
October 16, 2009

Blog World Expo 2009

Filed under: 2009,blog,expo,travel,World — grappledoctor @ 2:58 pm

I am attending the Blog World Expo 2009 in an attempt to make this site incredible. I have been working behind the scenes trying to incorporate podcasting in both audio and video into the site. I have neglected to post in the usual number of articles since it has been very time consuming. I am readying my pics from the Jewish Bloggers Convention in Jerusalem I attended about a month ago. I purchased photoshop finally! And I am already working on a small group of regulars I can interview for opinion insight from various fields. I have an insurance expert with an extensive history and understanding of what is taking place in the Health Care Reform Act debate. I have an immigration lawyer who has many years of practice. He has had experience with immigrants from multiple countries and how the laws have changed. I, myself, am a doctor currently practicing. The debate over the Health Care Reform is riddled with conjecture and fallacies that many have never addressed. I am hoping to make my post today the next big step on Rucking fidiculous and hope that this convention and the last I attended, will bring more
profound debate to the forefront. So hang in there. I am going to flood the land with information in the next 48 hours. I hope to meet fellow bloggers at this weekend event. If you see my site name on my name tag, please introduce yourself to me. See you!
Unapologetic Ethnocentric Semite

July 7, 2009


Joyce Kaufman is a radio talk show host who is very popular in South Florida. She is a hero in my book. Her shows have inspired many members to join. She has talked about terrorism, patriotism, and American Rights regularly. She knows who I am and knows how much everyone appreciated her appearing. Make yourself a list of things to do and make number 1 on the list to go to this site and listen to her. JOYCE KAUFMAN

Well, this little supporter should put egg on the face of liberals! She is extreme only in support of the Tea Party! And that is okay with us.

Police estimates were 2500 people. The demonstration got attention of the crowd that came down for the “Fourth on Flagler” celebration.

Maybe the Administration should look at some of these pictures. Dress the part!!


Joyce Kaufman is a radio talk show host who is very popular in South Florida. She is a hero in my book. Her shows have inspired many members to join. She has talked about terrorism, patriotism, and American Rights regularly. She knows who I am and knows how much everyone appreciated her appearing. Make yourself a list of things to do and make number 1 on the list to go to this site and listen to her. JOYCE KAUFMAN

Well, this little supporter should put egg on the face of liberals! She is extreme only in support of the Tea Party! And that is okay with us.

Police estimates were 2500 people. The demonstration got attention of the crowd that came down for the “Fourth on Flagler” celebration.

Maybe the Administration should look at some of these pictures. Dress the part!!

April 20, 2009

T-Shirt (Or T-Shit)

Filed under: blog,democrats,left,news,politics,Right Wing,t-shirt — grappledoctor @ 5:39 pm

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This is a long time friend who after many years of brainwashing has not only lost his hair, according to this t-shirt, has also lost his mind.

April 13, 2009


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.


Filed under: blog,green,news,obama,pizza,politicsw,sheik — grappledoctor @ 1:03 pm

The “Green” movement has plenty of merit. Yet, I wish the free market would dictate the consumer market rather than the President and Congress forcing a “no choice in the matter” marketplace. As a consumer, I feel we should be allowed to make choices which we decide for ourselves, without government intervention. No matter what the intention, the choice to buy what we wish from a vast amount of products defines the term “free markets.”
The government is taking control of what choices we can have, including the option of no choice. For example,we are being led to believe we MUST buy this new type of light bulbs because they are better for the environment. Regardless of the cost, the choice will be taken away from us to buy the old type of bulb. The intention for better conservation is good. But in practice, this policy is poor because the mercury in the bulbs is negating the positive attributes (the efficiency). Therefore, I personally find the choice foolhardy. Another example, the toilets we use will no longer use as much water when we flush them in order to conserve water. The new toilets must use 3.8 liters (by law). Another green idea gone bad. Many complaints have been voiced recently about the necessity to do multiple flushes in order to empty the contents of the new toilets. In the Green defense, in Israel, the toilets use much less water and are much more effective. They use a two handle toilet which uses a small handle for urine and a large handle for number 2. The user can use less water when less is needed. When a real “ferguson type flush” is necessary, you get the water power necessary to empty the “john” properly. But by law…? I believe the American consumer is smarter than the government. A toilet that saves water and works properly and decreases the water bill will pay for itself. Therefore, all landlords and home owners will make the best choice eventually. The government should have no part in the decision.
So, when someone abuses their power of choice and buys a gas guzzler car, they get a gas guzzler tax. And they pay more at the pump. But should the choice be taken away entirely. Sheik Obama made the “Green” movement his mantra. He criticizes car manufacturers and the energy industry at large. But, when the Sheik buys pizza from his home state and flies it into DC no media outlet says a word. For shame!
Green eggs, green ham, but no green pizza….

This is a map of the immediate area surrounding the White House. Sheik Obama could have ordered pizza from the area pizza parlors. That’s the Green Movement way. Each red tab indicates another LOCAL pizzeria.

February 10, 2009


Filed under: blog,conservative,legend,Liberal,velvethammer — grappledoctor @ 1:28 am

It appears the truth hurts. Painful in fact. At least to the poor pathetic individual who decided to hack my friends at velvethammer. Well, putting the hammer down on those individuals appears to be how ‘hammer deals with it. The articles on the site are everything I want to post about but I just can’t compete with the likes of velvethammer. Thor, the Thunder G-d carries a big hammer but this …..after reading this site, you’ll be singing,”If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in….”

October 13, 2008


The “GREAT SCHLEP” is a movement by an organization called the Jewish Council for Education and Research to get Jews to convince family members who are undecided or currently voting McCain to vote for OBAMA. Apparently, they have recruited Sarah Silverman to be their spokesperson. These Jews participating in this program can only be regarded as traitorous to this country and to every Jew who has ever lived or living! The involvement of Obama with terror related persons and his policy towards Middle East Peace (WAR) Process makes him the number one enemy. Any person who encourages others to vote for Obama is a self hating Jew. PERIOD!



June 20, 2008

New Site People!!

I came across a site with an extensive list of conservative blogs.Destroying the liberal thought process! That is the self described summary of a site that takes time to update on every current issue that effects the conservative today. With overwhelming content, its impossible to look for a short time if you intend to retain even a small amount of the info. I recommend you brush up on your knowledge on this site so you are properly armed to fend off the next brainwashed liberal. Sucker!! We win!

June 14, 2008

Israel Trip Surprise! 15 Years in the Making! And President Carter!!

Filed under: blog,Carter democrats,conservative,cousin,family,Israel,liberal jewish,reunion,trip — grappledoctor @ 9:25 pm

I had the pleasure of running into a long lost cousin of mine who I haven’t seen in 15 years. I happened upon him accidentally 3 days ago in Tel Aviv. Reminiscing with him has given me the opportunity to hear about my family history. I have been enlightened into some family history involving……..former President Jimmy Carter. I have the inside scoop on some little known facts I intend to reveal in the next week or two. I dislike Jimmy Carter and what he stands for now. The fact that he is making news again, particularly in Israel, has made this information just that much more interesting. Plus, I have been given a perspective from an Israeli point of view, namely my cousin. Understand, he is a bit of a hippie, in his mid-50s, liberal jewish minded, and living in Israel for almost 30 years. He made Aliyah at that time, which is when a Jew moves “back” to Israel permanently from the Diaspora. I missed seeing him far too long and I think he has missed connecting to the family back in the US. I hope his perspective on the homefront in Israel will give this Blog a greater more complete message to the world masses. Him being Left and me being Right makes the posts I write ever more challenging for me. Stay tuned and please keep reading!

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