
April 22, 2009


Filed under: builders,housing,immigrants,left,MSNBC,oversupply — grappledoctor @ 11:07 am

I was watching the MSNBC channel this morning. They have on a guest expert every morning. The CEO/President of an investment group called Lefrak. While I believe these investors are top notch, the solution to the housing crisis was just poor. The Lefrak President was asked for his expert opinion on solving the housing surplus. His answer: immigrants. Allowing them to buy houses would gobble up the 2,000,000 oversupply of housing.
What is wrong with this? I don’t have time to address everything wrong with this answer but…..I am shocked he would entertain such an answer. He did say they must qualify. Still, the fact remains buying a house with qualified immigrants opens the door for every other problem associated with immigrants increasing. This would cause so many other problems to explode in size, it is hard to believe he suggested it.
Maybe that solution would help cars, too. Should immigrants be given loans for cars and houses. What would qualifications be if different from a citizen? I am beginning to wonder what the difference is between being a citizen and every other status?
Desperation is starting to turn to stupidity. Let’s keep calm. Other solutions are out there. Ideas for more appropriate solutions: incentives to all returning soldiers, more incentives for first time buyers, discounted loans for housing for disaster relief citizens. Instead of refurbishing old housing projects which would cost more money than they are worth, replace housing projects with moderate priced new housing. Then use the old projects for homeless shelters, for new jails, for new schools, or use for new government offices rather than building new.
Don’t complicate the problem, please. Don’t even provide the Left with irrational motivation for their causes. I have hope that American ingenuity will prevail with ideas for the existing housing issues. Or simply, the idea was thrown out there during the show because the Left have altered the MSNBC show because it was too Right? Whatever? This idea was rucking fidiculous!

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