
March 22, 2010


Filed under: anthem,campaign,obama,sheik,song,unofficial — grappledoctor @ 1:08 pm

No secret meetings?
on C-Span?

House Kills Liberty And Freedom: Yes They Can

Filed under: 3590,democrats,H.R.,pass,passage,vote — grappledoctor @ 2:49 am

New site!! Zionist Anticommunist

Filed under: communism,Islam,Israel,website,zionist — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

While many in our current government are of Jewish descent , their Communist sympathies do not symbolize Jews feelings generally. The founder of the modern day Liberal Progressives Saul Alinsky. The founder of modern day Conservatism is Milton Friedman. Many sites posted here are Jews faithfully posing Conservative values. This wonderful site continues this view.

Great writing and apparently a comic book reader, he has strong positions on Israel and the West. And I agree with all of them. I encourage everyone to read and spread the message.

STUPAK, STUPID-PAK, OR S-TU-PAC: You Pick The Appropriate Term

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:00 am

Stupak caves in and gives his stupid blessing to this bill. He gave in after abortion was addressed to his liking. All the other problems with the bill he ignored. This is what STUPID-PAK will be remembered for, for certain. He muscled this bill to include his measure, like a gangster such as Tu-Pac. With the bill’s passage, the current government has failed our forefathers.

March 21, 2010


Filed under: America,book,Captain,Captain America,comic,politics — grappledoctor @ 11:58 pm

The company Marvel Comics has been publishing Cap Amer books since 1941. The comic has had several runs over the years and has been seen as an icon for what we stand for. I remember reading these books for years. As an avid fan, I have followed the stories for over 2 decades. As an adult, I admit I stopped buying the comic long ago. I loved the way the comic always had the character as THE moral ideal. Every character in the Marvel Universe would have respect for the character because of this fact. For young readers, this was a great way of teaching traditional values in a fun manner.

The writers have always tried to continue this picture until recently when “Cap” believed the Tea Party was a racist venue. Well, I can say that this direction has failed miserably to uphold the value of the character. While everyone in government today is crooked and morally appalling, “Cap” fails to find disgust in these people. The characters which uphold the spirit of America, like the Tea Party people, are shunned.

The character I knew never would have believed this country today. The comic was always rooted in the time with which it was written. In the ’40s, Cap fought Nazis. Later, communists, super villains, criminals, and even got involved in Civil Rights. Today, the character should be a Tea Party leader.

In the future, I sincerely hope Marvel Comics takes politics out of its books. If political junk is touted by the current writers, the books will fail to uphold their iconic status. The bastardized renditions already printed have tainted my image. I will never buy another comic unless it’s at least 20 years old. As for Captain America, I salute the old version and will miss him sorely. All hail Captain Socialism!!

Trevor at New Zeal Has Done It Again

Filed under: Communist,new,no obama,sheik,socialism,trevor,zeal — grappledoctor @ 10:35 pm

Watch out Glenn Beck, Trevor is your competition confidant. In this latest article, he explains the 3 organizations pulling the strings on Sheik Obama are the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and Democratic Socialists of America.

As Trevor points out, Britain is a test model of how to approach American society and how to punch holes into its structure, like a Urologist testing for cancer of the prostate. He states,

Britain after WW2 is their model. While Winston Churchill was the hero of the hour, in 1946 he was dumped in a landslide in favor of Labour Party leader Clement Attlee, on the promise of a massively increased Welfare State and a socialized National Health Service.”

Here is a video of how Britain introduce the rationale for Universal Care:

I get all warm inside after watching this cartoon because it is very similar to a Bugs Bunny style cartoon. And everyone loves Bugs!!

Norman Markowitz, from the Communist Party of the US, has written extensively and worked tirelessly for Sheik Obama, He wrote this column with a nod to for pointing it out:

“A “single payer” national health system – known as “socialized medicine” in the rest of the developed world – should be an essential part of the change that the core constituencies which elected Obama desperately need.
Britain serves as an important political lesson for strategists. After the Labor Party established the National Health Service after World War II, supposedly conservative workers and low-income people under religious and other influences who tended to support the Conservatives were much more likely to vote for the Labor Party when health care, social welfare, education and pro-working class policies were enacted by labor-supported governments.”

For more information on the “red ties” this administration works with, visit one of my favorite sites called

Oh, and Trevor..keep up the great work you and your colleagues are doing. The Free World depends on it!!


Filed under: abortion,BILL,ebonics,jabberwocky,reform,stupak — grappledoctor @ 10:04 pm

That ball buster Stupak is something else. If he could just do the same measure on the Bill itself regarding illegal immigration, he could be a genuine hero. Supporters would drop like flies, killing the Bill, ultimately. Well, I will settle for this for the moment, knowing full well I hate this Bill to death. It should be called the Death Reform Bill because of the turmoil and expense it is going to cause. Death to patients, death to America, and finally death to small business and jobs.
What could the consequences be if the abortion issue is changed in a second reconciliation measure which I expect to come very soon, as the video I posted recently points out.
Well, knowing the idiots in DC, I would conclude that plastic surgery will be covered to continue to level the playing field. Why should the wealthy be entitled to look good and the poor ugly?
Next, vitamins will be up for coverage. Vitamins are preventative in the ever loving quest to control disease, both chronic and acute. There is a vitamin for every single ailment which would supplement outcomes.
Following this I suspect animals to be covered. Fluffy is sick and Vets are very expensive. Fluffy needs care and she is just as important as any other member of the family.
The pet addition will be pushed by PETA, I imagine. After all, they are a Left voting constituency. “Oh frabjous day, callooh, callay”, who knew the Jabberwocky had it right. Almost sounds like ebonics.

No Intention Not To ADD Single Payer EVENTUALLY Just Ask Sheik Obama Himself

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 12:48 pm

A Second Reconciliation!?!? See Sen. "Colonel" Sanders Exposes The Evil Plan

Filed under: Emperor,Naked,news,Sanders — grappledoctor @ 12:34 pm

Video From Employers For A Healthy Economy

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 12:26 pm
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