
August 20, 2009

2nd Amendment and the Bible

Filed under: 2nd amendment,bible,lethal force,self defense — grappledoctor @ 3:09 am

I engaged a debate on a social networking site a few days ago about self defense and the Bible. A well-intentioned liberal suggested that the Bible prohibits self defense and the use of lethal force. As support, she cited Matthew 5:38-39:
“You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, Do not resist the evil man who injures you; but if anyone strikes you on the right jaw or cheek, turn to him the other one too.”
I responded:

You can’t quote Scripture to support any argument because you can’t quote Scripture to support the argument that the Bible somehow prohibits or even frowns down upon lethal self defense. It appears the issue is whether self-defense is Biblically permitted. I argue that it is not just permitted, it is encouraged. First off, we must ask why the right cheek was specified? Because the verse refers to what we today call a “bitch slap,” where one strikes another using the back of their right hand (of course, this assumes correctly that most were right-handed). Back then, a bitch slap was used not so much with the intent to inflict bodily injury but to shame, insult. We must also remember that Jesus was correcting the pharisees who were teaching, erroneously, that the revengent notion of “eye for an eye” applied not only to gov’t’s punishment of wrongdoing, but also to personal revenge. It was personal revenge against insult, shame, etc., that Jesus prohibited.

This is a far cry from self defense, obviously, and you don’t need Scripture to point out this fact. Logically speaking, if my life is threatened and I don’t defend myself, then I probably won’t be around to turn the other cheek. So interpreting the verse to mean we shouldn’t defend ourselves doesn’t make sense. Again Matthew 5 does not allude to ascenario requiring self defense, but to something much more benign. Moreover, Biblical support abounds. Exodus 22 can be cited for the proposition that we can use lethal force against an intruder. In 1 Sam. 13, we’re told that a nation that doesn’t bear arms invites attack and plunder. In Nehemiah 4, God instructs the Israelites to bear arms (swords) to defend and protect. Luke 22 (supra) stands for essentially the same proposition. And lastly (but not limited to), 1 Tim. 5 instructs us to take care and provide for our families. Obviously, this implies both protecting oneself (the bread winner) and his/her family (for whom he/she provides).

American Confucius

May 4, 2009

Conservative Organizing But How Much Action..

I went to a meeting of the local 912 aka “The Glen Beck Thing” where I had the dstinguished honor to meet a stand up individual named Allen West. Allen West is African American or Black (for the old school). He is a retired military man who commands attention and carries himself with the kind of pride a Veteran is deserving of. He is running for US Congress and can be reached at his site His thought is deeply rooted in traditional Conservative values while steering clear of the Right Wing or Left Wing traps other politicians platform.
I spoke with him at length after he addressed the crowd. His speech was profound yet easily understood. The receptive crowd anxiously awaited the Q & A session but was short due to time constraints. Sitting in the crowd, I started to ponder ideas about what all of these notable groups spurred on by FOX News and Right Wing radio have actually done besides “spread the word.” People have definitely been motivated to organize and promote the message of the American Ideal. The American Spirit is roaring back and I thank G-D it is.
The first step has been taken to organize and start to answer the garbage the Left Wing Media perpetuates. The cheerleading of the Left politicians is a daily tripe. The Left has addressed one issue at a time and takes the issue all the way to the end as quickly and expeditiously as possible. For instance, Sheik Obama insisted the Stimulus Bill be passed in about 20 hours. He didn’t release anything until the last minute but spoke of its urgency relentlessly. Then, putting the pressure on the Right that if it didn’t pass immediately, any consequences from the delay of its passage would clearly lay the odus on the Right. And, it passed!
That type of determination and its implementation made it possible. Now, learning from this becomes the key to the Right gaining ground. The work of getting the word out should be done by some while simultaneously others should be implementing the measure. For example, let’s take gun control. My friend Texas Fred is a gun advocate who has a website that is extremely rich in content on all Conservative values. His 2nd Amendment feelings are bordering a religious pilgrimage. He is a person I personally look up to and find him to be something of a role model. The gun rights supporters are doing a great job explaining why the Amendment needs to be upheld. What could be the step to take this to the next level? What could be a obstacle both in red tape and in its sheer size? The organized groups of 912, Act for America, Tea Party, Grassroots, I Stand With Israel, and all the others (sorry for not listing everyone) should have conferences together to increase the roster of each group. But, for 2nd Amendment groups, having the NRA provide information at each local meeting and helping people register to get a gun license should be the obstacle I am talking about. By licensing people en mass would create a powerful voice. Local gun shops could distribute literature about the meetings. Therefore, new potential members would hear the Conservative message.
This is only the first step. See Part II

January 16, 2009


Filed under: 2nd amendment,AR-15,ballseye,boomers,firearms,guns — grappledoctor @ 3:27 am

First off, I want to let the writer(s) at the Ballseye Boomers site know that we periodically take a look. A great site to find a list of sites to learn about guns and the issues of some good people on their day-to-day situation. True Americans who have gotten involved in family and the things important to all who make this country great. I have gone over about half the sites and found them to be well researched. If you need to hear from someone who makes the average American anything but average, look at this site. Glenn, I am going to the biggest gun show in the country this week. I want you to know I will be thinking of your site when I walk around looking at the new items for 2009. Your site is permanently added to our blogroll. G-d bless you, your family, and the direction you and I try to lead this country into. If you don’t visit this site, your Rucking Fidiculous!!

May 29, 2008

Ted Nugent on our 2nd Amendment

Filed under: 2nd amendment,Gun control,ted nugent — grappledoctor @ 2:14 am

“…I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want ’em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot ’em.” Ted Nugent.

I’d love to see Nugent rewrite the Model Penal Code. I get a feeling that this crude vision of justice would lead to the greatest drop in crime we’ve ever seen in the history of our country.

In fact, we’ve seen it work. In the early 80s, Kennesaw, Georgia passed an ordinance requiring all Kennesaw citizens to have a loaded firearm in the house. Since the ordinance passed, crime rates have dropped. Today, Kennesaw is said to have the lowest crime rate for a city its size. How can this possibly be so? Again, it’s easy. If I know my neighbor has loaded guns in the house, I certainly won’t break in. If I know the average Joe on the street is probably packing heat, I won’t mess with him. If you’re stupid and want to take your chances, you’ll probably get shot. And that’s probably not that bad either. It’s a win-win.

Moreover, gun control laws don’t work. The criminals who obtain a gun to commit a crime will obtain one regardless. What does this mean? It means unintended consequences. It means that law abiding folk won’t be armed while all the miscreants are.

Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.

Ted Nugent on our 2nd Amendment

Filed under: 2nd amendment,Gun control,ted nugent — grappledoctor @ 2:14 am

“…I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want ’em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot ’em.” Ted Nugent.

I’d love to see Nugent rewrite the Model Penal Code. I get a feeling that this crude vision of justice would lead to the greatest drop in crime we’ve ever seen in the history of our country.

In fact, we’ve seen it work. In the early 80s, Kennesaw, Georgia passed an ordinance requiring all Kennesaw citizens to have a loaded firearm in the house. Since the ordinance passed, crime rates have dropped. Today, Kennesaw is said to have the lowest crime rate for a city its size. How can this possibly be so? Again, it’s easy. If I know my neighbor has loaded guns in the house, I certainly won’t break in. If I know the average Joe on the street is probably packing heat, I won’t mess with him. If you’re stupid and want to take your chances, you’ll probably get shot. And that’s probably not that bad either. It’s a win-win.

Moreover, gun control laws don’t work. The criminals who obtain a gun to commit a crime will obtain one regardless. What does this mean? It means unintended consequences. It means that law abiding folk won’t be armed while all the miscreants are.

Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.

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