
July 7, 2009


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Here are real live EXTREMISTS!! Take note! They are holding signs containing slogans strictly pro America! The poorly informed media believe “White Supremists” run the party or are in attendance for recruitment purposes. Obviously, this is falsely reported. Why? Because the sign at the bottom picture has a sign for a man running for US CONGRESS. Who? Allen West. I met him at a 912 meeting in Palm Beach Gardens. He gave a brilliant lecture on his positions on current matters. Also, he happens to be Black or African American. I know, shocked! He is a recently retired military officer and I encourage everyone to go to his website and to vote for him!


<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}"

Here are real live EXTREMISTS!! Take note! They are holding signs containing slogans strictly pro America! The poorly informed media believe “White Supremists” run the party or are in attendance for recruitment purposes. Obviously, this is falsely reported. Why? Because the sign at the bottom picture has a sign for a man running for US CONGRESS. Who? Allen West. I met him at a 912 meeting in Palm Beach Gardens. He gave a brilliant lecture on his positions on current matters. Also, he happens to be Black or African American. I know, shocked! He is a recently retired military officer and I encourage everyone to go to his website and to vote for him!

June 13, 2008

Who Is Bridget Gabriel And Why Should You Already Know Her Name!?!

Filed under: Bridget,Gabriel,Islam Israel,jew,jewish,Religion of peace,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 6:39 pm

Bridget Gabriel

Quite possibly The most important Lebanese Christian alive today! She has a perspective of Mid East turmoil I hope none of us ever experience. Her bravery and smart approach to debunking myths of “The Religion Of Peace.” Watch her at work and when you chin drops, wonder why you dont come to this page more often.

Who Is Bridget Gabriel And Why Should You Already Know Her Name!?!

Filed under: Bridget,Gabriel,Islam Israel,jew,jewish,Religion of peace,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 6:39 pm

Bridget Gabriel

Quite possibly The most important Lebanese Christian alive today! She has a perspective of Mid East turmoil I hope none of us ever experience. Her bravery and smart approach to debunking myths of “The Religion Of Peace.” Watch her at work and when you chin drops, wonder why you dont come to this page more often.

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