
November 10, 2008


Filed under: firearms,laws,new artist,no obama,responsibility — grappledoctor @ 12:02 am

I have been a long time advocate for the right to own a gun. Its the great equalizer for the average citizen who feels endangered for any reason. Nothing else can be as effective for self defense in today’s society of chaotic misfits. Weak punishment has been the staple of the far Left Wing campaign for decades. With anywhere up to 4 new appointees for the Supreme Court for the next President, the NRA and their supporters have never been this close to being compromised.
I have been meaning to buy more power protection (not the deodorant kind either) for several years. It appears to me that time has run out of the hourglass for purchasing what I want. Therefore, I went to my second show and felt “the big purchase” had to be immediate. I bought the best piece available that I could afford. I appreciate the “collectible” for what it is and have taken the appropriate precautions to keep it away from the wrong hands.
It is interesting to see the average American unable to comprehend the affection and knowledge of the typical gun owner. The fear of the responsible owner has been unwarranted. The mandatory military service in Israel and Italy provide the citizenry with appropriate training in handling weapons and have little problems associated with accidents. Israel has teenagers serving in the military who can be seen walking about the country wherever you visit. I remember I was taking the train from Tel Aviv (mid region) to the town of Nahariya in the North. I was on a railcar with approximately 100 soldiers who were going home. While I am Jewish, I speak little Hebrew. Everyone on the train was speaking Hebrew fluently and was carrying weapons, mostly full automatic. Note: Everyone on the train was Black, too. I was amazed that the young soldiers were entrusted with such weapons in public. Here, the average citizen would be horrified to see the same picture for so many reasons I can’t begin to list them. Why is gun ownership and responsibility viewed differently than sex education? Drug education? Driver’s education? Surely cars kill more people in this country and accidentally. Learning about guns should be considered mandatory in schools to avoid the pitfalls of foolish owners. Infringing on the rights of the average citizen victimizes the law abiding and empowers the criminals who will always have access.
When you are asked to uphold the Second Amendment, do you picture a toothless redneck inadvertently pulling the trigger at a helpless fawn? Do you picture the redneck pointing a weapon at a minority who is being taunted? Or do you get the image of a citizen who is cornered in a city street dead end with hoodlums surrounding them? Or a woman being raped? Or a man protecting his family when someone breaks in at night? Let Obama make education available for students to learn about firearms in school. Not impede the CHOICE to own a firearm.

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