
November 5, 2008


Filed under: 2008,election,shiva,sitting,USA — grappledoctor @ 5:15 pm

Today we are not posting! Today we are “Sitting e-Shiva.” What is this? Well, in the Jewish tradition, when a loved one passes away the family and loved ones mourn by sitting Shiva. Shiva comes from the word in hebrew Sheva meaning seven. Seven is significant because that is how long it took G-d to create everything we know. The election has signified the “death” of Western Democracy and the beginning of Democratic Socialism. The US will never be the same country………


  1. I hope you are wrong, but fear that you are right.

    Comment by Cappy — November 8, 2008 @ 8:50 pm | Reply

  2. Yeah, it’s too bad that Obama is setting out to protect more than just the upper class. Hopefully CEO’s of companies like ExxonMobil won’t take losing their tax cuts and other incentives too hard.Oh and by the way, give me one reason that Bush’s $700 billion bailout is NOT socialism, if any of Obama’s plans are…I’ll wait.

    Comment by Fred J. Langemark III — November 15, 2008 @ 3:58 am | Reply

  3. I appreciate the answer, sarcasm aside. If you had taken the time to look through the rest of this site, you would get an accurate picture of what is happening in society. The fact you haven’t taken the time to look up any information on your own is clearly evident. Look at my article on who is responsible part 1 and 2. Its video so you won’t need to read much. If you see for yourself the DEMOCRATS are openly giving testimony in Congress. Also, when you look at the bail out bill, clearly the showboating performed for the TV and the Congress by Pelosi was giving credit for the bill to Barney “Benedict Arny” Frank. The poor taste shown by her demonstrates the Democrats have no intention of collaborating together with Republicans to pass legislation that addresses the matter. Dialogue is great! I hope you follow up. I can see the information you credit for your opinion is either strict LEFT media or your 21st century education in college has brainwashed your thinking. When I present video proof, it will take more than spitting out rhetorical nonsense I can see on ABC.

    Comment by UnapologeticEthnoCentricSemite — November 16, 2008 @ 12:47 am | Reply

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