
February 12, 2009


Filed under: BILL,jobs,obama,sheik,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:28 am

Stimulus Bill means building a frisbee park and funding contraceptives!! That is not very stimulating. How many permanent high paying long term jobs can that produce? I could throw litter on the floor in my neighborhood and have the local sanitation company pay someone to pick it up. I could litter everyday and encourage everyone I know to litter. That would create multiple jobs, and I didn’t spend any time or money in the process. No debate in XCongress was necessary.
Didn’t Sheik Obama make campaign promises that helped get him elected people are started to forget about. Today, I focus on the promise to get off coal burning and oil. He promised to heftily tax the coal mining industry in order to encourage them to stop. And didn’t he promise to fine any power companies that didn’t stop utilizing coal and oil to generate power? This subject was criticized upon initially being said but has since been put on the back burner due to the economy and housing. The jobs associated with these industries are definitely in no financial condition to convert operations to alternative energy production. Therefore, Republicans were right all along.
While I believe it is possible to move towards alternatives, allowing the industry to move in a fiscally responsible manner is the only way to avoid the pitfalls now plaguing the financial industry and the housing. These are all fine examples of government interference causing havok unnecessarily. The word Czar used by the Sheik Obama’s administration should be the indicator to warning the public that the government is over stepping its bounds. (EX. Autos!)
If the stimulus bill is supposed to create jobs in a failing economy, let’s keep the jobs we have that aren’t in jeopardy. When the economy reverts back to a plus side growth, the investment in new alternative energy tech will be produced by the private sector to achieve the goals we want in a fiscally responsible manner.


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 1:55 am

The organization ACT FOR AMERICA is one of the best ways to get involved in fighting homegrown terrorism. Rather than sitting by and complaining to the mirror, friends, and simply feeling disgruntled, taking the initiative to pursue a movement that actually does something. Inaction breeds infestation. When someone shows exceptional accomplishment in furthering this organization against a powerful foe, recognition congers both motivation by others and enthusiasm. I posted the body of the article here along with the link for you to look at the list of links supplementing the article. Do yourself, the US and myself a tremendous service and surf to this site and sing their praises. Oh, and for fear of plagiarizing, please tell them you were sent from Rucking Fidiculous. I only show Kudos towards these people!!

Visit this site!! United Against Islamic Supremacism

And this site!! ACT FOR AMERICA!!

Catherine Martin Forges Ahead

by Gary H. Johnson, Jr.
Hillary Clinton has officially been sworn in to replace Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State. And, now, Sharon Bulova has won Virginia’s Fairfax County Chair, left vacant by Gerry Connolly. The stage is set, and it will not be long before a public battle on behalf of America’s communities is waged by Virginia’s 10th District Representative Frank Wolf and ACT! For America’s Northern Virginia DC Metro Chapter Head Catherine Martin. Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT! For America may be the strongest new political grassroots movement to hit the American national scene in the wake of 9/11. With a 50,000 strong membership and a steady influx of new recruits and volunteers, ACT! for America’s chapters span across the United States and beyond. I recently had a chance to sit down and discuss the street level activities of ACT! for America with the NoVa/DCMetro chapter head Catherine Martin, who has made it her life mission to “educate United States citizens as to the threat of radical Islam”. With a volunteer staff of 70 committed Virginia and DC activists, Catherine Martin understands full well that her chapter is in the vortex of a brewing storm.
“The question of the legality of the Islamic Saudi Academy’s curriculum in Fairfax County is not going away,” Catherine says matter of factly. “As a mother and as an American, I find it outrageous that the school teaches children to hate Americans, Christians and Jews. Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT! for America is supporting us all the way on this mission as we continue our fight against ISA’s jihadi indoctrination right in our very own backyards – as we bring the issue directly to the people of Virginia and across America. Representative Frank Wolf has been an ally and strong advocate for us at ACT! for America. When a coalition of groups here in Virginia demanded that the Islamic Saudi Academy be investigated for having anti-American and anti-Israel teachings in their textbooks, Congressman Wolf sent four letters to the State Department requesting an investigation of the school and its curriculum. Since our grievance has not yet been fully addressed and the election cycle has ran its course, we will immediately engage the new leadership on behalf of our communities. A fifth letter from Congressman Wolf is waiting at the State Department for the incoming Secretary of State.”

When asked what this fifth letter was designed to accomplish, Martin notes that, “Hillary Clinton is replacing Condoleeza Rice in the State Department, so we now have a fresh opportunity to have our concerns heard at the State Department level. What most Virginia and DC residents are unaware of is the fact that when the original letters were issued by Congressman Wolf’s office, the State Department decided to bounce the request to the Fairfax County Supervisor, Gerry Connolly. Connolly refused to launch an investigation of the school and actually referred to ACT! for America and Representative Wolf as bigots for requesting the investigation of the Islamic Saudi Academy. Empty, racially charged, accusations from the likes of Connolly do not change the facts or the texts in question. So, we are now taking our reasoned concerns about ISA’s curriculum of hate to Hillary Clinton and are prepared, if necessary, to confront the Fairfax County Supervisor Chair, Sharon Bulova, should the new Secretary of State refuse to see the writing on the wall and attempt to evade the truth by passing the hot potato down the line. With allies like John Cosgrove over at United Action Committee, Jim and Andrea Lafferty with the Traditional Values Coalition, and Christine Brim at the Center for Security Policy rallying to defend American communities, the Islamic Saudi Academy will be forced to close its doors or submit to being subject to a transparent curriculum. ACT! For America’s battle with the ISA over its curriculum is only beginning.”
Last June 25th, Chuck Hagee noted in the Mount Vernon Gazette that “debate about the school’s curriculum was ignited in October 2007 when the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a report calling for the school’s closure ‘until such time as the official Saudi textbooks used at the ISA are made available for comprehensive public examination in the United States.’” In addition to the USCIRF report, Hagee notes in a September 24th follow-up piece that “To buttress his request, Wolf included a recent report by the Heritage Foundation that stated ‘ISA is subject to the terms of the Foreign Missions Act’ and that it is within the State Department’s powers to declare ISA ‘a foreign mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.’” The article closes with Gerald Connolly remarking on the absence of Commission or State Department objection to the lease renewal to ISA or the textbook controversy in a public hearing on the matters before the Board.
When discussing the Hagee articles with Catherine Martin, I asked why nothing was mentioned of the Valedictorian of the ISA program, that was captured for attempting to assassinate President Bush. “The Islamic Saudi Academy is a private school under the umbrella of the Royal Saudi Academy and is but one of twenty Saudi funded schools in the United States.” Catherine continues, “With the mountains of evidence in the USCIRF findings and the August 2008 New English Review article Behind the Veil at the Saudi Academy by Jerry Gordon and Isabella Cruz, which relates the shocking accounts of former ISA faculty members, the implications of the assassination plot on our President would not bode well for the continued operation of all twenty of the U.S. Madrassas. But the fact of the matter is that if the Islamic Saudi Academy is revealed as a breeding ground for future terrorists against the United States and Israel then every state with a Royal Saudi Academy would voice their concern. What will it take to expose the school? What will it take to have the county refuse to renew their lease and shut them down here in Virginia? It certainly doesn’t matter to the school’s supporters (ala Gerry Connolly), that a past valedictorian was part of the nationally known paint-ball terror cell whose mission was to assassinate the President of the United States. Others who have attended the school have also supported jihad against the United States. These facts beg the question: since when is it okay for us to have a school for terrorists in the United States? The State Department has a duty to make a ruling on the ISA curriculum here in Fairfax, so that other state and county seats can properly meet the threat of radical Islam across America.”
Moving on from the ISA topic, in closing, I asked Catherine Martin what other projects were ramping up for the ACT! for America NoVa/DCMetro chapter for February. Without skipping a beat, Martin forges ahead, “For this month, the ACT! For America Northern Virginia/DC Chapter is working with the United American Committee on a major problem that is happening in our local college, George Mason University (GMU). We have discovered that GMU has taken money from the Islamic Supremacist organization IIIT to establish an Islamic Studies Chair for the school. This is the continuation of Islamist domination at GMU preceded by: the student meditation room being converted to a mosque; the installation of footbaths at the tax payer’s expense; a school treasurer using her GMU webpage to solicit donations for local madrassas; the school’s establishment of a Halal menu; and lastly, the forcing out of critical members of the staff. Our goal will be to reverse the process of Islamist influence at GMU. ACT! For America and the United American Committee will put significant pressure on GMU and elected officials this month. GMU’s acceptance of $1.5 million from IIIT will not be answered with silent assent. The ACT! For America NoVa/DC Chapter has also been invited to attend the screening of the Christian Action Network’s documentary, Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around U.S. on February 11th at 7:30pm at the Landmark Theater in Washington DC (between 11th and E Street). The movie is about radical Islamic compounds that are currently operating around the United States under the direction of an international terrorist. We are supporting this movie and encourage everyone in the DC area to attend. Documentaries like this prove that Radical Islam is on the move in communities all over the United States.”
For more information on ACT! For America head over to Catherine Martin and her staff also post regular updates for the anti-jihad communities at

TIME’s Middle East Blog: Profiles in Courage

Filed under: China,Chinese,correspondent,magazine,TIME,water — grappledoctor @ 1:40 am

Yes, yes, yes !!! I definitely agree with the comments of the Chinese reader: TIME is totally responsible for the water problems in China and NOT the Chinese government. My friend Tad Stoner was a member of Time’s Hong Kong bureau 25 years ago. It was your responsibility Tad to tell Mao Tse Dung and the Gang of Four that their water policies were completely wrong. And please don’t give us any wimpy excuses about a: “bamboo curtain”. Haven’t you ever heard of a parachute, Stoner ??? (Angilina Jolie had no problems getting into China in her Laura Mars movie). Obviously, what’s needed in Time’s Hong Kong bureau are men of courage like Time’s Jerusalem correspondent: Tim Mc Girk (who I affectionately refer to as: “Tim the Jerk”) and Time’s Cairo correspondent: Scott Mac Leod. For example: when a rock crashed thru a car’s windshield causing an Arab boy “skin abrasions” (his father sitting right next to him was totally unharmed) Time’s Tim McGirk had the “strength of character” and the “morale fortitude” to compare this to the Rodney King beatings. And: while Egyptian border guards routinely shot Sudanese refugees in the back while they attempted to seek asylum in Israel, Time’s Scott Mac Leod had the courage to ask: “When is Dennis Ross coming back?”. Okay, okay, I know what you are all going to say: “that when someone even mentions criticizing Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, diarrhea begins to run down Scott Mac Leod’s leg”. Yet, that’s beside the point !!! Egypt’s newspapers and media routinely denounce the abuses of the Mubarak dictatorship. For Scott Mac Leod to add his voice to this chorus would simply be: “a mosquito on an elephant’s ass”. What I say is that Tim McGirk and Scott MacLeod are two lone reeds standing firm against the hurricane of support for Israel. If they were in Hong Kong they’d tell that communist regime a thing or two. In conclusion: Members of the Hong Kong bureau: shape up quick or you too may find yourselves living on some island in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the Street in Israel”

February 10, 2009


Filed under: ACORN,democrats,politics,REPUBLICAN,stop — grappledoctor @ 12:47 pm

The Sheik Obama administration ran a successful campaign to win the Presidency of the US. While many people in this country have longed for a minority president for some time, actually having it happen was no accident. Now that Sheik Obama is in, reevaluating how he won is with reviewing. Am I going to rehash the entire process? Not now. It will take quite an undertaking and I intend to do a superb job when the time is right.
Sheik Obama won the election with the mass effort of the organization of ACORN. The internet is riddled with video of this horrible organization. I posted many videos and articles about the organization. I copied the video because I believe as time passes, the organization will systematically and intentionally remove them. Even if hacking sites is necessary (checkout my friend at velvethammer). Therefore, the organization had conducted itself in a manner not only unprofessional, but bordering on terroristic tactics of intimidation and hazing the general public into outburst reminescent of cheerleaders on acid. But the purpose of my article isn’t to recall this inane event. No, my beef is the US government is funding this crap. Funding for this organization needs to be addressed by the Republicans immediately. Justification for denying any futher funding could be rationally argued at the juncture because Pork Pork Pork spending seems to be in the media limelight. Argument could be further made by the disproportionate amount of support to the Left Democrats.
If the Democrats decide to pursue the un-Fairness Doctrine which will pass due to their overwhelming majority, then the Republicans need to remember the unfairness of the Acorn terrorist, the overwhelming support of the news media (traditional), and the unfair treatment of total time on any media. How do you think the Fairness Doctrine would be on “The View?”
The Republicans either need to get off their butts and make arguments about what has happened in this past election and tell the public how DISPROPORTIONATE the support for the poor policies being discussed now and prior to Sheik Obama or the third party people have an unprecedented opportunity to gain power into the coveted second place position in politics. KILL ACORN NOW!


Filed under: blog,conservative,legend,Liberal,velvethammer — grappledoctor @ 1:28 am

It appears the truth hurts. Painful in fact. At least to the poor pathetic individual who decided to hack my friends at velvethammer. Well, putting the hammer down on those individuals appears to be how ‘hammer deals with it. The articles on the site are everything I want to post about but I just can’t compete with the likes of velvethammer. Thor, the Thunder G-d carries a big hammer but this …..after reading this site, you’ll be singing,”If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in….”

February 9, 2009


Filed under: Act for America,clear,Gabriel,Iran,politics,real — grappledoctor @ 10:48 pm

THIS IS AN ARTICLE THAT IS BEING SENT TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION ACT FOR AMERICA. It was started by the great Bridget Gabriel who is a truly remarkable person. She is an example of the kind of American that makes this country great. We need more people like her, who get involved and get motivated to actually DO SOMETHING and not just SAY SOMETHING. I have posted multiple articles and videos of hers. I own 2 of her books and find her inspirational and motivating.
Real clear politics is a great web site that has been around for years. Incredible writing and thought provoking research has made them a staple reading for the well-informed. This article from their site was recommended in an email I received. I hope everyone who sees it here visits both sites. If you are as touched as I am, get off your ass and join Act For America! Let’s all make a difference.

February 07, 2009

Israel’s Fateful Elections

By Caroline Glick

Tuesday’s general elections will officially end the briefest and most nonchalant electoral season Israel has ever experienced. Regrettably, the importance of these elections is inversely proportional to their lack of intensity. These are the most fateful elections Israel has ever had. The events of the past week make this point clearly.

On Monday Iran successfully launched a domestically manufactured satellite on a ballistic missile called the Safir-2 space rocket. Since the launch, experts have noted that the Safir-2 can also be used to launch conventional and nonconventional warheads. The Safir-2 has an estimated range of 2,000-3,000 kilometers. And so the successful satellite launch showed that today Iran is capable of launching missiles not only against Israel, but against southern Europe as well.

Many Israeli leaders viewed Monday’s launch as a “gotcha” moment. For years they have been saying that Iran’s nuclear program is a threat to global security – not merely to Israel’s. And Monday’s launch demonstrated that they were right all along. Israel isn’t the only country on Iran’s target list.

Unfortunately for Israel, the international community couldn’t care less. Its response to Teheran’s latest provocation was to collectively shrug its shoulders.

On Wednesday emissaries of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany convened in Wiesbaden, Germany, to discuss their joint policies toward Iran in the aftermath of the satellite launch. Some Israelis argued that Iran’s provocation forced these leaders’ hands. Their reputations for toughness were on the line. They would have to do something.

Unfortunately for Israel, the emissaries of Russia, Britain, China, France, Germany and the US are more interested in convincing the mullahs that they are nice than in convincing them that they are tough.

Far from deciding to take concerted action against Iran, the great powers did nothing more than wish the Obama administration good luck as it moves to directly engage the mullahs. As their post-conference press release put it, the six governments’ answer to Teheran’s show of force was to “agree to consult on the next steps as the US administration undertakes its [Iranian] policy review.”

As President Barak Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have explained, the US is reviewing its policy toward Iran in the hopes of finding a way to directly engage the Iranian government. While they claim that the aim of these sought after direct negotiations will be to convince the mullahs to give up their nuclear weapons program, since taking office the new administration has sent out strong signals that preventing Iran from going nuclear has taken a backseat to simply holding negotiations with Teheran.

According to a report in Aviation News, last week the US Navy prevented Israel from seizing an Iranian weapons ship in the Red Sea suspected of carrying illicit munitions bound for either Gaza or Lebanon. A week and a half ago, the US Navy boarded the ship in the Gulf of Aden and carried out a cursory inspection. It demurred from seizing the ship, however, because, as Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explained on January 27, the US believed it had no international legal right to seize the vessel.

In inspecting the ship the US was operating under UN Security Council Resolution 1747, which bars Iran from exporting arms. The US argued that it lacked authority to seize the ship because 1747 has no enforcement mechanism. Yet the fact of the matter is that if the US were truly interested in intercepting the ship and preventing the arms from arriving at their destination, the language of 1747 is vague enough to support such a seizure.

And that’s the point. The US was uninterested in seizing the ship because it was uninterested in provoking a confrontation with Teheran, which it seeks to engage. It was not due to lack of legal authority that the US reportedly prevented the Israel Navy from seizing the ship in the Red Sea, but due to the administration’s fervent wish to appease the mullahs.

Today the ship, which was sailing under a Cypriot flag, is docked in the Port of Limassol. Cypriot authorities have reportedly inspected the ship twice, have communicated their findings to the Security Council, and are still waiting for guidance on how to deal with the ship.

ALL OF this brings us back to next Tuesday’s elections. With the US effectively giving up on confronting Iran, the entire burden for blocking Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons falls on Israel’s shoulders.

This means that the most important question that Israeli voters must ask ourselves between now and Tuesday is which leader and which party are most capable of achieving this vital goal?

All we need to do to answer this question is to check what our leaders have done in recent years to bring attention to the Iranian threat and to build coalitions to contend with it.

In late 2006, citing the Iranian nuclear menace, Israel Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman joined the Olmert government where he received the tailor-made title of strategic affairs minister. At the time Lieberman joined the cabinet, the public outcry against the government for its failure to lead Israel to victory in the war with Iran’s Lebanese proxy Hizbullah had reached a fever pitch. The smell of new elections was in the air as members of Knesset from all parties came under enormous public pressure to vote no confidence in the government.

By joining the government when he did, Lieberman single-handedly kept the Olmert government in power. Explaining his move, Lieberman claimed that the danger emanating from Iran’s nuclear program was so great that Israel could not afford new elections.

But what did he accomplish by saving the government by taking that job? The short answer is nothing. Not only did his presence in the government make no impact on Israel’s effectiveness in dealing with Iran, it prolonged the lifespan of a government that had no interest in forming a strategy for contending with Iran by two years.

In light of this fact, perhaps more than any other Israeli politician, Lieberman is to blame for the fact that Israel finds itself today with no allies in its hour of greatest peril. Had he allowed the people to elect more competent leaders in the fall of 2006, we might have been able to take advantage of the waning years of the Bush administration to convince the US to work with us against Iran.

Then there is Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. If Lieberman was the chief enabler of Israel’s incompetent bungling of the Iranian threat, as Israel’s chief diplomat, it is Livni – together with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert – who deserves the greatest condemnation for that bungling.

Throughout her tenure as foreign minister and still today as Kadima’s candidate for prime minister, Livni claims that she supports using diplomacy to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. But in her three years as Israel’s top diplomat, Livni never launched any diplomatic initiative aimed at achieving this goal. In fact, she has never even publicly criticized the European and American attempts to appease the mullahs.

Livni has remained silent for three years even though it has been clear for five years that the West’s attempts to cut a deal with Teheran serve no purpose other than to provide the Iranians time to develop their nuclear arsenal. She has played along with the Americans and the Europeans and cheered them on as they passed toothless resolutions against Iran in the Security Council which – as the Iranian weapons ship docked in Cyprus shows – they never had the slightest intention of enforcing.

As for Defense Minister Ehud Barak, as a member of the Olmert government, his main personal failure has been his inability to convince the Pentagon to approve Israel’s requests to purchase refueling jets and bunker buster bomb kits, and to permit Israeli jets to fly over Iraqi airspace. To achieve these aims, Barak could have turned to Israel’s friends in the US military and in Congress. But he did no such thing. And now, moving into the Obama administration, Israel finds itself with fewer and fewer allies in Washington’s security community.

For the past several years, only one political leader in Israel has had the foresight and wisdom to both understand the dangers of Iran’s nuclear program and to understand the basis for an Israeli diplomatic approach to contending with the threat that can serve the country’s purposes regardless of whether or not at the end of the day, Israel is compelled to act alone.

In 2006, Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu took it upon himself to engage the American people in a discussion of the danger Iran poses not only to Israel but to the world as a whole. In late 2006, he began meeting with key US governors and state politicians to convince them to divest their state employees’ pension funds from companies that do business with Iran. This initiative and complementary efforts by the Washington-based Center for Security Policy convinced dozens of state legislatures to pass laws divesting their pension funds from companies that do business with Iran.

Netanyahu also strongly backed the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs’ initiative to indict Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as an international war criminal for inciting genocide. Both the divestment campaign and the campaign against Ahmadinejad have been Israel’s most successful public diplomacy efforts in contending with Iran. More than anything done by the government, these initiatives made Americans aware of the Iranian nuclear threat and so forced the issue onto the agendas of all the presidential candidates.

Instead of supporting Netanyahu’s efforts, Livni, Barak and Lieberman have disparaged them or ignored them.

Because he is the only leader who has done anything significant to fight Iran’s nuclear program, Netanyahu is the only national leader who has the international credibility to be believed when he says – as he did this week – that Israel will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. Likud under Netanyahu is the only party that has consistently drawn the connection between Iran, its Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Afghan terror proxies, its Syrian client state and its nuclear weapons program, and made fighting this axis the guiding principle of its national security strategy.

GIVEN THE US-led international community’s decision not to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, it is clear that in the coming months Israel will need to do two things. It will need to put the nations of the world on notice that they cannot expect us to stand by idly as they welcome Iran into the nuclear club. And Israel will need to prepare plans to strike Iran’s nuclear installations without America’s support.

More than ever before, Israel requires leaders who understand the gravity of the hour and are capable of acting swiftly and wisely to safeguard our country from destruction. Only Netanyahu and Likud have a credible track record on this subject.

For the sake of our country, our nation and our posterity, it is our responsibility to consider this fact when we enter the voting booths on Tuesday.

Is Arik Sharon a War Criminal ?

Filed under: Christians,church,crime,Fatah,Greek,Hitler,Orthodox,Sharon,Youth — grappledoctor @ 10:42 pm

During the 1st War in Lebanon I served as a combat soldier in the I.D.F., yet it seems to me the answer to this question is: “definitely yes”. Let’s look at the historical records, shall we: After the Council of Nicaea historian Edward Gibbon estimates that the Roman Catholic Church killed more Christians than the Roman Empire. Then we have the Crusades, most of which were spent looting and raping the Greek Orthodox in Byzantium than freeing Jerusalem from the infidels. Then in France we have the Albigencian crusade against a wayward sect of Catholics and the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre of the Huguenots. Following this we have the Inquisition (since every one in the world has heard the rock group Queen sing about: “Galileo, Galileo”, at least twice, there is no need to elaborate). Then, of course, we have the “peaceful occupation” of Central and South America by the Conquistadors. In modern times we have the Roman Catholic Church’s endorsement of both Franco and Mussolini and we have the agreements negotiated by Franz Von Papen which united the Catholic Youth groups in Germany with the Hitler Youth. This is how Pope Benedict became a member of the Hitler Youth until the war ended in 1945 when the Pope was 17 years old. That members of the Hitler Youth as young as age 14 were actively involved in the fighting is well documented by both the American and Russian armies (The Pope, of course, was a member of the “pacifist wing” of the Hitler Youth). And, finally, we have the Roman Catholic Ustashi in Croatia and its war against the Greek Orthodox Serbs. Therefore, in conclusion, in view of the historical record, Arik Sharon’s claim that he “never imagined” that the Roman Catholic Maronites in Lebanon could carry a massacre is, quite simply: “Rucking Fidiculous”.

The Scottish JEW aka “Man on the Street in Israel”

Commentary for Time Magazine: A True Story

Filed under: balanced,civil rights,Egypt,fascist,Israel,news,TIME — grappledoctor @ 1:14 am

Since Time Magazine’s Cairo correspondent: Scott MacLeod is reticent to write a blog about Egypt I thought I might as well do so. As we all know, Israel is a fascist state consisting of 1st class citizens (i.e. The Jews) and 2nd class citizens (i.e. The 1.2 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship). Now, even though they are 2nd class citizens, none the less, they are not afraid to describe members of the fascist government as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever and they do this both publically and privately on a regular basis. In fact, one might say they believe it is their right to voice such criticisms. One day a group of these 2nd class citizens decided to visit the free and democratic state of Egypt and travel around the country on a guided bus tour. Unfortunately, one of the travelers, (we’ll just call him: “Mohammed the 2nd class citizen”) decided that he had the right to criticize the free and democratic state of Egypt in a similar fashion to which he was used to criticizing the fascist Israeli state. A few days into the trip, two very nice and very polite Egyptian police officers boarded the bus and asked: “Excuse us, but: Is Mohammed the 2nd class citizen here?” Mohammed the 2nd class citizen then got off the bus with the two very nice and very polite police officers and the bus continued on its tour of Egypt. The other second class citizens thought that maybe Mohammed the 2nd class citizen had had a death or crisis in his family and flew back to Israel ahead of them, however, when they returned home Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was nowhere to be found and the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv could provide no information. Fortuitously for Mohammed the 2nd class citizen, although Israel is a fascist state, many of the 2nd class citizens are allowed to become police officers. So after weeks of not receiving any information what so ever from the free and democratic government of Egypt, some 2nd class police officers asked some 1st class police officers if they could speak to some mem bers of the fascist state’s foreign ministry. To cut a long story short, (i.e. we will not discuss what happened to Mohammed the 2nd class citizen while he was a guest of the two very nice and very polite police officers of the free and democratic state of Egypt) Mohammed the 2nd class citizen was finally “found” and returned home where, till this day, he continues to live happily and continues criticizing the fascist Israeli government and describing its members as: liars, thieves, murderers, Nazis or whatever…

The Scottish Jew aka “Man on the street in Israel”

February 7, 2009


Filed under: antisemite,Gaza,Israel,new york times,TIME — grappledoctor @ 10:26 pm

Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan recently said: just because someone criticizes Israel does not mean they are anti semitic. Does this then mean that Time Magazine’s Tim McGirk is not an anti-semite? I don’t think so…. Tim has come to Israel from Iraq, a place where Sunnis and Shiites slaughter each other in the tens of thousands, where acid is thrown into the faces of children, where so many Palestinians have been threatened and attacked by Arabs that they call it: The Second Negba (catastrophe). Tim knows all this, yet he implies Isr aelis are: “devils” because they use phosphorus flares in their night operations. Rape is so common among Middle Eastern armies that it is almost considered “a tradition” (for example: the Turks raped Lawrence of Arabia), yet, while no Israeli has ever even been accused of rape in the last 60 years, Tim McGirk is horrified because a soldier wrote on some wall in Gaza: “you have nice underwear”. Hamas has repeatedly declared 1) It wants to destroy Israel and will not give up terrorism 2) It will never recognize the Jewish State 3) It will not abide by previous agreements, yet, in the title of his article on George Mitchell, Tim asks: “Will Israel listen?”. Egyptian border guards regularly shoot Sudanese refugees in the back only 100 meters from the freedom provided by the Israeli border, yet Tim McGirk doesn’t even mention these events. Likewise, one week ago, Hamas shot over 150 Gazan men and women in the legs “to set an example to the P.L.O.”, yet Tim does not feel the need to comment (obviously, these things aren’t as news worthy as a woman’s underwear). Time Magazine is anti Israel, Tim McGirk is an anti semite. The “time” has come to make a change: transfer Tim to Mecca or Rome.



Filed under: BILL,government,plan,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:30 pm

Sheik Obama plans on fear mongering the stupid masses into pressing their elected legislators in blindly passing this bill. Apparently, it passed last night. I didn’t get the opportunity to see the detail yet.
The rhetoric about the stimulation vs the spending was flying about the Congressional debate for the past several weeks with little convincing. The new Democratic position was losing support and was puzzled over public reaction. They speculated why from attention deficit disorder to disillusionment to simply not caring are some theories. Maybe a little explaining is in order.
When someone is losing money, their attitude becomes frugal towards normal spending patterns. When things become dire, spending ceases. Now suppose one is in sustantial debt. One doesn’t borrow further to fall farther. Furthermore, if one was to go ahead and borrow a large amount of money, they wouldn’t deliberately spend it immediately thinking it will quickly get them out of debt.
So the established geniuses of the current administration, both Republican and Democrat have done precisely what I described. Borrowing the largest sums in history to spend it the fastest in history in order to stimulate the economy…or permanently put the US in the poor house the fastest in history. Rucking Fidiculous!!

This is a stimulus package!!!

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