
January 26, 2010

Al Sharpton, Jackson, and The Dishonorable Louis F Take Notice: Israel Provides Haitians Best Care

Filed under: charity,donate,Haiti,help,Israel,Jews,medical,Sharpton — grappledoctor @ 1:22 pm

The pathetic attitude of the Left Liberal Black leaders of this country have one common denominator. This is the unjustified and unending hatred for Jews. As Jews, we are obligated to help our fellow man despite their feelings toward us. Israel is consistently vilified in the UN as the worst offender on the planet for Human Rights. Of course, the total opposite is true.
Is this true for other nations? No. The constant barrage of condemnation by nation after nation for violations by Israel is relentless. Careful attention is taken by Israel when they retaliate for attacks against them. This practice is absent when terrorists attack them. No scrutiny is long lasting by the press towards the Islamic terror which would provide appropriate coverage and not biased coverage as per common practice now. The terrorists attack the US and the West with the intent to kill everyone possible, including children. The Peace Movement and Pink do nothing to attack such practices. War must be addressed on all sides to get to a negotiated peaceful ends. Let’s see these groups fly to a Muslim country and protest. Or protest in front of a Mosque in this one? I thought not!
Is Israel helping this country because their citizens are white? No. They are overwhelmingly Black. Did Israel help because Haiti is a Christian country? No, every religion is represented and Judaism is a minority for sure. Would Israel not provide help for an Islamic country? While any Islamic country would never consider providing help to Israel ever, for any reason, Israel does not reciprocate such actions. Israel offered help to every nation after the Tsunami disaster. Out of spite, the Islamic nations refused any help from Israel. Instead, they decided to BLAME Israel, claiming they set off a nuclear device under water intentionally to cause the wave.
MSNBC aka MS-LSD has never been a neutral media when reporting on Israel, finally got a news story right.

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To the Jew haters and critics of Israeli policy and for the college students who wear free palestine shirts, watch this and go to hell!

January 20, 2010


Filed under: brown,MA,Mass,Right Wing,UPS,vote — grappledoctor @ 1:25 pm

Brown wins in Mass!! Ironic, Brown won because of the masses! BROWN!! BROWN!! BROWN!!


Filed under: brown,Coakley,election,MA,Mass,winner — grappledoctor @ 2:04 am


The Democrats said time and time again that “elections have consequences.” Well, they’re right! The seat held by the alcoholic Democrat Ted Kennedy shows that the drunken stupor of the Liberal constituency in the most liberal of states has sobered up. The poor image of former President Bush still allowed Republicans to have an incumbent president for 2 terms. Yet, Bush’s poor image killed the Republicans chances to elect McCain in 2008. The Democratic Revolution appears dead after less than one year because the seat in Mass has not been held by a Republican since the 1970’s. The movie Ghost comes to mind where Patrick Swayze cannot accept he is dead.
This unprecedented victory will mark the Republican take over of Congress and the failure of the Dems to understand the public. More importantly, it marks the public disgust for a Congress that arrogantly said we will vote for bills whether you want it or not.
Republicans should keep their values and integrity intact and listen to the public outcry for a no tolerance policy for politics as usual. Tea Party advocates will watchdog the Republican candidates to keep the bull to a minimum.
Let’s pull the life support plug from the HEalth Care Reform Bill and vote out every single dirty Democrat!

Yea Tea PArty Leaders!

Our Forefathers: “No Taxation Without Representation.” Today’s Americans: No (Congressional) Legislation Without (Real) Representation.”

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