
May 29, 2008

Hypocrisy-Democrats vs Republicans When Racism is Afoot

Filed under: bigot,Black,Democrat,double standard,jew,racism — grappledoctor @ 11:46 pm

The past 25 years have been a roller coaster ride when pertaining to the general public view on sentiment. I have seen shows come and go from Phil Donahue, boring by today’s standard trash with Springer and Oprah. I have seen the Morton Downey Show with the podium “THE BIG MOUTH.” A show way ahead of its time that could easily hold its own today. Race has been an issue which has transcended the history of the US since conception. Today we see Race being played out in the 2008 election and even sexism all by the same party. But how has the political landscape changed and has it really.
The Obama campaign has already prepared a speech for the unlikelihood that Clinton trumps him for the official nomination in the Primary. He will claim racism and the party will have to deal with the possibility of splitting the base constituents. If he gets the nomination, she can claim sexism, which will stir up the feminist base but not to the point of break up. And we all know that McCain is heading the Republicans but without Huckabee, he will get the votes with the voters holding their nose when they pick him on election day.
Taking the example of the past and present, which party tolerates racism and which rids itself of garbage like the KKK and the Black Panthers. Well, David Duke was a racist and a Republican. He was in the limelight putting his career at risk when this came out. Not by the voting base that got him to where he was, but by the party base. The party saw the public response to his past and rightfully took measures to finish his career quickly. The Republicans showed no tolerance towards white racism.
Liberals pride themselves on showing minority tolerance. Yet, does the party tolerate racists. Actually, the answer is a resounding, deafening YES! The party has so many racists in the forefront its impossible to see otherwise. Al Sharpton encouraged riots in NYC in Harlem. He called for the death of a jewish driver in Crown Heights when he accidently killed a black child. He called for retribution when white police were accused of multiple heinous crimes against T’wana Brawly. Later it was discovered she lied about everything! Another prominent leader was Louis Farrakhan. This Muslim black leader relentlessly called Jews names not heard since the time of the Nazis. He has a solid record of racist antisemitic remarks that have actually helped his notariety around the world. Finally, Jesse Jackson has said mainly painful remarks but the most famous was calling NYC a slang term for Jew.
The hypocrisy of the liberal tolerance towards bigotry and hatred in their party has been a travesty of justice to the groups insulted. The dismissal of any individual in the Republicans can be appreciated by any small amount of research done. When a liberal says he doesnt tolerate any intolerance, tell him thanks for being a Republican.. islam!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 4:50 pm

Where are the voices of reason in London? Where have the citizens of that country? The violent gangs are so emboldened and so confident about their ambitions to take over the streets that they proudly video the tactics. The street is disrupted by “peaceful” demonstrations which are anything but peaceful. The hope that confrontation will cause violence to incite other Muslim populations to become enraged and motivated to get involved. Desperation ensues when police need to be forceful and fail. Go to live link and search any number of subjects from euarabia, to muslimtildeath or any other reference to the subject. The open nature and willingness to post on the site leaves little fear for them. I beseech you, check it out!

start here


Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 2:31 pm

Soldiers of Hindutva Attention!! Call to arms!! Promoting and supporting the ideals of the Bajrang Dal.In their own words from their page here is a description:
Hinduism is on the attack from three main groups and each is as dangerous as the other. Firstly , the Christians have an upper hand on us with the economies under their control, secondly the petro-dollars in the hands of the Muslims and thirdly, from within us, the Hindus who either falsely or for some ulterior motives believe that Hinduism can survive the onslaught in modern times as it has in the past. In times when the Christians have openly taken on the task of harvesting us to Christianity, the Muslims with their Jihad and the pseudo secularists, who will stop at nothing, the gravity of the situation will have to be realized now or the very survival of Hinduism is at risk.

OPEC=Arab terrorist collaboration Answer=Western Civilization Collaboration

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 1:42 pm

I propose an organization to counter the Islamic terror that is loosely connected. The terror cells work partly independently and partly under the guise of Islamic Revolution aka Khilafah. Whether one calls each individual group a different name or not really makes no difference. A group effort by the countries that fight this movement needs to be initiated immediately. Israel, India, Singapore, the United States and others that meet the challenge daily are the only “true allies” with which we can count on. I encourage readers of this blog to help collaborate the effort and read pages that already ring this message aloud.

The WEBSITE to see is……
THAT 2 U’S!! THE ARTICLE ON OPRAH IS A MUST READ! THE ARTICLE ABOUT THE TRAIN BOMB A FEW YEARS BACK IS A MUST! THE PBS SPECIAL ON IT WAS SO SLANTED I ALMOST called my local station to complain. I hope everyone tells the webmaster of the page I sent you there. We need are Hindu brothers to join the fight against terror..Israel, Kashmir, Sudan..Stop them in their tracks!

FITNA THE MOVIE=Glimpse of our future? HOPE NOT!

Filed under: America,cost,Europe,Fitna,freedom,help,Islamic,Israel,jew,patriotism,radical,terrorism — grappledoctor @ 1:35 pm

More New Material Coming! More Links!

Filed under: collaboration,inside info,links,radical,secret,web surfing — grappledoctor @ 11:47 am

Thats right! This page is getting bigger, better, and badder! Next week I will be adding some terrific links I have not seen anywhere else! All surprises for the masses!! Illegal immigration, crime, gun law, terrorism, video and more! Keep looking because we are just getting started. More Israeli bands, Korean and jew collaboration at its best! I am working on adding another contributor or 2 with direct ties to these subjects to get the inside info on these issues, but its not a done deal yet.

Latest Hot Link=JEWS AGAINST OBAMA (I love these guys!)

Filed under: Uncategorized — grappledoctor @ 11:25 am

The Jewish Task Force does it again! As with past elections, Chaim and the rest of the former JDL Rabbi Kahane crew have stopped the presses with their usual page and passion and steered all available resources to stopping the campaign of Obama. Never one to take being an underdog lightly, Chaim is passionate about his disgust over the lost direction of the West. If you want to be “in the know” about what is really happening behind the scenes then tune in to their video and info blog that never stops to amaze. Their knowledge and investigative know-how in reporting what most people never had access to in the tradition media makes them a must stop when surfing the web. I hope Israel gets his rationale otherwise G-d help us all. I own Kahane’s books with his autograph as one of my prized possessions!! LOOK at or be part of the problem!

Ted Nugent on our 2nd Amendment

Filed under: 2nd amendment,Gun control,ted nugent — grappledoctor @ 2:14 am

“…I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want ’em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot ’em.” Ted Nugent.

I’d love to see Nugent rewrite the Model Penal Code. I get a feeling that this crude vision of justice would lead to the greatest drop in crime we’ve ever seen in the history of our country.

In fact, we’ve seen it work. In the early 80s, Kennesaw, Georgia passed an ordinance requiring all Kennesaw citizens to have a loaded firearm in the house. Since the ordinance passed, crime rates have dropped. Today, Kennesaw is said to have the lowest crime rate for a city its size. How can this possibly be so? Again, it’s easy. If I know my neighbor has loaded guns in the house, I certainly won’t break in. If I know the average Joe on the street is probably packing heat, I won’t mess with him. If you’re stupid and want to take your chances, you’ll probably get shot. And that’s probably not that bad either. It’s a win-win.

Moreover, gun control laws don’t work. The criminals who obtain a gun to commit a crime will obtain one regardless. What does this mean? It means unintended consequences. It means that law abiding folk won’t be armed while all the miscreants are.

Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.

Ted Nugent on our 2nd Amendment

Filed under: 2nd amendment,Gun control,ted nugent — grappledoctor @ 2:14 am

“…I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want ’em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot ’em.” Ted Nugent.

I’d love to see Nugent rewrite the Model Penal Code. I get a feeling that this crude vision of justice would lead to the greatest drop in crime we’ve ever seen in the history of our country.

In fact, we’ve seen it work. In the early 80s, Kennesaw, Georgia passed an ordinance requiring all Kennesaw citizens to have a loaded firearm in the house. Since the ordinance passed, crime rates have dropped. Today, Kennesaw is said to have the lowest crime rate for a city its size. How can this possibly be so? Again, it’s easy. If I know my neighbor has loaded guns in the house, I certainly won’t break in. If I know the average Joe on the street is probably packing heat, I won’t mess with him. If you’re stupid and want to take your chances, you’ll probably get shot. And that’s probably not that bad either. It’s a win-win.

Moreover, gun control laws don’t work. The criminals who obtain a gun to commit a crime will obtain one regardless. What does this mean? It means unintended consequences. It means that law abiding folk won’t be armed while all the miscreants are.

Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.

The Politics of Oil

Filed under: bubble,bush,gas prices,oil,opec,speculation — grappledoctor @ 1:23 am

The politics of oil is simple: We want oil. We need oil. And lots of it. But not everyone realizes this. Especially those rich elitist Hollywood liberals who fly around in their private jets decrying global warming and telling middle and lower class folks to stop consuming. Arrogant bastards are so out of touch with reality. And you have liberal demagogues, mostly the democratic politicians, who take advantage of people who don’t know Economics 101 and lie about how Bush and his oil connections are to blame.

The liberals called for ethanol pretending it would get us off dependence on oil and that it would become a viable source of alternative fuel. Foolish delusion. Now we have a global food shortage crisis because everyone’s growing corn and only corn! It’s like the war on drugs: as long as you have cartels controlling the supply coupled with an continually growing demand, prices will rise. Plain and simple. The only way to alleviate the price spikes is to manipulate the supply. And that means drilling. Lots of it. We have plenty of oil on our soil.

Now what about the apparent bubble in the oil markets? There is indeed a bubble. Speculation is caused by commodity traders who “predict” what the price of oil will be tomorrow. The markets react and is why we see daily volatility in the price of oil. This is not rocket science.

But everyone is rationally ignorant to some degree and on some issues. I have very little interest in what goes on in Hollywood and the latest greatest popular culture. Therefore I rationally decide to be ignorant about it. No big deal. It’s a natural way for people to be efficient and allocate their intellectual resources to topics and issues they truly care about, enough so they are willing to invest the time and energy to bone up on it. The politics of oil is a prime example. This creates a ripe opportunity for demagoguery. Listen to a democratic politician talk about oil and you’ll see a perfect example.

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