got your attention. The deadline is today!! TODAY!! Congress is supposed to vote to repeal a bill already passed for a proposed 10.6% decrease in medicare allowable payments to doctors for treatments rendered to patients. This was enstated as of July 1, 2008 with a stipulation for reconsideration which has a deadline today. What are the ramifications as a result of this order?

The CRISIS is a crisis to doctors because their practices have to factor in a net loss of 10% immediately. The loss of 10% now must be made up in patient volume equal in the new allowable fees. Plain english: 10% loss cannot be made up in 10% increase in patients. It will take at least 11% increase in patient load and the overhead costs of operating to make it up. The time alone means more time spent in the office doing the additional paperwork, increased liability, and treating time. In addition, the insurance companies paid by medicare like HMO, PPO, HSA, PFFS, etc (anyone over 65 and insured) will also be reimbursed 10% less. The insurance companies are like a middle man and pay doctors a discounted fee schedule after they take their share out. Now the discounted fee schedule the middle man uses is additionally discounted 10%.

The average patient is under the misconception that “all doctors are rich.” Therefore the cry for help from doctors is falling on deaf ears. The view the patients have is of a time pre-HMO and pre-third party administred health care which has been around for over 20 years. The percentage of overall patients on these plans over the last 20 years has exploded into a majority stake. Personally, I have been cashing checks from companies that pay less THAN 10 CENTS a patient after a co-pay of $10 or less. That is $10.10 per patient!! Patients see a busy office and assume the doctor is still being paid the fees they were 20 plus years ago per patient which calculates into a typical $40 or more. Now at $10 on the average, the doctor has taken a loss equivalent to a 50 year pay cut.

What would the average auto worker do if he or she took a 50 year paycut? How could anyone contend with further cuts as being implemented this month?! And another bill is in the works for another 5.4% CUT in Jan 2009!! And another in 2010 of another 5%!! And another 5% in 2012!!!

Doctors in my state average age is approx 55 years old themselves. They have been toying with the possibility of retiring before anything gets much worse. The aggravation of running an office is creating a feeling of anger making practicing impossible. Add lawyers, problem patients, increased energy costs, insurance woes, and more!! No other profession provides such a vital service yet has to contend with such red tape.

Doctors locally are now starting to take action by taking out ads encouraging people to write their congressman. Since the average attitude is “Doctors are all rich”, I feel any threat about denying access to patients to one’s private practice is futile. All plans have a contract that takes a minimum of 60 days to opt out. Threatening not to take Medicare patients will only encourage patients to leave Medicare and go on a private insurance which pays less anyway. Thereby, losing one’s best patients.. Or they could go to another doctor!

At this juncture, patients do not feel the pressure because access to a provider hasnt been a problem. When will they get involved? John Q Public feels they are entitled to health care and it should be free or low cost. The public has been toying with the idea for years. Private insurance plans with tremendous discounts have brainwashed the average patient into paying only low co pays and anything higher is robbery. Socialized medicine is so ingrained into the fabric of public thought, both Republicans and Democrats believe a socialized system is the only way forward. Getting everyone on a discount plan is believed to contain costs for the government. Further wrongly believed, the financial distress to the average medical provider will magically work its way out eventually.Meaning the doctor can absorb the lost revenue after adjustments are made to his/her practice. I forsee a mass retirement and closing of all private practices across the country. With the overhead to practice today, doctors can no longer maintain a viable practice. With the aging baby boomers flooding the sytem, the decrease in admissions to medical schools, and the problems listed here to new practitioners when graduating, the CRISIS is coming fast…..

If you live in Palm Beach County, check out Sunday’s paper for an article addressing this matter and who you should contact in the state of Florida. The New York Times on July 7 2008 has an article “Doctors press Senate to undo Medicare Cuts.”
Further, CQ Politics has an article entitled “Medicare Pressure On Republicans” by Drew Armstrong. And while not complete, if you desire a better understanding about how private insurers are involved see the article “Two Insurers Increase Bet on Medicare” in the New York Times Dec 5 2007.
Government link which provides information on the voting!! Here!!

More info links Please read!
Medicare pay cuts

Doctors lobby cuts link
Adminstration delay payments/cuts link

Pharmacists weigh in link

June 14, 2008

Israel Trip Surprise! 15 Years in the Making! And President Carter!!

Filed under: blog,Carter democrats,conservative,cousin,family,Israel,liberal jewish,reunion,trip — grappledoctor @ 9:25 pm

I had the pleasure of running into a long lost cousin of mine who I haven’t seen in 15 years. I happened upon him accidentally 3 days ago in Tel Aviv. Reminiscing with him has given me the opportunity to hear about my family history. I have been enlightened into some family history involving……..former President Jimmy Carter. I have the inside scoop on some little known facts I intend to reveal in the next week or two. I dislike Jimmy Carter and what he stands for now. The fact that he is making news again, particularly in Israel, has made this information just that much more interesting. Plus, I have been given a perspective from an Israeli point of view, namely my cousin. Understand, he is a bit of a hippie, in his mid-50s, liberal jewish minded, and living in Israel for almost 30 years. He made Aliyah at that time, which is when a Jew moves “back” to Israel permanently from the Diaspora. I missed seeing him far too long and I think he has missed connecting to the family back in the US. I hope his perspective on the homefront in Israel will give this Blog a greater more complete message to the world masses. Him being Left and me being Right makes the posts I write ever more challenging for me. Stay tuned and please keep reading!

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