
February 5, 2009


Filed under: Arab,crime,Egypt,harboring,Heim,hiding,Islam,Nazi — grappledoctor @ 10:21 am

A country who has a history of being a third party independent negotiator for talks between Israel and its neighbors should be reconsidered. Egypt has given refuge to another Nazi criminal. When the Arab World regularly defies convention by holding Holocaust denial conventions, regularly prints Nazi-like literature, and routinely compares Israel to Nazis, where is the justice when it clearly hides real Nazis from trial.
School books, newspapers and the general perception in the Arab world is the Holocaust never even happened. The Nazis had regimens of Arab trained soldiers who actively participated in the War and the murder. The knowledge is swept under the rug instead of confirmed. Credibility of real war crimes performed by these people hiding in the Arab world would finally destroy the Islamic World’s propaganda of false claims.
Is it a war crime harboring these criminals? Should the UN condemn any country who has hidden Nazis? Hell yes.
No country should be involved in Middle East negotiation that provided safe harbor to former Nazi murderers. Egypt should be condemned in the UN for allowing tunnels from their country into Palestinian areas. Further, an invesigation should be launch into what activities Heim was taking part in inside Egypt.
Finally, where is the liberal Left criticism of such acts? Why is this heinous act going to be swept under the rug in a few days? Who is responsible for hiding this person? And why wasn’t his activity during the war acknowledged by the Arab World and taught in the schools about the horror the Nazis performed on the Jews? The UN should demand proper teaching of its horror. The Muslim protests in Europe saying it is anti-Islamic to learn about the Holocaust in school and had it removed from the curriculum should be no longer taken seriously. How offensive can they possibly make themselves?

December 21, 2008


Filed under: Arab,bailout,big 3,economy,Islam,Israel,no obama,oil,politics — grappledoctor @ 1:42 am

The bailout of the “Big 3” (with Ford ever in the shadow of dipping their hands in at any moment) has been approved! Some people have been advocates while others bitter proponents. Time will determine whether or not this decision was worth pursuing. What has this decision’s consequences mean to the future to Rucking Fidiculous?

I am old enough to remember waiting on lines during the oil embargo of the early ’70s. Nightmares of getting up 4AM in order to line up for whatever gasoline might be available. Illegally parking in the streets until the station would open. As a pre-teen, I was shocked to see fist fights over drivers accusing one another of cutting the line. The chaos caused by the embargo had sparked society’s awareness that this path of fossil fuels compromises our way of life in many, many ways. The American car companies were staples of industry and were a clear barometer into the economic situation.
During the later 70s, pollution control became a higher priority. Caught off guard, the auto makers were incapable to transitioning their assembly lines quickly enough to address the new standard. Also, the desire to increase gas mileage became paramount. The auto companies coped while Chrysler croaked. In Chapter 11, Chrysler eventually pulled through to become successful enough until now.

The Middle East conflict was never far from anyone’s mind since the Arabs felt the embargo would coerce the West to support their cause. Many college students were perplexed about what direction their support should move. Many of their parents views were shaped by the generation involved in WWII. Everyone knew someone from the wartime. Support for Israel was unquestioned because of the Jews plight from Nazi Germany. The 1960s brought out the hippie view which brought Civil Rights into everyone’s living room via TV. Any oppressed people become the focus of the movement. When the Palestinians took radical steps to generate attention, they were influenced by the reaction society was having from the Civil Rights. Riding the coattails of radical 60s icons, the terrorists put their cause to the forefront of the evening news during the 70s. People took notice and started to question support for Israel. The oppressed people must be the Arabs since they are so moved for their cause. Oil became the fuel for the Arabs for political gains. Today, Arab oil has lost its luster and is solely used for supporting terrorism and bolstering the population boom in the Arab world.

Throughout the 80s, the US auto makers constantly played catch up. Troubling years and low gas prices led to little memory of the hardship the embargo caused. Technology was moving forward, but not at the pace the Generation Y members are accustom to. Advances in anything today are done at sprinting speeds. One can rest assure that next year computers will be faster. That internet programs will have upgrades. That the iphone will only get better!! I love the iphone!

The car companies today are giving people flashbacks of a more troubling time. Tired of the reported turmoil between Unions and the CEOs, the current frontpage news is leading a backlash towards the fighting. Most people have been listening to Al Gore soapbox the green future. He was a global warming cohort. As the environment becomes an ever important resource, he yelled the US is the big criminal in spilling environmental distress. Deliberately igniting anger towards the US, Gore fueled feelings of disgust around the world to an audience which already had tremendous contempt for this country. When gas prices skyrocketed, he shouted at US automakers for not keeping up with Toyota and their move towards hybrids. All evidence showed the vehicles Toyota made were not financially viable for most. When the Big 3 were asked about what will they do to compete, they answered the technology is not good enough to create an all electric vehicle with financial responsibility, reliability, and responsive to the American driving patterns. The Big 3 have made some hybrids in the meantime. The biggest argument for answering the financial viability was the increased gas price. The high cost of oil sparked a revolution in green tech. It became a potentially profitable alternative. This sparked Wall Street interest! But now that gas is plummeting…

The interest in investing in green tech is disappearing because it is no longer financially attractive. The world has fallen from good times to a new recessionary period, possibly leading to a depression. Money for research is drying up fast! No one will ever settle for the status quo. Therefore, green tech is the future. But maybe not appropriate for the present. Maybe the Big 3 were right all along about the tech for the green car not being ready today. The Chevy Volt shows they are taking the direction seriously and will make it available when its timely. Until then, I think Gore should shut his pie hole. I think Obama should stop telling the coal industry and power plants that run this country that unless they convert to green tech he will fine them. Maybe when the US starts referring to a car czar for fiscal responsibilty, we can start seeing that when the business world is ready to present the green tech we want, they will. Leave the Czar in Russia! The bailout is done, like it or not. Leave the government out of their business.

May 28, 2008

Presidente Carter Commits Treason Against The US and The West!?!

The former President has committed a vile crime: treason! That’s right! He divulged information to the Arabic world about Israel’s capacity to retaliate against the Arabs in an all out war. The classified information was publicly announced by Carter to clear the air on the question of Israel’s nuclear capacity and why the other countries should be allowed (?) to do the same. The mutually assured destruction policy of the US and Russia from the Cold War era seems to be the standard for his influence in Peace negotiations in the Middle East.
The Arab countries routinely threaten to destroy Israel the instant they get their hands on a nuclear device. Israel has had weapons for years without using or threatening to use them. The Israelis only purpose having them is to ensure their own security. On the otherhand, the Arab countries have actually used chemical weapons before, like Iraq on the Kurds in the late 80s. Pakistan has had weapons for years but never using them, but the ominous situation in Kashmir never keeps it from the forefront of possibilities. Also, the small amount of land Israel has can easily be overrun by the Arab armies surrounding her. Israel cannot overrun any neighboring countries because the population of Israel is so small. The Arab armies have multiple times attacked Israel, showing no regard for its soverreignty. Meanwhile, Israel has not attempted to invade her neighbors preemptively without provocation. And most importantly, Carter displays little knowledge about the purpose of the nuclear arsenal Israel has by his treasonous outbursts. The reason Israel has nuclear weopons is to commit suicide on its own soil by blowing themselves up. This will take as many Arabs with them when they enter . Like in the Bible, like in Masada, the Jews would rather die honorably than to become sheep lead to slaughter as in the Holocaust.
It would be hypocritical for me to take sides in an election year. Yet, Bill O’ Reily and I hate to allow spin doctors to take control. If a Republican had compromised Israel’s security with such disregard, the papers would be ablaze with criticism. Carter will be praise in the Left Wing media for his unorthodox approach to the unresolved Peace Process. Carter never should have been privy to this kind of information. He fucked up policy negotiations with Iran 30 years ago and he still shows he has no conception of how the Middle East works today, either.

May 26, 2008

The Reaction To The Israeli Strike On Their Nuclear Facility Inside Syria

The Reaction To The Israeli Strike On Their Nuclear Facility Inside Syria

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