
October 4, 2008

BACK IN ACTION!!! Did You Really Think I Was Dropping The Ball!!

Filed under: back,return,rucking fidiculous — grappledoctor @ 1:09 am

I am back, baby!! I have been too busy to continue and have been working on other projects that preoccupied all available time until this moment. I just got back from Israel! No, I did not see Paul McCartney. He was there while I was. Tickets were insanely expensive and death threats from Islamic extremists turned this concert politically ugly. He initially stated he would not cave to the threats by pledging to do the concert under any circumstance. After consulting his entourage, he felt a visit to the Palestinian areas would keep his nose clean enough with the terrorist constituents. He ALMOST impressed me!!

Now I will cut to the chase and say I am officially PISSED and BACK. The President, the Congress and all proponents of the Bill to bail out banks should be voted out of office upon next election. I have multiple pieces to write with audio podcasts coming and video. I hope the audience we mustered up prior to the hiatus will return and I implre them to check back tomorrow. For the new audience, welcome to our return to the big time. I aim to blog like mad!! Join in the fun (and prepare to get pissed)!!


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