
October 30, 2008

Prediction 4–Jesse Jackson and the "secret covenant" with Farrahkhan Will Be Reveal

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:13 am

These two infamous poorly chosen black leaders will be stepping into the White House within the first 3 months. Once they are incontrol of the country, they shall workout future plans they have discussed over the years. I won’t predict what I believe the details are now. Come up with your own thoughts and comment or email me.

Prediction # 3. What Is The Test Biden Stated in Obama’s First 6 Months

Filed under: 3,election,jew,Middle East,obama,prediction — grappledoctor @ 1:40 am

I do not want to write the next 500 predictions on Obama a la Nostradamus. I believe the Israeli government is aware of the ties Obama has with Palestinian and other Islamic peoples. Therefore, the most obvious move for Israel is to perform a first strike. The test is his ability to (Obama’s) deal with it. Is Obama the third Antichrist? I don’t want to know. I believe Israel will not survive an Obama administration. I am working on an article about why Jews are voting for Obama. Jews inIsrael have long been involved in communist organizations. This is exemplified in the establishment of the kibbutzes or kibbutzeem in Israel. Kibbutzeem are small communist-style living communities. While popular during the hippy age, they are disappearing fast. Move On is extremely popular among the inhabitants. I know other Jews that detest the lifestyle associated with kibbutzeem. The secular Jews who are Jewish by blood alone and live like this embrace Obama because the communist theology is higher on the totem pole than their religion ever was or could be. Other Jews feel liberal openness takes precident. This thinking in a BLACK candidate provides these Jews with a high that cannot be attained on any amount of amphetamines. Conservatives Jews are outraged and disgusted by these STUPID Jews!! Period!!

October 27, 2008

Prediction #2 Slavery Reparations

Filed under: obama,reparations,slavery — grappledoctor @ 2:15 pm

I have been reluctant to put down any of my predictions for fear of criticism from bloggers. Yet, discussing predictions is fair game provided its written in correct fashion. Slavery reparations have been discussed for decades. Obama’s redistribution plans could pass legislation to provide this to Black Americans in “fairness.” This is ushering in the redistribution and any opposing voices would be chastised in the media as prejudice or hate or labeled another epitaph. The super majority created by the Democratic lead Congress and Presidency would ensure this bill’s passage. Further, appointing 3-4 new Supreme Court Justices would prevent any legal action filed in the court system. Scary, scary……


Filed under: 401k,obama,Roth,Roth 401k,taxes — grappledoctor @ 1:29 pm

I only wish I published an article when I predicted this. I was examining my 401k last year and finally decided that the Roth 401k is the best choice for long term savings. I started my Roth in January of this year. I left my money in my 401k because the tax deferred money is not transferable. (I had hoped to transfer the money and pay off the taxes now.) When someone pays the taxes on the money going into a Roth 401k, the interest gained over time is nontaxable. When I retire this will be accessible to me completely without counting as income. Money coming out of my 401k when I retire will be taxable and counted as income but the Democrats are toying with the idea of taxing the 401k in another manner I have yet to learn the details about. Today, FOX news was discussing this when Megan was reporting around 9:30 AM. One, I believe Democrats will consider taxing the Roth 401k higher than the normal tax rate because the interest is nontaxable. Two, the interest could become taxable at a later date yet to be determined. Arguably, this could be considered double taxing. This would not provide Obama immediate tax relief dollars but would solidify his position on “money redistribution.” Or it could provide a smaller tax rate than the normal tax. Lots of options for Democrats to consider to muster additional monies for Big Government. I am the director of my employees 401k plan. Each year I discuss new options with my financial institution regarding all future investment options. Then, a representative holds a meeting with my employees and myself to review the findings. Recently, we discussed the Presidential election in my office and how it could affect our plans. Two weeks later Obama is talking about the taxing of savings as predicted in my office meeting. I have one Obama supporter in my office. When I return to work on Tuesday, I wonder how they will respond now……

October 26, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 6:17 pm

This is a picture of a recently built condo building at least 30 stories tall. The bottom floor is all commercial storefront. Nearly every unit is empty! Also, the building is almost completely empty. A monument to the irrational direction things were going. With politicians using borrowed monies for bailouts and allowing pork to sift dollars away to other areas of no concern, the person on the street feels robbed and abandoned. Obviously, THEY don’t get the picture.

Posted by ShoZu

October 25, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 9:18 pm

Plenty of honking in support was shown. Only a few people had opposition. These people are true Americans! Keep up the goodwork!

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Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 9:14 pm

This was on the back of a vehicle at the small group of supporters. This person felt so compelled to voice his opinion he posted on the back of his truck. In case u feel this is a POOR rally, the Democrats had only one person representing there side.

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Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 9:04 pm

This is a close up of the cinema in the back ground. Notice it says Laguna Cinema.

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Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 9:00 pm

These brave supporters got some signs of support. As people drove by, many honked in agreement. This area may have more Republicans than one is initially led to believe.

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Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 8:55 pm

I am currently in lagoons beach, CA. While walking around the shopping area I realized the area is both affluent and a Democrat stronghold. The weekend appears to be the time when people rally for support. This picture shows I am centrally located.

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