
November 20, 2008


Filed under: Clinton,election,Hillary,McCain,obama,President,winner — grappledoctor @ 12:02 am

The US election is over! The race between Obama and Hillary was a hotbed of words. Obama may have won, but the Clintons are running the show!! Why do I feel this is apparent? The inexperience of Obama sometimes showed during an impromptu “question and answer” session during the campaign. His charisma and composure was remarkable throughout. Once he solidified his position as the new President Elect, he suddenly became very quiet. The media kept his momentum in the public eye, but every decision made by him has been reminiscent of the Democratic “Camelot” of the ’90’s, the Clinton Administration!
Obama was picked for the Democratic ticket because he held the cards for motivating the apathetic and uninspired Black voter block to participate in unusually large numbers. The Democrats saw the upcoming campaign as particularly crucial due to the Supreme Court appointments (which will determine the make up for the next 20 plus years) . Also, the Democrats knew they were poised to win seats in Congress. If they have a controlling majority, the passage of typically controversial bills would be less hindered in getting their passage. The only hurdle left would be the veto authority of the President. This would lead the Congress in a stalemate between them and the President. They would fall into being labeled another do-nothing Congress as a result. Therefore, the only way to assure an unobstructed administration is to win a Congressional majority, the Presidency, and a (Left Wing Ideological) majority in the Supreme Court. The Politically Correct establishment would be giddy over an empowered Presidency.
Once Obama had been given time to recuperate from the stressful turmoil of the election, he was poised to take center stage but apparently found himself in a quagmire. The quagmire was “reality settling in” and he now must deliver on his campaign promises. Also, the responsibility of running the highest office in a responsible manner with an economic depression looming is intimidating. In addition, the expectations of the public, both here and abroad, have reached unattainable heights by anyone’s measure. I can see it now: Obama and his family close the door of their home and let out a loud cheer in celebration of his victory. When the rejoicing seetles down….
Enter the Reality Check: “What the Hell do I do next?” Where can he look for guidance? Who has experience running the federal Government? Much to his chagrin, the only person with the experience, popularity, strength, and charisma is his former rival, now savior, Hillary Clinton.
Acting out of obvious fear and desperation, his predicament is leaving him little choice. Therefore, he must have made the call. He probably delayed the choice, but I suspect the party must have foreseen it. It appeared when she started to bolster his campaign, she had already arranged for a high position in his administration in exchange for plausible support for him. She took the backseat to the presidency and the party allowed her to run the show.
McCain actually appeared to be relieved after losing the election. His demeanor was radically altered afterwards when he appeared on late night TV. His composure seems to have returned. If he had won the election, I believe he might have picked Hillary to be in a cabinet post. HE NEEDED HER FOR THE VERY SAME REASONS!
My next prediction for the radical Left is to flood monies from this coutry into the Israeli early elections to unobstruct the “Peace Process” passage of the old Clinton regime.

November 16, 2008

1968 Republican Memory

Filed under: 1968,collectible,glass — grappledoctor @ 1:17 am

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Nixon is quite a character. He will always be remembered in history for good and bad. I saw him interviewed on TV years ago and he was always remarkable. I appreciate how past presidents get involved after their terms. When they aren’t putting their career on the line, they always seems to present themselves better. Notice how the term in office makes them age so quickly.

1968 Republican Memory

Filed under: 1968,collector,election,politically correct,poster,REPUBLICAN — grappledoctor @ 1:17 am

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I love the glass shaped as an elephant. It stands about 7 inches tall. Don’t know much more about it. I posted pictures of Israeli elections on this site to see more materials. I would love to hear what other people have collected over the years. I never ask if it is for sale unless you offer, so don’t be reluctant.

1968 Republican Memory

Filed under: 14907265,1968,collector,election,memorabilia,politically correct,poster — grappledoctor @ 1:17 am

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I love the glass shaped as an elephant. It stands about 7 inches tall. Don’t know much more about it. I posted pictures of Israeli elections on this site to see more materials. I would love to hear what other people have collected over the years. I never ask if it is for sale unless you offer, so don’t be reluctant.

1968 Republican Memory

Filed under: 1968,Agnew,campaign,convention,election,law school republicans,Nixon,politics,RNC — grappledoctor @ 1:16 am

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I am an avid collector of political memorabilia. I collect US and Israeli election materials. This is an item I recently added from a dear friend. She was at the convention and met Ronald Reagan at the same time. This is the box given out to the supporters at the campaign. True to my Independent status, I try to collect Democrat and Republican material. I have Ross Perot materials from 1992.

November 14, 2008


Filed under: attackers,elderly,gay marriage,militant,moslems,protests,rampage,woman — grappledoctor @ 1:11 pm

Even though the people of the great States of California and Florida rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, militant homosexuals, continued their assault on society by staging coordinated attacks on radical right wing establishments (known to average Americans as churches) in California and Michigan. Even a little old granny was not immune to the wrath of the practitioners of buggery. Watch her get man-handled as one of the sodomites rips a cross out of her hand and stomps on it at an anti-Prop 8 rally in Palm Springs, CA.

It seems radical homosexuals feel quite brave when it comes to attacking churches. They make easy targets, given the Christian concept that when one is confronted with violence to “turn the other cheek.” (If there are any gay readers out there, that’s not what you think it means). Considering the punishment for homosexuals in Islamic societies is death – execution by all sorts of unique methods I must say – I invite these same militant homosexuals to express their rage inside a mosque. Or better yet, given the fact that at least 70% of blacks voted against gay marriage in California, go ahead and push Aunt Esther around at a black church and see what happens.
We at RuckingFidiculous realize homosexuality is as old as time. And quite frankly, we don’t care what you do with your junk in private. However, Militant Homosexuality is a relatively new phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that aggressively manifests itself when a nation is in precipitous decline. Just like certain diseases thrive in filth, it’s only when a society has begun to rot from within that Militant Homosexuality can find conditions favorable enough to subject society to the full force of its intolerance and depravity. Militant homosexuals are the shock troops of the secular progressive movement; it’s only a matter of time before the General of this movement, Sheik Hussein Obama and his corrupt minions (activist judges) thwart the will of the people and overturn these pro-family amendments.

Post By El Sid


Filed under: attackers,elderly,gay marriage,militant,moslems,protests,rampage,woman — grappledoctor @ 1:11 pm

Even though the people of the great States of California and Florida rejected gay marriage at the ballot box, militant homosexuals, continued their assault on society by staging coordinated attacks on radical right wing establishments (known to average Americans as churches) in California and Michigan. Even a little old granny was not immune to the wrath of the practitioners of buggery. Watch her get man-handled as one of the sodomites rips a cross out of her hand and stomps on it at an anti-Prop 8 rally in Palm Springs, CA.

It seems radical homosexuals feel quite brave when it comes to attacking churches. They make easy targets, given the Christian concept that when one is confronted with violence to “turn the other cheek.” (If there are any gay readers out there, that’s not what you think it means). Considering the punishment for homosexuals in Islamic societies is death – execution by all sorts of unique methods I must say – I invite these same militant homosexuals to express their rage inside a mosque. Or better yet, given the fact that at least 70% of blacks voted against gay marriage in California, go ahead and push Aunt Esther around at a black church and see what happens.
We at RuckingFidiculous realize homosexuality is as old as time. And quite frankly, we don’t care what you do with your junk in private. However, Militant Homosexuality is a relatively new phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that aggressively manifests itself when a nation is in precipitous decline. Just like certain diseases thrive in filth, it’s only when a society has begun to rot from within that Militant Homosexuality can find conditions favorable enough to subject society to the full force of its intolerance and depravity. Militant homosexuals are the shock troops of the secular progressive movement; it’s only a matter of time before the General of this movement, Sheik Hussein Obama and his corrupt minions (activist judges) thwart the will of the people and overturn these pro-family amendments.

Post By El Sid


Filed under: democrats,election,gay marriage,homosexual,Jews,obama,protests,Republicans — grappledoctor @ 11:59 am

It appears the Democratic Party hasn’t congealed its constituents? The party has formulated an appearance of togetherness The Turtles would be proud of. Yet, it doesn’t appear that the words to their most famous hit mimic the Democratic Party after all. Black voters and Gay voters are arguably two of the biggest outspoken supporters. These groups were happily and generously displayed on TV in a homogenious manner. When it came to gaining the power of the Presidency, winning was impossible without cooperation. The homosexual lobby was fervently outspoken about civil rights pertaining to all groups. The Black darling
(Obama) overcame hurdles deemed unattainable by anybody other than a Whaite male. The umbrella of Civil Rights is believed to be that solely or in large part, to the Black community. As a Jew, I have seen the wavering appreciation of the Black population for the Jews that gave their lives in the darkest times of the movement. In fact, many Black groups preach undying hate and contempt for Jews without basis at all. (For older folks look to Malcolm X and Jesse Jackson. To younger minds and the uneducated, look to all leaders of the Black Liberation Ideology.)
The public has seen a display of unrest by the Homosexual population across the country towards any groups associated with resistance to Gay marriage. Yesterday on Fox, the Gay activists have decided to execute boycotts and demonstrations against any opposition parties. Displays in front of Churches and Synagogues have erupted. Businesses that have been directly or indirectly linked to opposing views have been “Scarlett Letter”(ed).
It appears to be a well orchestrated campaign to drum up support for long term resistance until passage of Gay Marriage is achieved. Is the campaign malaligned? ABSOLUTELY.
Black voters do not equate the Civil Rights movement to the Gay Marriage movement. It has become much too personal for them. The Gay voters obviously see them as exactly the same. It has even been called the Civil Rights Movement of the 21st century. By supporting the Black candidate, the Gays now feel betrayed by the Blacks as evidenced by their total and utter surprise when the agenda was completely crushed by a landslide vote. The landslide could directly be attributed to the overwhelming +70% Black vote against it.
Boycotts and protests in front of businesses and institutions that have never voter differently in the matter is an off-tangential approach. A normal pursuit would be conducted towards their own people who have deliberately strayed from support. Black churches, in particular, should have been (and now should be) the first to feel the bitterness. Mosques should be targeted and are strangely ignored. The Black Moslems have crossed a two-fold agenda in taking issue.
Where would the protests be targeted to make the most noise? Where is the debt of gratitude owed mostly to the Gay vote? Where would the action be most effective in getting this issue on the forefront of society, in the open, and on the front pages of every news media in the world? ……….If you haven’t come to the conclusion yet, the answer is Obama!! The inauguration would be the best time create the circus needed for a national “town meeting.”
Where is Hollywood? Where are the musicians? (silence…) Where are the Gay politicians that have been outcast from office in disgrace because of “closet” issues? (crickets….chirp…chirp..) Where are the Civil Rights leaders? Where is Obama? Where is Oprah, Maury, The View (Ugh!), and Ellen? Is anyone going to volunteer to leave the country if the agenda isn’t passed” like Alec Baldwin said when he was referring to the Republicans? Who will put their ASS on the line? Strangely silent.
How I feel about the matter is not the motivation for this article. How this administration works as it inches closer to starting is puzzling and important to me! Direct the movement appropriately. I am anxious to see what music should have been played at the DNC. Does one pick David Bowie “Ch- Ch- Ch- Changes?” Or Led zeppelin’s “The Song Remains The Same?” Or The Turtles “Happy Together?” I know what I would pick!

November 10, 2008


Filed under: Asian,bi-racial,election potato,melting,no obama,pot,race — grappledoctor @ 1:25 pm

Tiger Woods is bi-racial. He has never displayed a preferential lifestyle publicly. Yet, the media greets his “Black” side cordially and solely. His Asian half is rarely acknowledged. Here are two minority populations who want recognition in the public eye. The satisfaction of their populations contributing to society breeds proud feelings and sense of accomplishment. Why does the media ignore the Asian side of this sports star.
Obama is another example of an American who is bi-racial. He is the new President Elect in case you didn’t here. He has known primarily his White side. He was brought up by his White mom and her parents. His Black side rarely comes public. He is identified as the “first Black” or “first African American” President. He is the first bi-racial President!! The Black background has a more incredible trip to talk about. Coming from a history with slavery to the top position arguably in the world….But maybe the media is shameful for calling such attention only to this race issue.
I think race is an issue for the time being. It won’t continue to be an issue because of societal feelings changing. The media needs to divulge all relevant information. When they bring someone’s minority background to the forefront, they need to recognize everything! It’s shameful that reverse discrimination is expressed and until race is no longer discussed, the media needs to address and glorify the diversity of the American Melting Pot.


Filed under: firearms,laws,new artist,no obama,responsibility — grappledoctor @ 12:02 am

I have been a long time advocate for the right to own a gun. Its the great equalizer for the average citizen who feels endangered for any reason. Nothing else can be as effective for self defense in today’s society of chaotic misfits. Weak punishment has been the staple of the far Left Wing campaign for decades. With anywhere up to 4 new appointees for the Supreme Court for the next President, the NRA and their supporters have never been this close to being compromised.
I have been meaning to buy more power protection (not the deodorant kind either) for several years. It appears to me that time has run out of the hourglass for purchasing what I want. Therefore, I went to my second show and felt “the big purchase” had to be immediate. I bought the best piece available that I could afford. I appreciate the “collectible” for what it is and have taken the appropriate precautions to keep it away from the wrong hands.
It is interesting to see the average American unable to comprehend the affection and knowledge of the typical gun owner. The fear of the responsible owner has been unwarranted. The mandatory military service in Israel and Italy provide the citizenry with appropriate training in handling weapons and have little problems associated with accidents. Israel has teenagers serving in the military who can be seen walking about the country wherever you visit. I remember I was taking the train from Tel Aviv (mid region) to the town of Nahariya in the North. I was on a railcar with approximately 100 soldiers who were going home. While I am Jewish, I speak little Hebrew. Everyone on the train was speaking Hebrew fluently and was carrying weapons, mostly full automatic. Note: Everyone on the train was Black, too. I was amazed that the young soldiers were entrusted with such weapons in public. Here, the average citizen would be horrified to see the same picture for so many reasons I can’t begin to list them. Why is gun ownership and responsibility viewed differently than sex education? Drug education? Driver’s education? Surely cars kill more people in this country and accidentally. Learning about guns should be considered mandatory in schools to avoid the pitfalls of foolish owners. Infringing on the rights of the average citizen victimizes the law abiding and empowers the criminals who will always have access.
When you are asked to uphold the Second Amendment, do you picture a toothless redneck inadvertently pulling the trigger at a helpless fawn? Do you picture the redneck pointing a weapon at a minority who is being taunted? Or do you get the image of a citizen who is cornered in a city street dead end with hoodlums surrounding them? Or a woman being raped? Or a man protecting his family when someone breaks in at night? Let Obama make education available for students to learn about firearms in school. Not impede the CHOICE to own a firearm.

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