
February 20, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:17 am

The Israelis got a lot of negative coverage during the Gaza uproar. While the Gaza terrorists initiated the attacks, the media downplayed the immediate rush to judgement by media critics. On the other hand, the intensely “documented” response was met brutally by the Palestinian and Arab propaganda machine. We had sources of questionable nature providing “evidence” of Israel response showing the ugly collateral damage side of war. Did the response receive the press it deserved? Let’s take a look for the second time this year…..


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:17 am

The Israelis got a lot of negative coverage during the Gaza uproar. While the Gaza terrorists initiated the attacks, the media downplayed the immediate rush to judgement by media critics. On the other hand, the intensely “documented” response was met brutally by the Palestinian and Arab propaganda machine. We had sources of questionable nature providing “evidence” of Israel response showing the ugly collateral damage side of war. Did the response receive the press it deserved? Let’s take a look for the second time this year…..

February 18, 2009


Filed under: 10,best,BILL,construction,democrats,economy,ideas,illegals,immigrants,project,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 2:42 pm

The Stimulus Bill, which provides condoms to de-stimulate people’s sex drive, is aimed at creating construction jobs for the masses. There is no guarantee the jobs will be generated solely for Americans. By explicit differentiation of terms, Americans should be delegated all jobs concerning any project the money is alloted to. Versus jobs created by American taxpayers going to illegal immigrants. The fine print refuses to express this properly due to the fact that the illegals are a constituency base for the Democrats.
The projects being considered for funds (approved?) are the rebuilding of roads and bridges, supertrains, and refurbishing of government buildings (wasn’t a lavish office redo one of their gripes of the Congressional committee on this). A worthy cause considering the bridge collapse last year. But is there a better, more urgent idea that stops the bleeding of another problem. The building of the wall along the border for the entire length of the border. The wall could be built to create jobs in every state along the border. The wall would stop the illegal immigration problem. In addition, it will increase the number of applicants for immigrating into the US. That would create more jobs and tax fees for the government. All costs associated with illegals, like crime, overloading the health care system and educationally system would no longer be bleeding money.

A second asset would be the generation of a finite illegal immigration population. In other words, a manageable problem. The construction jobs that have been stolen (yes, stolen) by the illegal masses have been detrimental to the Black community. Why? Because the many jobs in construction were performed by the Black community. When the illegals replaced them with a much lower salary, they lost their jobs. The retribution to the Black community should be addressed by hiring the Black community to become border guards. Irony brings smiles to the wronged! If anyone can do the job with the gusto necessary, the community damaged the most is it.
If our representatives actually read the bill passed recently, they would realize the poor context written and the half-assed job done by the authors. The ideas were written with haste. Apparently, nobody felt compelled to review it and contribute refined plans. Finally, the lack of brilliance in its presentation shows through and through. If this is the best we can do, what would the worst possibly be? Do yourself a favor….watch “I’m Just A Bill, I’m Only A Bill” by Schoolhouse Rock. For G-d sake, send the idiots in Congress a copy!

February 17, 2009


Filed under: BILL,Liebermann,schmuck,Schumer,Senator,stimulus — grappledoctor @ 3:29 pm

I went to see Liebermann when he came to my area locally in order to show his support for McCain (while running for President). He spoke about his undying loyalty towards supporting Israel. He went on to say that the Republicans have become the guardians for Israel and have properly recognized Israel’s importance as an ally. He took the bold step to actually cross party lines based on principle, deciding to designate his party affiliation as “independent” rather than Dem or Rep.
Senator Liebermann has a nasty habit of speaking out for Israel and voting against Israel! That’s right! He voted several years ago when a bill came up for sending approx $200 million to Israel. The purpose was to help boost the economy there because a terrorist attack during Passover. Only two Senators stopped the passing temporarily because the of the threat of philibuster. The threat was due to the fact that no provisions were made for the Palestinian economy. The argument was that the terror attack was more detramental to their livelihood and needed to be addressed additionally. The two senators were: Shmuck Schumer, a jew and Liebermann aka pruneface. These dumb Jews forced an earmark for $50 million to be granted to the Palestinians. First, they were the perpetrators of the attack. Second, how many Senators would have represented the Israeli situation had the shoe been on the other foot? None. These two Jews should NEVER be voted back into office.
In keeping with the tradition to constantly vote against Israel and America, both Schmuck Schumer and Liebermann voted for the Stimulus Bill. As per my prior post, the bill set aside money for Palestinian terrorists to immigrate to the US. I plan on keeping a record for these 2 Senators. I will make sure when they are up for reelection, the public is aware of their poor judgement.

February 16, 2009


Filed under: beheading,best,Islam,Polish,Taliban,terror,tolerance — grappledoctor @ 10:24 am

It’s Valentine’s Day weekend and the Islamic terror groug the Taliban have decided to celebrate in an unusual manner: Beheading! The religion that has brought us terror, threats, bombing, inequality for women, intolerance of others besides their own, Sharia Law, and all the other great things belonging to Islam, has now decided to remind us of the humanitarian attitude it takes towards its prisoners. The Taliban, who are arguably the closest real entity exemplifying Sharia Law, have beheaded their captive. The video of a Polish citizen being beheaded proves to the world the tactic preferred by the Taliban. Here is the United Press International article.
The outrage and shock from the Human Rights organizations is deafeningly……silent. The Islamic world’s outrage over the Polish man’s civil rights being violated are ….. silent?! Where is the proper react by everyone when a man is beheaded..on video?! The voices of the ACLU, the anti-war groups, etc. who screamed the prisoners at Gitmo were being tortured (TORTURED!!) are strangely silent now. This should make perfectly clear that an agenda is being forced upon society that deliberately picks and chooses when it in their best interest to sound the alarm.
What is the reaction on the biggest Muslim media organization? Well, the sound or inclination of their reporting appear to blame the Polish for not meeting the Taliban demands. No criticism about the violation of this man’s civil rights. No mention of the violation of the Geneva Convention. No mention of the West’s disgusted reaction. No quotations from officials.
Look at the article and decide for yourself.Here.
I hope and pray that the traditional media treats this immoral horror with the conviction it deserves. If the beheading simply passes with inaction, we can expect lots more to come. What can we expect from the enemies of the West? More death, terror, war, and instability. We can count on it! They are preparing everyday. Here is an article about how they are preparing right now to prove the point. Weapons cache found by Australia in Australia


February 15, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:15 am

This site never ceases to amaze me. I get giddy sitting at my computer reading the articles. The fascinating breadth of writers and the intricate detail on everything happening is incredible. They are responsible for the Conservative 2.0 convention which I advise everyone to attend. The subject matter and guests are second to none. I intend to make arrangements to go next year and every year after that. I sincerely hope that the people responsible for this site approach the Fairness Doctrine with enough conviction to destroy any possibilty of its passing. I am listing this site and hope and prat that anybody with sound mind and heart support these people. Times like these call for people to stand up and create grassroot momentum and drum up support needed to return this country to where it belongs in the trsadition of the forefathers. I salute you and …feeling really envious!



The Jews have done it again! Yep, congratulations! The Sheik Obama has allocated at least $20 million dollars towards resettling Palestinians (particularly Hamas) in the US with TAX PAYER MONEY! Wow, that will stimulate jobs galore. How? Security industry has just been given the proverbial shot in the arm with this concern. The President wanted to rush (no, not Limbaugh) the darn bill through in a covert cover up scam where money will be given to get this going. Brilliantly pointed out by pajamas media, the Bill was rushed because the Israeli election became the catalyst for this. If Netanyahu wins aka the Right Wing Party, then the money will go for “needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.”

This is an excerpt from the article and the entire article is found here Pajamas Media

2) Israel. If Netanyahu is elected in Israel, and if the Obama team feels that the key to historic “progress” in the Middle East
lies in rehabilitating Hamas, or in forcing 99.9% withdrawal from the West, or hinges on normalization with Iran, then
look for a fundamental recalibration of our relationship with Israel, as we lock horns with our traditional ally. I’ll leave it
at that. (Note well: one of Obama’s first acts was to allot $20 million for help in settling refugees from Gaza, apparently
(?) in the United States. That seems to be unwise, especially given the Palestinian clapping to news of 9/11 on the West
Bank. E.g.,
This passage is from both the article and the exact verbiage used in the bill:

By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 (the “Act”), as amended (22 U.S.C. 2601), I hereby determine, pursuant to section 2 (c) (1) of the Act, that it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance under the Act in an amount not to exceed $20.3 million from the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for the purpose of meeting unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs, including by contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations and payment of administrative expenses of Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State, related to humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

I blame the Republicans for this garbage. Bush made national security the primary issue and here the issue is not only compromised but officially dead. Stop the insanity. This issue alone could have been used to crush the administration. There is no compromise with the Left. All the stupid Republicans have to do is take their time reviewing the document now and come Monday tear it to shreds. Dont’ let it go!! Push forward with criticizing the pork out of it. Go on all the traditional media outlets that are religious zealots of the Sheik and bring up the issues. It would be monumental in its damage on every level from lying, rushing, secrecy, the edxtent of the pork and on and on. Shmuck Shumer,( And I mean SHMUCK!), had the gaul (THE GAUL) to say the taxpayer doesn’t want to know or care what the earmark pork is…!!%#@
Now let me see…I know what pork is and I am kosher so I don’t like it. I know what earmarks are and I dont like them. I know what an ear is and I can’t believe what I am hearing. Finally, I know a pig ear is something my dog chews on and she could chew on this bill if they would let her.
The Republicans better do something Monday. Otherwise, they are just as responsible for the bill. The three irresponsible Republicans that agreed to go along with the bill should be black listed immediately. Next time up, not supported by the party for reelection. The opportunity to allow the dems to take full responsibilty for this trash was diminished and allowed Dems to say it bipartisan. Unify and destroy. Divided voting compromises your position and your already in a minority situation. Letting this go and not pressing the matter is a mistake. Just because it passed doesn’t mean public outcry can’t change matters.
Jewish organizations are fair game for criticism. I find the stereotypical Liberal Jew is a supporter of this measure regardless of the consequences. They feel the Dems would never steer them wrong. Also, they would buy into any argument in support of it. They have a record of bending over backwards to appease those that hate them in a gesture to prove how understanding they are to others. Stupid? Extremely. They bought the ingenious argument that Barack Obama (aka the Sheik) is similar to Ba-ruch. Ba-ruch is the word in HEBREW for blessed. Barack is ARABIC for the same. But the Jews bought the point. Sheik Obama is the antithesis of everything Jews should hold dear. I am ashamed of these Jews. I am NOT a Jew for Jesus. I DO support the Christian groups and organizations because they are good people with beliefs that are rooted in our common Old Testament. Common ground is not hard to find. I belonged to an Orthodox synagogue. I find Orthodox Jews have common views with Christians and secular Jews baffling.
I know I have been an advocate for Act for America. Also, I have written several times about them. They deserve more praise then I have done, and for that I am sorry. They pressed the matter already to the Sheik Obama administration. They had signatures totaling at about 9000 in opposition to the possible misuse of funds to Hama immigration. I only hope my darling, Bridget Gabriel gets of FOX and educates the public. If Hamas is allowed here, G-d help us all.
ABsolutely Rucking Fidiculous!!

February 14, 2009

Oh, where, Oh, where has Ross Perot gone? Oh, where oh, where can he be?

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 9:25 pm

These are momentos of the exciting but failed campaign of Ross Perot. The one time in my life when it looked as though a true grassroots movement would win the presidency. A positive message coupled with a business intellect could have made the US great..

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Filed under: blogspot,Christian Right,conservative,right,Right Wing,sparkle,texas — grappledoctor @ 10:45 am

This site’s author is quite an accomplished writer. She writes for Texas Magazine, Newsbusters, and the Houston Chronicle. Also, she writes about subject matter with a Conservative spirit in a wide variety of subjects. Her honest family values and common sense mentality appear to be rooted in life experience. She describes herself as formally Democrat but progressed to Republican. She has been actively blogging at since 2004. Worth more than a visit, I recommend her site for a regularly scheduled look.

February 13, 2009


Filed under: 10,911,best,destruction,economy,Islam,no obama,terror,trade,World — grappledoctor @ 1:16 pm

The Islamic fundamentalist extremists that have America in their crosshairs have accomplished their goals. Delusions of grandeur over Islams rightful place ruling the world with Sharia Law under a Khilafah have perpetuated enemy governments and citizens alike to take action to fulfill this dream. The image of the destruction of the “Little Satan” (Israel) and the “Great Satan” (America) is believed to be paramount in the baby steps in this direction. Have they nearly achieved their goal? What can be used as a barometer to determine how close they are?
The destruction of the economy of America would be quite impressive. The destruction of the world economy would be unfathomable. An effort to strike fear into the citizenry, break down world economic power, and the destruction of an iconic symbol would accomplish everything in one felled swoop. Did the 911 Islamic terrorists bring all three to fruition? YES!
One, the terrorists have caused the populace to be deeply concerned about the stability and security of the future, even fearful. Everytime someone goes to the airport, one is reminded of the 911 incident. Everytime a plane crashes, the thought of terror being the cause is never far from anyone’s mind. In countries routinely having attacks, India and Israel for example, the citizens are living daily with the threat.
Second, the destruction of any and all symbols representing anything besides Islam. The symbol which was 3000 years old representing Buddhism was blown up by the Taliban in Afghanistan. This made international news but resulted in little outcry by any of the usual groups that respond to such Barbary. The tactic to replace these type of symbols, permanently with Islamic ones, has been practiced for ages. A more renown example is the Dome of the Rock. It has taken the place of the Jewish and Christian symbols that have been there. The destruction of the World Trade Center was a tremendous venture. Its downfall struck terror into the hearts of all Americans. Was this the first attack on American soil? If it wasn’t, why didn’t we wake up? Did prior attacks create a numb attitude allowing this act to happen? The first attack on American soil was against the great leader of the Jewish Right Wing, Rabbi Kahane. Everyone downplayed the incident. Everyone was steadfast in covering up the attack, finding any excuse except the real reason(s). He was killed because he was feared, like all great leaders. He was attacked by a terrorist because homeland terror was never in the limelight in regards to Muslims like it is today. The attacker was considered mentally sick, not racist. Hate was never entertained as a motive! Has nearly 18 years since Kahane’s murder past changed attitudes? No. The LAX attack by a Muslim against El Al airlines passengers was the exact same perception! So recognition of all attacks would be beneficial because the extent of the problem needs to be properly surveyed first. Until we do that, we are always at risk. Not acknowledging it also creates the numb reaction by the public, bordering on condoning it in a sense. Getting back to the Trade Center, it is the backbone to the US economic essence and prowess. It is a symbol of a Paganistic Western religion practiced by infidels . A capitalistic government which is in opposition to a Sharia led state. Also, it would cause the economy tremendous cost. The catalyst to bring monies not readily available for rebuilding into the fray. The money would not be available for anything else, either. This was the very tactic used by …….Ronald Reagan. That’s right! Ronald Reagan, who I admire greatly, inadvertently gave the idea to the terrorists. RR(Ron Reagan) built up the military in the US to the point that the Russians couldn’t meet us dollar for dollar. This overwhelmed the Russian economy and undermined its society to the point that the government failed. The almighty KGB and Communist Bear had an image of being an immense behemoth, virtually unstoppable. When I witnessed its downfall, I was utterly stunned! So, if I were told the Cold War would be over without a missile ever being shot, I never would have ever believed it. The same tactic used to bring the Communist Block down is obviously being conducted in a covert manner to us by the terrorists. The fall of the banks and other financial institutions arguably started when the employees working in the World Trade Center were killed in the attack. This started the collapse of the banking by compromising their staff overseeing financial transactions. Additionally, the other businesses which were attacked compromised their positions in their industries. The monies used by our local, state, and federal branches that were diverted in the aftermath, were earmarked for other priorities beforehand. This further bludgeoned the marketplace.
The ripple effect was vast amounts of “changes” in the society, in general, about how we conduct business and how much it would cost to adapt to stifle the new fearful situation. The money was spent on intelligence, security initiatives, military, restructuring and more. The public was willing to do anything. So, money was okayed for everything deemed necessary. Americans wanted to return to prosperity and business as usual ASAP. A housing boom and market rebound was distracting enough to allow the consumer to put things behind them. I find the US has a very short term memory. At this point, we were compromised financially to the point where if anything else went wrong, we were helpless to stop it if it required money thrown at it. Well, the market tanked. This led to a governmental change to the liberal theology of Sheik Obama now. The imminent failure of the stimulus bill will be realized in the coming months. The fall of capitalism as we know it is over. The world invested in the “market” with insatiable lust and greed. The Europeans like to blame the US for the worldwide financial crash solely, but other countries, like Dubai and others, simply had an irrational outlook to future growth, too. The world slump will motivate a “revolutionary” change and action, not unlike the riots starting up in France now. Further downturn will lead to more disgust and make the environment right for the change. The chaos will distract the West’s attention and allow terrorists the opportunity for furthering their agenda, unlike any other time in history.
Recognizing the problem will allow prudent changes by responsible representatives. This will tangentially throw bad policy where it belongs. Slow and painful years upcoming will have to take its course. Eventually, capitalism will champion growth properly. The future could be economically stronger than ever before with the modernization of the 3rd world and restructuring of Western democracies. Let’s hope we have the foresight to go in the right direction expeditiously.

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