
March 22, 2010


Filed under: anthem,campaign,obama,sheik,song,unofficial — grappledoctor @ 1:08 pm

No secret meetings?
on C-Span?

April 20, 2009

Netanyahu HQ

Filed under: bibi,campaign,Islam,Israel,minister,netanyahu,prime — grappledoctor @ 5:40 pm

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This is a picture of the HQ for the campaign for the current Prime Minister of Israel. I think he is the only chance Israel has of surviving the “Sheik Obama Years.”

November 16, 2008

1968 Republican Memory

Filed under: 1968,Agnew,campaign,convention,election,law school republicans,Nixon,politics,RNC — grappledoctor @ 1:16 am

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I am an avid collector of political memorabilia. I collect US and Israeli election materials. This is an item I recently added from a dear friend. She was at the convention and met Ronald Reagan at the same time. This is the box given out to the supporters at the campaign. True to my Independent status, I try to collect Democrat and Republican material. I have Ross Perot materials from 1992.

October 21, 2008


Filed under: balls,campaign,contributions,election,guts,illegal,McCain,obama — grappledoctor @ 11:41 am

IT IS THE (HELL) ABOUT TIME!! I know that remark is incoherent but well suited. I cannot believe it took this long to start taking action. Fight back and let the chips fall where they may. Obama has raised more money that any other candidate in history. IN HISTORY! And he doesn’t divulge where or who the origin of the contributions are from. This should raise suspicion to their legitimacy, legality, and the deviousness of the individual or individuals who made them. This is a MAJOR issue. With enough pressure, and the fact that MCCAIN has already made his campaign contributors public info, I believe Obama will be forced to cave before its too late and give a list of these parties. Then we will be able to see which parties he will owe gratuity towards afterwards (if he steals the election).

PLEASE……………tell his campaign to start using there brains!! How ..can Obama raise this much capital in such an economic downturn? In a party that preaches “we are the party for the poor!?” Something should be said for common sense and gut feeling. Common sense dictates Obama is doing something underhanded or in poor taste. Getting this to the public would liquify his support leaving him hopeless. And gut feeling tells me something isn’t right with who is making the contributions because he (Obama) didnt take taxpayer funds to help his campaign either. For a Guy out for the poor, he sure has a wealth of support!!


Filed under: balls,campaign,contributions,election,guts,illegal,McCain,obama — grappledoctor @ 11:41 am

IT IS THE (HELL) ABOUT TIME!! I know that remark is incoherent but well suited. I cannot believe it took this long to start taking action. Fight back and let the chips fall where they may. Obama has raised more money that any other candidate in history. IN HISTORY! And he doesn’t divulge where or who the origin of the contributions are from. This should raise suspicion to their legitimacy, legality, and the deviousness of the individual or individuals who made them. This is a MAJOR issue. With enough pressure, and the fact that MCCAIN has already made his campaign contributors public info, I believe Obama will be forced to cave before its too late and give a list of these parties. Then we will be able to see which parties he will owe gratuity towards afterwards (if he steals the election).

PLEASE……………tell his campaign to start using there brains!! How ..can Obama raise this much capital in such an economic downturn? In a party that preaches “we are the party for the poor!?” Something should be said for common sense and gut feeling. Common sense dictates Obama is doing something underhanded or in poor taste. Getting this to the public would liquify his support leaving him hopeless. And gut feeling tells me something isn’t right with who is making the contributions because he (Obama) didnt take taxpayer funds to help his campaign either. For a Guy out for the poor, he sure has a wealth of support!!

June 7, 2008

IRAQ=Part II(Part 1=May first post)

When looking at a map of thw world, one sees the Middle East puzzle of country borders. The war waged in Iraq and Afghanistan were waged in order to deal with terrorism. In this article, Focus is placed on Osama bin Laden. In order to deal with him, the US cannot capture him because I believe he is no longer in Afghanistan, but in Iran. Iraq was a stepping stone to the ending of Al Qaida. With troops and the amount of time lapsed looking throughout Afghanistan and Pakistan, its obvious he has moved to Iran. The country has too many holy sites for Islam which, if invaded, could be damaged causing a backlash and outrage. Therefore, the next option is containment. By bordering Iran on 2 sides, Iraq and Pakistan, and Iraq,containment is achieved. Also, deterence is achieved by maintaining troops presence ready for small ground operations and the use of pinpoint accuracy bombing. The biggest fear now is if Iran develops nuclear weapons, Bin Laden may very well get his hands on them. Then when he uses them on us, they deny it was state sponsored!! Pray for an Israeli strike!

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